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School of Nutrition

  • University Name

Ryerson's School of Food Technology started in 1948 with a two year course in Commercial Cooking and Commercial Baking. In 1950 Home Economics was offered. In 1953 the school changed its name to Institution and Home Management. In 1961 a three Home Economics program was offered with three options - Food Administration, Fashion, and Pre-School Education. In 1967 the Teachers College option was added. In 1970 the school changed its name to the Home Economics Department. In 1972-73 they offered diploma and degree programs in Food and Nutrition. Department changed its name again in 1987 to Department of Food, Nutrition, Consumer and Family Studies, and changed again in 1997 to School of Nutrition with the program becoming Food and Nutrition.

Volpe, Rosemarie

  • Person

Rosemarie Volpe began working in the Centre for Student Development and Counselling at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute in 1979.

Oatridge, R. A. Allan

  • Person

R. A. A. Oatridge is a professor emeritus in the Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science. He was the director of CATE.

Health and Wellness Committee

  • University Name
  • 1988-

The Health and Wellness Committee at Ryerson was established by the President's Advisory Committee on Student Life (PACOSL) in the Fall of 1988. It was created to review the possible future of the Health Centre and investigate the feasibility of developing an on-campus health and wellness centre. The Committee included representation from SURPI (Student Council), the former Health Education Study group, The Health and Safety Committee, Health Services, Student Services, Human Resources, and The Faculty of Community Services.
The Committee's mission statement was - To enable members of the Ryerson Community to achieve and maintain their optimum health and well-being potential.

Department of Psychology

  • University Name

In 1999 a part-time, degree-completion program in Justice Studies was created and administered by the Dept. of Psychology and School of Justice Studies. In 2003 the School of Justice Studies became independent of the Psychology Dept. and acquired a Chair, Dr. Colin Mooers.

Ryer's Inn

  • University Name

On February 28th, 1981, the first ever Ryer's Inn was held in Jorgenson Hall. Organized by the students of the Hospitality and Tourism Management program, it was modeled on a similar event held every year at Cornell University. A gala evening of dining and dancing to which top people in the hospitality industry were invited, was conceived, organized and run by students, volunteering their time, with faculty advisors providing guidance throughout the project. Ryer's Inn became an annual event at Ryerson until its cancellation in 1987. It was decided that the program wasn't giving a positive image to guests in the industry. The event was put on hold for re-assessment.

Bannerman, Eugen

  • Person
  • [ca. 1983]

Reverend Doctor Eugen Bannerman (Eugen Fanderich - name changed in 1983) grew up in Edmonton, Alberta and Vernon, B.C. He studied Psychology at the University of Alberta receiving his Bachelor of Arts degree. From there he received his M.A. from Wheaton College in Illinois, his Masters of Theology from the Toronto School of Theology, and his Ph.D in Philosophy from the University of Toronto in 1985. He married Iris MacGregor of the Ryerson Theatre School. Before coming to Ryerson in 1967, Eugen was the Minister of the Annette Street Baptist Church. He started at Ryerson in the Social Sciences department and later the Department of Psychology. During his time at Ryerson Eugen Bannerman conducted many funeral and memorial services for former Ryerson Faculty/Staff including Blue Brennan, John Kenyon, and Murray Paulin. He also conducted a service for former Ryerson President Donald Mordell. He has also performed weddings for staff and students. While on a 2 year sabbatical, Eugen presided over two churches in Seaforth, Ontario - Cavan United and Northside United. While living in Seaforth - the hometown of Ryerson Founder H. H. Kerr, he pushed for the creation of a H. H. Kerr Memorial Mace for Ryerson as a gift from the Town of Seaforth. He was on the Mace committee and helped to raise $18 000 for the project. After the mace was gifted to Ryerson, he was the person who carried it at the front of every Convocation procession from 1994 until his retirement. He also authored a book on H. H. Kerr called "Howard Kerr of Seaforth", as well as written articles for various newspapers, and a history book on Blyth, Ontario Street names. Eugen Bannerman was inducted into Ryerson's 25 Year Club in 1992 and retired in 2001, and currently resides in British Columbia.

