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Special Collections Peter Di Gangi Papers Government of Canada File English
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RCAP: Fed response 1/98

File contains:
1) newspaper clippings
2) copy of "An Agenda for Action with First Nations" Govt of Canada
3) copy of "Gathering Strength - Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan"
4) Agenda for Action with First Nations
5) Backgrounder newsletters from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
6) speeches and news releases re: "Gathering Strength - Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan"
7) Assembly of First Nations (AFN) proposed response to RCAP plan"

4 Pillars - 9/90

File contains notes for an address to the House of Commons by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney on the House Resolution with respect to Oka, Sept. 25, 1990 and a copy of "Building a New Relationship - the Native Agenda - 4 Pillars".

Oka - 1990

File contains materials relating to the events at Oka in 1990. Included in the file are:
1) correspondence
2) Maclean's Magazine, September 10, 1990
3) Soldier of Fortune magazine, December 1990
4) "The Summer of 1990" - fifth report of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, May 1991
5) "Shaping Canada's Future Together" highlights booklet
6) "Shaping Canada's Future Together" proposals

Post Oka

File contains:
1) clippings and articles
2) draft discussion paper ""Alternative Approaches to First Nations Inherent, Aboriginal & Treaty Rights in Canada, Centre for Treaty Advocacy, October 17, 1990
3) Notes for statement by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney ""Canada and the 21st Century"" November 1, 1990
4) Release and accompanying materials - Citizen's Forum on Canada's Future"

White Paper '69

File contains papers related the the White paper released in 1969 "Statement of the Government of Canada on Indian Policy". Included in the file are: 2 copies of draft #3 "The Indian Act - proposed revision" November, 1967; 2 copies of the white paper; Letter/report from the Assistant Deputy Minister (Indian Consulation and Negotiation) to the Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development; Memorandum re: meeting held in 1971 between Prime Minister Trudeau, cabinet members, Chiefs and members at large of the Canadian Aboriginal communities regarding the Indian White paper and Red paper.

Self Govt Policy, 1986-1990

File contains a copy of Sally M. Weaver's "Self Government Policy for Indians 1980-1990: Political Transformation of Symbolic Gestures"; 2 copies of "Notes on Cabinet Documents Relating to Self-Government"; Copy of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Federal and Provincial governments and the Nishnawbe-Aksi Nation, 1985; and a copy of "Self Government Negotiations status report.

Constitution - 1991

File contains records relating to Meech Lake and constitutional proposals. Included in the file are:
1) 2 copies of "Rolling Draft of Constitution Act, 1992 related to Aboriginal Peoples Mi'kmaq titles"
2) Report of the Atlantic First People's Constitutional Forum
3) First Nations Parallel Constitutional Process - AFN
4) Notes from Ad Hoc Committee on the Constitution - AFN
5) Shaping Canada's Future Together - proposals
6) Notes for an address by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney on the launch of the Government's Constitutional Proposals

S-9/S-10 Senate

File contains two copies Bill S-9 - An Act providing for self-government by the First Nations of Canada (1996) and one copy of Bill S-10 - An Act providing for self-government by the First Nations of Canada (1995)

CH. Lands Vol. III - 94-96

File contains records relating to the framework agreement on land management between First Nations and the Canadian Government. Included in the file is correspondence, news releases, draft and copy of framework agreement, and other records.

Lands Act C-75 12/96

File contains records related to First Nations Land Management. Included in the file is a news release, a copy of Bill C-75, and a framework agreement on First Nation Land Management between the Government of Canada and the First Nations of Westbank, Musqueam, Lheit Lit'en, N'Quatqua, Squamish, Siksika, Muskoday, Cowessess, Opaskwayak Cree, Nipissing, Mississaugas of Scugog Island, Chippewas of Mnjikaning, and Chippewas of Georgina Island.

Bill C-49 Lands Act 1999

File contains records related to Federal Bill C-49 and Lands and Trusts Services (LTS). Included in the file is correspondence; news clippings; Lands and Trusts Services Issues Analysis by Peter Di Gangi; planning documents; Joint Initiative on Lands and Governance report and draft workplan; LTS Kit - AFN Executive; AFN/INAC Joint Initiative for Policy Development (LTS) kit; Bill C-49.

