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Special Collections Assembly of First Nations/National Indian Brotherhood Ficheiro
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Dec 1996

File contains records related to Bill C-79. Included in the file is correspondence; a booklet on the proposed Indian Act amendments; notes and meeting minutes.

Delgamuukw 1991: Early Analysis

File contains records related to the Delgamuukw Decision. Included in the file are early analyses; notes; correspondence; and news clippings.

FNG Bckgrnd - 3/2003

File contains records related to Bill C-7, the Federal Government's First Nations Governance Act. Included in the file is correspondence, a guide to Bill C-7, news releases, briefs, minutes, analyses, and newspaper clippings.

Policy - Winter 2001/02

File contains records related to First Nations Governance. Included in the file are:
1) news stories
2) Assembly of First Nations Bulletin re: Minister Nault's Governance Initiative Act
3) "A Report on the First Month's Work of Minister Nault's 'Joint Advisory Committee' on Governance Legislation"
4) "Putting the Nault Governance Act into Context: The Long History of Opposition"

AFN-DIA Mar. 2005

File contains records related to Federal Indigenous policy. Included in the file are:
1) memo and accompanying report on Assembly of First Nations Special Chiefs' Assembly on Renewal
2) two copies of "Our Nations, Our Governments: Choosing our own Paths" the final report of the Joint Committee of Chiefs and Advisors on the Recognition and Implementation of First Nations Governments
3) Actions for Change - Working with Aboriginal Peoples of Canada on an Agenda for Change
4) "On the Right Path Together: A Sustainable Future for First Nations, Inuit and Northern Communities" Sustainable Development Strategy 2004-2006

Ind. Act - Notes/Docs

File contains records related to the Indian Act. Included are:
1) Indian Act amendments chronology of events 1995-1996
2) News clipping
3) Proposal of the Union of Nova Scotia Indians for the revision of the Indian Act 2 August 1979
4) INAC press release

Ind Act Vol. II - 9/96

File contains records related to amendments to the Indian Act. Included in the file is a speech by Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Ronald Irwin; correspondence and attached proposed amendments to act from DIAND; and a letter from Minister Irwin to Ovide Mercredi, National Chief AFN.

Ind. Act Govt - Vol. I - 4/95-9/96

File contains records related to amendments to the Indian Act. Included in the file is a speech by DIAND Minister Ronald Irwin; DIAND press release and accompanying proposed changes to Indian Act; and an annotated summary of DIAND's Indian Act Amendments.

AFN Confed 11/96

File contains records to meetings and conferences organized by the Assembly of First Nations. Included are:
1) AFN Confederacy of Nations meeting, Ottawa Nov. 25-26, 1996
2) Chiefs' Committee on Enforcement of First Nations-Crown Relationship info package
3) brochure "Strengthening Mother Earth - the Environmental Challenge - a First Nations Environment conference, Dec. 10-12, 1996
4) AFN Conference listing for 1996-1997
5) AFN Social Development Project brief

Border Crossing - Jan. '89

File contains records related to the issue of First Nations border crossing rights. Included is correspondence, reports, and other related records.


File contains records related to the occupation of Ipperwash Provincial Park and the death of Dudley George. The majority of the file consists of newspaper clippings but there is also a draft press release from the United Chiefs and Councils of Manitoulin; notes from an Assembly of First Nations conference call; and a Chiefs of Ontario bulletin about the event.

Aboriginal Conditions

File contains records related to conditions for Indigenous Peoples. Included in the file are news and magazine clippings about Canada and South Africa, Also in the file is a letter to the Assembly of First Nations from the Serbian National Shield Society of Canada.

MBCA March 1992 Vol. II

File contains records relating to the Migratory Birds Convention Act and Indigenous Peoples. Included in the file correspondence re: Migratory Birds Convention Act revisions; Migratory Birds Working Group notes; Canadian Arctic Resources Committee; and Environment Canada's 1992 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Regulations proposal.

