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Toronto Metropolitan University Archives Department of Community Relations
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Louis Gonsalves

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee, Louis Gonsalves. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine in Jan. 19 76 when he was Director of Alumni Affairs and a member of the Palin Hall Management Board. The same photo was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Nov. 1977 when he was Director of Alumni Affairs and Acting Director of Private Funding. His photo was published again in the 'FORUM' in March 1981 when he was Director of Private Funding and resigned from Ryerson.

B. B. (Ike) Goodfellow

File contains head shots of B.B. (Ike) Goodfellow, an IBM Canada executive. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine in Jan., 1986. At this time he was seconded from IBM Ottawa to be Managing Director of Ryerson's Centre for Advanced Technology Education (CATE). His photo was published again the 'FORUM' magazine in April, 1987.

Andrews-Newton Photographers

Jack H. Gorman

File contains head shots of Jack H. Gorman. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept. 1982. At this time (Aug. 1982) he stepped down from his position as Secretary of Ryerson's Board of Governors, and took early retirement.

Carol Baines

File contains photographs of Carol Baines. At the time of the photographs she was a member of Ryerson's Social Work department.

Elizabeth Grant

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor in Organic Chemistry, Elizabeth Grant. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept. 1976. At this time she was inducted into Ryerson's Twenty-five Year Club.

Ken Grant

File contains head shots of Ryerson Professor of Information Technology Management, Ken Grant. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Apr., 1999 when he was Director of the School of Information Technology Management.

Larry Gray

File contains headshot of Ryerson Psychology professor, Larry Gray. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Nov. 1988. At this time he was Associate Vice President Academic. Another photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept. 1989 when he was Vice President Faculty Staff Affairs.

Bob Greenberg

File contains head shots and negatives of Ryerson professor of Architecture, Bob Greenberg. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Mar. 1991 when he was appointed Interim Associate Chair (Academic) in the Department of Architectural Science and Landscape Architecture.

Howard Greenspan

File contains a photograph of Ryerson Chemistry professor, Howard Greenspan, with his son Stanley. At this time Howard Greenspan was presenting his son with a Bachelor of Applied Arts degree in Photographic Arts, during Convocation ceremonies June, 1977. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine.

Alan Greer

File contains head shots of Allen Greer, Ryerson employee in the Finance Department. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Nov., 1979 when he was appointed Internal Auditor. His photograph was published again in January, 1980 In March, 1981 the photograph was published again in the 'FORUM' when Mr. Greer left Ryerson to be Chief Financial Officer of the National Bank of Detroit (Can.).

Terry Grier

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor, Terry Grier. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine in June, 1988 when he was appointed President of Ryerson. Another photograph was published in the 'FORUM' in Nov., 1991 in an article concerning a study about the economic and community impact of Ontario's universities.

James J. Abel

File contains headshots of James J. Abel. Mr. Abel was a professor in the Architecture and Civil Technology departments. Photographs were published in the "FORUM" publication.

Olive Baker

File contains head shots of Ryerson Student Services employee Olive Baker. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Oct., 1975 and another photograph was published in the "FORUMin Oct., 1976 in articles about her work answering Ryerson students' questions.

Steve Guerin

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee in the Office of Research and Innovation, Steve Guerin. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine in Oct., 1992 when he ran as a candidate for Ryerson's Board of Governors. His photograph was published again in Oct., 1993 when he ran again as a candidate for the Board of Governors.

Robert (Bob) Guerriere

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor. Bob Guerriere. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Nov., 1977 when he was Chair of the Mathematics and Physics department. Another photograph was published in Oct., 1980 when he was a candidate for Ryerson's Board of Governors and when he became a member of the Board. Another photograph was published in May, 1985 when he was Chair of Math, Physics and Computer Science and Associate Director of the Centre for Industrial Development (CID) and he was about to assume the Directorship of the CID.

Ryerson Media Centre

Fred Hainsworth

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor in Math/Physics, Fred Hainesworth. He was appointed to the Election Procedures Committee, which oversees elections to the Board of Governors in Feb. 1978 when his photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine. The same photograph was published in the 'FORUM' Jan. 11, 1985 when he was a member of the Ryerson's Board of Governors. In Oct., 1986 another photograph was published in the 'FORUM' when his first term on the Board of Governor's was expired.