Liberal Trix 1997

File contains newspaper clippings related to then Prime Minister Jean Chretien and then Minister of Indian Affairs Ron Irwin.

COO - Nov-Dec 2001

File contains newspaper clippings and a Chiefs of Ontario position statement regarding proposed Government policy and policy changes.

UN/GCCQ 3-4/99

File contains report created by the Grand Council of the Crees for the United Nations Economic and Social Council - "To the Edge of Cultural and Political Extinction" a response concerning the covenant rights of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada to the Government of Canada's fourth periodic report on the implementation of the international covenant on civil and political rights.

Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)

UN/GCCQ 11-12/98

Two copies of "Reciting the Symptoms, Ignoring the Cause: The Systematic Dispossession of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada" a response to the Government of Canada's third periodic report on the implementation of the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights.

Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)

Federal Budget 1998

File has records related to Federal Government budget information for 1998. Included are newspaper clippings; papers; and Indian Affairs and Northern Development budget information.

Deficits/Surplus - Policy

File contains records related to Federal budgets. Included in the file are newspaper clippings and a copy of "Canada's Current Economic and Fiscal Situation" - Dept. of Finance, Oct. 1992.

AFN Claims Jan 99

File contains records related to specific claims and the claims process. Included are news paper clippings, correspondence and accompanying materials.

AFN Claims 5/2000

File contains records related to the creation of an independent claims body in Canada. Included are newsclippings, correspondence and reports.

C-60/C-6 - "ICB" Kit

File contains records related to Bill C-6 and Bill C-60. Included are emails, notes, press releases, strategy documents, papers, and presentations from various bodies in reaction to the Bills. Also included are copies of the Bills themselves.

C-19 - FN Statistical & Fiscal Act

File contains records related to Bill C-19 First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act. Included in the file is correspondence and accompanying materials, and an official report of the House of Commons Debate Thursday January 30, 2003 - Vol. 138 No. 049 2nd session - 37th Parliament.

C. Y. I. Umbrella

File contains a copy of the Council for Yukon Indians Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement in Principle, a newspaper clipping, and correspondence between the Minister of Indian Affairs and the Council for Yukon Indians.


File contains records related to the Dene/Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement. Included in the file are:
1) Correspondence
2) Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement between Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and the Gwich'in as represented by the Gwich'in Tribal Council and supplement to the agreement
3) Dene/Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement in Principle
4) Analysis and Commentary: March 31, 1990 Draft of the Dene/Metis Claims Agreement - Assembly of First Nations Centre for Treaty Advocacy
5) Dene Leadership Meeting motions
6) Supreme Court of Canada appeal re: unpatented crown land in the Northwest Territories

Innu Impacts - Voisey/98

File contains records related to agreements between various Indigenous nations and mining corporations. Included in the file are:
1) Ntesinan Nteshiniminan Nteniunan - Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Innu Nation Task Force on Mining Activities final report
2) Memorandum of Understanding between the Innu Nation and Diamond Fields Resources Inc.
3) Morris/Rose/Ledgett memo - Summary of Impact Benefit Agreements

Claims - Critiques of Policies

File contains a variety of critiques of, and information on Canada's comprehensive claims policy. Included are:
1) Analysis of Canada's Comprehensive Claims Policy - AFN - Land Rights Unit
2) The "Blackhole" of Specific Claims in Canada - Need it take another 500 years? by Ric Savino, presented to The Canadian Bar Association Continuing Legal Education seminar
3) The Implementation of Federal Claims Policy 1973-1980 - a working paper by Murray Angus
4) First Nations Submission on Claims - AFN
5) AFN's Crititique of Federal Government Land Claims Policies
6) Doublespeak of the 90's: A Comparison of Federal Government and First Nation Perception of Land Claims Process - AFN

B. C. Treaty Comm Vol. I

File contains records related to the British Columbia Treaty Commission. Along with newspaper clippings, correspondence, and other related materials there are:
1) two copies of "Building a New Relationship with First Nations in British Columbia - Canada's response to the report of the B. C. Claims Task Force
2) newsletter "Pride in Partnership - British Columbia"
3) two copies of "British Columbia Treaty Commission Agreement"
4) newsletter "Treaty News" July 1995, and December 1996 editions
5) "The Report of The British Columbia Claims Task Force" July 28, 1991
6) "Aboriginal Rights and Title - A Made in B. C. Approach" by the Westbank Indian Council
7) Form 11 - Chief R. Kwasistala on behalf of the Lichkwilthach hereditary chiefs and others v. Canadian Government
8) Outline and background on BC Treaty Commission

