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Peter Di Gangi Papers Ficheiro Inglês
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RCAP - Clippings

File contains newspaper and magazine clippings relating to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP) report and the reports release.

RCAP release: 11/96

File contains:
1) invitation to sunrise ceremony to commemorate the completion of commission's work
2) address for the launch of the report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (2 copies)
3) Economist article ""The Wisdom of King George"" 1996
4) Guide to the principal findings and recommendations of the final report of The Royal Commission on Aborginal Peoples
5) Assembly of First Nations response and associated materials"

RCAP: Fed response 1/98

File contains:
1) newspaper clippings
2) copy of "An Agenda for Action with First Nations" Govt of Canada
3) copy of "Gathering Strength - Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan"
4) Agenda for Action with First Nations
5) Backgrounder newsletters from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
6) speeches and news releases re: "Gathering Strength - Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan"
7) Assembly of First Nations (AFN) proposed response to RCAP plan"

AFN RCAP Assembly 2/97

File contains notes, correspondence and other materials relating to Assembly of First Nations and their response to the RCAP final report.

RCAP Analysis

File contains:
1) AFN RCAP Strategies for implementation discussion paper draft #1 Feb. 22, 1997
2) AFN RCAP Final Report and Recommendations preliminary analysis and commentary draft #3 Feb. 22, 1997
3) AFN RCAP preliminary assessment of the report of RCAP - recommendations on treaties, land and resources - AFN Land Rights Unit Feb. 21, 1997
4) correspondence
5) Summary and Issues Analysis of the Recommendations and Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples for Chiefs in Ontario, January 1997
6) Preliminary Assessment of the Report on the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - recommendations on residential schools

Oka - Akwesasne

File contains news clippings, newspapers and other materials regarding Akwesasne in 1979 and Kanesatake (Oka) in 1990.

4 Pillars - 9/90

File contains notes for an address to the House of Commons by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney on the House Resolution with respect to Oka, Sept. 25, 1990 and a copy of "Building a New Relationship - the Native Agenda - 4 Pillars".

Oka - 1990

File contains materials relating to the events at Oka in 1990. Included in the file are:
1) correspondence
2) Maclean's Magazine, September 10, 1990
3) Soldier of Fortune magazine, December 1990
4) "The Summer of 1990" - fifth report of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, May 1991
5) "Shaping Canada's Future Together" highlights booklet
6) "Shaping Canada's Future Together" proposals

Post Oka

File contains:
1) clippings and articles
2) draft discussion paper ""Alternative Approaches to First Nations Inherent, Aboriginal & Treaty Rights in Canada, Centre for Treaty Advocacy, October 17, 1990
3) Notes for statement by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney ""Canada and the 21st Century"" November 1, 1990
4) Release and accompanying materials - Citizen's Forum on Canada's Future"


File contains copies of the the publication "Anasazi" published by Obonsawin Irwin Consulting Services. Copies in file include: August 1997; October 1997; January 1998; Vol 5 No. 1, 2; Vol 6 No. 1, 2; Vol 7 No. 2; Vol 8 No. 1, 2; Vol 9 No. 2.

O. I. Group of Companies

Miscellaneous Periodicals

File contains miscellaneous periodicals:
1) Self-Government is Treason pamphlet
2) letter to Chiefs of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (2 copies)
4) Page 12 from "Anasazi" periodical (4 copies)
5) Cartoon by Bill [Powless] (3)
6) Recent Trends and Initiatives in Indian Affairs pamphlet
7) Reader's Digest, March 1997 - correspondence to Magazine regarding article
8) The Beaver, Winter 1979
9) Alternatives - Perspectives on Society and Environment A Special Issue on the North, Autumn 1978
10) Lang Michener Barristors & Solicitors newsletter "In Brief" Summer 1997
11) Changing Course - A Study Guide for Canadian Social Analysis (2 copies)
12) The Catalyst - a publication of Citizens for Public Justice, Dec/Jan 2000; Apr/May 2000; June/July 2000; Aug/Sept 2000; Oct/Nov 2001
13) Jubilee Initiative petition on Aboriginal Land Rights
14) News clipping "Obidiah" from The First Perspective
15) This Country Canada Vol. 1 No. 1, Summer 1992

