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Peter Di Gangi Papers Ficheiro Inglês
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Nisga'a Nation

File contains two published documents:
2018. Nisga'a Treaty Negotiations Agreement-in-Principle
2018. Nisga'a Final Agreement - Appendices

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations

File contains two published documents:
2018. The Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Self-Government Agreement
2018. Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Final Agreement

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Teslin Tlinglit Council

File contains two published documents:
2018. Teslin Tlingit Council Self-Government Agreement
2018. Teslin Tlingit Council Final Agreement

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Selkirk First Nation

File contains two published documents:
2018. Selkirk First Nation Self-Government Agreement
2018. Selkirk First Nation Final Agreement

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Justice Opinions - General

File contains records related to the Department of Justice Canada and Indigenous law. Included in the file are:
1) Trending in Native Law - Native Law, Public Law Sector - Department of Justice
2) Current Native Litigation Report, Issue No. 13 (April 1988) - Native Law, Public Law Sector - Department of Justice
3) memo from within the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development regarding the Sparrow c. The Queen court case

Claims - Critiques of Policies

File contains a variety of critiques of, and information on Canada's comprehensive claims policy. Included are:
1) Analysis of Canada's Comprehensive Claims Policy - AFN - Land Rights Unit
2) The "Blackhole" of Specific Claims in Canada - Need it take another 500 years? by Ric Savino, presented to The Canadian Bar Association Continuing Legal Education seminar
3) The Implementation of Federal Claims Policy 1973-1980 - a working paper by Murray Angus
4) First Nations Submission on Claims - AFN
5) AFN's Crititique of Federal Government Land Claims Policies
6) Doublespeak of the 90's: A Comparison of Federal Government and First Nation Perception of Land Claims Process - AFN

MC CCP 1986 + More

File contains records related to the Comprehensive Claims Policy. Included in the file are:

1) National Overview of Comprehensive Claims Policy and the Constitution Act 1982 (draft - for discussion only)
2) Status report on Comprehensive Claims
3) Package of topics, issues, background information, talking points, and status dealing with comprehensive land claims across Canada.

BCTC - Sept. 2001

File contains records related to the treaty process in British Columbia. Included in the file are:
1) British Columbia Treaty Commission dual report - Treaty Commission 2001 annual report/Looking Forward Looking Back a review of the BC Treaty Process
2) newspaper clipping re: BC treaty talks
3) news release re: referendum ballot from the Select Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs

Delgamuukw - Govt's

File contains various analyses and reports regarding the impact of the Delamuukw decision. Included in the file are:
1) Union of British Columbia Municipalities - Conference on the Supreme Court of Canada Decision on Delgamuukw
2) three analysis by Bull, Housser & Tupper barristers and solicitor regarding decision
3) Specific claims and Delgamuukw by Mandell Pinder for UBCIC
4) Delgamuukw - a preliminary anaylsis of the Supreme Court of Canada's decision for a discussion with legal counsel for British Columbia and First Nations - Dept. of Justice

Auditor General - CCP - 2001

File contains a photocopy of the 2001 Report of the Auditor General of Canada to the House of Commons - other observations and appendices. Includes follow up of section 14 of the 1998 report "Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - Comprehensive Land Claims".

Auditor General CCP 1998-1999

File contains a copy of section 14 of the Auditor General of Canada's 1998 report - "Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - Comprehensive Land Claims" and a copy of 22nd Report to the House (1999) regarding section 14 of the Auditor General's report.

SCAA + Comp Claims - 10-11/98

File contains two transcripts from the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development meetings dated Thursday October 22, 1998 and Tuesday November 3, 1998.

Auditor General CCP 9/98

File contains records related to comprehensive claims policy and information on specific claims. In the file is section 14 - "Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - Comprehensive Land Claims" of the Auditor General of Canada's 1998 report; Comprehensive Claims Policy and Status of Claims - Nov. 21, 1997 from Indigenous Affairs and Northern Development website; and transcript from the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Oct. 22, 1998 meeting.

Comp. Claims Status 3/96

File contains information on settled and in negotiation comprehensive claims between 1973 and March 1996.

Innu Impacts - Voisey/98

File contains records related to agreements between various Indigenous nations and mining corporations. Included in the file are:
1) Ntesinan Nteshiniminan Nteniunan - Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Innu Nation Task Force on Mining Activities final report
2) Memorandum of Understanding between the Innu Nation and Diamond Fields Resources Inc.
3) Morris/Rose/Ledgett memo - Summary of Impact Benefit Agreements


File contains Conseil Attikamekw-Montagnais records related to comprehensive claims and other records related to this.


File contains records related to the Dene/Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement. Included in the file are:
1) Correspondence
2) Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement between Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and the Gwich'in as represented by the Gwich'in Tribal Council and supplement to the agreement
3) Dene/Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement in Principle
4) Analysis and Commentary: March 31, 1990 Draft of the Dene/Metis Claims Agreement - Assembly of First Nations Centre for Treaty Advocacy
5) Dene Leadership Meeting motions
6) Supreme Court of Canada appeal re: unpatented crown land in the Northwest Territories

Treaties 8 & 11

File contains records related to Treaties 8 and 11. Included are:
1) Bay River Community Workshop: Resource materials - Assembly of First Nations Centre for Treaty Advocacy
2) Report of the Commission appointed to investigate the unfulfilled provisions of Treaties 8 and 11 as they apply to the Indians of the MacKenzie District, 1959
3) news release (2 copies) re: ratification of agreement with Treaty 8 Tribal Council
4) Treaty No. 11 (June 27, 1921) and Adhesion (July 17, 1922) with reports etc.
5) Treaty Research Report - Treaty Eleven

C. Y. I. Umbrella

File contains a copy of the Council for Yukon Indians Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement in Principle, a newspaper clipping, and correspondence between the Minister of Indian Affairs and the Council for Yukon Indians.


