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Special Collections Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) Inglés
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DIAND Polls - 1995-3/97

File contains Insight Research Canada polling reports for 1996-1997. Reports received as part of and Access to Information request by Peter Di Gangi. Included in the file are:
1) Pollara - Perspectives Canada Vol. VI, No. 1 First Quarter 1997 subscriber analysis - DIAND
2) Perspectives Canada Fall 1994 and Winter 1995 - Department of Indian and Northern Affairs
3) Perspectives Canada Vol. IV, No. 2 - Subscriber analysis: Department of Indian and Northern Affairs
4) Perspectives Canada Vol. IV, No. 3 - Subscriber analysis: Department of Indian and Northern Affairs
5) Perspectives Canada Vol. IV, No. 4 - Subscriber analysis: Department of Indian and Northern Affairs
6) Insight Canada Poll Results - Feb. 1996
7) Perspectives Canada Vol. V, No. 3 - Subscriber analysis: Department of Indian and Northern Affairs
8) Perspectives Canada Vol. V, No. 4 Fall 1996 - subscriber analysis - DIAND
9) Contract between Insight Research Canada and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada for the surveys.

DIAND - Bckgrnd - 96

File contains records related to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND). Included in the file are DIAND news releases; Human Resources Development Canada news releases; correspondence; "You Wanted to Know" printouts from the DIAND website; and several audits of DIAND initiatives.

Federal Budgets

File contains records related to various Federal budgets. Included in the file are:
1) newspaper clippings
2) Lang Michener "In Brief" - Spring 1997, Spring 1995
3) News release re: DIAND program review and accompanying report
4) Presentation to the Assembly of First Nations on 1995-1996 Expenditures for Aboriginal Peoples
5) The Budget in Grief - Assembly of First Nations, March 15, 1990

Fed. 1994 Budget

File contains a copy of Andrew Webster's "The Impact of Spring 1994 Federal Budget Changes in INAC on First Nations - a preliminary analysis prepared for the Assembly of First Nations".

Webster, Andrew

DIA - 98/99 Estimates

File contains two documents: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and Canadian Polar Commission 1998-1999 estimates - a report on plans and priorities; and Comprehensive Claims Policy and Status of Claims, Nov. 21, 1997.

Federal Budget 1998

File has records related to Federal Government budget information for 1998. Included are newspaper clippings; papers; and Indian Affairs and Northern Development budget information.

Cabinet Nov/98

File contains clippings and documents related to "Gathering Strength" the Federal Government's response to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

C-79 Master Kit - xerox

File contains master copies of legal briefs, analyses, speaking notes, and other records related to Bill C-79 - an act to permit certain modifications in the application of the Indian Act to bands that desire them created/collected by the Assembly of First Nations. Included are:
1) Preliminary notes on Bill C-79
2) correspondence between Assembly of First Nations and Nahwegahbow, Nadjiwan Barrister and Solicitors
3) Framework for Analysis: Diand's proposed Indian Act amendments
4) Remarks on Bill C-79. the 'Optional Indian Act Modification Act'
5) Submission to Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development on the Optional Indian Act Modification Act by the North Shore Tribal Council
6) copy of Bill C-79

Reserves - Powers

File contains three reports about Canada's Indian Reserves authored by William B. Henderson for the Research Branch of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. They include:
1) Canada's Indian Reserves: Legislative Powers, 1981
2) Canada's Indian Reserves: Legislative Powers An Update, 1985
3) Canada's Indian Reserves: The Usufruct in our Constitution, 1980

Henderson, William B.

UNations/Canada: 1988

File contains news clippings and United Nations reports regarding Canada and its Indigenous Peoples. United Nations reports are from United Nations Economic and Social Council.

United States

File contains newspaper and magazine clippings, magazines, journals and other publications related to Indigenous Peoples in the United States. File also contains statements and reports regarding the U. S. Government and self-government.

