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Toronto Metropolitan University Archives Department of Community Relations
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Hazel Kemp

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee in Evening Studies and Continuing Education Division, Hazel Kemp. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Feb., 1979 when she resigned from Ryerson.

Bill Kempa

File contains head shot of Ryerson faculty member in Public Health Inspection, Bill Kempa. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Aug., 1979 when he was installed as president of the International Association of Milk Food and Environmental Sanitarians.

Ellen Jane Kendrew

File contains head shots of Ryerson student (Architectural Science), Ellen Jane Kendrew. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Mar., 1977 when she received a Ryerson General Scholarship.

Ian Kennedy

File contains head shots of Chair of Ryerson's Board of Governors, Ian Kennedy, His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine June, 1976 when he responded to a letter from the Ministry of Education.

John Kentner

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee, John Kentner. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Feb., 1979 when he came to Ryerson as Supervisor of Audio-Visual Services. Another photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Nov., 1983 when he presented a seminar at the 5th annual Dimension '83 Conference.

Howard H. Kerr

File contains head shots of Ryerson's first President, Dr. Howard Kerr. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Dec., 1975 when he was a member of the Board of Governors and was to be honoured at the Christmas party on the occasion of his 75th birthday. Another photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine April, 1977 in an article regarding a budget recommendation by the Board of Governors.

Ted Kesik

File contains head shots of professor of building science at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design at the University of Toronto, Ted Kesik.

John Kettle

File contains head shots of author and futurist, John Kettle. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Jan., 1979 when it was announced that he would speak at the 1978/79 Ryerson Lectures in Economics (made possible by a grant from the Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd.). Another photograph was published in the 'FORUM' Feb., 1979 when he delivered the Ryerson Lecture in Economics.

Kenise Kilbride

File contains head shots of Ryerson sessional instructor in the Faculty of Community Services, and Coordinator of the Ryerson Committee, Kenise Kilbride. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Mar., 1987 when she wrote an article questioning the Library and Resource Centre (LRC) policy to put some periodicals on microfiche instead of having them bound. Her photograph was published again in Nov., 1987 when the Ryerson Committee hosted a two-day conference for the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless.

Doug King

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor of Civil Engineering, Doug King. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine July, 1991 when he presented a paper at the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing's 13th Biennial Workshop on Aerial Photography and Videography.

William King

File contains head shots of Ryerson faculty, William (Bill) King. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept., 1986 when he was appointed chair of the Business and Technical Communication Department.

Alan Kingstone

File contains head shots of OISE student, Alan Kingstone. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Feb., 1976 when he was at Ryerson on a paid study leave from the Ontario Teacher Education College (OTEC). His photograph was published again Sept., 1976 when he was hired by Ryerson to help launch a program of instructional and professional development for faculty.

Brian Barron

File contains photographs of Brian Barron. At the time of the photograph Mr. Barron was with Ryerson's Department of Campus Planning and was the project manager for the construction of the Rogers Communication Centre.
Photograph published in the March 10, 1989 edition of the "FORUM".

John Kitamura

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor (Interior Design), John Kitamura. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept., 1988 when he was appointed to serve as acting dean of Applied Arts for the 1988/1989 academic year. His photograph was published again in the 'FORUM' magazine Feb., 1995 when he stepped down as dean of Applied Arts.

Bill Klein

File contains head shots of Dr. Bill Klein (Ryerson Computing and Communications Services). His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Feb., 1995 in an article about his role overseeing the Test Response System (TRS).

Dimitry Klimov

File contains head shots of Ryerson faculty in Electrical Technology, Dimitry Klimow. At this time he was inducted into Ryerson's Twenty-five Year Club. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine, September, 1978.

Jane Knight

File contains head shots of Jane Knight, from the Office of the President and associate member of Ryerson International. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Feb., 1995 and in Nov., 1996 when she co-chaired the International Working Committee (IWC) which produced the report "Towards an Internationalization Strategy for Ryerson".

Jim Knight

File contains head shots of Ryerson faculty, Jim Knight. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Mar., 1996 when he headed the Centre for Research into Lifelong Learning.

Tom Knowlton

File contains head shots of Tom Knowlton. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine June, 2000 when he was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Business at Ryerson.

Reilly, John

Mustafa Koc

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor (Sociology), Mustafa Koc. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept., 1994 when he presented a paper at the annual meeting of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association.

George Korey

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor (Business) George Korey. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Nov., 1975 when he was Executive Vice President and chair of the Triennial Review Committee and again Apr., 1976 when he was chair of Ryerson's Budget Board. Another photograph was published Apr., 1977 when he accepted an invitation from Premier William Davis to join Ontario's Advisory Committee on Confederation.