Harry Hakomaki

File contains head shots of Ryerson alumni, Harry Hakomaki (Arch. Tech. '66). His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine in Dec. 1982 when he was acclaimed President of Ryerson Center's board of directors.

Nadine Hall

File contains a head shot of Nadine Hall, Ryerson alumnus (Business). Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine June, 1977 when she was awarded a Gold Medal at convocation.

Francis Hare

File contains head shots of Director of the School of Child and Youth Care, Francis Hare. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine July, 1996 when he had an article published and presented at a conference.

Fred Balchunas

File contains photographs of Fred Balchunas. At the time of the photographs, Mr. Balchunas was the Assistant Chairman of the Math and Physics department at Ryerson.

Betty Harlow

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor in the Department of Philosophy, Betty Harlow Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Dec., 1995 when she delivered a paper at a conference.

Hugo Harms

File contains head shots of Ryerson faculty Hugo Harms. One photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Nov., 1984 when he co-chaired the Kerr endowment funding drive.

Davey, Jerry

John Harness

File contains head shots of Ryerson alumnus, John Harness. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Feb., 1996 when he became Director of the Transitional Funding Project.

Glyn Harry

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee, Glyn Harry. One photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Jan., 1987 when he was Finance Director. Another photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Nov., 1990 when he was vice president, Finance and Administration.

Sandra Hart-Erwin

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee, Sandra Hart-Erwin. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Oct., 1987 when she was Program Supervisor for Ryerson Athletic Center (RAC).

Denis Harvey

File contains head shots of Denis Harvey, a Canadian journalist. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine May, 1982 after he had been an instructor (6 weeks) in Ryerson's Broadcast Journalism program. He was appointed to head Network Television Sports for the CBC.

Lucille Harwood

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee in Campus Planning and Construction, Lucille Harvey. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Nov., 1993 when she was elected to the Board of Governors. Her photograph was published again in 'FORUM' magazine Oct., 1995 when she was acclaimed to the Board of Governors for a second term.

Stanley Heath

File contains head shots of Stanley Heath. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine May, 1996 when he became Ryerson's Dean of the Faculty of Business.

Fred Hedley

File contains head shots of Ryerson instructor in Industrial Engineeering, Fred Hedley His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Mar., 1976 in an article about Ryerson's Industrial Engineering program. His photograph was published again in the 'FORUM' magazine June, 1976 when he received a Bachelor of Technology (Industrial Engineering) degree from Ryerson.

Janice Hehn

File contains a headshot of Janice Hehn, a graduate of Ryerson's Technology program. At this time she was a recipient of the Ryerson Gold Medal at convocation. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine June, 1977.

Ariane Heisey

File contains head shots of Ryerson instructor, Ariane Heisey. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Dec., 1993 when she was president of Local 4 of CUEW. Her photograph was published again in Feb., 1995 when she was president of Local 3904 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE).

Robert Heneault

File contains head shots of Robert Heneault, Vice President, Personnel of the Steel Company of Canada. At this time he was guest speaker at the Business Convocation at Ryerson. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine May, 1976.

Audrey Herrema

File contains head shots of Audrey Herrema. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine May, 1982 when she was Continuing Education (CE) Co-ordinator of Women and Summer Programs and had designed a six month pilot program for women entering the workforce. Her photograph was published again Jan., 1987 when she was Program Director for Ryerson's Women's Week.

Jack Hersh

File contains head shots of Ryerson English faculty, Jack Hersh. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine, Sept., 1978 when he was inducted into Ryerson's Twenty-five Year Club. His photograph was published again March, 1978 in the "FORUM" when his retirement from Ryerson was announced.

Heather Hinton

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor (Electrical Engineering) Heather Hinton. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine May, 1997 when she was awarded a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) grant.

Pam Hitchcock

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor (Urban Planning), Pam Hitchcock. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine June, 1986 when she was Co-ordinator of the Senior Studies Program in Continuing Education and she received a certificate in gerontology at convocation. Another photograph was published in the "FORUM" magazine March, 1991 in article about a Senior Peer Helping (SPH) model set up at Ryerson.

Dale Hodgins

File contains head shots of Ryerson Business student, Dale Hodgins. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Oct., 1977 when he ran as a student candidate for Ryerson's Board of Governors.