Water Rites V. I

File contains records related to Indigenous water rights. Included in the file are:
1) Correspondence - International Indian Water Rights Coalition
2) Indian Resource and Water Rights - Kenneth J. Tyler
3) Title to the Water Bed: The Legal History of the Ad Medium Filum Aquae Rule - Rose Boyko Wuerscher
4) Indian Water Rights in the Western United States: An Historical Overview and Discussion of Some Current Issues - Jeffrey A. Ross
5) Peigan Nation Administration water rights lawsuit
6) Carrier Sekani Tribal Council legal documents re: Kemano II project

Crown Treaty Policy

File contains a copy of the Federal Treaty Policy Study by Stephen Aronson and Ron Maguire; a copy of the completed Aboriginal Treaties questionnaire for RCAP - submitted by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada; and copies of the questionnaire question and a list of people it was sent to.

Fiscal Institutions - 2002

File contains records related to the First Nations Fiscal Initiative. Included in the file are information kits, correspondence, briefing notes and other materials.

FNG - March 2002

File contains records related to the Federal Government's "Communities First: First Nations Governance" initiative. Included in the file are correspondence; an assessment of the consultation process by Peter Douglas Elias; and a First Nations Governance Community Consultations summary report by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.

FNG - 2002 Vol. I

File contains records relating to First Nations Governance. Included are newspaper clippings, correspondence, meeting kits, and other materials.

COO - Nov-Dec 2001

File contains newspaper clippings and a Chiefs of Ontario position statement regarding proposed Government policy and policy changes.

LTS - AFN - DIA 2001

File contains information kit "The Voice for First Nations: Planning for Change" for the AFN/INAC Joint Initiative for Policy Development (Lands and Trust Services).

Liberal Trix 1997

File contains newspaper clippings related to then Prime Minister Jean Chretien and then Minister of Indian Affairs Ron Irwin.

Bill C-49 Lands Act 1999

File contains records related to Federal Bill C-49 and Lands and Trusts Services (LTS). Included in the file is correspondence; news clippings; Lands and Trusts Services Issues Analysis by Peter Di Gangi; planning documents; Joint Initiative on Lands and Governance report and draft workplan; LTS Kit - AFN Executive; AFN/INAC Joint Initiative for Policy Development (LTS) kit; Bill C-49.

Lands Act C-75 12/96

File contains records related to First Nations Land Management. Included in the file is a news release, a copy of Bill C-75, and a framework agreement on First Nation Land Management between the Government of Canada and the First Nations of Westbank, Musqueam, Lheit Lit'en, N'Quatqua, Squamish, Siksika, Muskoday, Cowessess, Opaskwayak Cree, Nipissing, Mississaugas of Scugog Island, Chippewas of Mnjikaning, and Chippewas of Georgina Island.

CH. Lands Vol. III - 94-96

File contains records relating to the framework agreement on land management between First Nations and the Canadian Government. Included in the file is correspondence, news releases, draft and copy of framework agreement, and other records.

CH. Lands Vol. I - 91/92

File contains records related to the Chiefs' Alternative Lands Legislation. Included in the file are:
1) AFN bulletin April 1991 "LRT Review Ends"
2) Comprehensive briefing package by Indian and Northern Affairs re: Chiefs' Alternative Lands Legislation
3) First Nations Chartered Land Act - Chiefs Steering Committee - correspondence, info and proposal
4) New Optional Lands Legislation - Chief Robert Louie's comments to the Union of Ontario Indians' Assembly

DIA - Staff/Reorg: 9/93

File contains bulletins, memos, and other records related to the staffing and re-organization of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.

Frank Mag.

File contains stories published Frank Magazine between 1991-1995 about Bruce Rawson, Marc Eliesen, and Ernie Hobbs.

Dan Goodleaf 1993

File contains clippings, correspondence and other records related to Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs Dan Goodleaf's trip to Europe.

FNG Fall 2001

File contains records related to First Nations Governance. It includes correspondence, analysis, newspaper clippings and reports primarily related to the joint Assembly of First Nations - Department of Indian and Northern Development work plans for self government.