Imre Koroknay

File contains head shots of Ryerson's Urban Planning professor, Imre Koroknay. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Mar., 1976 in an article about his forthcoming book "Urban Spaces: Development of the Italian Piazza".

Mitchell Kosny

File contains head shots of Mitchell Kosny, director of Urban and Regional Planning. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Apr., 1994 when he presented a workshop at a conference. At this time he also received a Recognition of Service Award for his efforts in the community and work on the Harbourfront Review Committee.

Helen C. Abell

File contains headshot of Helen C. Abell. Ms. Abell was made a Fellow of Ryerson in 1983. She was a well known and respected rural sociologist. The photograph was published in the "FORUM".

George Ross Photography

Isabel Bassett

File contains photographs of Isabel Bassett. At the time of the photograph, Ms. Bassett was on the Board of Governors for Ryerosn and had just been appointed the Vice-Chair - the first woman appointed to this role.

Anita Krumins

File contains head shots of Ryerson faculty (Business and Technical Communication), Anita Krumins. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine June, 1980 when she was President of Ryerson's Canadian Union of Educational Workers (CUEW). Another photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Feb., 1986 when she left her position as Chair of Business and Technical Communication. Another photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Feb., 1997 when she was Ryerson Faculty Association (RFA) President.

Vic Kushnir

File contains a head shot of Ryerson faculty, Vic Kushnir. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine May, 1986 when he was appointed chair of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science.

Michael E. Kusner

File contains head shots of Michael E. Kusner, Chair of Urban Planning. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Apr., 1976 when he left for Nigeria to evaluate the planning school at the University of Ibadan.

Judy LaMarsh

File contains head shots of chair of the Royal Commission on Violence in the Communications Industry, Judy LaMarsh. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Apr., 1977 when she was guest speaker at Ryerson's Convocation for Arts and Community Services graduands.

Jane Langdon

File contains head shots of a Ryerson graduate and member of the Board of Governors, Jane Langdon. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine May, 2001 when she was elected chair of the Ryerson Board of Governors.

Carol-Ann Laraway

File contains head shots of Ryerson student (Law and Administration), Carol-Ann Laraway. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Dec., 1979 when she was elected the first president of the Continuing Education Students' Association at Ryerson (CESAR). Her photograph was published again in Apr., 1980 when she helped prepare a brief for the Ontario government on behalf of CESAR.

Sydney Lea

File contains head shots of Ryerson faculty (Chemical, Biological and Materials Technology), Sydney Lea. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Oct., 1975 when he was a faculty candidate for the Board of Governors. His photograph was published again in the 'FORUM' magazine March, 1980 when he participated in a teaching experiment.

Craig Leckie

File contains head shots of Ryerson student, Craig Leckie (Industrial Eng.) His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Oct., 1976 when he was a student candidate for Ryerson's Board of Governors. Another photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Nov., 1976 when he was a student member on the Board of Governors and was also a SURPI (Student Union) presidential candidate.

Joseph Lee

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee, Joseph Lee. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept., 1986 when he became the coordinator of the newly-established Administrative Computing Information Centre.

Marilyn Lee

File contains head shots of Ryerson Professor in Environmental Health, Marilyn Lee . Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Feb., 1997 when she was an invited speaker at the City of Toronto's Food Quality Workshop.

Marc Lemieux

File contains head shots of Ryerson student in Mechanical Engineering, Marc Lemieux. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept., 1989 when he was a student representative on Ryerson's Board of Governors.

Renee Lemieux

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee, Renee Lemieux. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine March, 1996 when she became managing director of the department of Computing and Communications Services (CCS).

Janet Lemoges

File contains head shot of Ryerson alumnus (Home Economics), Janet Lemoges. Her photograph was published in the 'Ryerson Rambler' magazine, Fall 1997. At this time she was attending Ryerson part time, president of CESAR (Continuing Education Students' Association of Ryerson) and an alumni candidate for Ryerson Board of Governors.

Yew-Thong Leong

File contains head shots of Ryerson Professor Architectural Science, Yew-Thong Leong. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept., 1996 when he had an article published in the Canadian Architect magazine.

Max Leva

File contains head shots of Max Leva, a consulting engineer from Pittsburgh. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Mar., 1988 when he visited Ryerson's School of Chemical Engineering.

Roy F. Bennett

File contains a photograph of Roy F. Bennett. At the time the photo was taken, Mr Bennett was the President of Ford Canada, and he was also Chair of the inaugural Ryerson Lecture Series in Economics. His photograph was published in the Nov. 25, 1977 edition of the magazine "FORUM".

Rene Levesques

File contains head shots of former premier of Quebec and journalist, Rene Levesque. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Oct., 1987 when it was announced that that he would be the fall Atkinson Lecturer at Ryerson's School of Journalism.

