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Peter Di Gangi Papers Assembly of First Nations - Centre for Treaty Advocacy
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Post Oka

File contains:
1) clippings and articles
2) draft discussion paper ""Alternative Approaches to First Nations Inherent, Aboriginal & Treaty Rights in Canada, Centre for Treaty Advocacy, October 17, 1990
3) Notes for statement by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney ""Canada and the 21st Century"" November 1, 1990
4) Release and accompanying materials - Citizen's Forum on Canada's Future"

Health & Treaties

File contains records relating to First Nations health care and treaty rights. Included in the file are:
1) "Health Care and the Treaties - preliminary reports" compiled by the Centre for Treaty Advocacy for the National Committee on Treaties, Vancouver B. C. May 1-2, 1990
2) "The Aboriginal Right to Health, Treaty making and Indian Government Jurisdiction" prepared by the Centre for Treaty Advocacy for the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs
3) "Issues in First Nations Health Care" notes for remarks by First Nations Health Commission Director Richard Saunders at Community Health Seminar held Oct. 3, 1990 at the University of Ottawa
4) Correspondence re: Treaty No. 6 Medicine Chest Clause
5) "Interpretation and Enforcement of Treaty Rights of First Nations" prepared by D. E. Worme for Peter Di Gangi, Director Centre for Treaty Advocacy
6) "The Structural Injunction as a Remedy for Violations of Aboriginal Constitutional Rights" by Phil Lancaster for the Canadian Bar Association Committee on Native Justice.

National Committee on Treaties/AFN Centre for Treaty Advocacy meeting kits

Sub-series contains National Committee on Treaties/Centre for Treaty Advocacy information kits that coverage a range of issues including claims, treaties, Aboriginal titles, MBCA, border crossing, litigation updates, and federal/provincial policy. Included are:

2018. Treaty Rights Unit Activities Report, Ottawa, Ontario March 4, 1987

2018. Treaty Rights Conference Ottawa, Ontario January 14, 1987

2018. National Committee on Treaties briefing book Kamloops, British Columbia, Sept. 20-21, 1988

2018. National Committee on Treaties meeting Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 9-10, 1988

2018. National Committee on Treaties briefing book - IXth Annual AFN Assembly Edmonton, Alberta May 20-June 2, 1988

2018. National Committee on Treaties briefing book Ottawa, Ontario July 11-12, 1988

2018. National Committee on Treaties Quebec City, Quebec July 4, 1989

2018. National Centre for Treaties briefing kit Halifax, Nova Scotia September 28-29, 1989

2018. National Committee on Treaties Edmonton, Alberta March 6-7, 1990

2018. National Committee on Treaties Vancouver, British Columbia May 1-2, 1990

2018. National Committee on Treaties Hay River, Northwest Territories June 27-28, 1990

2018. National Committee on Treaties - Grand Council Treaty #8 Nations Edmonton, Alberta Sept. 19-20, 1990

2018. National Committee on Treaties summary of activities Oct. 1, 1990

AFN Treaty April 92

File contains records related to the National Treaty Conference "Indigenous Treaties/Self-Determination" held April 6-9, 1992. Included in the file is correspondence, reports, proposals, and other records related to the conference.

Bilateral - Alternative Mechanisms

File contains records relating to alternative mechanisms for treaty implementation. Included in the file are:
1)2 copies - Alternative Approaches to First Nations Inherent, Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canada
2) Alternative Mechanisms for Treaty Implementation: A review of past and current approaches - AFN
3) A Brief Commentary on the Alternative Mechanisms
4) National Committee on Treaties - Working Group on Alternative Mechanisms meeting kit

AFN - Bilateral/FMC's/Tru Resolutions etc.

File contains records created by the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) regarding treaties, treaty rights, and the bilateral constitutional task force. Included are:
1) Statement of the Right to Self-Government and Land
2) Making Political and Legal Sense of the Treaties discussion paper
3) Treaty Rights: AFN Positions/Initiatives 1986-1991
4) AFN resolutions
5) Constitutional Working Group members list, memos, meeting schedule and meeting minutes
6) Report of the Bilateral Constitutional Task Force on Treaties and Treaty Rights
7) Treaty Rights Unit report on Treaties for A. F. N. Special Assembly
8) AFN Position on First Nations Treaties: Treaty Rights, Treaty Making and Implementation
9) 1983 Constitutional Accord on Aboriginal Rights
10) Proposal for an amendment on Self-Government and Treaties by AFN
11) A National First Nations-Canada Treaty - Chiefs Assembly AFN
12) FSIN - Canada Bilateral Agreements - Indian Governments of Saskatchewan
13) Restoring the Path, Renewing our Nations - AFN

Free Trade - Treaty

File contains records related to Free Trade and land claims settlement. Included in the file are:
1) The Free Trade Agreement as a Treaty - Centre for Treaty Advocacy
2) The Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement and Native Land-Claims Settlement
3) The Canadian-U. S. Free Trade Agreement synopsis


File contains records related to the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations. Included in the file are:
1) Draft of the Universal Declaration on Indigenous Rights,
2) Presentation to the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations - Assembly of First Nations Centre for Treaty Advocacy
3) Intervention on Standard Setting before the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations
4) Submission to the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations 7th session - Konrad Sioui, Vice-Chief Quebec, AFN
5) Report on the 4th European Meeting of the North American Indian Support Groups
6) United Nations Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights - Sub-commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities "Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations - report of the Working Group on its 6th session"
7) United Nations Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights - Sub-commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities "Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations - written statement submitted by Grand Council of the Crees (of Quebec)"
8) Presentation of the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations - Assembly of First Nations Centre for Treaty Advocacy