MBCA March 1992 Vol. I

File contains records relating to the Migratory Birds Convention Act and Indigenous Peoples. Included in the file are resolutions; correspondence and other records regarding amendments to the act; a copy of "Migratory Birds Convention Amendments - a discussion paper by the Canadian Wildlife Service; Canadian Arctic Resources consultation workshops information.


File contains records related to the Federal Government's Migratory Birds Convention Act (MBCA) and Indigenous peoples. Included in the file are copies of interim policy changes; a copy of the act; correspondence; and records from the Migratory Birds Working Group.


File contains records related to the Federal Government's Migratory Birds Convention Act (MBCA) and Indigenous peoples. Included in the file are legal documents, correspondence, and other related materials.


File contains records related to the Federal Government's Migratory Birds Convention Act (MBCA) and Indigenous Peoples. Included in the file are a copy of the act; correspondence; clippings; legal documents related to criminal cases; Migratory Birds Working Group notes; and a copy of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan.


File contains records related to the Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office (FEARO) . Included in the file are presentation notes (and copy of bill) regarding the Federal Government pre-study bill C-78 - an act to establish a federal environmental assessment process. Presentation was given by Lawrence Courtoreille, Alberta Vice-Chief of the Assembly of First Nations. Also in the file is a FEARO information kit which includes a copy of the bill, news releases and fact sheets.

Hunting Proposal

File contains records related to Indigenous harvesting/hunting/trapping. Included in the file are:
1) Workplan to develop a manual for harvest studies
2) handwritten meeting notes re: hunting/fishing
3) Report on the Fur Development Program Proposal to Develop a National Database for Aboriginal Harvesters
4) Framework for Discussions on the Possibility of a Bilateral Treaty Process between the Assembly of First Nations and the Federal Crown
5) Research Initiative: Creation of a Quantitative Database on the Importance of Trapping/Hunting in Canada to Aboriginal Peoples and other Indigenous Lifestyles

United Indian Councils - Self Gov't.

File contains records related to the United Indian Councils (UIC). Included in the file are copies of the UIC Newspaper "Smoke Signals", Assembly of First Nations bulleting April 1991, a fax cover sheet, brochures and booklets from the UIC, and handwritten notes from a UIC workshop.

Green Plan

File contains Canadian Government Green Plan materials and reaction from the Assembly of First Nations to the plan. Included in the file are:
1) brochures - "Canada's Green Plan and First Nations"
2) "Greenprint for Canada" a Federal agenda for the environment - Greenprint for Canada Committee
3) "A Framework for Discussion on the Environment" - The Green Plan, a national challenge.
4) AFN responses to plan


File contains records related to Batchewana Indian Band v. Canada (Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs). Included in the file is a copy of the decision, notes by Pete Di Gangi, and "Response to Corbiere" by the Assembly of First Nations.

Sparrow Etc. - SCC

File contains copies of the judgement, commentary, and analysis on the Supreme Court of Canada ruling in Ronald Edward Sparrow v. Her Majesty the Queen and The National Indian Brotherhood/ Assembly of First Nations (intervenors).

BC - Fall 1999 - West Bank

File contains records related to land claims and specific court cases related to logging in British Columbia. There are affidavits and reasons for judgement in the Supreme Court of British Columbia cases - Ron Derrickson et al. v. Province of British Columbia, and Chief Dan Wilson et. al v. Province of British Columbia.

B. C. Treaty Comm Vol. II

File contains records related to the British Columbia Treaty Commission (BCTC). Included in the file are news releases and clippings, as well as:
1) brochures "Treaties in British Columbia" and "Treaty Making" from the First Nations Summit Perspective
2) brochure "The British Columbia Treaty Commission" from the UBCIC
3) brochure "Treaty Negotiations in B. C. ' an Overview" from the Federal Treaty Negotiation Office
4) "BCTC & The Land Question"
5) "BCTC 1997 Annual Report excerpts
6) Report on the Treaty Process in British Columbia
7) Musqueam Indian Band - Band Council Resolution
8) Understanding the B. C. Treaty Process - an opportunity for dialogue
9) newsletter "British Columbia Treaty Commission update"

