Pièce F 923.01.21 - Delphi, Home of the Earth Goddess

Zone du titre et de la mention de responsabilité

Titre propre

Delphi, Home of the Earth Goddess

Dénomination générale des documents

  • Document iconographique

Titre parallèle

Compléments du titre

Mentions de responsabilité du titre

Notes du titre

Niveau de description



F 923.01.21

Zone de l'édition

Mention d'édition

Mentions de responsabilité relatives à l'édition

Zone des précisions relatives à la catégorie de documents

Mention d'échelle (cartographique)

Mention de projection (cartographique)

Mention des coordonnées (cartographiques)

Mention d'échelle (architecturale)

Juridiction responsable et dénomination (philatélique)

Zone des dates de production


  • 1989-01-00 (Production)
    Milne, Courtney

Zone de description matérielle

Description matérielle

1 photograph : col. print ; 76.5 cm x 50.5 cm

Zone de la collection

Titre propre de la collection

Titres parallèles de la collection

Compléments du titre de la collection

Mention de responsabilité relative à la collection

Numérotation à l'intérieur de la collection

Note sur la collection

Zone de la description archivistique

Nom du producteur


Notice biographique

Courtney Milne was born in 1943 in Saskatoon, Canada, and has been a freelance photographer since 1975, concentrating on landscape and nature. As well as formal training in photography, his academic background includes two master's degrees in psychology, and in journalism & mass communication. He has written more than 170 illustrated articles for photographic magazines; his publications include three popular books of photography of the Canadian Prairies: Prairie Light (1985), Prairie Dreams (1989) and Prairie Skies (1993). He has traveled extensively conducting workshops, seminars, worldwide photographic tours, and lecturing with the prestigious Nikon School of Photography, and is well known across Canada for his lectures and multimedia shows, with more than 200 public performances since 1985, plus keynote speaking engagements in various venues across Canada. To date, Courtney Milne has made more than 420, 000 exposures, photographing thirty-five countries, all ten Canadian provinces, thirty American states, and all seven continents. In May, 2000, Milne won the honorable mention and a cash prize in the Roloff Beny Photography Award for his latest book, W. O. Mitchell Country. His newest book, Emily Carr Country, will be released in the fall of 2001. Courtney Milne's extensive slide library was the basis for international presentations such as UNESCO's World Heritage Committee (1990 ), Waterscapes International Congress (1991 ), and the United Nations traveling exhibit, To Care for the Earth (1992). The 1991 Canadian tour of The Sacred Earth Concert, a multimedia presentation, raised money for the local environmental projects and for the Endangered Spaces Campaign of Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF), Canada. Showcased at the United Nations "Earth Summit" in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992 and the follow up Eco-Ed World Congress, the Concert is also featured on Cunard Cruise Lines and in multiple international locations. On Earth Day 1993, Milne's 54-print Sacred Earth Exhibition opened for five months at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Canada, with subsequent displays at the Canadian embassies in Washington, D. C. and Tokyo, Japan. In 1993 Milne was awarded the Gold Medal for Distinction in Canadian Photography, by the National Association for Photographic Art. Milne was selected to the jury for the International Photography Competition sponsored by the United Nations Environment Program, in Tokyo, Japan, where he presented The Sacred Earth Concert at the Metropolitan Museum of Photography. More than 25 sets of Milne's Limited Edition prints are in the collections of private individuals, galleries, and museums across Canada.

Historique de la conservation

Portée et contenu

Colour photograph taken by Courtney Milne.
Delphi, Home of the Earth Goddess
Temple of Athena and moon, post-sunset sky
Delphi, Greece
January 1989

Zone des notes

État de conservation

Source immédiate d'acquisition


Langue des documents

Écriture des documents

Localisation des originaux

Disponibilité d'autres formats

Restrictions d'accès

Open. Records are available for consultation without restriction.

Délais d'utilisation, de reproduction et de publication

Instruments de recherche

Éléments associés

Éléments associés


Note générale

Information taken from captions created for the ROM display and information included with donation.

Identifiant(s) alternatif(s)

Zone du numéro normalisé

Numéro normalisé


Mots-clés - Sujets

Mots-clés - Lieux

Mots-clés - Noms

Mots-clés - Genre

Zone du contrôle

Identifiant de la description du document

Identifiant du service d'archives

Règles ou conventions


Niveau de détail

Dates de production, de révision et de suppression

Langue de la description

Langage d'écriture de la description


Zone des entrées

Sujets associés

Personnes et organismes associés

Lieux associés

Genres associés