Zywno, Gosha

  • Person

Malgorzata S. (Gosha) Zywno received the Magister Engineer degree in Electrical Engineering, from Technical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland in 1977, the M.Eng. degree from the University of Toronto in 1990, and her Ph.D. degree from Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, in 2003. Dr. Zywno is a Professional Engineer (1984), a Senior Member of IEEE (2003) and a Fellow of Engineers Canada (2009). She is also a member of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) since 2000 and of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) since 2002.

Dr. Zywno has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering at Ryerson University since 1982, first as a Limited Term faculty, and since 1998 in a Tenure-Track position. She received Tenure in 1991 and was promoted to Full Professor in 2008. She was a Visiting Professor at the University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand (2006), at the University of Technology, Business and Design, Wismar, Germany (2003), and at Université D'Artois, Bethune, France (1999, 2000, 2001). Dr. Zywno is Ryerson University's first, and still only, recipient of the 3M National Teaching Fellowship, the most distinguished award for university teaching in Canada.

Dr. Zywno's industrial experience prior to the faculty appointment at Ryerson included working for Institute of Heat Technology, Lodz, Poland (1980) and for Ontario Hydro, Toronto, Canada (1986, 1987).

Dr. Zywno has been a Faculty Associate of the Learning & Teaching Office (LTO) at Ryerson University since 2002. She has been volunteering on behalf of Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) since 1991, and has been a member of the PEO's Academic Requirements Committee since 1993.

Professor Zywno's field of expertise is Control Systems. Over the past decade her main research interests have been in Engineering Education. Her research was on the impact of learning styles, instructional technology use, active learning, and more recently, Emotional Intelligence (EI) on student academic achievement. Currently, Dr. Zywno's professional focus, through her work with the LTO, is on educational development of faculty at Ryerson University through the University Teaching Development Program (UTDP). Dr. Zywno authored or co-authored numerous papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings and delivered many invited presentations, including 12 keynote addresses at various conferences. She has won countless awards including Ryerson University Chancellor's Award of Distinction in 2010.

School of Institution and Home Management

  • University Name

The School was comprised of courses developed by the Director, Gladys A. Dobson, in Home Economics, Hotel, Resort And Restaurant Administration and Baking Administration. Gladys Dobson also helped in the development of the School's Childhood Management course.

Access Centre

  • University Name

The Access Centre provides students with disabilities accommodation services and supports needed to achieve academic success and access to the university within the provisions of the Ontario Human Rights Code.

Perlmutter, Sydney

  • Person
  • 1925-2018

January 21, 1925 - May 15, 2018

Sidney Perlmutter was born on January 21, 1925 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He obtained his B. A. (1947) and diploma in Education (1948) from the University of Manitoba. Between 1948 and 1956 he taught in the St. James and Winnipeg School Districts. In 1956 he moved to Toronto with his family to take a job at Ryerson Institute of Technology as an instructor in the Radio and Television Arts program, a job he would hold until his retirement in 1990. In 1967, Syd Perlmutter earned his MEd from the University of Toronto. Between 1956-1969 he held positions as an instructor, chief instructor and director of the program. He was also the RTA co-ordinator for Continuing Education from 1977 until his retirement.

McBride, Sandra

  • Person
  • - 2014

Sandra McBride was a professor in Ryerson University's School of Nursing. She received her PhD in Education from the University of Toronto in 1973. She passed away in 2014.