Claims - Critiques of Policies

File contains a variety of critiques of, and information on Canada's comprehensive claims policy. Included are:
1) Analysis of Canada's Comprehensive Claims Policy - AFN - Land Rights Unit
2) The "Blackhole" of Specific Claims in Canada - Need it take another 500 years? by Ric Savino, presented to The Canadian Bar Association Continuing Legal Education seminar
3) The Implementation of Federal Claims Policy 1973-1980 - a working paper by Murray Angus
4) First Nations Submission on Claims - AFN
5) AFN's Crititique of Federal Government Land Claims Policies
6) Doublespeak of the 90's: A Comparison of Federal Government and First Nation Perception of Land Claims Process - AFN

Xting 84 Vol. II

Second of two folders from the Assembly of First Nations conference on Land Claims and Extinguishment. Included in the file is correspondence, reports and copies of:
1) "Indian Land Title Extinguishment" by Brian Davey, Nishnawbe-Aski Nation
2) "The James Bay Treaty and the Federal Government's Comprehensive Land Claims Policy"
3) The Unconscionable Treaty between the Crown and the Cree/Ojibway People of Northern Ontario" by Brian Davey, Nishnawbe-Aski Nation
4) "Alternative Approaches to Alaska Native Land and Governance" by Ralph W. Johnson for the Alaska Native Review Commission
5) "Extinguishment: An Analysis and Strategy" by Murray Angus for Dene-Metis Negotiations Secretariate
6) "Towards a New Federal Policy for Comprehensive Claims Settlements" John A. Olthuis, for AFN
7) "Extinguishment of Aboriginal Rights as a Result of Supersession by Law and Third Party Alienation" Squamish Nation
8) French and English version of "Condensed Version of the Review of the Comprehensive Claims Process"
9) "A New Proposal for Claims Resolution in Ontario" presentation by Association of Iroquois & Allied Indians, Grand Council Treaty #3, and Union of Ontario Indians to Minister of Indian Affairs
10) "The Political Economy of Native Land Claims in the Canadian North" J. I. Prattis
11) "The Black Hills Case - from the Dakota Nations" Cy Standing and Clair Henderson

Xting 84 Vol. I

First of two folders filled with materials from the November 1984 Assembly of First Nations conference on Land Claims and Extinguishment. Also in the file are meeting notes from the Land Claims Steering Committee meetings held in October of that year.

Xting: Fact Finder

File contain records relating to the Honourable Alvin C. Hamilton's role as fact finder for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. This role's purpose was to find alternatives to "surrender provisions" used in claim settlements and was initiated in response to a special report by the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Included in the file are "Extinguishing Extinguishment: Bringing an Era to an End" presented by Ovide Mercredi in his role as National Chief of Assembly of First Nations; copies of background paper "Achieving Certainty in Comprehensive Land Claims Settlements"; correspondence; and other materials related to this research.

Xting - Hamilton 9/95

File contains a copy of "Canada and Aboriginal Peoples - A New Partnership" report of the Honourable A. C. Hamilton Fact Finder for Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development; draft copy of "Analysis of the Report of The Honourable A. C. Hamilton, Fact Finder for the Minister of Indian & Northern Development"; news release regarding the report release; and correspondence regarding the Assembly of First Nations report analysis.

Bill C-6 - October 2003

File contains records related to Bill C-6. Included in the folder are meeting agenda and minutes, correspondence, briefs and other records created by the Assembly of First Nations, the Algonquin Nation Secretariat, the Chiefs' Committee on Claims, and the Indian Governments of Saskatchewan.

C-6 Senate - June 2003

File contains records related to Bill C-6. Included in the file is correspondence; briefing notes; presentations to Senate Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Senate Standing Committee on Aboriginal Peoples; and minutes from Standing Committee on Aboriginal Peoples meetings in April and May 2003 regarding Bill C-6.

Bill C-6 - Spring 2003

File contains records related to the Bills C-6 and C-60. Included are news clippings, notes, correspondence, and other materials including a copy of Bill C-60.