FNG - June/July 2001

File contains records related to First Nations Governance. Included in the file are:
1) news clippings
2) correspondence
3) draft "Facilitating the Exercise of Self Government: a co-operative approach between Canada and the Assembly of First Nations"
4) briefing notes
5) Anasazi newsletter Vol. 7 No. 1
6) "Is There Life After the Indian Act? Part 1

FNG - May 2001 Confed.

File contains records related to First Nations Governance. Included in the file is:
1) correspondence
2) Communities First: First Nations Governance consultation package - INAC
3) Confederacy of Nations 2001 booklets (4) "AFN Briefing on the Governance Initiative"

FNG April 2001

File contains records related to the April 11, 2001 meeting between Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) and the Assembly of First Nations regarding the Federal Government's proposed legislative initiatve on First Nations' Governance. Included in the file are handwritten notes; meeting overview document; correspondence; and a meeting kit.

AFN 2000 - Election etc.

File contains a variety of Assembly of First Nations (AFN) records. Included are:
1) AFN/Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada joint initiative National Gathering Info. Kit, July 2000
2) Election brochure - candidates profiles
3) draft First Nations Languages Act
4) Record of AFN resolutions July 1999 to June 2000
5) The Delgamuukw/Gisday'wa Nation process folder with information inside
6) Living Languages Lasting Cultures AFN Conference Book 2000

AFN Confederacy 12/99

File contains records related to the Assembly of First Nations Confederacy of Nations meeting held in December 1999. Included in the file are:
1) speaking notes for Robert D. Nault
2) notes
3) resolutions
4) Facilitator's Report on the Special Workshop on the Delgamuukw, Marshall, and Corbiere Decisions, Dec. 8/99
5) memorandum - state of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canadian Case Law
6) speech by Phil Fontaine
7) Reducing the Debt of the Poorest: Challenges and Opportunities - John E. Serieux
8) Preliminary analysis of Corbiere v. Canada and the Batchewana Band
9) Report on Corbiere - report and revised work plan for Response to Corbiere Decision
10) wrap-up dialogue "Finding a Way to Work Together"

Ind. Act: Res/Bckgrnd

File contains records related to the proposed amendments to the Indian Act. Included in the file is correspondence and an Assembly of First Nations "Resolutions and Related Correspondence" packet of documents.

Ind. Act - Rejections

Copy of "Documentation Regarding First Nations Formal Rejection of DIAND's Proposed Indian Act Amendments".

Ind. Act: Clippings

File contains newspaper clippings and an Assembly of First Nations bulletin regarding the proposed changes to the Indian Act.

AFN - ATIP 96-97

File contains Access to Information and Privacy requests by Peter Di Gangi to the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada regarding the costs associated with Bill C-79.

Indian Act- AFN July 1996

File contains kit "Indian Act Amendments - briefing and background materials" created for the Assembly of First Nations General Assembly held July 8-10, 1996.

NIB/AFN: 1975-1982

File contains four publications:
1) Indian News - Special Edition, Vol. 23 No. 2 May 1982 Indian and Inuit Affairs Program
2) Coalition of First Nations: Sovereignty & Nationhood
3) National Indian Brotherhood 1975
4) Statement by Dr. David Ahenakew, National Chief Assembly of First Nations

Lands, Revenues and Trusts (LRT) Review

Sub-series contains reports and associated materials from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada's Lands, Revenues and Trusts Review. Included are:

2018. LRT Phase I Report, 1988

2018. LRT Phase I Report #7 Ligitation [sic] - Office of the Comptroller General of Canada, Econosault-Lavalin, DPA Group Inc. and MacLeod Lyle Smith McManus, November 1987

2018. LRT Phase II Report

2018. LRT Phase II Report Appendix B By-laws/Enforcement Indian Justice System Options - Lang Michener Lash Johnston Barristers & Solicitors