The Ontario Indian

File contains copies of "The Ontario Indian", a publication put out by the Union of Ontario Indians. Included in the file are: Vol. 1 No. 4 December 1978; Vol. 3 No. 6 June 1980; Vol. 3 No. 7 July 1980; Vol. 3 No. 8 August 1980; Vol. 3 No. 9 September 1980; Vol. 4 No. 6 June 1981; Vol. 4 No. 10 October 1981; and Vol. 4 No. 9 September 1981.

Union of Ontario Indians

Akwesasne Notes

File contains copies of "Akwesasne Notes", a magazine published by the Program in American Studies at the State University of New York at Buffalo and D-Q University. In the file are: Vol. II No. 2 May 1979; Vol. II No. 4 Autumn 1979; Vol. II No. 3 Summer 1979; Vol. II No. 5 Spring 1980; and Vol. 16 No. 4 Summer 1984.

Federal-Provincial & Indians

File contains a copy of the proceedings of the Federal-Provincial Conference on Indian Affairs held in Ottawa in October 1964. Also in the file is a copy of a report created by the Department of Indian Affairs outlining government (Federal and Provincial) relations with Canada's Indigenous peoples.

Federal-Provincial & Indians pt. 2

File contains correspondence, memorandums, and agreements in regards to the assignment of lands and natural resources in Alberta and Manitoba between the Federal and Provincial governments. Also in the file is a copy of the proceedings of the Joint Committee of the Senate and House of Commons on Indian Affairs held May 16, 1961, and a 2 page information sheet on Federal-Provincial responsibility for Indians.

White Paper '69

File contains papers related the the White paper released in 1969 "Statement of the Government of Canada on Indian Policy". Included in the file are: 2 copies of draft #3 "The Indian Act - proposed revision" November, 1967; 2 copies of the white paper; Letter/report from the Assistant Deputy Minister (Indian Consulation and Negotiation) to the Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development; Memorandum re: meeting held in 1971 between Prime Minister Trudeau, cabinet members, Chiefs and members at large of the Canadian Aboriginal communities regarding the Indian White paper and Red paper.

White Paper - 1972

File contains correspondence and memorandums regarding issues surrounding the 1969 white paper, and Cabinet Document #747 "Developments in Indian Affairs".

UBCIC Brown Paper

File contains a copy of the Brown Paper - A Declaration of Indian Rights, The B. C. Position paper prepared by the UBCIC (The Union of B. C. Indian Chiefs), dated November 17, 1970.
Also in the file is an invitation to the Spring graduation of the Institute of Indigenous Government in Burnaby B. C.

MIB-Wahbung - 1971

File contains a copy of "Wahbung - Our Tomorrows" by The Indian Tribes of Manitoba 1871-1971, Manitoba Indian Brotherhood. Also in the file is a letter from the Treaty & Aboriginal Rights Research Centre of Manitoba, Inc.

Indian-Eskimo Association, 1970

File contains copies of Treaties - Native Rights in Canada a synopsis and a critique by the Indian-Eskimo Association of Canada's legal committee.

Self Govt Policy, 1986-1990

File contains a copy of Sally M. Weaver's "Self Government Policy for Indians 1980-1990: Political Transformation of Symbolic Gestures"; 2 copies of "Notes on Cabinet Documents Relating to Self-Government"; Copy of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Federal and Provincial governments and the Nishnawbe-Aksi Nation, 1985; and a copy of "Self Government Negotiations status report.

Sechelt /86

File contains records relating to the Sechelt Indian Band and the Government of Canada. Included in the folder are correspondence regarding the Sechelt Band Comprehensive Claim; a copy of "A Practical Proposal for Resolving the Indian Land Claim in British Columbia as it Affects The Sechelt Indian Band" by the Sechelt Indian Band Council; 2 copies of the Sechelt Indian Band act; a copy of a Communique from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada regarding the renewal of federal self-government funding to the Sechelt Indian Band.