AFN - CCC - 22 May 2002

File contains records related to the Chiefs Committee on Claims and the proposal for an independent claims body. Included in the file are meeting agendas and minutes, updates, and a copy of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Legislative Process manual.

C-60/C-6 - "ICB" Kit

File contains records related to Bill C-6 and Bill C-60. Included are emails, notes, press releases, strategy documents, papers, and presentations from various bodies in reaction to the Bills. Also included are copies of the Bills themselves.

Bill C-6 - Nov 2002

File contains records related to Bill C-6 The Specific Claims Resolution Act. Included in the file is correspondence, meeting minutes, and draft discussion papers.

Bill C-60 - Sept 2002

File contains records related to Bill C-60 Specific Claims bill. Included in the file are:
1) Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Chiefs' Strategic Committee reports
2) Assembly of First Nations Chiefs Committee on Claims records
3) Indian Claims Commission records
4) Correspondence
5) Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Legislative Process booklet

AFN Claims 5/2000

File contains records related to the creation of an independent claims body in Canada. Included are newsclippings, correspondence and reports.

AFN Claims Jan 99

File contains records related to specific claims and the claims process. Included are news paper clippings, correspondence and accompanying materials.

AFN/AFNQ - 4/98

File contains records related to the Premiers' and Territorial Leaders communique and framework for discussion on Canadian Unity. File also contains records related to land titles and comprehensive claims and claim policy.

Claims Directions 2/97

File contains records related to land claims and land claim policy. Included in the file are:
1) Pages from "Indian and Inuit Affairs Program"
2) Correspondence and accompanying records re: Chiefs Committee on Claims
3) "An Analysis of the Costs and Settlements of Canada's Current Claims Policy" discussion draft
4) Draft "Protocol for the Joint First Nations/Canada Task Force on the Specific Claims Policy"

Lands & Trusts 1998-99

File contains a news clippings; handwritten notes ; and a copy of "The Lands and Trust Services Initiative: Its potential Impact on the Federal Government's Fiduciary Obligations" by Kent McNeil.

FMC & Claims & Self Govt. 1980s

File contains records related to the First Ministers' Conference, Land Claims, and Self-Government. Included in the file are:
1) A New Covenant - Towards the Constitutional Recognition and Protection of Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada
2) Bill S-18 - An Act to further the aspirations of the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada
3) Senate news release re: Aboriginal Peoples Act
4) Address by Chief Ted Moses, Eastmain Band, James Bay June 13, 1988, Yellowknift, N. W. T.
5) Minister's Letter - Issue 5, April 1984
6) Correspondence re: proposed constitutional amendments, 1981
7) Copy of notes and actual speech given by National Chief to open the First Ministers' Constitutional Conference, 1983
8) Strength in Unity - Association of Iroquois and Allied Nations newsletter
9) The Implementation of Federal Claims Policy 1973-1980 - a working paper - Murray Angus
10) Public Lands, Native Land Claims and Land Use - Peter A. Cumming
11) The Federal-Indian Trust Relationship: An Historical Overview and Discussion of Some Current Issues - Jeffrey A. Ross
12) The Political Economy of Land Claims: Critical Reflections on the 1973 Federal Policy Statement on Native Claims in Canada - James Murray Angus
13) Towards a New Federal Policy for Comprehensive Claims Settlements

Self Govt - Accountability

File contains records related to fiscal accountability. Included in the file are newspaper clippings and a copy of "CGA-AFN Accountability Project interim report, April 1999".

