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G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education
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Miscellaneous conference materials

This sub-series is designated for conferences for which there is limited material. In the case of conferences with more substantial information, those conferences are arranged as individual sub-series. Conference materials from the following conferences is included in this sub-series:

1981 Canadian Energy Exposition
1985 Ontario Universities Computing Conference
1987 Computers In Community Services
1987 Strategies For Doing Business In China
1987 Strategies For Intercultural Business Relations
1988 Sexuality And The Lifecycle
1988 Work & Family - New Partnerships
1990 First National Conference On HIV/AIDS And Youth
1994 Communicating In The 21st Century: Medium? Muddle? Message?
1995 CAUCE 42nd Annual Conference
1996 Videoconference
2004 The Art & Science Of Traditional Medicines
2006 CAUCE conference
2009 34th McGraw-Hill Ryerson Teaching and Learning Conference

AATO Certificates: Technicians and Technologists proposal

File contains a proposal for the Association of Architectural Technologists of Ontario (AATO). Proposal is that graduates of Ryerson's Continuing Education advanced certificate program in Architectural Technology be granted technician certification with the AATO - provided they have also completed the 6 years of work experience.
Included with the report is a letter from the acting chairman of Technology to the AATO outlining possible changes to Ryerson's program to make this possible.

Continuing Education Awards Committee: Chairman's records

File contains records maintained by the chairman of the Continuing Education Awards Committee. Included is general information, information on award winners, honours awards, Walter Pitman scholarship, Hans Johansen award, Abbie E. Hatton memorial award, CESAR scholarship, Gold Medal, Transportation Economics award, student aid, Industrial Management club award, George Korey medals, and the Ophthalmic Dispensing awards.

Women's Week materials

Series contains textual and audiovisual materials relating to Ryerson's Women's week activiites. Series is divided into two files:
RG textual materials
RG Employment Equity - What it is and could be - panel discussion videos

Employment Equity What it is and Could Be - panel discussion videos

uMatic videocassettes documenting the panel "Employment Equity What it is and Could Be" held February 27-28 1986 as part of Women's Week.

Tape 1 (2 copies) Mary Bruce (city of Toronto), Wendy Cuthbertson
Tape 2 (2 copies) Wendy Cuthbertson, Gail Posen, Jen Ranker,
Tape 3 (2 copies) Rhoda Beecher, Paul Scott, Questions.
Tape 4 - Gail Posen
Tape 5 - Jim Rankin manager Westinghouse Consulting and Development Group
Women Week Employment Equity Camera Two #1
Women Week Employment Equity Camera 2 #2

Between Generations newsletter

File contains copies of the Between Generations newsletter published by Continuing Education through their Program in Intergenerational Education. In 1993 the program joined forces with UGO (United Generations Ontario).

Continuing Education

Provincial Home Support Services and Ryerson Continuing Education Division

Series contains information on the collaboration between Ryerson's Continuing Education division and Provinicial (later renamed Ontario) Home Support Services.
What was initially planned as a single conference evolved into a series of conferences. This material has been kept under one series but has been separated by year or subject matter.
RG Funding request proposal for a provincial home support conference, May 29-31, 1985
RG First Ontario Conference on Home Support Services for Elderly and Disabled People
RG Second Ontario Conference on Home Support Services for Elderly and Disabled People
RG "Unity in Diversity" Joint conference of Meal on Wheels of Ontario, Home Support
Services, and Older Adult Centres Association of Ontario
RG CAUCE Award submission

Funding request proposal for a provincial home support conference, May 29-31, 1985

File contains a proposal for a conference on home support. Conference would be co-sponsored by the Provincial Home Support Conference Committee and the Continuing Education Division at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute. The proposal was forwarded to the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services as a funding request.

First Ontario conference on home support services for elderly and disabled people

File contains textual material relating to the conference. Included is a draft of purposes and objectives for a home support association; a summary of conference evaluations; a handbook on home support programs; and conference schedules and registration forms.
Also included in the file are 3 audio cassettes:
1) Mental Health Issues and the Elderly - Mary K. Harrison and Kenneth Schulman, May 31 Plenary Session
2) The government and home support: present policy and future directions - Art Daniels, May 30 Plenary Session
3) Home Support in Ontario - Gordon Cressy, May 30 Issue Session

Second Ontario conference on home support services for elderly and disabled people

File contains materials related to the conference whose full title is "Second Ontario conference on home support services for elderly and disabled people: voices for choices - accessing independence. Included are a conference schedule, program and a copy of the conference proceedings.

Submission to CAUCE Awards for program distinction

File contains the submission put forward to The Canadian Association for University Continuing Education (CAUCE). The complete title of the submission is: Submission to CAUCE Awards for program distinction 1987 - Coordination of Home Support Services: a collaborative program between Ryerson Continuing Education and Ontario Home Support Organizations.
Included in the submission are conference programs and evaluations from the 1985 and 1986 conferences and a program and newsletters for the 1987 joint conference.