T. B. Devolution 11/86

File contains a copy of the Canadian Government's Treasury Board on the Devolution plan proposed by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. The Devolution plan entailed "transfer of programs and service delivery to Indian Bands and other Indian Organizations".

Tories 1983-

File of newspaper and magazine clippings, the majority of which relate to Brian Mulroney's stepping down as Prime Minister. Also in the file is a copy of the Constitution of the National Progressive Conservative Aboriginal Caucus (1985).

Fed Policy 1984 - Memos

Copy of memo and accompanying slides relating to the slide presentation for the Cabinet Committee. Slides contain information on the impact of governmental legislation and policy on Indian Rights.

Nielsen Rpt - 1985

File contains several different reports. They include:
1) Report of the Ministerial Task Force on Native Programs, April 12, 1985
2) Indian and Native Programs - a study team report to the Task Force on Program Review, April 1985
3) Indians and Natives - Improved Program Delivery - a study team report to the Task Force on Program Review (2 copies)
Also in the file are two newspaper paper clippings - one about the Nielsen task force and the other about conflict in the Middle East.

Special Words & Tactics, 1987-88/1994

File contains:
1) Discussion notes on Lands, Revenues and Trusts Sector - Mont Ste. Marie, January 27-29, 1988
2) Privy Council Office - Program Review Secretariet - Internal Communications to Support the Program Review, July 7, 1994
3) Draft precis re: Federal Policies, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, January 1988
4) James Bay Northern Quebec Agreement, Implementation Agreement Negotiations Strategic Communications Overview, April 1987

C-31 Legal Opinion, 7/87

Final draft of legal opinion of Arki & Nahwegahbow, Barristers Solicitors Notaries pertaining to the constitutional validity of "An Act to Amend the Indian Act. S. C., 1985, c.27.

Buffalo Jump, 1987-88

File contains a pamphlet "Self-Government is Treason" put out by the Confederation of Shuswap/Okanagan Action Committee; "Reveille for First Nations: The Politics of Aggression and Defence" by Walter Rudnicki; and 4 copies of a pamphlet "Recent Trends and Initiatives in Indian Affairs".

Self-Determination Symposium - AFN Toronto, 2000

File contains a copy of the Self-Determination Symposium held in Toronto in 2000. Symposium was jointly organized by the Assembly of First Nations in association with the University of Toronto, Department of Indian Affairs, and the Ontario Attorney General's Office.

Band Debt: Funding

File contains copies of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada's "Default Prevention and Management" document; a two page paper titled "First Nation Debt - Reduction and Analysis"; and two copies of Laurel Lemchuk-Favel's paper "Back to the Future - An Analysis of DIAND Funding Methods".

Band Debt: Audit/1995

Fact Sheet and copy of Audit Report "First Nations Indebtedness" project 93/01 of the Departmental Audit and Evaluation Branch of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.

Bill C-79, 1997

File contains correspondence, notes, and multiple copies of "Notes on Bill C-79".

Aboriginal Liberals

File contains records relating to the Federal Liberal Party's Aboriginal Peoples' Policy, the Aboriginal Peoples' Commission and the Liberal Aboriginal platform

Red Book Critiques

File contains records relating to the Liberal Parties' policies specifically relating to their Aboriginal platform.

Liberal Policy - 8/95

File contains:
1) New Release - Government Launches process for Negotiating Aboriginal Self-Government (2 copies)
2) Creating Opportunity - Progress on Commitments to Aboriginal Peoples report
3) Federal Policy on Aboriginal Self-Government - policy guide, backgrounder (2 copies), and executive summary (2 copies)
4) Divide and Conquer 1969 Revisited - A discussion paper exploring the Federal Liberal Government's recent agenda to undermine First Nations rights and processes - Assembly of First Nations

Liberal Policy - 4/95

File contains records relating to "secret" Liberal briefing notes on Aboriginal Policy, self-government, and Nisga'a Land Claims.