Federal Budgets

File contains records related to various Federal budgets. Included in the file are:
1) newspaper clippings
2) Lang Michener "In Brief" - Spring 1997, Spring 1995
3) News release re: DIAND program review and accompanying report
4) Presentation to the Assembly of First Nations on 1995-1996 Expenditures for Aboriginal Peoples
5) The Budget in Grief - Assembly of First Nations, March 15, 1990

C-79 Master Kit - xerox

File contains master copies of legal briefs, analyses, speaking notes, and other records related to Bill C-79 - an act to permit certain modifications in the application of the Indian Act to bands that desire them created/collected by the Assembly of First Nations. Included are:
1) Preliminary notes on Bill C-79
2) correspondence between Assembly of First Nations and Nahwegahbow, Nadjiwan Barrister and Solicitors
3) Framework for Analysis: Diand's proposed Indian Act amendments
4) Remarks on Bill C-79. the 'Optional Indian Act Modification Act'
5) Submission to Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development on the Optional Indian Act Modification Act by the North Shore Tribal Council
6) copy of Bill C-79

Self Govt - AFN 89

File contains records relating to self-government. Included are:
1) Assembly of First Nations Self-Determination Symposium summary report, Oct. 1-3, 1990
2) Assembly of First Nations First Nations Government Planning Session information package
3) Council for Yukon Indians discussion paper re: Aboriginal Self-Government


File contains records related to the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Included in the file is correspondence, copies of draft declaration, and reports from the United Nations regarding Indigenous Peoples and discrimination.


File contains records related to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Included in the file is correspondence, seminar information, drafts, and reports.

UN Anti-Racism

File contains correspondence and discussion paper regarding Canada's consultations for the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance (WCAR).


File contains records related to the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations. Included in the file are:
1) Draft of the Universal Declaration on Indigenous Rights,
2) Presentation to the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations - Assembly of First Nations Centre for Treaty Advocacy
3) Intervention on Standard Setting before the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations
4) Submission to the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations 7th session - Konrad Sioui, Vice-Chief Quebec, AFN
5) Report on the 4th European Meeting of the North American Indian Support Groups
6) United Nations Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights - Sub-commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities "Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations - report of the Working Group on its 6th session"
7) United Nations Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights - Sub-commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities "Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations - written statement submitted by Grand Council of the Crees (of Quebec)"
8) Presentation of the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations - Assembly of First Nations Centre for Treaty Advocacy

Water Rites V. I

File contains records related to Indigenous water rights. Included in the file are:
1) Correspondence - International Indian Water Rights Coalition
2) Indian Resource and Water Rights - Kenneth J. Tyler
3) Title to the Water Bed: The Legal History of the Ad Medium Filum Aquae Rule - Rose Boyko Wuerscher
4) Indian Water Rights in the Western United States: An Historical Overview and Discussion of Some Current Issues - Jeffrey A. Ross
5) Peigan Nation Administration water rights lawsuit
6) Carrier Sekani Tribal Council legal documents re: Kemano II project

AFN - Bilateral/FMC's/Tru Resolutions etc.

File contains records created by the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) regarding treaties, treaty rights, and the bilateral constitutional task force. Included are:
1) Statement of the Right to Self-Government and Land
2) Making Political and Legal Sense of the Treaties discussion paper
3) Treaty Rights: AFN Positions/Initiatives 1986-1991
4) AFN resolutions
5) Constitutional Working Group members list, memos, meeting schedule and meeting minutes
6) Report of the Bilateral Constitutional Task Force on Treaties and Treaty Rights
7) Treaty Rights Unit report on Treaties for A. F. N. Special Assembly
8) AFN Position on First Nations Treaties: Treaty Rights, Treaty Making and Implementation
9) 1983 Constitutional Accord on Aboriginal Rights
10) Proposal for an amendment on Self-Government and Treaties by AFN
11) A National First Nations-Canada Treaty - Chiefs Assembly AFN
12) FSIN - Canada Bilateral Agreements - Indian Governments of Saskatchewan
13) Restoring the Path, Renewing our Nations - AFN

AFN Treaty Conf. 11/95

File contains records related to the National Treaty Gathering held November 21 - 23, 1995 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. File contains agendas, papers, correspondence and other records related to the gathering. There is also a copy of the National Treaty Conference book from the April 1992 gathering.

AFN - Treaty 4/92 Vol. II

File contains records related to the National Treaty Conference "Indigenous Treaties/Self-Determination" held April 6-9, 1992. Included in the file is correspondence, reports, addresses and associated materials related to the conference.