2018. LRT Phase II Report Appendix C Substantive Guidelines and Model By-laws

2018. LRT Phase II Final Report First Nations Law Executive Summary

2018. LRT Phase II Final Report Powers of Bands and Band Councils - Gowling, Strathy & Henderson Barristers & Solicitors - Sept. 1989

2018. LRT Phase II Final Report Elections - Eliasson, Apostle, Patterson and Associates - Dec. 9, 1988

2018. LRT Phase II Final Report Individual Accounts - Price Waterhouse - Aug. 3, 1989

2018. LRT Phase II Final Report Membership - Aug, 1989

2018. LRT Phase II Final Report Band Moneys - Price Waterhouse - Aug. 15, 1989

2018. LRT Phase II Report Indian Government Issues Elections of Chiefs and Band Councils - Potential Changes to Legislation, Regulations and The Appeal Process - Eliasson, Apostle, Patterson and Associates - Dec. 8, 1988

2018. LRT Review of the Legal Liaison and Support Directorate - Stevenson Kellogg Ernst & Whinney Management Consultants - Jan. 1989

2018. Executive Summary of the DIAND LRT Review Phase II Reports - AFN LRT Review

2018. The Lands, Revenues and Trusts (LRT) Review - The Great Debate

AFN DISC Jan 2001

File contains a variety of records. Included are:
1) Memorandum to Cabinet re: Long Term Response to R. v. Marshall
2) Consultation Strategy for First Nations Governance
3) AFN "National First Nations Policy Review on Fisheries" concept paper
4) AFN National Health Conference agenda and program, February 2001
5) Delgamuukw Implementation Strategy Committee Meetings materials
6) booklet of AFN resolutions regarding Delgamuukw principles and implementation
7) booklet of correspondence and other materials regarding Comprehensive Land Claims
8) Society for the Threatened Peoples Austria Working Circle for North American Indians campaign
9) DIANDS Key Priorities at the Start of a New Mandate
10) DIAND Communications strategy, 2001
11) Approach for Dealing with Section 35 Rights - Ministerial Recommendations to Cabinet

DISC December 2000

File contains a variety of documents. Included are:
1) Federal Government's Proposed "Non-assertion/Fall-back release technique": a preliminary assessment" by Paul Joffe
2) multiple copies of "Canada's Approach for Dealing with section 35 Rights" - Ministerial recommendations to Cabinet
3) Sun Peaks Resort expansion correspondence
4) Assembly of First Nations - Delgamuukw Implementation Strategic Committee Dec. 12, 2000 meeting kit

DISC July 2000

File contains records related to the Delgamuukw Implementation Strategic Committee. Included in the file is correspondence, reports, and other materials related to claim policy and Delgamuukw.

DISC June 2000

File contains records related to the Delgamuukw Implementation Committee. Included in the file are:
1) newspaper clippings
2) meeting agendas and other materials
3) Kitasoo/Xaixais First Nation protocol on the environment
4) Nlaka'Pamux Aboriginal Title and Rights
5) Correspondence - Phil Fontaine, National Chief, Assembly of First Nations
6) Comprehensive Claims Policy Review meeting notes
7) Transcript of May 9, 2000 Assembly of First Nations / Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Comprehensive Land Claims Policy working session
8) AFN resolutions re: Delgamuukw and land claims
9) BC Treaty Commission annual report, 2000
10) information about other land claims

AFN Delg/May 2000

File contains records related to the Delgamuukw decision and the Canadian Government. Included in the file are:
1) Delgamuukw Implementation Committee background materials and meeting minutes
2) draft strategy framework on the recognition & affirmation of Aboriginal title
3) agendas and accompanying materials related to the May 6-7, 2000 Comprehensive Claims Strategy meeting and the May 8-9, 2000 joint AFN/DOJ/DIAND working session on comprehensive claims policy review
4) Correspondence and press releases
5) Assembly of First Nations - Canada's Comprehensive Claims Policy: The Need for Fundamental Change
6) News release re: Fraser Valley Blockade

