Affichage de 104 résultats

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Toronto Metropolitan University Archives Robert B. Scott fonds
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Envelope 3

Envelope 3 contains correspondence, drawings and a film and photography student handbook.

Envelope 2.1

Envelope 2.1 contains correspondence from former colleagues, students, and assorted personal correspondence.

Free University of Toronto

File contains flyers, correspondence, and meeting minutes relating to the Free University of Toronto. Free University was an initiative organized and planned by students, staff, faculty, and community members at the University of Toronto. It planned to offer free courses - with a goal to create an open, accessible, inclusive, non-corporate, no fees University of Toronto.

National Film Board of Canada - Education Support Program

File contains copies of reports generated by the Media Research Division in conjunction with their investigation in the status of educational media utilization in Canadian educational institutions. Under the direction of Lyle Cruickshank, head of the Media Research Division, this investigation included all levels of education - elementary to adult education.
According to the foreword in the reports -
"Four broad categories were defined for the investigation:
1) To investigate the possibility of establishing a master catalogue of films in Canada
2) To investigate the proportion of films that are available to educators according to country of origin
3) To encourage film makers within the board to participate in the project
4) To establish base-line data at a national level for the utilization of non-print media"

National Film Board of Canada

Notes from Siberia No. 6 - Special File: Fairness, Accuracy & Balance

"Notes from Siberia" was published several times yearly by the Research and Policy Development group at the National Film Board of Canada headquarters in Montreal, Quebec. It was intended for distribution to NFB staff.

One copy of "Notes from Siberia, No. 6 - Special File: Fairness, Accuracy & Balance".

National Film Board of Canada

SCREEN, National Film Board of Canada

File contains copies of "SCREEN", a publication of the Media Study program at the National Film Board. It was circulated free and usually created four times per year - around the time of the equinoxes and solstices.
Included in the file are:

September 1967, Vol. 1, No. 3 - "Summer Institute issue: anti-environment for the electronic, cybernetic, mad, mad world"
1968, Vol. II, No. 2 - "NFB McGill Summer Institute Reflections 1968"
February 1970, Vol. III, No. 3 - "Vernal Equinox"
Vol. 5, No. 2 - "The Winter Solstice"
Vol. 5, No. 3 - "McLuhan: a pocketful of mirrors"
Vol. VII, No. 3 - special bonus issue "Your sabbatical and how to take it"
February 1978, Vol XI, No. 1 - "Aboriginal media dream"

National Film Board of Canada

Articles about Marshall McLuhan

File contains two articles written about Marshall McLuhan:

1) "Unravelling McLuhan" by Anthony W. Hodgkinson. Screen Education London: Society for Education in Film and Television, November 1967

2) "The Axiomatics of Innis and McLuhan" by Robert K. Logan. McLuhan Studies, Volume 1, 1991

Logan, Robert K.

Media Literacy

File contains assorted articles, presentations, and other publications relating to Media Literacy. Included in the file are two copies of a presentation by Derek Boles "From "Birth of a Nation" to "Braveheart" Hollywood & the Construction of History" given at the Association for Media Literacy's 1996 Summer Institute; two copies of "Docudrama Student Handouts" a workshop presented by Derek Boles of the York Region Board of Education in August of 1996; one copy of "Scanning Television" a teacher's guide for videos in media literacy in class; a variety of other media literacy related articles; and two newsletters "Mediacy" published by the Association for Media Literacy - Winter 1990 edition and Fall 1995 edition.

Brockhouse, Gordon

Media Literacy Summer Institute, 1994

The 1994 Media Literacy Summer Institute was held at Ryerson Polytechnic University August 22 - August 26, 1994. The Institute was offered by The Association for Media Literacy (Ontario) in conjunction with the Photographic Arts Department at Ryerson.
Included in the file is a brochure for the week long event, correspondence about room booking, and a fax with bios on presenters.