AFN Treaty April 92

File contains records related to the National Treaty Conference "Indigenous Treaties/Self-Determination" held April 6-9, 1992. Included in the file is correspondence, reports, proposals, and other records related to the conference.

FNG - June 2002

File contains records related to First Nations Governance. Included in the file are a brochure about the First Nations Governance Act (Bill C-61); information about governance activities and the National Day of Solidarity "Drums across the Nation" June 21, 2002; an e-note by "The Governance Embellishment: Still Tastes Like the Old Indian Act"; and a summary of the new First Nations Governance Act.

FNG - March 2002

File contains records related to the Federal Government's "Communities First: First Nations Governance" initiative. Included in the file are correspondence; an assessment of the consultation process by Peter Douglas Elias; and a First Nations Governance Community Consultations summary report by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.

FNG - 2002 Vol. I

File contains records relating to First Nations Governance. Included are newspaper clippings, correspondence, meeting kits, and other materials.

AFN Resolutions etc. 2001

File contains 2 resolution reports:
1) Confederacy of Nations resolutions May 8-10, 2001
2) AFN 22nd Annual General Assembly resolutions July 17-19, 2001

AFN Confederacy - 12/01

File contains records related to/created for the Confederacy of Nations meetings held December 4-6, 2001. Included in the file is a draft agenda, opening address of National Chief Matthew Coon Come, Assembly of First Nations pre-budget submission, Confederacy of Nations report and other materials.

AFN AGA 7/2000

File contains records related to the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) 21st Annual General Assembly in 2000. Included in the file are:
1) newspaper clippings
2) Delgamuukw Implementation Strategic Committee report of the co-chairs
3) draft agenda for assembly
4) "Living Languages, Lasting Culture" AFN 2000 Annual Report

DIA-AFN - Fiscal - 2001

File contains booklet "The First Nations' Fiscal Institutions Initiative - General Information and Business Plans".

Assembly of First Nations/National Indian Brotherhood

AFN-DIA Fiscal - Feb 2001

File contains a meeting kit for the Chiefs' Committee on Fiscal Relations - First Nations' Fiscal Institutions meeting held February 21, 2001.

Fed Election 1997

File contains records related to the 1997 Federal Election. Included are party platform documents and handbooks created by the Assembly of First Nations. Also in the file are a variety of other publications regarding the election.

AFN - LTS - 9/98

File contains records related to the Lands and Trust Services. Included are regional involvement reports; background information; progress report; and other records.

CH. Lands Vol. II - 92-93

File contains records regarding the First Nations Lands Board and the First Nations Chartered Land Act. Included in the file are brochures, info kits, proposals and an analysis.

Dan Goodleaf 1993

File contains clippings, correspondence and other records related to Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs Dan Goodleaf's trip to Europe.

FNG Fall 2001

File contains records related to First Nations Governance. It includes correspondence, analysis, newspaper clippings and reports primarily related to the joint Assembly of First Nations - Department of Indian and Northern Development work plans for self government.

FNG - June/July 2001

File contains records related to First Nations Governance. Included in the file are:
1) news clippings
2) correspondence
3) draft "Facilitating the Exercise of Self Government: a co-operative approach between Canada and the Assembly of First Nations"
4) briefing notes
5) Anasazi newsletter Vol. 7 No. 1
6) "Is There Life After the Indian Act? Part 1

FNG - May 2001 Confed.

File contains records related to First Nations Governance. Included in the file is:
1) correspondence
2) Communities First: First Nations Governance consultation package - INAC
3) Confederacy of Nations 2001 booklets (4) "AFN Briefing on the Governance Initiative"

FNG April 2001

File contains records related to the April 11, 2001 meeting between Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) and the Assembly of First Nations regarding the Federal Government's proposed legislative initiatve on First Nations' Governance. Included in the file are handwritten notes; meeting overview document; correspondence; and a meeting kit.

AFN 2000 - Election etc.