AFN Delgamuukw 7/1999

File contains records relating to the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) - Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Developement (DIAND) Joint Technical Committee: Delgamuukw Review Process. Included in the file are:
1) AFN Delgamuukw National Review: Making Delgamuukw Come Alive - a summary of activities and plans
2) The Delgamuukw National Review Eastern and Western Fora - a short summary
3) Responding to Delgamuukw - a summary of a think tank sponsored by AFN and DIAND
4) Record of Decision - Meeting #2 of AFN-DIAND Joint Technicial Committee

Delgamuukw Thing

File contains correspondence, resolutions, notes and other materials related to Delgamuukw, treaties, and land claims.

Delgamuukw - One Year After conference

File contains program for the "Delgamuukw: One Year After" conference. The conference was sponsored by The Aboriginal Policy Forum and The University of Victoria and was held February 18-19, 1999 in Victoria, British Columbia.

Delgamuukw Analysis 1998

File contains records relating to the court case "Delgamuukw vs. British Columbia". Included in the file are:
1) Delgamuukw vs British Columbia: Issues Analysis by Peter DiGangi
2) Regarding Delgamuukw: Where do we go from here? Office of M. P. Darrel Stinson
3) Aboriginal claims and the forestry industry: claims processess and recent developments in the courts by R. David House
4) The Delgamuukw Decision - Implications for the Forest Sector - The Forestry Chronicle, Vol. 74, No. 3 1998
5) Open Letter to Aboriginal Rights Council from the Interior Alliance of British Columbia
6) Supreme Court of Canada Delgamuukw Decision backgrounder - Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
7) Supreme Court of Canada - Brief newsletter by Lang Michener Barristers & Solicitors
8) Delgamuukw analysis by Mandell Pindell Barristers & Solicitors
9) Analysis of Delgamuukw decision and its implications for treaty negotiations by Ratcliff & Company Barristers & Solicitors
10) Research Implications of the Supreme Court of Canada's decision in Delgamuukw v. British Columbia by Peter Douglas Elias
11) Delgamuukw v. BC and Canada synopsis and implications for Ontario - Ministry of Natural Resources
12) Delgamuukw versus British Columbia preliminary summary

AFN-ICB- Feb-March 2002

File contains related to the Independent Claims Body (ICB). Included in the file are:
1) "Made in Ottawa Governance (and other initiatives)" by Eagle Shield (Walter Rudnicki)
2) memorandum and accompanying materials - Assembly of First Nations (AFN) ICB
3) update on ICB
4) Report of the Joint First Nations-Canada Task Force on Specific Claims Policy Reform
5) booklet of documents by the AFN regarding land claims
6) notes for an address by Daniel J. Bellegarde, Commissioner - Indian Land Claims Commission to the Aboriginal Law Conference
7) INAC document - proposed ICB model

AFN/ICB- Toronto - June 2001

File contains records related to the establishment of an Independent Claims Body (ICB). Included in the file is correspondence, updates, a proposed ICB model, and other related materials.

AFN-ICB - May 2001

File contains records related to the establishment of an Independent Claims Body. Included is correspondence between Matthew Coon Come, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations and Robert D. Nault, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development; Assembly of First Nations update: Independent Claims Body - AFN Confederacy report; and other records.

AFN/JTF - March 2001

File contains records relating to the Assembly of First Nations and the First Nations-Canada Joint Task Force (JST) on Specific Claims Reform. Included in the file are:
1) correspondence between Robert D. Nault, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Matthew Coon Come, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations re: Independent Claims Body
2) Presentation "Proposed Independent Claims Body"
3) JTF/Chiefs Council on Claims meeting related records

AFN Claims - 11/98

File contains records relating to the Joint First Nations-Canada Task Force on Claims Policy Reform and the creation of an independent claims body. Included in the file are correspondence; meeting minutes; memorandum and:
1) Drafts "First Nations Specific Claims Resolution Act"
2) First Nations Specific Claims Commission Tribunal Joint AFN-DIAND communication plan