DIAND: Indian Population 1995

File contains 2 copies of the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs (DIAND) draft policy on population statistics for on-and off reserve indigenous populations. Also in the file is Peter Di Gangi's analysis of the document, created for the Union of Nova Scotia Indians.

Fed. Treaty Policy - 4/95

File contains a draft of the aide-memoire regarding treaty policy. Also in the file is a press release regarding Treaty 6 talks, and a copy of the framework for discussion between the Federal Government and the Huron-Wendat Nation (Murray Treaty)

Sovereignty - AMC & R. Pangowish 84/92

File contains copies of several articles and papers. They include:
1) Native Self-Government - I: Closing the Circle by Roland Pangowish. The New Federation, Jan-Feb, 1992
2) Indian Sovereignty Re-examined: Are Indian Nations still harnessed with faulty paradigms by Lloyd W. Stevenson
3) Restoring and Reaffirming First Nation Goverment - a discussion paper on self-determination and self-goverment by Lloyd W. Stevenson
4) Sovereignty: Its meaning in words and practice by Inger Weibust

Self Govt: 1994, Hutchins et. al

File contains two volumes of readings from the Continuing Legal Education Program's annual meeting held in Toronto in 1994.
The two volumes contain:
1) "The Inherent Right of Aboriginal Self-Goverment - the Aboriginal right to self-goverment and the Canadian constitution: the ghost in the machine" by Peter Hutchins, Carol Hilling, Diane Soroka, and David Schulze
2) "Reflexions sur 'Partenaires au sein de la Confederation' et le Droit 'Inherent' a L'Autonomie Gouvernementale" by Sylvain Lussier
3) "Collective and Individual Rights" by Sharon D. McIvor
4) "The Inherent Right of Self-Government as an Aboriginal and Treaty Right" by Delia Opekokew
5) "First Nations and the Constitution: A Question of Trust" by Dr. Brian Slattery
6) "Another Opinion: A Critique of the Paper Prepared by the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Entitled: 'Partners in Confederation'" by Kenneth J. Tyler

Treasury Board

File contains background information about the Government of Canada's Treasury Board. Included in the file are a listing of people working on the Board. speech notes, new releases, and outlook documents.

Fed Treaty Policy - 96-98

File contains several documents relating to Federal Government treaties. Included are:
1) Preliminary Views on Treaties and the Treaty Relationship - Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, July 15-17, 1997
2) Speaking notes for Jane Stewart, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development in reply to throne speech, Oct. 2, 1997
3) Treaty implementation issues papers
4) list of historic Indian treaties

Fed Policy 12/97

File contains:
1) newspaper clippings
2) Assembly of First Nations (AFN) memorandum re: Discussion on Canada's proposed response to RCAP and meeting with Fed. Government
3) Speaking notes from Jane Stewart, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, to standing committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
4) News release re: National Aboriginal Financing Task Force

DIAND - 97/98 Plan

File contains a copy of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's Framework for Action 1997-1998, and related materials.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Inherent Rite 5/95

File contains a copy of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's Framework for Action 1997-1998, and related materials.

Self Govt - Fed Neg Mandate/97

File contains copies of "Guidelines for Federal Self-Government Negotiators"; a draft discussion paper "Possible consequences of Recognizing Self-Government Agreements as Treaties under section 35 of the Constitution Act; a presentation re: implementation of inherent right and negotiation of self-government; and other related records.

Liberal S. G. Policy Response

File contains records relating to the response to the Federal Liberal Government's self-government policy. It includes newspaper clippings; an analysis of the policy framework by the Chiefs of Ontario; the 1995 White paper; a copy of "Government Renewal of the '69 White Paper"; Assembly of First Nations response; and other materials.