Nisga'a AIP Analysis

File contains records related to the Agreement in Principle between the Nisga'a Tribal Council and the Governments of Canada and British Columbia. Included in the file are "Nisga'a Treaty Negotiations - Agreement in Principle brief"; news clippings; and two copies of "Part I: Executive Summary and Analysis of the Nisga'a Treaty Negotiations Agreement in Principle" by Mandell Pinder LLP Barristers and Solicitors for the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs.

Nisga'a AIP 95-96

File contains correspondence, news clippings and stories regarding the Nisga'a Agreement in Principle with the Governments of British Columbia and Canada. Also in the file are Nisga'a Land Claim Negotiation brochures; a copy of framework agreement; and a copy of a statement of Claim by the Pacific Fishermen's Defence Alliance, and others against the Government of Canada, with the Nisga'a Tribal Council as the Intervenor.

Land Use & Resources - T #9

File contains records related to the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation (NAN) and land/resource use. Included in the file are:
1) Proposal for traditional lands occupancy study
2) The Land - our culture, our heritage, our tradition and our future - position paper presented to the Government of Ontario by NAN
3) Positions and strategies regarding Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Land - 2nd annual Keewaywin Conference
4) Land use: recommendations
5) notes
6) The People and the land are one
7) A position paper on resource and economic development - proposed by Chiefs of the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation
8) Land and socio-economic development in Treaty No. 9 - submitted to Premier William Davis by Grand Council Treaty #9

Fish - Ont. Trip - 84

File contains records related to Indigenous fishing rights. Included in the file are:
1) copy of agreement between The Government of Canada, Government of Ontario, Union of Ontario Indians, Nishnawbe-Aski, Grand Council Treaty #3, The Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians, and The Six Nations of the Grand River regarding fishery resources
2) memo and accompanying interview transcripts (handwritten and typed) between Peter Di Gangi and the Ministry of Natural Resources
3) Southwest Region Commercial Fishermen Consultation Meeting, 1984
4) Teleconference notes between Peter Di Gangi and various parties
5) Chronology of events re: Tripartite Fishing Negotiations


File contains maps, promotional, and informational materials related to the creation of Nunavut. The information pages are written in the three official languages of Nunvut - Inuit Language (Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun), English, and French.


File contains records related to the Federal Government's Migratory Birds Convention Act (MBCA) and Indigenous peoples. Included in the file are copies of interim policy changes; a copy of the act; correspondence; and records from the Migratory Birds Working Group.

Border Crossing - Jan. '89

File contains records related to the issue of First Nations border crossing rights. Included is correspondence, reports, and other related records.

Program Review 2005

File contains records related to Federal program review funding cuts. Included is a Federal Program Review synopsis for Indian Affairs, Privy Council, and Fisheries and Oceans, and 2 news stories from the Hill Times regarding the expenditure review.

Fed Budget 3/2004

File contains a redacted Government pre-budget consultation report and a news story about Indigenous Affairs in the media.

Fed Reference Group - Feb/02

File contains two documents created by the Federal Government:
1) Aboriginal Policy: Legal and Constitutional Framework, Oct. 2001
2) Renewing Treaties, Claims and Self-Government Negotiation Processes to support a "Quality of Life" Agenda - Reference Group of Ministers on Aboriginal Policy, Feb. 2002

FNG Bckgrnd - 3/2003

File contains records related to Bill C-7, the Federal Government's First Nations Governance Act. Included in the file is correspondence, a guide to Bill C-7, news releases, briefs, minutes, analyses, and newspaper clippings.

MC Re: FNG May 2002

File contains a copy of a memorandum to Cabinet regarding First Nations Governance Legislation. Also in the file is a copy of the article "Colonialism 101 How Governments Keep Control" by Rarihokwats.

FNG - Governance 2006

File contains "secret" advice to Minister regarding First Nations governance and an Ontario Government redacted briefing note regarding the Batchewana First Nation.