AFN Claims - 5-6/98 I

File contains records relating claims, and claims resolution. Included are:
1) "Assessing the Fiscal Impacts of Settling Specific Claims" presented to the Assembly of First Nations and the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development by Fiscal Realities
2) "Specific Claims" by P. King
3) Indian Claims Commission - Status of Claims as of May 15, 1998
4) "A First Nations Specific Claims Process - models in other countries" by Douglas Saunders
5) "A First Nations Specific Claims Process - Constitutional Issues" by Douglas Saunders
6) other assorted draft reports, notes, correspondence related to land claims

AFN Claims 7/97

File contains records relating to claims policy reform. Included in the file are:
1) Joint First Nations - Crown Task Force on Claims Policy Reform
2) Report to the AFN Chiefs Committee on Claims
3) Joint Task Force meeting summaries
4) Deputy's Paper for the Australian Reconciliation Convention (ARC)
5) "Natural Justice and Procedural Fairness" by Bruce Gilpin

AFN - Claims - 7/96

File contains records relating to federal land claims policy reform. Included in the file are:
1) Press statement - Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
2) blank protocol agreement between AFN and the Federal Government
3) Land Rights Update - XVII Annual General Assembly
4) Rolling Draft IV - AFN Chiefs Committee on Claims and AFN Land Rights Unit
5) Correspondence between Chiefs Committee on Claims and Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
6) Nation Indian Brotherhood/Assembly of First Nations Land Rights Unit Report - dispute resolution and First Nations land rights
7) National Indian Brotherhood/Assembly of First Nations Land Rights Unit - Claims Policy Reform annotated bibliography

AFN/DIA Claims 2/96-

File contains records created by or regarding the Assembly of First Nations and land claims reform. Some of the records in the file are: Land Rights Unit update; First Nations Land Rights in Canada seminar; Rolling draft #4 - Claims Policy Reform; letter to Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development re: reform of Federal claims policies.

Claims - JWG: December/92

File contains records created by/for the Specific Claims Joint Working Group (JWG). Records included correspondence; draft resolutions; JWG meeting minutes - Ottawa December 8-9, 1992; chronology of JWG meetings and discussions; JWG meeting minutes - Winnipeg January 26-27, 1993; Chiefs Committee on Claims meeting agenda, January 28-29, 1993; JWG meeting minutes - Val D'Or, Quebec November 3-5, 1992; and report - consultation on ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) systems.

CCC Ottawa, February 26/92

File contains records created by and related to the National Chiefs Claims Commission, the Assembly of First Nations, the Specific Claims Joint Working Group, and the Indian Claims Commission. Contents included correspondence and accompanying materials, updates, notes, resolutions, and draft resolutions.

Claims - Post Oka Vol. II

File contains records pertaining to First Nations Land Claims and the Federal Governments policies. Included in the file are correspondence, meeting minutes and notes, speech transcriptions, and reports from the Federal Government, Chiefs Committee on Claims and others.

Claims - Post Oka Vol. I

File contains records pertaining to First Nations Land Claims and the Federal Governments policies. Included in the file are meeting notes and reports of the First Nations Task Force on Claims, Assembly of First Nations critique of Federal policies, correspondence, and meeting notes and radio interview with Tom Siddon, Federal Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs.

Claims - ADR - 91

Preliminary study "The Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Specific Claims". Prepared for Specific Claims Branch, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Canada by Ben Hoffman of Concorde Inc.

Hoffman, Ben

FTA - July 1999

File contains correspondence and a draft copy of the Financial Transfer Agreement (FTA).


File contains records relating to the Joint Health Canada - Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development approach to the Financial Transfer Arrangements/Agreements.