File contains a variety of Assembly of First Nations (AFN) records. Included are:
1) AFN/Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada joint initiative National Gathering Info. Kit, July 2000
2) Election brochure - candidates profiles
3) draft First Nations Languages Act
4) Record of AFN resolutions July 1999 to June 2000
5) The Delgamuukw/Gisday'wa Nation process folder with information inside
6) Living Languages Lasting Cultures AFN Conference Book 2000

AFN Confederacy 4/99

File contains a variety of records including:
1) Joint Initiative for Policy Development focus group status report
2) Treaty Implementation & Enforcement Action - a strategic plan
3) A Report on the Aboriginal Government Transition Centre
4) Aboriginal Rights Coalition Solidarite bulletin, Spring 1999

AFN - Fiscal Revelations 1999-2000

File contains an Assembly of First Nations folder containing budget information for 1999/2000. Also in the file is "The AFN-CGA Accountability Project" final report.

AFN Confederacy 12/99

File contains records related to the Assembly of First Nations Confederacy of Nations meeting held in December 1999. Included in the file are:
1) speaking notes for Robert D. Nault
2) notes
3) resolutions
4) Facilitator's Report on the Special Workshop on the Delgamuukw, Marshall, and Corbiere Decisions, Dec. 8/99
5) memorandum - state of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canadian Case Law
6) speech by Phil Fontaine
7) Reducing the Debt of the Poorest: Challenges and Opportunities - John E. Serieux
8) Preliminary analysis of Corbiere v. Canada and the Batchewana Band
9) Report on Corbiere - report and revised work plan for Response to Corbiere Decision
10) wrap-up dialogue "Finding a Way to Work Together"

AFN Confederacy 12/98

File contains records related to the Assembly of First Nations Confederacy of Nations meetings. Included in the file are:
1) 1998 Meeting booklet
2) reports
3) correspondence
4) booklet of 1998 resolutions
5) resolution status reports for Confederacy of Nations 1998, 1999 and 19th Annual General Assembly, 1998

AFN Restructuring 2/97

File contains records related to Assembly of First Nations (AFN) restructuring. Included in the file is a copy of the AFN charter; three copies of the proposal for restructuring; two copies of the AFN mandate renewal; and a copy of AFN draft resolution no. 4/97 - AFN Restructuring.

AFN Election 7/97

File contains newspaper clippings, a press release and candidate biographical sketches for the Assembly of First Nations Grand Chief elections.

Ind. Act: Res/Bckgrnd

File contains records related to the proposed amendments to the Indian Act. Included in the file is correspondence and an Assembly of First Nations "Resolutions and Related Correspondence" packet of documents.

Ind. Act: Winnipeg 12/96

File contains the "Emergency Assembly on the Indian Act Amendments" information kit and Peter Di Gangi's handwritten notes on the meeting.

Ind. Act: Clippings

File contains newspaper clippings and an Assembly of First Nations bulletin regarding the proposed changes to the Indian Act.

AFN - ATIP 96-97

File contains Access to Information and Privacy requests by Peter Di Gangi to the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada regarding the costs associated with Bill C-79.

Indian Act II - Bill C-79

File contains records related to Bill C-79 "An Act to permit certain modifications in the application of the Indian Act to bands that desire them". Included in the file are briefing and preliminary notes re: the bill; meeting minutes; Kill the Bill list of tasks; and other related records.

C-79 Docs

File contains records related to Bill C-79. Included in the file are:
1) Chiefs Committee on Enforcement of First Nations- Crown Relationship folder
2) Bill C-79
3) AFN resolutions and correspondence
4) Action plan re: Indian Act II
5) Analysis of Proposed Indian Act Amendments - Roger Jones
6) notes

C-79 - SCAA

File contains records related to Bill C-79 and the Senate Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development. Included in the file are notes, Committee meeting transcripts, news releases, meeting announcements and other records.

Day of Action clippings

File contains newspaper clippings, brochures, and other records related to the National Day of Action April 17, 1997.

Indian Act- AFN July 1996

File contains kit "Indian Act Amendments - briefing and background materials" created for the Assembly of First Nations General Assembly held July 8-10, 1996.