Physical Plant and Operations

  • University Name

June 1/1990: the Department of Physical Resources is divided into two departments: Campus Planning and Construction under Director George Hume and Physical Plant Operations under Director Ron MacLean. John Ezyk resigns from his position as Director of Physical Resources but agrees to return in January 1991 to take up a 25% workload on special projects while reporting to the Vice-President Finance and Administration. In a memorandum to the Ryerson Community, it is announced that Ian Hamilton is appointed Director of the Department of Campus Planning and Facilities, effective April 20, 1998. Both the areas of Campus Planning and Construction and Physical Plant Operations are once again reunited under one department (see: 1999 Ryerson Internal Directory). See: group history under PHYSICAL RESOURCES for further information.

Ryerson Housing Comm

  • University Name

January 1972 - March 1973 Alderman David Crombie (former Director of Student Services and faculty member) chairs special committee, developed by Student Services, on Ryerson's housing problems. The committee studied and prepared documentation on requirements, based on student needs, for the construction of a student residence.

Layton, Jack

  • Person
  • 1950-2011

LAYTON, The Hon. John Gilbert (Jack), P.C., B.A., M.A., Ph.D. was a Canadian academic, activist, environmental consultant, author, politician, and athlete, as well as a devoted husband, father, and grandfather.
John Gilbert (Jack) Layton was born in Montreal (Quebec) on July 18, 1950 to Robert and Doris (Steeves) Layton. In 1956 the Layton family moved to Hudson, Quebec, where Jack would grow up. Between 1964 and 1967 Jack thrived as he attended Hudson High School. He married his high school girlfriend, Sally Halford, in 1969. They had two children together, Mike and Sarah, before their divorce in 1983. In 1988 Jack married Olivia Chow.
Between 1968 and 1983 Jack undertook his post-secondary education. He earned his BA (Honours) in Political Science in 1970 from McGill University, his MA in Political Science from York University in 1971, and completed his PhD in 1983 from York University. In the early 1970's Jack worked on community organizing in Quebec for Front d'action politique (FRAP) and volunteered for Michael Goldrick during his campaign for Toronto City Council in 1972.
In 1974 Jack began his career as an academic and educator. Between 1974 and 1984 he taught government and city politics courses at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute (now Ryerson University). He also taught at York University and was an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto between 1978 and 1994.
Between 1981-1991 Jack sat on the City of Toronto Council. Between 1984-1988 he sat on the independent regional Toronto council, the Metropolitan Toronto Council. In 1990 he served as Deputy Mayor under Mayor Art Eggelton. He held this seat until 1991 after a failed mayoral bid against June Rowlands. Following the campaign Jack took a break from public office and founded two environmental consulting agencies: Jack Layton and Associates, and Green Catalyst Group. As well, in 1993-94 he was the CEO of the Conservation Strategies Consortium. In 1993 Jack unsuccessfully ran as the federal New Democratic Party (NDP) candidate in the Toronto riding of Rosedale. After losing in Rosedale Jack was again elected to the regional Metropolitan Toronto Council and served between 1994-1997. In 1988, after the municipal amalgamation of the Toronto region Jack sat as a City of Toronto Councillor for Ward 30 - Toronto-Danforth - and served until 2003. In 2001 he successfully ran for presidency of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. During his time in Toronto municipal politics he served on or participated in a great number of committees and organizations. It would be impossible to name them all, however, a more detailed list is available in the long version of this description.
In 2003 he was elected as the NDP leader and was subsequently elected in 2004 as the Member of Parliament for the riding of Toronto-Danforth. He maintained his House of Commons seat and continued as leader until his death on August 22, 2011. Just prior to his death, during the 2011 federal election the Party achieved the most House of Commons seats in its history and subsequently formed Her Majesties Official Opposition.
It is impossible to trace all of the organizations to which Jack pledged his effort and/or support during his lifetime. Overall, throughout his career Layton put consistent concern and effort into a variety of social and political issues. He was constantly involved in a vast number of committees, rallies, auctions etc. in support of a plethora of interests and groups. However, within these there were certain core issues that defined his life, teaching, and politics and which he would carry forward from one career position to the next. A modest list of the core issues and concerns he held and worked on over his academic and political career can be found in the long version of this description. Layton was also a prolific author, between 1979 and 2010 he published a number of sole and co-authored books and articles.
Layton's health began to decline during the later time of his tenure as NDP leader. In February of 2010 he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, from which he later recovered. In March of 2011 he underwent hip surgery at Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital for a fracture. In July of 2011 he announced that he was taking a temporary leave of absence to deal with a newly diagnosed undisclosed form of cancer. From this new cancer he died on August 22, 2011 at the age of 61.
The public reaction to Layton's death was unprecedented. On Parliament Hill Layton laid In State from August 24th until August 26th when he was then taken to Lie in Repose at Toronto City Hall. On August 27th Layton was transported to Roy Thompson Hall in Toronto where a State Funeral was held that had been granted by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. An outpouring of public and official grief followed Layton's death.