Ira Levine

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor (Theatre), Dr. Ira Levine. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept., 1987 when he came to Ryerson as Chair of the Ryerson Theatre School. His photograph was published again in Apr., 1995 when he was appointed Dean of Applied Arts.

Claude Lewis

File contains head shots of Ryerson alumnus (Radio and Television Arts), Claude Lewis. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Dec., 1976 when he was appointed to Ryerson's Board of Governors. His photograph was published again in 'FORUM' magazine Dec., 1976 when he became a member of the Board of Governors' Committee on Academic and Support Administrative Structure.

Julia Lewis

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee, Julia Lewis. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Mar., 1991 when she was the new manager of occupational health and safety. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine again in Dec., 1991 in an article regarding a chemical spill at Ryerson.

Lou Lewis

File contains head shots of Ryerson faculty (Nursing), Lou Lewis. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Apr., 1979 when she was Associate Director of Ryerson's Centre for Instructional Development in an article regarding the highlights of the Centre's First annual report. Her photograph was published again Apr., 1980 when she was invited to give a paper at the Sixth International Conference on Improving University Teaching.

James Li

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor of Civil Engineering, James Li. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Oct., 1996 when he was commissioned to conduct a master storm water management plan by Environment Canada.

Wonderfoto & Studio

Louise Lichacz

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering), Louise Lichacz. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Oct., 1992 when she was a candidate for staff representative for the Board of Governors. In Nov., 1992 the photograph was published again in the 'FORUM' magazine when she won a seat on the Board of Governors.

Albert Lin

File contains head shots of Ryerson faculty (Department of Math, Physics, and computer Science), Albert Lin. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Feb., 1995 in an article regarding the presentation of his petition to the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and House of Commons Reviewing Canada's Foreign Policy in 1994.
File contains head shots of Ryerson faculty (Department of Math, Physics, and Computer Science), Albert Lin. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Feb., 1995 in an article regarding the presentation of his petition to the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and House of Commons Reviewing Canada's Foreign Policy in 1994.

Loren Lind

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor of Journalism, Loren Lind. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Mar., 1990 when he was named Ryerson Professor-of-the-Year for 1989.

Lynne Berard

File contains photographs of Lynne Berard. She was an employee of RIDC - Ryerson International Development Centre.

Rita Lingner

File contains head shots of Ryerson's manager of conference facilities, Rita Lingner. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Oct., 1991 in an article about Ryerson's new residence and conference business.

Richard Lipsey

File contains head shot of economist, Richard Lipsey. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Jan., 1978 when he gave the second Ryerson Lecture in Economics, sponsored by the Ford Motor Company of Canada.

Steven Liss

File contains head shots of Ryerson faculty (Applied Chemical and biological Sciences), Steven Liss. His photograph was published in the 'Ryerson Rambler' magazine Spring, 1991 when his research was profiled. Another photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Dec., 1994 when he was the first Ryerson recipient of a Natural Sciences and Engineering Council (NSERC) strategic grant. His photograph was published again in the 'FORUM' magazine Nov., 1996 when he presented and published papers and spoke at a symposium.

Dawn Little

File contains head shots of Dawn Little, assistant registrar at Ryerson. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine July, 1989 when she became acting registrar.

Deborah (Debby) Littman

Files contains photographic head shots of Deborah (Debby) Littman. At the time of the 1979 photograph she was the President of the the Graduate Assistants' Association (which would later become Local 4 of the Canadian Union of Education Workers - CUEW). One of the photographs was published in the January 25, 1980 edition of the school's Forum newsletter. At the time of the 1987 image she was the Vice-President of the CUEW.

Jill Livingston

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee, Administrative Assistant to the President, Jill Livingston. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Feb., 1976 in an article about Ryerson's planning task forces for 1976/77. Her photograph was published again in the 'FORUM' magazine Feb., 1979 when Ryerson's Board of Governor's approved the reclassification of Jill Livingston's position to Assistant to the President.

Gene Logel

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee, Gene Logel. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Nov., 1990 when he was program director for Admissions/Liaison Services and the enrolment target for 1990/91 was exceeded.

John Long

File contains head shots of Ryerson student, John Long. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Dec., 1980 when he was President of Students' Union (SURPI).

Jack Roy Longstaffe

File contains a head shot of engineer, Jack Roy Longstaffe, who left a bequest for a scholarship to Ryerson for students in Civil Engineering.

William (Bill) Lougheed

File contains head shots of Ryerson faculty in Hospitality and Tourism Management, William (Bill) Lougheed. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Dec., 1975 when he was utilizing Ryerson's Media Centre to prepare audio visual presentations for his course. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Feb., 1983 when he was Chair of the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management and he participated in a professional development program. His photograph was published again, in Mar., 1984 "FORUM" when he was reappointed to a second term as Chair of the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management.