Elizabeth Hoffman

File contains head shots of Elizabeth Hoffman. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Feb., 1997 when she was named Ryerson's first Ombudsperson.

Dieter Hohenberger

File contains head shots of Ryerson student, Dieter Hohenberger. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine, Oct. 1977 when he was a student candidate for Ryerson's Board of Governors. His photograph appeared again in the 'FORUM' magazine May, 1978 when he was student member of the Board of Governors.

Kells Holmes

File contains head shots of Ryerson instructor (Journalism), Kells Holmes. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Oct., 1976 when he retired.

Harrie Hope

File contains head shots of Ryerson Alumnus (Chemistry 1954), Harrie Hope. He was named to Ryerson's Board of Governors in 1986.

Roy Horney

File contains head shots of Ryerson's Registrar, Roy Horney. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine in March and in Sept. 1977, when he became a member of Ryerson's Twenty-five Year Club.

David Houghton

File contains head shots of Ryerson's Master of Oakham House, David Houghton. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept. 1987, when Oakham House reopened after a fire. His photograph was published again in Jan. 1988 when he left Ryerson.

George Hume

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee, George Hume. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Oct., 1977 when he was Associate Director of Campus Planning regarding landscaping in the Quadrangle. His photograph was published again June, 1982, regarding contract bids for the renovation of the Anthony Foster Building. Another photograph was published Sept., 1987 in an article about the many renovations occurring on campus.

Ali Hussein

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ali Hussein. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine May, 1995. At this time he received a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (ENSERC) award.

Helen Hutchinson

File contains head shots of Helen Hutchinson, host of CTV's Canada AM. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept., 1977 when she was a guest speaker at the Ryerson Women's Association fall program.

T. Ranald Ide

File contains head shots of the Chair of the Board of Ontario Educational Communications Authority, T. Ranald Ide. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Oct. 1977 when he was guest speaker at the annual fall awards of Ryerson's Radio and Television Arts Department.

Roberta Imboden

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor of English, Roberta Imboden. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept. 1995 when she received a GREET (Group to Renew and Enhance Effective Teaching) award. Her photograph was published again in Jan., 1997 when she had published several articles and a book.

Hugh Innis

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee, Hugh Innis. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Jan., 1984 when he was Continuing Education Arts Program Co-ordinator.

Rashida Ishani

File contains head shots of Ryerson administrative assistant in the Office of the President, Rashida Ishani. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine June, 1988 when she was appointed Secretary to the Board of Governors.

Gerry Jeffcott

File contains head shots of Ryerson student representative on Ryerson's Board of Governors, Gerry Jeffcott. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Dec., 1984 when he was president of Ryerson' Student Union (SURPI).

Frank Jenkins

File contains head shots of Frank Jenkins, Ryerson employee in Information Services. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept. 1977, when he was appointed Returning Officer for the Board of Governor elections at Ryerson.

William (Bill) Barnes

File contains photographs of William (Bill) Barnes. At the time he was the campaign director for Ryerson's "Developing for the Eighties" fundraising campaign.

Bell, Chris

Knud Jensen

File contains head shot of Knud Jensen, Ryerson Continuing Education instructor in Business Administration. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept., 1978 when he was awarded the Don Sbrolla Award. His photograph was published again in the 'FORUM' magazine July, 1990 when he had given a speech at the annual meeting of the Broadview Foundation.

Patricia Jensen

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor, Patricia Jensen. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine March, 1993 when she was confirmed as the director of the School of Nutrition, Consumer, and Family Studies (NCFS) by the Board of Governors.

Viggo Jensen

File contains head shots of Viggo Jensen, Director of Institute Services at Ryerson. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine in Dec., 1981. Another photograph was published in the "FORUM' in Jan., 1986 when he was on a committee interviewing engineering firms for the construction of two new buildings at Ryerson.

Barbara Jessop

File contains head shots of Ryerson student in Hospitality and Tourism Management, Barbara Jessop. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine in Nov., 1978 when she received four academic awards.

Jack Joel

File contains head shots of Ryerson instructor (Fashion), Jack Joel. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine June, 1978 in an article about one of his paintings featured at the Eaton Centre galleria.