3.5 inch floppy discs

File contains 15 floppy discs created by Robert Scott. They contain information on courses he taught, the Development Communication Group, and ECCIS (Euro-Canadian Consortium on Communication & Inter-cultural Studies),

Scott, Robert B.

Development Communication Group capacity, mission, and descriptive statements

File contains draft and final copies of capacity, mission, and descriptive statements about the Development Communication Group. Included is a draft of the first capacity statement for the International Communications Group, a sheet on concepts and priorities, and final copies of informational brochures about the group.

Consultation on participatory development and communication and basic education: needs and perspectives within the context of West and Central Africa

The two-day consultation meeting was a collaboration between International Development Research Centre (IDRC) in Ottawa, the Rogers Communications Centre and the International Communication Group. It was held February 10-11, 1995 at the International Living and Learning Centre.
Included in the file is correspondence and 2 copies of the final report about the meeting - 1 in english, 1 in french,

Interdisciplinary Studies in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector management

The Continuing Education division of Ryerson offered professional educational programming for nonprofit and voluntary sector workers. The interdisciplinary Studies in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Management was first offered in the Fall of 1998 through classroom and distance education means.
In the file are several handouts with course information. Also in the file is the programme from the 761 Community Development Corporation annual general meeting, a list of their directors and a fax cover sheet indicating that the course handouts were faxed to them.

Empowering Communities for Health Action through Participatory Communication

File contains information on the Development Communication Group proposed workshop "Empowering Communities for Health Action through Participatory Communication".
Included in the file is correspondence, background paper on rationale, handwritten notes, a paper on "Participatory Approaches to Community-based Health Communication", and a curriculum vitae for Rina Alcalay.

Workshop on Participatory Communication for Change

File contains a handwritten and typed program of events for a workshop on Participatory Communication for Change held May 1998 by the Development Communication group, handwritten notes, a workshop questionnaire, and a schedule of events. There is also a typed course outline for a course in media for social change.

Pre-Planning Meeting - Participatory Approaches to Community-based Health Communication

Planning file for the pre-workshop consultative meeting on Participatory Approaches to Community-based Health Communication held May 7, 1999 at Ryerson. Included is correspondence, background notes on Community-based Health Communication, 2 copies of "Participatory Approaches to Community-based Health Communication" January 1999, and a series of final reports - a financial one, and 2 copies of the final report written by Robert Scott about the meeting.

Roskilde University conferences

File contains a folder from Roskilde University, Denmark for the "Aspects of Intercultural Communication" conference held April 6-7, 1999 and the "Participatory Development Communcation" conference held April 8-9.
Included in the folder are workshop programs, handwritten notes, a photocopy of Canadian Geographic edition about Nunavut, and brochures about the University and about Roskilde.

Virtual Conference on Participatory Communication

File contain correspondence and other materials relating to the planning of a virtual conference on the topic of participatory communication. Included in the file is a paper by C.V. Rajasunderam "Principles, Policies and Processes of Participatory Communication", curriculum vitae for May Maskow, correspondence, Pan Asia Networking Annual Survey - Philippines, and Pan Asia Networking newsletter - Mongolia.

Food for Chiapas Campaign

File contains meeting minutes, handwritten notes and other materials relating to the Food for Chiapas Campaign group. The group was a non-profit, aboriginal directed community based organization whose goal was to supply economic assistance to displaced indigenous communities in Chiapas, Mexico.


File contains two letters. The first is a letter regarding the DCG and the second letter is a letter regarding the 1997 SRC poster session.

International University Partnership program for the Study and Utilization of Information and Communication Systems for Development

File contains information on Ryerson International's proposal for the study and utilization of information and communication systems (ICS). The proposal was sent to the University Partnership in Cooperation and Development (a joint Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Association of Universities and Colleges in Canada (AUCC) program).
The proposal, sent from Ryerson International, was a joint proposal including 10 universities in Canada, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. They were: Ryerson Polytechnic University, Universite de Quebec a Montreal, York University, Concordia University, Simon Fraser University, University of West Indies, Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara, Universidade de Sao Paolo, Universidad del Salvador, and Universidade Javerenia.
Included in the file are correspondence and copies of the proposal.