Sanders, Richard

Helen Luhaorg

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee, Helen Luhaorg. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine June, 1986 in an article about changes to Human Resources at Ryerson. At this time she was Manager, Human Resources Development.

Peter Luk

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor (Business Management), Peter Luk. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept., 1988 when he was appointed chair of the School of Business Management.

Janet Lum

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor (Political Science), Janet Lum. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Nov., 1996 when she accepted an invitation by the Council of Ontario Universities to become a member of its committee on employment and educational equity.

Dick Lunn

File contains head shots of Ryerson Journalism professor, Dick Lunn. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Nov., 1975 when he was Vice-chair of the Journalism Department and spent 2 months in India on sabbatical. His photograph was published again in the "FORUM" June, 1976 when he became Acting Chair of the Journalism Department. His photograph was published again in the "FORUM" Sept., 1987 when his death was announced.

Donna MacDonald

File contains head shots of Donna MacDonald, Ryerson employee in Ryerson's Nutrition Information Service (NIS). Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Oct., 1982 when she was Co-ordinator of NIS.

Davey, Jerry

Doug MacFarlane

File contains head shots of Ryerson instructor (Journalism), Doug MacFarlane. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine May/June 1976. At this time he was Chair of the Journalism Department but resigned to join the Toronto Sun as editorial director.

Iris MacGregor-Bannerman

File contains head shots of Ryerson faculty member (Theatre), Iris MacGregor-Bannerman. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Mar., 1984 when she was named Professor-of-the-year. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine again in May, 1986 when she was named director of the Ryerson Theatre School (RTS) Acting Programs.

Ken MacKeracher

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee, Ken MacKeracher. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine June, 1976 when he joined Ryerson as the first Dean of Evening Studies. Another photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine in Mar., 1977 in an article regarding a report about continuing education. His photograph was published again in the 'FORUM' Apr., 1980 when he was Dean of Continuing Education.

Ron MacLean

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee, Ron MacLean. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine July, 1990 when he became the director of the Department of Physical Plant Operations.

Don MacLeod

File contains head shots of Ryerson employee (Counselling Centre), Don MacLeod. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept., 1982 when he was reappointed as a Sexual Harassment Complaints Mediator.

Davey, Jerry

Dr. Margaret MacMillan

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor (History), Dr. Margaret Macmillan. Her photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Oct., 1987 when she helped organize a foreign policy conference "Canada, the United States and the Atlantic Alliance". Another photograph was published in the 'FORUM' Nov., 1991 when she co-chaired a Ryerson committee regarding
its submission for university status.

John Alan MacNaughton

File contains head shots of John Alan MacNaughton. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine in Nov., 1978 when he was External representative on Ryerson's Board of Governors. His photograph was published again in the 'FORUM' magazine Feb., 1980 in an article regarding the Budget.

Maisie MacPhee

File contains head shots of the Director of the Canadian College of Dance in the Ryerson Theatre School, Daisy MacPhee.

Dr. Judith Bernhard

File contains photographs taken of Ryerson Early Childhood Studies professor Dr. Judith Bernhard. At this time she presented a paper at the Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Conference. Her photograph was published in the Nov. 10, 1995 edition of the magazine "FORUM".

Bill MacPherson

File contains head shots Director of Ryerson's Office of Private Funding, Bill MacPherson. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Jan., 1983 when he said that Ryerson's private fund-raising campaign would continue indefinitely despite reaching its $6 million goal. His photograph was published again in the "FORUM" Apr., 1985 when he announced that Ryerson's Developing for the Eighties private funding campaign will almost double its $6 million dollar goal.

Richard Malinski

File contains head shots of Ryerson Librarian, Richard Malinski. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Oct., 1990 when he was Chief Librarian.

Alan Marchment

File contains head shots of Alan Marchment. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Oct., 1990 when he was the national campaign chair for The Ryerson Campaign.

Campbell, Gerald

Ian Marlatt

File contains head shots of Ryerson alumnus (Radio and Television Arts), Ian Marlatt. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine Sept., 1996 when he was appointed director of communications in the newly combined departments of Community Relations and Development and Alumni Affairs.

Jim Mars

File contains head shots of Jim Mars, Acting Chair of Urban and Regional Planning. His photograph was published in the 'FORUM' magazine May, 1980 when he commented on the importance of professional accreditation for programs at Ryerson.

Davey, Jerry

May Maskow

File contains head shots of Ryerson professor (Food, Nutrition, Consumer and Family Studies Department), May Maskow.

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