FTA - 5/96

File contains agreements and other records related to Financial Transfer Agreements (FTA). Included in the file are:
1) draft 4 - January 18, 1996 of a Financial Transfer Agreement
2) Financial Transfer Arrangments management assessment workbook
3) Discussion paper on Accountability
4) Financial Transfer Agreement between the Federal Government and the Wagmatcook Band
5) Blank annotated FTA

FTA: DIA Evaluation - 10/96

File contains a copy of the Interim Evaluation of the Experiences to date with Financial Transfer Arrangements.

FTA - Analysis 6/96

File contains records related to Financial Transfer Agreements (FTA). Included in the file are:
1) Fiscal Transfers and Dismantling of the Fiduciary Duty by Peter Di Gangi
2) Issue Summary - DIAND's New Funding Mechanism the FTA
3) Chiefs of Ontario bulletin Sept. 6, 1996
4) Briefing Note - FTA
5) notes
6) Assembly of First Nations working draft resolution on Fiscal Relationships
7) News release on Kee Tas Kee Now Tribal Council sigining of FTA

FTA - COO - DIA Draft 6/97

File contains a draft Financial Transfer Agreement between The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and First Nations.

FTA - 1/97

File contains notes and presentation materials related to the Financial Transfer Arrangement between First Nations and the Government of Canada.

FTA Info - DIAND - 6/96

Financial Transfer Arrangements Information Kit created by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development for the First Nations' Chief and Councils.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

FTA - AFN Docs 96-97

File contains records relating to Financial Transfer Agreements between the Federal Government and First Nations. Included in the file are:
1) Fiscal Relations - Dependency or Development? - discussion paper draft #2
2) Financial Transfer Arrangements: background information
3) Memorandum of Understanding Establishing a Fiscal Relations Table between the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Canada, Minister of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs Saskatchewan, and the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.
4) Assembly of First Nations correspondence and resolutions
5) News releases, notes and other materials.

AFA Jan 1986 - Native Funding

File contains records relating to the Government of Canada's Alternative Funding Arrangements for First Nations. In the file are and Alternative Funding Arrangements Managers Guide; New Indian Funding Arrangement Implementation strategy; and a copy of the agreement between the Federal Government and the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation.

AFN Soc. Dev 4/97

File contains several reports dealing with Social Services and First Nations. Included are:
1) "Social Assistance Policy - Comparative Analysis" prepared for the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nation Chiefs by Rosanna Stafford
2) "Mi'kmaw/Maliseet Self-Government in Social Services - Jurisdictional Possibilities for the Future" prepared for the Mi'kmaw & Maliseet First Nations Member Chiefs by the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs secretariat
3) "Strategic Approaches to Social Services - a discussion paper on Exercising First Nations' Jurisdiction over Social Services"

ITAB - Utility Tax By-Laws B. C.

File contains records relating to taxation and First Nations. File contains two copies of the Skuppah First Nation assessment by-law; news releases about appointment to Indian Taxation Advisory Board; and a copy of "Why Tax? - Considerations for First Nations Councils".

Fisc/Soc. Programs /96

File contains records dealing with Federal/Provincial fiscal and social programs for First Nations.

Self Govt Vol. II 1991

File contains what appears to be a workbook of information from the Chiefs' Governance Working Group. Included in the workbook are:
1) Approach to First Nations Government: Governance
2) The Mawiw Council of Chiefs proposal respecting the exploration, development and negotiation of an "Indian Court System"
3) Governance Community-Level Constitution chart
4) Governance
5) Building Blocks Towards Constitutionalizing First Nations Self-Government
6) Chiefs' Governance Working Group Chairman's Working paper on Leadership Selection - Draft #1
7) Chiefs' Governance Working Group Chairman's Discussion Paper on Process
8) Chiefs' Governance Working Group Chairman's Discussion Paper: Need for a Communication Strategy
9) Chiefs' Governance Working Group Chairman's Discussion Paper: Objectives and Means in Changing Crown-First Nations Relationship
10) Concept paper Training Element for Inclusion to Work Plans
11) Discussion paper - Leadership Selection
12) Proposal on Accountability
13) Proposal for First Nations Governance Issue: Legal Status and Capacity
14) A Framework for a Leadership Selection Act (by Voting)
15) Principles Guiding the Development of Alternatives to the Indian Act
16) Chiefs' Governance Working Group status report
17) Leadership Selections Act (draft)

Self Govt - Fed Neg Mandate/97

File contains copies of "Guidelines for Federal Self-Government Negotiators"; a draft discussion paper "Possible consequences of Recognizing Self-Government Agreements as Treaties under section 35 of the Constitution Act; a presentation re: implementation of inherent right and negotiation of self-government; and other related records.