File contains miscellaneous materials created and collected by Robert Scott in his role with the International Communications Group/Development Communication Group. Topics include conferences, meetings, the internationalization of Ryerson, the Resource Centre for Development Studies (RCDS) in the Ryerson Library, the Ryerson Business Forum, events, and project proposals.
Included in the file is correspondence, handwritten notes, advertising, and meeting minutes.

International Development Week 1995

File contains planning materials for the 1995 International Development Week at Ryerson held February 6 - 11, 1995.
Included is correspondence and a list of films to be shown during the week.

International Development Week 1994 - Human Development

File contains planning materials for the 1994 International Development Week at Ryerson held February 7-11. The weeks theme was "Human Development".
Included are a list of committee members, meeting minutes, schedules of events, advertising and handwritten notes.

Workshop on Participatory Communication for Social Change

The workshop on participatory communication and social change was presented to The Canadian Red Cross Youth Volunteer Summer Program by the Development Communication Group August 24 - 28, 1998.
File contains multiple copies of the final report on the workshop, copies of the agreement between Ryerson Polytechnic University and the Canadian Red Cross, a variety of planning correspondence and documents, and one copy of the resource guide.

IST 909 Interdisciplinary Studies

File contains information on IST 909 Interdisciplinary Studies. Included is information on "Participatory Development Communications", offered in winter 1998, and "Communication and Communities: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives (Participatory Development Communications), offered in winter 1999.
Included in the file are course descriptions, applications and correspondence for the winter 1998 course; and course descriptions, and two copies of the course outline/description for the winter 1999 course.

Euro-Canadian Consortium for Communication and Intercultural Studies (ECCIS) program

Robert Scott was the ECCIS exchange manager for Ryerson Polytechnic University. The file contains records he retained in his role as manager. Ryerson became involved in the program in October 1997 with three Canadian partners - Simon Fraser University, Concordia University, and Laval University and a group of European schools - University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands), University of Florence (Italy), Middlesex University (United Kingdom), University of Paris (France), and Roskilde University (Denmark).
Included in the file is correspondence, reports, and other materials relating to the program and the students that came to Ryerson on exchange in 1999.

Ryerson Centre

File contains materials relating Ryerson Centre. Included is research, meeting minutes, financial statements, and correspondence.

Envelope 15.2

File contains copy of the libretto "McLuhan: The Musical" written by Frank Moher, with music and lyrics by Gerald Reid. It was premiered by the Great Canadian Opera Company in Ottawa in October of 1994. It was also used in the McLuhan media installation in 2011 in the George Vari Centre.
Also included in the file are a variety of magazine and newspaper articles relating to Marshall McLuhan and new media. Included are:
"Cyber Rebels - The Force with No Name" Toronto Star, March 6 , 2011
"Chaos! - Mathematics learns to cope with the unpredictable" Globe and Mail, October 24, 1987
"Marketing's Sinister Side" Toronto Star, August 20, 2011
"Brain scan 'reads' thoughts out loud" Toronto Star, February 9, 2012
"Meet you at the Megaplex" Toronto Star, December 4, 2010
"Can we be digital Canadians" Torono Star, July 28, 2010
"When breaking the law is justified" Toronto Star, June 11, 2011
"A brief history of killing time" Toronto Star, June 3, 2011
"Spatial Metaphor in the Work of Marshall McLuhan" Canadian Journal of Communication Vol. 26, No. 4 2001
"Marshall McLuhan strikes back" Toronto Star, October 20, 2011
"We are McLuhan" Toronto Life magazine, July 2011
"Never a dull moment" St. Michael's magazine Spring, 2011
"Divine Inspiration" Walrus Magazine, July/August 2011

Envelope 15.1

File contains materials related to various Marshall McLuhan exhibits and events. Included are two dvds with "Who is Marshall McLuhan" and "The Ballad of Marshall McLuhan" as shown during Nuit Blanche 2010. Also in the file are DVDs of the Marshall McLuhan plaque unveiling, and a DVD of the Media Literacy Network launch, and of Professor Bob Logan's book "McLuhan Misunderstood" at the Spoke Club in February of 2011.
The file also contains photographs taken of the "McLuhan's Media" exhibition at George Vari in 2011, and meeting minutes and other materials relating to the McLuhan Legacy Network (MLN).