Inherent Rite Cab Doc 5/95

File contains an annotated copy of the memorandum to Cabinet re: Framework for the Implementation of the Inherent Right to the Negotiation of Self-Government.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Auditor General 4/99

File contains excerpts from the Auditor General of Canada's April 1999 report. Included are Chapter 5: Collaborative Arrangements: Issues for the Federal Government; Chapter 10: Funding Arrangements for First Nations: Follow-Up; and Chapter 2: Revenue Canada: The Underground Economy Initiative.

Office of the Auditor General of Canada

Federal Budget 2/99

File contains a copies of the 1999 Federal Budget Analysis and a newspaper clipping

Auditor Gen. 9/96

File contains a copy of "Chapter 13 - Study of Accountability Practices from the Perspective of First Nations" from Volume 2 - September 1996 of the Auditor General's report to the House of Commons.

Office of the Auditor General of Canada

Audit Gen: 1991 & 94

File contains a copy of Section 14 "Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development" from the 1994 Auditor General of Canada's report to the House of Commons. File also contains some pages 19-21 from the 1991 report.

Office of the Auditor General of Canada

AG Report - 1986

Copy of Chapter 11 Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development from the Auditor General of Canada's 1986 report to the House of Commons.

Office of the Auditor General of Canada

AG's Report - 1990

File contains pages from the Auditor General of Canada's report to the House of Commons dealing with comprehensive land claims.

Office of the Auditor General of Canada

Program Assessment & Review, 1994

File contains records relating to Federal Government programs and assessment of those programs. Included are a Program Assessment by Peter DiGangi for the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs; newspaper clippings; a draft of "Programs, Policies and Approvals" for the RCAP Treaty Policy team; historical outline of Indian social welfare developments, 1945-1966; and Assembly of First Nations materials.

Trojan Buffalo 6/95

File contains 3 reports prepared by Peter Di Gangi. They include:
1) The "Trojan Buffalo"? Inherent Right, Federal Policy and the Bureaucracy: A Situational Analysis
2) Crown - First Nation Intergovernmental Relations: Politics, Policy and Bureaucracies
3) Federal Program Assessment and Review: Buffalo Jump II?

Di Gangi, Peter

Self Govt: PCO/CBSG 10/92

File contains correspondence, a draft report and a copy of "Negotiating Self-Government Agreements - The Experience of First Nations Involved in Self Government Negotiations".

Self Govt - AFN/91

File contains agenda and supporting documents for the Assembly of First Nations Conference "First Nations-Crown Relations" held April 25 - 27, 1991.

UIC CBSG 89-91

File contains information regarding Community Based Self Government in relations to the United Indian Councils of the Mississauga and Chippewa Nations. Included are:
1) booklet - Indian Government: Treaties, Rights and Development
2) booklet - Traditional Territories - Rights, Jurisdiction, & Co-existence
3) booklet - Economic Self Sufficiency & Self Determination
4) News release - United Anishnaabeg Councils Sign First Self Government Agreement in Principle
5) Listing of Missassauga Nation Treaties
6) Discussion paper - United Indian Councils of Mississauga and Chippewa Nations Self Government Negotiations, prepared by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's Self-Government Negotiations team


File contains a copy of the The North Shore First Nations and North Shore Tribal Council Self-Government Initiative information package.

UOI Self Govt 1991/92

File contains meeting minutes from the the Union of Ontario Indians (UOI) /Tribal Council Relationship meetings and accompanying materials. Those materials include a draft working paper on protocol between Native Political Organizations and First Nations created by the United Chiefs and Councils of Manitoulin; a report on UOI/Tribal Council Relationships; Union of Ontario Indians relationship with Superior First Nations; United Indian Councils (UIC)'s Indian Government Institutions Inter-relationships & Protocol; and a copy of North Shore First Nations and North Shore Tribal Council Self Government Initiative.

UOI Self Govt 3-4/94

File contains a terms of reference for the Tribal Councils Advisory Board to the Union of Ontario Indians; a memo from the Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres re: advisory committee; lists of tribal councils; a list of friendship centres; Anishinabek - Tribal Council Relations draft report prepared for the UOI by Peter Di Gangi; and a copy of "Declaration of the Anishinabek" November 1980.