Kilborn, William W.

  • Person

William W. Kilborn (B.A.A, A.R.I.D.O., I.D.C., I.F.M.A) was a professor at Ryerson's School of Interior Design starting in the 1960's. He also owned and operated his own interior design consulting firm "William Kilborn Associates" starting in 1966.
William Kilborn has served on the Board of Management for the "Interior Designers of Ontario" in the 1970's, and worked on the membership services committee of ARIDO.
He passed away January 13, 2022.

Packham, James L.

  • Person

Jim Packham is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Politics and Public Administration at Ryerson University. He holds a BASc from the University of Toronto, and an MBA in Public Administration from York University. Jim joined Ryerson in 1968 after 20 years of engineering and managerial experience in the electrical equipment industry. He first joined the Electrical Department as a lecturer, becoming Chair of that Department in 1970. In 1973, he was appointed Vice-President Academic and served in that role for seven years. Starting in 1980, he was associated with the office of the President and undertook a series of special projects for Ryerson. Concurrently in 1980, he was associated with the Department of Politics and Public Administration as a Professor of Public Administration for both full-time and part-time students. Jim retired in 1990 and, in 1992, was designated a Fellow of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute.

Chant, Debbie

  • Person
  • [ca. 1990]

Debbie Chant is a professor in Ryerson University's School of Early Childhood Studies (formerly School of Early Childhood Education). She did her undergraduate degree at the University of Western Ontario and her Masters of Education at the University of Toronto.

Slavinski, George

  • Person

George Slavinski is a Professor Emeritus in the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Ryerson University. Slavinski earned his BSc from the University of British Columbia and his MBA from the University of Toronto. He began teaching at Ryerson in 1972 and was director of the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management from 1974 to 1981. Throughout his career, his teaching and research focused on the application of Information Technology to the Hospitality industry. He has provided consulting services to hotel and restaurant companies and has designed and developed a number of major database systems, some based on financial data and others on warehouse withdrawal for the food service industry. He retired to Emeritus status in 2005.

Duerden, Frank

  • Person

Frank Duerden is a Professor Emeritus in both the Department of Geography at the University of Victoria and the School of Applied Geography at Ryerson University. Duerden joined the faculty at Ryerson in 1973, retiring to Emeritus status in 2009. Throughout his career, his research and consulting activities have focused on land and resource issues in northern and rural regions. He has advised a number of Canadian First Nations communities and published on land and resource issues, and has worked on land claims and land-use planning in northern Canada, environmental assessment in British Columbia, Maori resource rights, and land-use planning in northern Russia. After retiring from Ryerson, Duerden joined the faculty at the University of Victoria as an Adjunct Professor in 2011, retiring in 2014, and became a collaborator in Arctic North Consulting.

Athletic Task Force

  • University Name
  • 1973-1974

In the Winter term 1973, Vice President Academic, H. Yates, established a Task Force to consider Ryerson's philosophy on athletics, the nature and responsibility of athletic programming and the administration of athletic programming at Ryerson.