Assembly of First Nations XVII Annual General Assembly kit, 1996

File contains Assembly of First Nations (AFN) General Assembly information kit and newspaper clippings. Included in the kit is an agenda; resolution proceedures and resolutions; charter; first draft of "Declaration of First Nations Sovereign Relationships"; a proposal for the political restructuring of the Assembly of First Nations; "Aboriginal Strategic Initiatives Proposal - final draft; assembly opening remarks and speeches; and a copy of the AFN annual report for 1996.

AFN Assembly 7/95

File contains records related to the Assembly of First Nations XVI Annual General Assembly. Included are a list of adopted resolutions, newspaper clippings, and a copy of "Reflection Unity Action" Assembly of First Nations Annual Report 1995.

AFN Treaties - 2/93

File contains records related to work with the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples(RCAP). Specifically relating to treaty research. Included in the file are:
1) Assembly of First Nations Preliminary Work Plan of Intervenor Activities before the RCAP
2) Draft Outline - Land and Resource Base - AFN-RCAP

Constitution Oct/92

File contains records relating to the Charlottetown Accord. Included in the file are: two copies of "Draft Legal Text"; Your Guide to Canada's Proposed Constitutional Changes; newspaper clippings; and correspondence.

Constitution Oct/92

File contains records relating to the Canadian Constitution and Constitutional reform. Included in the file are:
1) Treaty Indigenous Peoples and the Charlottetown Accord: the Message in the Breeze
2) Aboriginal Self-Government: Paramountcy of Laws by Peter W. Hogg
3) Constitution Act drafts 1867, 1982
4) The Charlottetown Agreement: A Consensus Legal Opinion
5) AFN brochure "Aboriginal Reforms in Canada's Constitution - Restoring the Path, Renewing our Nations"
6) Rolling Draft of Constitution Act, 1992 related to Aboriginal Peoples Mi'kmaq titles
7) Continuing Committee on the Constitution group III - Rolling Draft - May 29, 1992

Constitution Sept 1/92

File contains records relating to Canada's Constitution and constitutional amendments. Included in the the file is correspondence and:
1) The Process for Amending the Constitution of Canada - the report of the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons, June 1991
2) First Ministers' Meeting on the Constitution final political accords
3) Political Accords - the Multilateral Meetings on the Constitution, Aug. 1992
4) Consensus Report on the Constitution - Charlottetown Aug. 28, 1992

CWG - Jan. 1992 - April/92

File contains records related to the Charlottetown accord, Special Joint Committee on a Renewed Canada, and the AFN Constitutional Working Group. Included in the file are clippings, memos and:
1) Charlottetown Referendum results by Reserve
2) Submission to the Special Joint Committee on a Renewed Canada - AFN
3) AFN Constitutional Working group papers
4) First Nations Circle on the Constitution papers
5) Notes for speech by Joe Clark, president of the Privy Council and Minister responsible for Constitutional Affairs.

Constitution - 1991

File contains records relating to Meech Lake and constitutional proposals. Included in the file are:
1) 2 copies of "Rolling Draft of Constitution Act, 1992 related to Aboriginal Peoples Mi'kmaq titles"
2) Report of the Atlantic First People's Constitutional Forum
3) First Nations Parallel Constitutional Process - AFN
4) Notes from Ad Hoc Committee on the Constitution - AFN
5) Shaping Canada's Future Together - proposals
6) Notes for an address by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney on the launch of the Government's Constitutional Proposals

AFN Election 1991

File contains mostly newspaper clippings regarding the 1991 election for National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations. Also included in the file is a memo from the Indian Governments of Saskatechewan re: candidates questionnaire.

AFN Confed 3/91

File contains draft agenda and accompanying materials for the Confederacy of Nations Meeting held in Ottawa, Ontario on March 19-20th, 1991.

AFN 91-93

File contains newspaper clippings, memos, resolutions and other records relating to restructuring of the Assembly of First Nations, Ovide Mercredi, and constitutional process.

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