Conferences on Home Support Services for Elderly and Disabled People

Materials related to the proceedings of the First and Second Ontario Conference on Home Support Services for Elderly and Disabled People - (First conference Held May 29-31, 1985. Second conference held May 21-23 1986), and the Home Support Services Older Adult Centres of Ontario Meals on Wheels of Ontario Joint Conference (held Jun 3-5 1987). Includes: proceedings, correspondence, planning committee meeting minutes.

Home Support Conference

File contains brochures, meeting minutes, correspondence and other materials associated with the planning of a conference. Materials are for both the first conference held May 29-31, 1985 and the second conference held May 21-23, 1986.

Joint Conference

File contains meeting minutes, correspondence and other materials related to the planning of the Joint Conference - Unity in Diversity. Conference a joint effort of Meals on Wheels of Ontario, Home Support Services, and Older Adult Centres Association of Ontario.

Access & Retention Strategies for improving access and retention of ethno-specific and visible minority students in Ontario's Post Secondary Institutions

Series contains planning files for the conference, published proceedings, and audiotape recordings from some of the speakers.

RG Proceedings of the conference on strategies for improving access and retention of
ethno-specific and visible minority students in Ontario's post-secondary institutions
RG Access & Retention Strategies for improving access and retention of ethno-specific and
visible minority students in Ontario's Post Secondary Institutions working files

Women and Politics conference materials

File contains materials relating to the Women and Politics conference which was co-sponsered by Ryerson's Continuing Education division. Materials include conference preparation materials including program drafts, correspondence, grant applications, meeting minutes, and newspaper clippings. Also included is correspondence, financials, and supporting materials from other conferences. Also included are sets of video and audio cassettes. Series consists of four files:

RG 1991-029 donation
RG 1995-068 donation
RG Women and Politics conference videocassettes
RG Women and Politics conference audiocassettes

Women and Politics conference videocassettes

6 uMatic (Fuji Beridox) videocassettes containing recordings of the proceedings of the Women and Politics conference.

Program 1 - Political Women Tell What it Takes
Program 2 - Political Women Tell What it Takes
Program 3 - Sex and Politics/Influence and Power
Program 4 - Can you be a Feminist in Politics?
Program 5 - Running and Winning
Program 6 - Mobilizing around Issues/Dealing with the Press

Women and Politics conference audiocassettes

File contains 19 master and 19 copy audiocassette recordings from the Women and Politics conference held November 7-8, 1986.
The tapes include:

RG "Political Women tell what it takes" - forum held Friday November 7 at 7:00pm. Speakers included Iona Campagnolo, Barbara McDougall, and Alexa McDonough

RG "Sex and Power" - Session held Saturday November 8 12:45-1:15pm.
Speaker was Christina McCall

RG "Where do we go from here" - Session held Saturday November 8 3:45-4:15pm. Wrap up session led by conference organizing committee members Libby Burnham, Audrey Herrema, and Loraine Wilson

RG "How to Make Government Work for you - Federal and Provincial" - Saturday November 8 morning workshop 1 9:45-11:45am. Workshop lead by Pauline Browes, Heather Peterson, Ruth Grier, and chaired by Margaret MacMillan

RG "How to Make Government Work for you - Municipal and School Board" - Saturday November 8 morning workshop 2 9:45-11:45am. Workshop lead by Joanne Campbell, Beverly Salmon, Nadine Nowlan, Fran Endicott, and chaired by Pat Petersen

RG "Running and Winning Part 1" - Saturday November 8 morning workshop 3 9:45-11:45am. Workshop lead by Maria Minna, Gina Brannan, Meg Griffiths, and chaired by Connie Bryant

RG "Can you be a feminist in Politics" - Saturday November 8 morning workshop 4 9:45-11:45am. Workshop lead by Michele Landsberg, Lorna Marsden, and Chaviva Hosek

RG "Mobilizing around issues" - Saturday November 8 afternoon workshop 1 1:30-3:30pm. Workshop lead by Maude Barlow, Ellen Campbell, Kay Sigurjonsson and chaired by Marilou McPhedran

RG "Running and Winning Part 2" - Saturday November 8 afternoon workshop 2 1:30-3:30pm. Workshop lead by Elinor Caplan, Lynn McDonald, Bette Stephenson and chaired by Naomi Black

RG "Influence and Power" - Saturday November 8 afternoon workshop 3 1:30-3:30pm. Workshop lead by Kay Stanley, Wendy Cuthbertson, Lucie Pepin and chaired by Sylvia Bashevkin

RG "Dealing with the Press" - Saturday November 8 afternoon workshop 4 1:30-3:30pm. Workshop lead by Mary Lou Finlay, Judy Steed, and chaired by Sally Barnes.

Supportive Housing Task group papers

The Supportive Housing Task Group were responsible for the organization and implementation of a course series "Supportive Housing Management" through Ryerson's Continuing Education division. Material consists of correspondence, minutes of meetings of the Supportive Housing Task Group, proposed courses, brochures and pamphlets regarding course series.