AFN Speeches 1990

File contains speeches and presentations. Included are:

1) The Crown-First Nations Relationship and the Treaties - a National Perspective
2) Presentation to the Senate of Canada - The Implications of the Meech Lake Accord on Treaties
3) Presentation to the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs regarding The Post-Secondary Education Assistance Program
4) Speaking notes for Regional Chief Lawrence Courtoreille to the Indian Association of Alberta
5) National Chief Georges Erasmus' Speaking Notes for Newsworld, Aug. 29, 1990
6) Assembly of First Nations submission to the Senate Committee on Aboriginal Affairs
7) Backgrounder on the current crisis in First Nation - Canada Relations

Assembly of First Nations/National Indian Brotherhood

AFN Treaty Mtg - 8/01

Proceedings report from the National Treaty Gathering in Fort Carlton, Saskatchewan August 20-26, 2001. Report prepared by Paulette C. Tremblay, Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.

Assembly of First Nations/National Indian Brotherhood

Treaties 8 & 11

File contains records related to Treaties 8 and 11. Included are:
1) Bay River Community Workshop: Resource materials - Assembly of First Nations Centre for Treaty Advocacy
2) Report of the Commission appointed to investigate the unfulfilled provisions of Treaties 8 and 11 as they apply to the Indians of the MacKenzie District, 1959
3) news release (2 copies) re: ratification of agreement with Treaty 8 Tribal Council
4) Treaty No. 11 (June 27, 1921) and Adhesion (July 17, 1922) with reports etc.
5) Treaty Research Report - Treaty Eleven


File contains records related to the Dene/Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement. Included in the file are:
1) Correspondence
2) Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement between Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and the Gwich'in as represented by the Gwich'in Tribal Council and supplement to the agreement
3) Dene/Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement in Principle
4) Analysis and Commentary: March 31, 1990 Draft of the Dene/Metis Claims Agreement - Assembly of First Nations Centre for Treaty Advocacy
5) Dene Leadership Meeting motions
6) Supreme Court of Canada appeal re: unpatented crown land in the Northwest Territories

AFN - Environment 1990

File contains records related created by or related to the Assembly of First Nations Comittee on the Environment. Included in the folder are:
1) Centre for Treaty Advocacy - Identifying First Nation Environmental Flash Points
2) Discussions regarding the Environment - AFN Centre for Treaty Advocacy
3) Summary of the position of Environmental Committee on the proposed Environmental Assessment Act
4) Environmental Law Update - Fraser & Beatty, Barristers and Solicitors
5) Canada Gazette Announcement - Environmental Contaminants Act

Great Lakes Health Impacts

Copy of the report by Carole Mills and Vince Shea "Great Lakes Environmental Impacts on Native Health - phase one" submitted to the Centre for Treaty Advocacy.

Great Lakes Health

File contains records related to Great Lakes Environment and Indigenous Health. Included in the file are:
1) "Great Lakes Environmental Impacts on Native Health - phase one" Carole Mills and Vince Shea - Centre for Treaty Advocacy
2) "Toxic Chemicals in the Great Lakes and Associated Effects - synopsis" - Government of Canada
3) "Summary of Selected Information Relevant to Human Exposure and Associated Health Effects of Selected Hazardous Agents in Native People in the Great Lakes Basin" - Katherine Davies, Ecosystems Consulting Inc.
4) AFN job postings for Great Lakes Environmental Impacts project
5) AFN First Nations Health Commission information package
6) AFN initial assessment of the Government of Canada's Green Plan
7) Great Lakes Fact Sheet
8) Ontario Fisheries Advisory Council annual report 1991-1992

Treaty #9

File contains records related to the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation. Included in the file are:
1) "The James Bay Treaty: Treaty #9" by Roger Jones of Nahwegahbow, Jones for the Centre for Treaty Advocacy, Assembly of First Nations and presented at the Nishnawbe Aski Treaty Conference, 1990 (2 copies)
2) "Nishnawbe-Aski's Position on the Interpretation of Treaties" by Brian Davey
3) Nishnawbe-Aski Commission workshop materials, August 1982
4) "The Thunder Bay Pact - a manifesto of the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation"
5) photocopy of "The James Bay Treaty/Treaty No. 9 transcription of 1905 treaty and 1930 additions

Hunting Proposal

File contains records related to Indigenous harvesting/hunting/trapping. Included in the file are:
1) Workplan to develop a manual for harvest studies
2) handwritten meeting notes re: hunting/fishing
3) Report on the Fur Development Program Proposal to Develop a National Database for Aboriginal Harvesters
4) Framework for Discussions on the Possibility of a Bilateral Treaty Process between the Assembly of First Nations and the Federal Crown
5) Research Initiative: Creation of a Quantitative Database on the Importance of Trapping/Hunting in Canada to Aboriginal Peoples and other Indigenous Lifestyles

Border Cross Vol. II

File contains records related to the issue of First Nations border crossing rights. Included is correspondence, reports, and other related records.

Litig. Updt - AFN 1990

File contains litigation related documents created by the Assembly of First Nations. Included in the file are:
1) 2 copies of memorandum "Review of Section 35 Case Law and a Discussion of Concepts that may Generate Future Dialogue on the content of Treaties and the Enforceability of Treaty Rights" - includes synopsis of some case law
2) National Committee on Treaties Litigation Update, May 1990 - Flett, Mik'maq Fishery, The Queen vs. Ireland & Jamieson, Oldman Dam, and Barriere Lake
3) National Committee on Treaties Litigation Update - analysis of potential impact of recent supreme court decisions on Aboriginal and Treaty Rights, Sparrow Case, and Sioui Case.