Inherent Rite 5/95

File contains a copy of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's Framework for Action 1997-1998, and related materials.

DIAND - 97/98 Plan

File contains a copy of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's Framework for Action 1997-1998, and related materials.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Fed Policy 12/97

File contains:
1) newspaper clippings
2) Assembly of First Nations (AFN) memorandum re: Discussion on Canada's proposed response to RCAP and meeting with Fed. Government
3) Speaking notes from Jane Stewart, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, to standing committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
4) News release re: National Aboriginal Financing Task Force

Fed Treaty Policy - 96-98

File contains several documents relating to Federal Government treaties. Included are:
1) Preliminary Views on Treaties and the Treaty Relationship - Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, July 15-17, 1997
2) Speaking notes for Jane Stewart, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development in reply to throne speech, Oct. 2, 1997
3) Treaty implementation issues papers
4) list of historic Indian treaties

DIA - Partnership 1999

Discussion reports "Strengthening the Partnership: Let's Commit to It!" from the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's National Manager's Meeting held in Montreal in 1999.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Custom Law

One copy of "Native Customs and the Law" authored by William B. Henderson for the Research Branch, Corporate Policy Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.

DIAND: Indian Population 1995

File contains 2 copies of the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs (DIAND) draft policy on population statistics for on-and off reserve indigenous populations. Also in the file is Peter Di Gangi's analysis of the document, created for the Union of Nova Scotia Indians.

Liberal Policy - 8/95

File contains:
1) New Release - Government Launches process for Negotiating Aboriginal Self-Government (2 copies)
2) Creating Opportunity - Progress on Commitments to Aboriginal Peoples report
3) Federal Policy on Aboriginal Self-Government - policy guide, backgrounder (2 copies), and executive summary (2 copies)
4) Divide and Conquer 1969 Revisited - A discussion paper exploring the Federal Liberal Government's recent agenda to undermine First Nations rights and processes - Assembly of First Nations

Indian Act, Sept/95

Letter from the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development regarding amendments to the Indian Act. Accompanying the letter is a list of amendments.

Band Debt: Audit/1995

Fact Sheet and copy of Audit Report "First Nations Indebtedness" project 93/01 of the Departmental Audit and Evaluation Branch of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.

Band Debt: Funding

File contains copies of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada's "Default Prevention and Management" document; a two page paper titled "First Nation Debt - Reduction and Analysis"; and two copies of Laurel Lemchuk-Favel's paper "Back to the Future - An Analysis of DIAND Funding Methods".

Special Words & Tactics, 1987-88/1994

File contains:
1) Discussion notes on Lands, Revenues and Trusts Sector - Mont Ste. Marie, January 27-29, 1988
2) Privy Council Office - Program Review Secretariet - Internal Communications to Support the Program Review, July 7, 1994
3) Draft precis re: Federal Policies, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, January 1988
4) James Bay Northern Quebec Agreement, Implementation Agreement Negotiations Strategic Communications Overview, April 1987

Nielsen Rpt - 1985

File contains several different reports. They include:
1) Report of the Ministerial Task Force on Native Programs, April 12, 1985
2) Indian and Native Programs - a study team report to the Task Force on Program Review, April 1985
3) Indians and Natives - Improved Program Delivery - a study team report to the Task Force on Program Review (2 copies)
Also in the file are two newspaper paper clippings - one about the Nielsen task force and the other about conflict in the Middle East.

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