Envelope 15

Envelope 15 contains 2 dvd and textual records relating to the "McLuhan's Media" installation presented in the George Vari Engineering Building July 22 and 23, 2011. Included is preliminary research, several versions of possible media to be used, the final selection of media, a listing of contributing artists. The first dvd is Mark Polscher's "Die Mechanische Brout" and "Science and Society: McLuhan on The Club"; and the second dvd is of Christina (Jana) Kluge's multimedia exhibition "Homage to Marshall McLuhan". Polscher's work was played during the exhibit. Kluge's work was received later.

Envelope 15, 15.1 and 15.2

Envelope 15 contains materials relating to Marshal McLuhan. Included is content, proposals, news stories, correspondence, meeting minutes and other materials relating to a variety of McLuhan related exhibits and displays.

Envelope 10

File contains materials from Robert Scott's visit to Karlovy Vary, Czechoslovakia, July 2-10, 1987. The trip was to the 9th Annual RIFE-CILECT International Festival and the 5th Festival of Student Films.
Included in the file are passes, photographs, introduction card, driving permit, breakfast tickets, shuttle schedule between hostel and festival, and two postcards from people met in Karlovy Vary.

Envelope 5

Two certificates awarded to Robert Scott for his participation in "The Videodisc Design/Production Workshop" May 18-22, 1986 and "The Videodisc Design Workshop" June 15-19, 1986. Both workshops were held in Lincoln, Nebraska.
The workshops were sponsered by the Nebraska Videodisc Design/Production group, Station KUON-TV/Nebraska ETV Network, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Conferences and Institutes.

Envelope 4

Envelope contains correspondence, a proposal, 2 vhs tapes, and two dvds relating to the International Communications Group (ICG). The group was later re-named the Development Communication Group (DCG).
Included are letters notifying various people at Ryerson of the years first meeting of the ICG for 1996; a professional profile for DCG's co-ordinator; correspondence, a vhs cassette and a dvd relating to IST 909 - Participatory Communications; a letter requesting SRC funding for the DCG; a DCG position paper "Communication and Social Change - an environment for new thinking"; and a dvd of a film "At the Still Point" sponsored by Global Television Consortium and Worldview International and produced by member of the DCG. There is a dvd from a joint Red Cross Society - DCG workshop "Participatory Communication for Social Change held August 24-28, 1998. Also included is a vhs tape of "Street Kids North and South - Beat the Street", one of three films that were part of the DCG presentation "Thinking Globally, Acting Locally" International Development week, February 1-5, 1999.

Pencil sketches

File contains three pages of head and shoulder pencil drawings done by Robert Scott of different faculty in the Photographic Arts Department.

Scott, Robert B.

Correspondence - Faculty related

File contains correspondence and accompanying materials created by Robert Scott. Correspondence was sent the Chairs of the School of Image Arts in relation to program creation and teaching.

Scott, Robert B.

Correspondence - general

File contains 3 letters. The first is from the National Film Board of Canada. The second is an open letter to the Ryerson Community from various members of the Faculty regarding a community meeting about the budget in 1990. The third is a letter to the editor of the Eyeopener Newspaper.


File contains correspondence in the form of letters, postcards, and photographs turned into postcards. All written to Robert Scott for a variety of reasons.

Christmas cards

File contains two christmas cards sent from a faculty member from the Beijing Film Academy in Beijing, People's Republic of China.