Jack, Hugh

  • Person

Hugh Jack is a Mechanical Engineer and a former Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Ryerson University. Jack earned his BESc in Electrical Engineering (1988), his MESc in Mechanical Engineering (1991), and his PhD in Mechanical Engineering (1994) from the University of Western Ontario. He was a member of the faculty at Ryerson from 1993 to 1996. In 1996, Jack left Ryerson to take a position as a Professor of Product Design and Manufacturing Engineering at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Student Housing

  • University Name
  • 1974-

Student housing consists of the various housing options offered by Ryerson University including Off-Campus Housing and Summer Housing.

Information acquired from: (Last accessed July 2017)

Shah, Bharat

  • Person

Bharat Shah earned his Bachelor of Engineering and Masters of Science from the University of Baroda, India. He earned his MBA from Minnesota State University. He is a certified Professional Engineer with the Province of Ontario and a Registered Information Systems Professional (ISP).

Kenyon, Gail

  • Person

Gail Kenyon taught at Ryerson University and coordinated field education until 2000, when she became an instructor at North Carolina State University.

Ryerson Commission on Polytechnic Education

  • University Name

Report Of The Ryerson Commission On Polytechnic Education Preface: "The Commission was appointed on 25 October 1980, under the authority of the Board of Governors by Dr. Brian Segal, President of Ryerson Polytechnical Institutue and asked: - to provide, through the Board of Governors, Ryerson's response to the "Green Paper" on Polytechnic Education in Ontario to the Minister of Colleges and Universities; and - to outline general and specific policy recommendations and directions for the government and its ministries for polytechnic education in Ontario. The Commission was composed of 16 members, representing both Ryerson and the external community. We believe that this combination of internal and external expertise has enabled us to respond to the Green Paper in a manner reflecting our polytechnic style of education, which incorporates the private and public sectors on advisory committees in all programs as a means of maintaing our relevance. Our objective was to assess the future of polytechical education in a provincial and national context, rather than from a narrow, institutional point of view, because we perceive this kind of education as vital to the creation of a manpower infrastructure which will strengthen our economy in the years ahead. The Commission was asked to complete its work in a brief period and it decided to establish four separate internal study groups which were asked to do research and to report on four specific issues: societal need and its impact on polytechnic education; the characteristics of polytechnic education; government support for polytechnic education; and the impact of new technologies on polytechnic education."

J. Russell & Sons

  • Corporate body
  • 1863-1903

James Russell operated a photography studio in Chichester, England with in sons from approximately 1863 to 1903.

Cunningham, A.M.

  • Corporate body
  • 1902-1924

Alexander McKenzie Cunningham operated a photography studio that was located at 3 James Street East, Hamilton, Ontario. They specialized in the platinum photographic process.

Bongard & Taylor

  • Corporate body

Bongard & Taylor was a photography studio located in Oshawa, Ontario.

Broadway Photo. Co.

  • Corporate body
  • ca. 1910

Broadway Photo. Co. was a photography studio located at 1150 Broadway, Cleveland, Ohio.

E. R. Owen

  • Corporate body

E. R. Owen was a photography studio located in Red Bud, Illinois.

Frederick W. Lyonde

  • Corporate body
  • 1897-1921

Frederick William Lyonde operated a photography studio at Yonge and Queen Streets, Toronto, Ontario from 1897-1925. In 1921, he partnered with his sons and renamed the studio "Frederick William Lyonde and His Sons".

George C. Nutter, Photographer

  • Corporate body

Photographer located in Belleville, New Hampshire during the late nineteenth century.

Miss Margaret A. Hess

  • Corporate body
  • 1874-1886

Miss Margaret A. Hess operated a photography studio in Hamilton, Ontario from 1874 to 1886.


  • Corporate body

Vision Task Group

  • University Name
  • 1996-1997

In May, 1996, President Lajeunesse called for a "visioning" process for Ryerson to answer the question: what is our collective vision of what Ryerson's academic landscape should look like five years hence? The goal of the task group was to articulate a broadly based vision of the University's academic landscape by recommending strategic directions and paths of development that the university would follow. The task group also worked to identify practical short term steps to be taken to set Ryerson on course for the achievement of that vision and to recommend broad academic priorities.