Yukon Self Govt

File contains two documents pertaining to self-government in the Yukon Territories. The first is a copy of the Teslin Tlingit Council self-goverment agreement implementation plan and the second is the First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun self-government agreement between The Government of the Yukon, The Government of Canada, and the First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun.

Self Govt 1991 Vol. 1

File contains materials relating to self-government. Included are newspaper clippings; correspondence; records relating to the Chiefs' Governance Working Group; press releases; Assembly of First Nations bulletins; a copy of "Building Blocks towards Constitutionalizing First Nations Self-Government"; "Approach to First Nations Government"; and an information sheet "Indian Act Alternatives".

Self Govt Vol. II 1991

File contains what appears to be a workbook of information from the Chiefs' Governance Working Group. Included in the workbook are:
1) Approach to First Nations Government: Governance
2) The Mawiw Council of Chiefs proposal respecting the exploration, development and negotiation of an "Indian Court System"
3) Governance Community-Level Constitution chart
4) Governance
5) Building Blocks Towards Constitutionalizing First Nations Self-Government
6) Chiefs' Governance Working Group Chairman's Working paper on Leadership Selection - Draft #1
7) Chiefs' Governance Working Group Chairman's Discussion Paper on Process
8) Chiefs' Governance Working Group Chairman's Discussion Paper: Need for a Communication Strategy
9) Chiefs' Governance Working Group Chairman's Discussion Paper: Objectives and Means in Changing Crown-First Nations Relationship
10) Concept paper Training Element for Inclusion to Work Plans
11) Discussion paper - Leadership Selection
12) Proposal on Accountability
13) Proposal for First Nations Governance Issue: Legal Status and Capacity
14) A Framework for a Leadership Selection Act (by Voting)
15) Principles Guiding the Development of Alternatives to the Indian Act
16) Chiefs' Governance Working Group status report
17) Leadership Selections Act (draft)

Gov. Vol. III: 92-93

File contains correspondence, a copy of the Chiefs' Governance Working Group Report, The Constitution and Self-Government information, and other records relating to self-governance.

Governance - RCAP 7/94

File contains Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples related materials. Included are: draft outline - Policy Options Paper: Aboriginal Governance; Minutes of 54th meeting Sept. 12-16, 1994; Memo to Treaty/Governance RCAP teams; and draft copy of The Treaty Relationship & Governance.

UOI Self Govt - 12/95

File contains a work book from the Anishinabek Special Chiefs Assembly "Restoring Anishinabek Jurisdiction" held December 11-12, 1995 in North Bay.

UOI Self Govt 12/98

File contains copies of the framework agreement with respect to governance between the Anishinabek Nation and The Federal Government (as representatives of the Queen). The file also contains a press release regarding the signing of the agreement.

Siksika - CBSG/Negs 92-93

File contains records relating to self-government for the Siksika First Nation. File includes a copy of the agreement between The Siksika and the Federal Government and four documents prepared for the Siksika First Nation by Robert A. Reiter - titled "Accountability Legislation", "First Nation Government Finance Act", "First Nation Governance Recognition Act", and "First Nation Government Act".

Monies 91-93

File contains records relating to First Nations money management. Included in the file are:
1) An analysis of Indian Act Alternatives on Indian Moneys, prepared for the Native Council of Canada
2) "secret" draft legislation - First Nations Moneys Management Act
3) Monies Committee - Legislative Section
4) Indian Monies Committee and Trust Fund Management: Current Initiatives of the Governance Working Group, prepared by Peter Di Gangi