Guodian, Liu

Media and Communication course brochure

Three brochures for the Photographic Arts Media and Communication course (PTM023-033-043) offered from July 5-July 24 1982(?) at Ryerson's Blue Mountain Lodge. The course counted as a credit towards the students Photographic Arts degree. Robert Scott designed, organized and helped teach the three week course.


File contains correspondence to and from Robert Scott. Topics include paid leaves, course loading, and reference letters.


File contains a three separate proposals written by Robert Scott. The first is 2 pages of handwritten notes of promotion strategies in developing the Media Studies program in Film and Photography. The second is a 2 page proposal regarding ECCIS, interdisciplinary course development, and the Development Communication Group. The third is a proposal for a Graduate Studies degree in New Media.

Scott, Robert B.

Course related materials

File contains a variety of materials. Included is an audiocassette recording of Robert Scott's PTM 011-01 lecture given October 21, 1976 from 8:00am - 9:00am. Black and white photographs and contact sheets showing the the geodesic dome built in the Experimental Media Lab (Photo Arts building rm 304). Included in the photographs are images of Robert Scott and several of his students who helped build the dome. The contact sheets show the same photographs plus other images of student work and Ron Werner, a professor from the Psychology Department who team taught with Robert Scott. A valentine's day card, and a short 2 page essay by Robert Scott.

Envelope 2

Envelope 2 contains a variety of records relating to course work and projects undertaken by Robert Scott while teaching at Ryerson in Film and Photography (now Image Arts)

2014 donation

Series contains records, photographs, and audio visual materials donated to the Ryerson Archives by Robert Scott in 2014.

Miscellaneous records

File contains a program from the celebration of appreciation dinner for those who contributed to establishing the Ryerson Community Centre on October 13, 1978, two flyers for the Photographic Arts evening study course XZTV 342 - New Media and its applications; and an original copy of a brochure advertising a new Evening studies course Media and Communication.

Holland College

File contains correspondence and accompanying records relating to Holland College in Charlottetown P. E. I.

Euro-Canadian Consortium for Communication and Intercultural Studies program

The Euro-Canadian Consortium for Communication and Intercultural Studies (ECCIS) program, which ceased to be in 2000, was a 10 university consortium that allowed faculty and students from the member universities the chance to do an exchange. Ryerson was one of 5 Canadian Universities that took part.. It functioned in conjunction with the Office of International Affairs at Ryerson.
The file contains correspondence, and other information relating to the consortium.

Program for North American Mobility in Higher Education

The Program for North American Mobility in Higher Education was a co-operative partnership between the Canadian, American, and Mexican government by supporting the development of international joint projects between universities, colleges, and technical institutions. The program, started in 1995, was offered through the Learning and Literacy Directorate of Human Resources Development Canada.
File contains a letter and a booklet of guidelines and application procedures for applicants to the program.

Graduate Studies

File contains information on the Ryerson-York joint graduate program on Communication and Culture, a draft proposal for a Centre of New Media, a proposal for a Masters of Applied Arts in New Media, a draft job description of a co-ordinator of Graduate and Ancillary Studies Film and Photography department, a draft booklet of procedures for submitting graduate program approval, and a copy of the May 1996 "Ryerson Research" newsletter.

Course outlines

File contains course outlines and course related materials for the following full-time courses :

Film and Photography :
PTM and PTY classes

Media and Communications :
PTM 023
PTM 033
PTM 043
XTV 342 (1977 / 1978)

Communication Theory :
PTM 011 (1977 / 1978)

(Man:) Exploration of Perception :
PTY 035 (1975 / 1976 and 1978 / 1979)
PTY 022 (1978 / 1979)

An undated general bibliography :
PTM 011
PTM 023
PTM 033
PTM 043
XTV 342

A general statement about course content :
PTM 011
PTM 023
PTM 033
PTM 043
PTY 022
PTY 035


Series contains materials relating to the sabbaticals taken by Robert Scott.

General correspondence

File contains memorandas, correspondence and accompanying materials created and collected by Robert Scott. Also in the file are two copies of the Film and Photography newsletter from May 1, 1986.