The Vision Task Group consisted of one chair appointed by the president, four appointees of the Board of Governors, six appointees of Academic Council, and three appointees of the Executive Group.

Hainsworth, Fred

  • Person

Fred Hainsworth graduated from Ryerson in 1954 with a diploma in Electronics Technology. He retired from a career at Ryerson in 1996 after teaching mathematics and physics.

Kennedy, Diane

  • Person

Dr. Diane Kennedy was an assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Ryerson University.

Administrative Information Technology Committee

  • University Name

"The Administrative Information Technology (AIT) Committee was launched to identify and define strategic directions for administrative information systems at Ryerson. The development and definition of such directions will build and expand upon the work of the Transitional Funding Committee." (Coll.Rec. 736-2 ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY REPORT, October 1996) See also: Group 602 - Transitional Funding Committee.

Chinese Students' Association

  • University Name
  • 1973-

The Ryerson University Chinese Students' Association (RUCSA) is the first established major Chinese association at the said university. With over 700 members, CSA@RU is one of the largest student associations at Ryerson University. Their main objective is to promote and encourage students to learn more about the Chinese culture.

Mason, David V.

  • Person

David Mason is a Professor in the School of Computer Science at Ryerson University. He completed his B.Sc. from Acadia University in Computer Science (1973), his M.Sc., in Computer Science from the University of Toronto (1990), and his PhD in 2002 at the University of Waterloo.

Kempa, William

  • Person

William Kempa is a former instructor and Director of the Department of Public Health Inspection at Ryerson. Kempa was born in Chatfield, Manitoba in 1916. After graduating from Teulon High School (1935), In 1942 he earned a Bachelor of Science and Agriculture in Dairy Science from the University of Manitoba and a Certificate in Sanitary Inspection (Canada) from the the Canadian Public Health Association. He achieved his Masters of Public Health in 1957 (1952) from the University of Minnesota. Following four years of service in the Second World War as a member of the Royal Canadian Army, Kempa joined the civil service in 1946. He worked for the City of Regina Health Department for over twenty years as a Dairy and Milk Inspector. Kempa was the first Canadian to recieve the Sanitarian of the Year Award from the International Association of Milk and Food Sanitarians (IAMFES) in 1959. In 1962, he became the President of the Saskatchewan branch of the Canadian Public Health Association. In 1967, Kempa resigned from his position as Milk and Dairy Inspector to take a position as the Director of the Public Health Inspection Department at Ryerson, becoming the first Chairman of the program from 1971 to 1975. Kempa was a longstanding member of the IAMFES, the Canadian Insititute of Public Health Inspectors, and the Canadian Health Association. He retired from Ryerson in 1983.

International Development Week Committee

  • Corporate body

1993-1999: International Development Week organized by the International Development Week Planning Committte 2000-2001: International Week organized by the International Week Committee 2002-2004: No material/information available for annual event 2005: International Education Week organized by International Week Committee

Law, Stephen

  • Person

Stephen Law is a former professor in the Department of Economics at Ryerson University. He completed his PhD at the University Toronto with a dissertation entitled "Economic Policy Interactions: Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Policy; Exclusive Licensing and Rate Regulation." Law’s work centres on health economics, intellectual property rights, and health policy in Canada. After leaving Ryerson, Law went on to become an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at Mount Allison University.