Johanson award

File contains head shots in one photograph of two Ryerson students student Betty Parish (Nursing) and Ron Morrow (Applied Geography). Their photographs were published in the 'FORUM' magazine in Feb., 1978 when they won The Hans Johanson Memorial Scholarship. Others in the photograph are Walter Pitman, Vally Johanson, and Terry Grier.

Board of Governors student member

File contains head shots of Ryerson University student Board of Governor member Charles Johnson. Photograph not published in the Forum, but Charles Johnson identified in multiple news stories as BOG member.

John Johnston

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee, John Johnston. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine June, 1986 when he became Director of Computing and Communications Services. His photograph was published again in the 'FORUM' magazine in June 1988, when he left Ryerson for Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario.

Russell Jolliffe

File contains head shots of Ryerson instructor, Russell Jolliffe. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine June, 1977 when he was re-appointed Chair of Social Services.

Bryant Jones

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor (Mechanical Technology), Bryant Jones. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept., 1976 when his death was announced.

David Barr

File contains photographs of David Barr. Mr. Barr was the speaker at the Ryerson IMPACT lecture series. Mr. Barr, at the time, was the acting Executive Director of Communications for the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communication.
Photograph published in the March 8, 1985 edition of the "FORUM".

Ken Jones

File contains head shots of Ryerson faculty, Ken Jones. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine June, 1987 when he became the Chair of the Department of Geography and School of Applied Geography. His photograph was published again in 'FORUM' in Oct., 1987 when he co-authored a book. His photograph was published again in 'FORUM' in Oct., 1993 when he became head of Ryerson's Centre for the Study of Commercial Activity (CSCA).

Roland Jonker

File contains head shots of Ryerson alumnus (Architecture '65), Roland Jonker. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine in Feb., 1983 and in Oct., 1982 when he was alumni representative on the Board of Governors.

Bell, Chris

Frank Juranka

File contains head shots of Ryerson Electrical Engineering professor, Frank Juranka. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Jan., 1987 and Nov., 1987 when he was faculty representative on the Board of Governors.

Gerda. Kaegi

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor of Political Science, Gerda Kaegi. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine May, 1977 when she became Chair of the Politics Department. Her photograph was published again Jan., 1979 when she was named to serve on the search committee for Vice President Academic. Her photograph was published again Sept., 1979 when she was successful, along with another faculty, in setting up Continuing Education classes at Queen's Park.

Mitch Kallaur

File contains head shots of Ryerson's Manager of Administrative Computing Services, Mitch Kallaur. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Mary, 1980 when he was appointed Acting Director of the Ryerson Computing Centre. His photograph was published again May, 1982 when he left Ryerson - at that time he was Director of the Ryerson Computing Centre (RCC).

Gerald Kane

File contains head shots of Ryerson alumnus (RTA '57) Gerald Kane. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine June, 1978 when he was one of the first elected alumni representative to Ryerson's Board of Governors. Another photograph was published Nov., 1979 when he was re-elected to the Board of Governors.

Jack Marshall Ltd. Photographers

Raymond Kao

File contains head shots of Ryerson Business Management professor, Raymond Kao. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Jan., 1988 when he was appointed director of Ryerson's new Centre for Entrepreneurship.

Dr. Donald Barr

File contains a photograph of Dr. Donald Barr. Dr. Barr was the doctor in Ryerson's Health Clinic and the director of Health Services. At the time of this photo he was also a candidate for the Board of Governors.

Sara Katz

File contains head shots of Ryerson instructor, Sara Katz. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Jan., 1987 when she was appointed to the position of Employment and Educational Equity Coordinator.

Ron Keast

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor (RTA), Ron Keast. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Oct., 1980 and May, 1986 when he was appointed and then reappointed chair of Radio and Television Arts. The other photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Apr., 1987 when he was also project manager for a Ryerson consortium that provided courses to CBC-TV's national sales force.

Vicky Keen

File contains head shots of Vicky Keen, Ryerson employee. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept., 1986 when she became the microcomputer support programmer/analyst in the newly-established Administrative Computing Information Centre.

Lorna Kelly

File contains head shots of Ryerson instructor (Interior Design), Lorna Kelly. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine June, 1988 when she was appointed Chair of the School of Interior Design..

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