NAFA Legis. 6/93

File contains records relating to the First Nation Forest Resources Management Act and the National Aboriginal Forestry Association (NAFA). Included in the file are:
1) NAFA (National Aboriginal Forestry Association) brochure
2) Correspondence re: First Nation Forest Resources Management Act
3) An analysis of the proposed First Nation Forest Resources Management Act, prepared for the Native Council of Canada
4) NAFA drafts No. 4 and draft No. 5 - Proposal for a First Nation Forest Resources Management Act
5) NAFA Quarterly newsletter - Summer 1992, Summer 1993
6) Lands, Revenues and Trusts Forestry Review - Intertribal Forestry Association of British Columbia, December 1990

AMC-FAI 1994-96

File contains records relating to the framework agreement initiative and the Association of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC). The file includes newsclippings; correspondence; a brochure "Moving Beyond Talk - A first step to restoring jurisdictions to Manitoba First Nations; news releases; copy of the memorandum of understanding between AMC and the Federal Government; copies of the framework; and other related materials.

Taxation - 1/96

File contains correspondence, news releases and other records related to taxation and First Nations.

Premiers Vol. I

File contains records relating to provincial/territorial social policy. Included in the file are:
1) news releases/newspaper clippings
2) Report - New Approaches to Canada's Social Union, prepared by the Provincial/Territorial Council on Social Policy Renewal
3) Social Policy Reform and Renewal - 37th annual Premiers' Conference
4) Renewing the Canadian Federation: An Ontario Perspective, Dianne Cunningham, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs
5) Ministerial Council on Social Policy Reform and Renewal - report to Premiers

Premiers Vol. II

File contains records relating to Provincial/Territorial Premier meetings regarding social reform. Included are:
1) newspaper clippings/news releases
2) correspondence
3) Report No. 2 - Provincial Territorial Council on Social Policy Renewal progress report to Premiers.

Ont - Federalism 8/96

File contains a news release regarding the paper "Access: A Convention on the Canadian Economic and Social Systems" by Professor Thomas J. Courchene.

Poverty/Tax/Fed Prov/97

File contains newspaper clippings, and a copy of the draft interim report regarding public accounts and the Specific Claims branch of the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs.

Indian Taxation - THRC 1978

File contains two copies of the discussion report on Indian Taxation by W. E. Daugherty and released by the Treaties and Historical Research Centre.

Taxation/GST: 1989-91

File contains records regarding taxation and introduction of the GST. Included is correspondence and accompanying materials, court case documentation; Report - First annual report of the Indian Taxation Advisory Board 1989/90; An Information Guide for Indian and Native Businesses on the Impact of GST; and the ABC's of GST and Indians.

Tax: Big Picture

File of newspaper and magazine clippings regarding taxation, debt, and economics.

Taxation - Jan/93

File contains 2 copies of "A Working Paper on Indian Government Taxation"; story from the Manitoba Law Journal "Taxation of Aboriginals in Canada" by Howard L. Morry; memos from Ovide Mercredi, National Chief Assembly of First Nations re: taxation issues planning committee meetings; and court decision in Williams v. Canada.

Taxation 1991-1993

File contains records related to Indian taxation . Included in the file is correspondence from Roger Obonsawin re: taxation; Department of Finance Working paper on Indian Taxation; Department of Finance - Indian Taxation Policy Review and accompanying materials; a report "Indian Monies Committee and Trust Fund Management: Current Initiatives of the Governance Working Group; and a brochure "What is Self Government" put out by the United Indian Councils.

ITAB - Real Property Tax - 1990

File contains two copies of "Introduction to Real Property Taxation on Reserve" by the Indian Taxation Advisory Board, Indian and Northern Affairs.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Tax/Ec Dev - AFN 01/1990

Assembly of First Nations Chiefs' Economic Committee Council Fire: Managing Economic and Business Issues.

AFN - Taxation - 10/91

File contains records relating to the Assembly of First Nations National Taxation meeting held in Ottawa October 3-4, 1991. Included in the file is a meeting summary; a brochure; handwritten notes; and correspondence with accompanying materials.

Taxation Conf. Whistler, 1991

Brochure and highlights report from the Indian Governments and Tax: a conference exploring the nature and powers of tax, held November 12-15, 1991 in Whistler, British Columbia.