Yeates School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

  • University Name
  • 1998-

The School of Graduate Studies was formed in 1998, with its first 2 programs being launched in 2000. In 2010 the school changed it name to the Yeates School of Graduate Studies in honour of former Dean Dr. Maurice Yeates (2002-2010). In February of 2024 the school was renamed again, adding on Postdoctoral Studies, to highlight the importance of post doctoral fellows contribution to Scholarly research at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University)

School of Distance Education

  • University Name
  • [ca. 1965 -]

Very little historical information has been written on the distance education function at Ryerson University. What is known is that distance education was a unit within the Continuing Education Division and has remained so to this day. Based on the dates of the series of distance education calendars in the Archives, it would appear that the distance education program may have been started in the mid-1960s. Also, judging by the lack of records in the Distance Education archival records group for the 1980s and 1990s, the extent of this program's activity at Ryerson during that period is unclear; it is possible that distance education was mainly the domain of Open College (see Records Group No. 7).

Karabanow, Alexander

  • Person

Alexander Karabonow is Part Time/Sessional Faculty at Ryerson University in the department of Arts & Contemporary Studies. He specializes in cultural theory, linguistics, nationalism studies, Eastern European studies, and gender studies. He received his PhD in Cultural Studies from Trent University in 2012.

Mazerolle, Maurice

  • Person

Maurice Mazerolle is an Associate Professor in organizational behavior and human resource management in the Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University. Academic positions previously held at Ryerson include: Director of Research, Faculty of Business, Associate Director, Student Affairs, Ted Rogers School of Business Management, Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, and Director, Centre for Labour-Management Relations, Ted Rogers School of Management. Prior to coming to Ryerson, Dr. Mazerolle held a number of faculty appointments at the University of Toronto, York University, and Wilfrid Laurier University. His major areas of research interest are in conflict resolution, employment adjustment, youth health and safety, employee voice mechanisms and progressive human resource management practices. In addition to working within the university environment, Dr. Mazerolle has had an extensive career primarily in the labour relations field as a negotiator and mediator within a number of industries including construction, inter-provincial bus transportation, health care and education. Dr. Mazerolle received both his Master’s and Doctorate in Industrial Relations from the University of Toronto.

Whiteside, Dave

  • Person

Dave Whiteside was a student at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute. His father, Bill Whiteside, worked in Campus Planning and Facilities. His mother was the house mother for the student residences on Church Street.

O'Reilly, Patricia

  • Person

Dr. Patricia O’Reilly is Associate Professor in the Department of Politics and Public Administration and a member of the Yeates School of Graduate Studies at Ryerson University. She has been faculty at Ryerson since 1998. She received her BA and MA from Queen’s University and her PhD from the University of Toronto.

Patricia is a recipient of a Ryerson McConnell Grant for Innovative Teaching as well as a Ryerson Experiential Learning Initiatives Grant. She has sat as a faculty member of the Ryerson Teaching and Learning Office and attends international teaching and learning conferences. In her public policy, public administration, federalism and comparative courses, Patricia makes use of simulation exercises which allow the students to role-play the positions of Canadian politicians and senior civil servants during House of Commons Debates, First Ministers Meetings or International Forums. Her research interests include controversial policy topics and morality/ethics policy.

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

  • University Name

Starting in 1948 a two year program was offered in Mechanical Technology with a third year being added in 1952. In 1949 the department was renamed "the Department of Mechanical and Industrial technology. In 1957 Aeronautical Technology was introduced as part of Mechanical Technology and in 1969 a industrial technology option was offered. In 1973 a bachelor of technology degree was first offered. The program received accreditation from the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board in 1992 and the degree changed to a Bachelor of Engineering. In 1997 an optional Industrial Internship program was introduced. In 2003 Academic Council approved the restructuring of the Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Department to form two separate departments.

Forsythe, Wayne

  • Person

K. Wayne Forsythe joined Ryerson's Geography Dept. in August 1999 as an assistant professor. He became an associate professor in Sept. 2005 and a full professor in Sept. 2011.

Handley, Jim

  • Person

Jim A. Handley was the Business Administrator of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute in the 1960s and later, Director of Personnel and Purchasing. In the early 1950s Handley was the assistant bursar.