Where will we live? Housing alternatives for senior citizens conference materials

The Conference was co-sponsored by the Canadian Housing Design Council and Ryerson Polytechnical Institute - Continuing Education, Faculty of Community Services, Department of Architectural Science and Landscape Architecture, and the School of Urban and Regional Planning.
File contatins program brochures, meeting minutes, correspondence and papers presented at the conference.

Eaton School of Retailing

Series contains planning records and published materials relating to the creation of the Eaton School of Retailing's partnership with Ryerson.
The Eaton School of Retailing was a corporate entity with the T. Eaton Company Ltd and delivered corporate education within the company. The partnership with Ryerson was away for them to develop and deliver university level courses to Eaton's employees. The first phase of the program was certificates in Retail and Services Management I and II.
Series includes:
RG planning documents
RG promotional materials

Planning documents

File contains memos, reports, notes, meeting minutes, and other materials relating to the planning and organizing of the Eaton School of Retailing within Ryerson's Continuing Education division.

Awards and scholarships general information booklet

File contains a Continuing Education, Part-time student, and Instructor awards information booklet. Included is information and application form for the CESAR academic excellence and achievement award, the Michael Persaud award in Public Administration, CESAR academic excellence awards, CESAR teaching awards, RPI Founder's Scholarship, Continuing Education Scholarships, Traugott W. Alender memorial award, American Society for Quality Control award, Association of Architectural Technologists of Ontario award, Abbie E. Hatton memorial award, Faculty award for Gerontology, and the Walter G. Pitman award.

Hong Kong Polytechnic and Ryerson's Continuing Education Division

File contains program proposals, follow-up meeting minutes, and convocation programs from the Continuing Education Division courses taught at Hong Kong Polytechnic in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Ryerson's Continuing Education offered certificate programs in Business Computer Systems and Programming, Food and Beverage Management, and Retail Fashion Management.

Bill Gates visit to Ryerson materials

File contains materials created for and during Bill Gates visit to Ryerson. Event titled "Putting Technology to Work for Canada" was sponsored by Ryerson's Continuing Education division and was held Thursday August 19, 1993 from 9:15 - 10:30 am in the Ryerson Theatre.
Included in the file are an audio tape and an VHS tape of the lecture, posters, a ticket, a flyer, and newspaper clippings about Bill Gates.

A proposal for funding the development and testing of a procedure to determine, to inventory and to continuously classify part-time commuter student needs

File contains a proposal to the University for funding for a study about the needs of part-time and extension students. Unclear of who the author of the proposal was although Ryerson Centre is mentioned in the front piece.

Department of National Defence and Ryerson's Continuing Education Division: Certificate in Public Affairs

First offered in 1992, the certificate program was designed by the Faculty of Applied Arts (RTA, Journalism, Business and Technical Communication) and the Continuing Education Division. It was created at the request of the Department of National Defence.
Series contains correspondence, working papers, meeting minutes, copies of the proposals, along with other documents created in the organization and creation of a Public Affairs certificate program for members of the Department of National Defence.

Working file - 1992 and 1993 certificate programs

File contains correspondence, AUCC award information, memos, and budget information relating to the Ryerson Continuing Education and Faculty of Applied Arts Certificate in Public Affairs offering for the Department of National Defence. Included is information on the 1992 program and some preliminary documentation the the 1993 program.

A proposal for a certificate in public affairs - March, 1994

File contains two copies of the March 1994 edition of the proposal. Full title as follows: A proposal for a certificate in public affairs prepared at the request of the Department of National Defence by The Continuing Education Division, The School of Radio and Television Arts, The School of Journalism, and The Department of Business and Technical Communication.
One of the copies is marked for editing.

A proposal for a certificate in public affairs - April 26, 1994

File contains a copy of the April 26, 1994 copy of the March 1994 edition of the proposal. Full title as follows: A proposal for a certificate in public affairs The Continuing Education Division, The School of Radio and Television Arts, The School of Journalism, and The Department of Business and Technical Communication.
April copy is smaller than the March 1994 version.

Report to Academic Council on Organization of Continuing Education

File contains a draft copy and the final version of the report prepared and presented to Academic Council (Senate) by J. L. Packham, Vice President Academic. Both are dated 1977 with the final version dated April 27, 1977. Included with the final version is a memo from J. L. Packham to J. A. Wargo, secretary of Academic Council.

Brief to the Minister's Advisory Committee on Financial Assistance to Students

File contains a copy of the brief.
Full title: Brief to the Minister's Advisory Committee on Financial Assistance to Students on behalf of the Ontario Association for Continuing Education in conjunction with representatives of Metropolitan Toronto area public post-secondary institution student awards and continuing education officers from Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology, George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology, Humber College of Applied Arts and Technology, Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology, Sheridan College of Applied Arts and Technology, University of Toronto - School of Continuing Studies Woodsworth College, York University - Centre for Continuing Education.

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