McLuhan program in culture and technology

File contains correspondence, articles, newsletters and papers that all seem to relate back to the University of Toronto's graduate program "The McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology".

Ryerson Centre and the Ryerson Centre/RFA bursary

File contains general information about Ryerson Centre including lists of members, a financial statement, and information on the annual general meeting. Also in the file is correspondence, a brochure, and other materials related to the granting of Ryerson Centre/RFA bursaries.

Fast Forward, Episode 2 - Toward the Ultimate System

Fast Forward was a 26 episode series on TV Ontario originally airing 1978-1979. The series examined the electronic revolution. Episode 2 - Towards the Ultimate System focused on a variety of total information systems including television, telephones, and computers. The episode originally aired on April 2, 1979.

Education in the Information Age

File contains 2 copies of the keynote address delivered by Robert Scott to The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers at the 14th International Television Conference. The Conference was held in Toronto on February 1, 1980. Also in the file is thank you letter from the President of the Society for his participation.

The Body Electric: Notions of Self and Identity in the Age of Virtual Reality

File contains a copy of "The Body Electric: Notions of Self and Identity in the Age of Virtual Reality" presented by Robert Scott at "Confronting Technopoly" - the 15th annual convention of the Media Ecology Association. The convention was held June 19-22, 2014 Ryerson University. Also in the file are the conference proceedings, and correspondence.

The Saint John Project: The National Film Board of Canada's "Challenge for Change" Program Revisited

Contained in a University of Colorado paper folder is an abstract and attached paper "The Saint John Project: The National Film Board of Canada's "Challenge for Change" Program Revisited" by Robert Scott. The paper was presented at the McBride Round Table in Communication conference - Global Media and Global Responsibility: A Time to Choose. The round table was held at the University of Colourado, Boulder October 1-2, 1997. Also in folder are conference details, a list of other places Robert Scott presented about the Saint John project, and background articles about the project.

Margaret Anglin: A Canadian Actress Interprets Classical Greek Drama in America, 1898-1928

File contains a copy of the paper "Margaret Anglin: A Canadian Actress Interprets Classical Greek Drama in America, 1898-1928" and a CD of the accompanying images to the paper. The paper was presented at the 6th International Conference of European Theatre: Reinterpretation of Ancient Greek Theatre during the second half of the Twentieth Century. The conference was held in Athens, Greece March 31 - April 7, 1996. Also in the file is a letter.

Driver Education on the Information Highway

File contains one copy of the symposium proceedings from the 3rd International Interactive Multimedia Symposium "The Learning Superhighway - New World? New Worries" held in Perth, Western Australia January 21-25, 1996. Robert Scott's paper "Driver Education on the Information Highway is published on page 381 of the book. The Symposium was hosted by Curtin University of Technology, Edith Cowan University, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Centre, Ministry of Education and IMAGO Multimedia Centre Ltd. and supported by The University of Western Australia and Murdoch University.

The Body Electric: Notions of Self and Identity in the Age of Virtual Reality

File contains two copies of the paper "The Body Electric: Notions of Self and Identity in the Age of Virtual Reality" presented at the 2nd Crossroads in Cultural Studies - Self Identity in the late 20th century conference held in Tampere, Finland July 1 - 4, 1996. Also in the file is an book of abstracts from papers and presentations at the conference and correspondence.

Towards an Interactive Performance Calendar Database

File contains one copy of the paper "Towards and Interactive Performance Calendar Database". This paper is based on Robert Scott's Ph.D thesis that developed a daily theatrical calendar of performances by professional theatre companies in 28 Ontario town and citites between 1914-1967. The paper was presented at the 12th annual World Congress of the International Federation for Theatre Research: New Directions in Theatre Research. The conference was held in Stockholm, Sweden May 29-June 4, 1989.
Also in the file is a copy of the conference proceedings, a history guide for Storkyrkan St. Nicholas' Stockholm Cathedral, and an application for the International Federation for Theatre Research.

Résultats 1 à 100 sur 104