Taxation - Nov. 1993

File contains a variety of papers and reports related to taxation. Included are:
1) "A First Nations Province" executive summary, Thomas J. Courchene and Lisa M. Powell
2) "A taxation potential estimate for the Le Pas First Nation".
3) "Judgement Day - the link between taxation jurisdiction and economic development for First Nations" by Andre Le Dressay, Indian Taxation Advisory Board
4) "Indian Government taxes and Services in British Columbia - alternatives under Bill C-115 and Bill 64" by Robert L. Bish, Eric G. Clemens, and Hector G. Topham
5) "Some Short Answers to Some Tough Tax Questions" Indian Taxation Advisory Board
6) "Taxation of Aboriginals in Canada" Howard L. Morry
7) Parliamentary Alert newsletter Vol. 12, No. 4 February 3, 1994

C-115 - Kamloops

File contains records relating to Parliament Bill C-115 - an act to amend the Indian Act. In the file is a info sheet "Band Property Taxation Powers on Reserves" and a background report on Bill C-115.

Financing - Goss Gilroy

File contains copies of reports created by Goss Gilroy Inc. for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. The two reports are "Federal, Territorial and Provincial Expenditures relating to Aboriginal Peoples" and "Report on Assignment 2 The Costs of Policy and Program Failure". Also in the file is a working draft of a report "Current Practices in Financing Aborignal Government" by Torben Drewes and Harry Kitchen of Trent University.

Taxation - Heather Caswell

File contains proposal, outline, and a working draft copy of the paper "First Nations Taxation Exemption and Jurisdiction: The Legal Context and Policy Options". Paper was authored for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Caswell, Heather M.

Taxation - Kamloops Bylaws

File contains a newsclipping and copies of the Kamloops Indian Band's bylaws pertaining to taxation and property assessment.

GST Harmonization 4/96

File contains record relating to Canadian sales tax harmonization. Included is the booklet "Towards Replacing the Goods and Services Tax".

CHST - 95/96

File contains records relating to the Canadian Health and Social Transfer from the Federal to Provincial/Territorial Governments. Included in the file is correspondence; newspaper clippings; report "Social Policy Beyond the Budget" by the Canadian Council on Social Development; report "Looking for Mr. Good-Transfer, a guide to the CHST negotiations" by Michael Mendelson, Caledon Institute of Social Policy; draft #3 "Aboriginal Social Assistance Programs" by Allan Moscovitch and Andrew Webster; "Canadian Health and Social Transfer - Bill C-76 First Nations Impacts" Linden A. Pinay for the Assembly of First Nations; and copies of "Canadian Perspectives" the Council of Canadian magazine.

Fisc/Soc. Programs /96

File contains records dealing with Federal/Provincial fiscal and social programs for First Nations.

ITAB - Utility Tax By-Laws B. C.

File contains records relating to taxation and First Nations. File contains two copies of the Skuppah First Nation assessment by-law; news releases about appointment to Indian Taxation Advisory Board; and a copy of "Why Tax? - Considerations for First Nations Councils".

ASI Plans

File contains records relating created in conjunction with the Assembly of First Nations/Aboriginal Strategic Initiative regarding First Nations social services. Included in the file are:
1) Towards a National Framework for a First Nations Social Security System - a discussion document (2 copies)
2) Selected Executive Summaries Aboriginal Strategic Initiative Comprehensive Research and Effective Practices on Social Security Reform (2 copies)
3) Discussion Paper - A First Nations' Agenda for the National Child Benefit
4) Towards a Framework for a First Nations Social Security System - Our Challenge Our Responsibility Facilitator Information Kit
5) ASI Jurisdiction History outline
6) Executive Summary Report on First Nations Children, Our Future; A Comprehensive Review on the Cultural Conflicts Contributing to First Nation Child Poverty
7) Memorandum of Agreement between Assembly of First Nations/Aboriginal Strategic Initiative and Peter Di Gangi

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