Ryerson Student Nutrition Action Committee

  • University Name

Ryerson Student Nutrition Action Committee A collaborative effort exists between the School of Nutrition and Ryerson Food Services to create nutrition awareness on campus. RSNAC (Ryerson Student Nutrition Awareness Committee) was formed. Third and fourth year students are hired to carry out project initiatives which include nutrition analysis, a newsletter, nutrition awareness week at Ryerson, and nutrition information for the Food Services website. Action - In 2006 called, Ryerson Nutrition Action Committee which changed to Ryerson Student Nutrition Action Committee by March 2007.

Abbott, Jim

  • Person
  • [ca. 1955]

James Herbert Abbott, originally from Fort Frances. Graduate of Electronic Technology in 1955 at the age of 24, married with one child at the time of his graduation from Ryerson.

Ryerson Taskforce on Anti-Racism

  • University Name

"In the context of a number of racist incidents on campus in the past year [2007/2008], an Anti-Racism Coalition (ARC) has come together at Ryerson. These incidents include defacing doors of racialized faculty; intimidation tactics of white students towards racialized faculty and students in the classroom; the undermining of racialized employees in leadership positions, with little or no repercussions for such behaviour; and death threats. Furthermore, there have been instances of anti-Semitism on campus, while incidents of Islamophobia and threats toward Muslim students and students who are allies in the anti-racism struggle have continued. The ARC is composed of employees and students concerned about racist incidents on campus and structural racism in its institutional and individual forms.After considerable discussion and two public meetings, ARC proposedthe formation of a Task Force to investigate, document and make recommendations to address these serious issues. This document presents both the context and terms of reference for the Task Force. We believe that with the steps recommended below, Ryerson can once again become a leader in diversity in one of the most diverse cities on earth." copyright 2009

Student Information and Advisement Centre

  • University Name

Department created in 2008 and consists of the Student Information and Advising Centre (SIAC). The Centre is located near the main entrance to Jorgenson Hall, room POD 144.

Ireland, Martha

  • Person

Martha Ireland was the Program manager, in the G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education. In 2010 she became the manager of Student Records, a position she held until her retirement in 2014.

First Year Common Engineering Office

  • University Name

The First-Year and Common Engineering Office (FYCEO) is an independent administrative unit, within the Facutly of Engineering, Architecture, and Science, which handles the academic administrative responsibilities related to all first-year engineering student affairs. The FYCEO was created to help make students' transitions from high school to university smooth, pleasant, and successful. We invite students to visit us whenever they have questions, concerns, or comments of any sort. To answer questions and deal with concerns, we have assembled a highly experienced team of professionals, including a First-Year Academic Advisor, a Counselor, an Administrative Coordinator, and an Administrative Assistant.

MacDonald, Donna

  • Person

Donna MacDonald graduated from Ryerson's Food, Nutrition, Consumer and Family Studies Department in 1981. By 1985 she was at the Department of Community Health, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto.

Chua, Clare

  • Person
  • [ca. 1996]

Professor Clare Chua graduated Summa Cum Laude from McMaster University. She went on to complete her PhD in Operation Management at the University of California. Professor Chua earned an honorable mention in the 1996 Best student dissertation competition organized by The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). Her areas of research specialization focuses on service quality, consumer choice theory and online auction. Professor Chua was the joint winner of Best Paper for the 5th International Conference on ISO9000 & TQM in 2000. She also won a "Highly Commended Award" from MCB University Press, Literati Club Awards for Excellence in 2001. Professor Chua's recent contributions to research includes conferences papers presented at the 38th and 39th Academy of Marketing Conferences held in Gloucestershire, UK & Dublin, Ireland respectively. She has also presented papers at the recent Australian University Quality Forum Conference, July 2004, Adelaide and the 5th International CINet Conference, September 22-25, 2004, University of Western Sydney. Last year, her joint paper with Professor Peter Luk "Be a Winner Not a Loser: Experimental Evidence of Winner's Curse" was published in the Marketing Review, a peer-reviewed journal. Professor Chua has also co-edited an undergraduate Statistics textbook with Professor Darryl Smith.

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