File contains records related to the Council of Yukon Indians and the Vuntut Gwich'in First Nation final agreement. Included in the file is background information, news clipping, news release, and highlights from the agreement.

Non-xting Treaty

File contains records related to treaty making and non-extinguishment. Included are:
1) Indigenous Peoples Treaty Making Workshop
2) Treaty-Making and Title: A Non-extinguishment alternative for settling the land question in British Columbia, discussion paper #1 - UBCIC 21st annual general assembly, 1989
3) Inter-Tribal Treaties on the Land Question: B. C. Indians' Strategy for the 1990s, discussion paper #2 - UBCIC 21st annual general assembly, 1989
4) Presentation on claims, reserves, and self government
5) Memorandum - Alternatives to Extinguishment - Jeff Richstone, Inuit Committee on National Issues
6) Discussion paper on the Federal Government's Extinguishment Policy with Respect to Land Claims Agreements
7) General Statement on Extinguishment Policy - Conseil Atikamekw-Montagnais

Coolican Rpt.

File contains two items - a newspaper clipping from the Ottawa Citizen February 10, 1986 - "Natives should be able to keep aboriginal rights and have say in land development: task force"; and a report "Key Components for Required Change to the Federal Policy on Comprehensive Land Claims" Sept. 1990

Librtn Theology

File contains two copies of "Liberation Theology and Our Missions of Canada" by Jean-Guy Goulet.

Goulet, Jean-Guy

Slattery 1982-87

File contains records relating to written works by Brian Slattery. Included in the file is a letter and accompanying synopsis of his work "The Land Rights of Indigenous Canadian Peoples" by Peter Di Gangi and a photocopy of "The Canadian Bar Review" Journal Vol. 66 No. 4, Dec. 1987 with an article "Understanding Aboriginal Rights" by Brian Slattery.

Xting 84 Vol. II

Second of two folders from the Assembly of First Nations conference on Land Claims and Extinguishment. Included in the file is correspondence, reports and copies of:
1) "Indian Land Title Extinguishment" by Brian Davey, Nishnawbe-Aski Nation
2) "The James Bay Treaty and the Federal Government's Comprehensive Land Claims Policy"
3) The Unconscionable Treaty between the Crown and the Cree/Ojibway People of Northern Ontario" by Brian Davey, Nishnawbe-Aski Nation
4) "Alternative Approaches to Alaska Native Land and Governance" by Ralph W. Johnson for the Alaska Native Review Commission
5) "Extinguishment: An Analysis and Strategy" by Murray Angus for Dene-Metis Negotiations Secretariate
6) "Towards a New Federal Policy for Comprehensive Claims Settlements" John A. Olthuis, for AFN
7) "Extinguishment of Aboriginal Rights as a Result of Supersession by Law and Third Party Alienation" Squamish Nation
8) French and English version of "Condensed Version of the Review of the Comprehensive Claims Process"
9) "A New Proposal for Claims Resolution in Ontario" presentation by Association of Iroquois & Allied Indians, Grand Council Treaty #3, and Union of Ontario Indians to Minister of Indian Affairs
10) "The Political Economy of Native Land Claims in the Canadian North" J. I. Prattis
11) "The Black Hills Case - from the Dakota Nations" Cy Standing and Clair Henderson

Xting 84 Vol. I

First of two folders filled with materials from the November 1984 Assembly of First Nations conference on Land Claims and Extinguishment. Also in the file are meeting notes from the Land Claims Steering Committee meetings held in October of that year.

Xting: Fact Finder

File contain records relating to the Honourable Alvin C. Hamilton's role as fact finder for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. This role's purpose was to find alternatives to "surrender provisions" used in claim settlements and was initiated in response to a special report by the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Included in the file are "Extinguishing Extinguishment: Bringing an Era to an End" presented by Ovide Mercredi in his role as National Chief of Assembly of First Nations; copies of background paper "Achieving Certainty in Comprehensive Land Claims Settlements"; correspondence; and other materials related to this research.

Xting - Hamilton 9/95

File contains a copy of "Canada and Aboriginal Peoples - A New Partnership" report of the Honourable A. C. Hamilton Fact Finder for Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development; draft copy of "Analysis of the Report of The Honourable A. C. Hamilton, Fact Finder for the Minister of Indian & Northern Development"; news release regarding the report release; and correspondence regarding the Assembly of First Nations report analysis.

JBNQA - 1975-2002

File contains records related to the Cree-Quebec agreement of 2002. Included in the file are excerpts from the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (1975); excerpts from the Cree-Quebec agreement; and notes by Peter Di Gangi regarding the 2002 agreement.

James Bay - Quebec

File contains records pertaining to the James Bay & Northern Quebec Agreement. Included in the file are:
1) Highlights of the Negotiations leading to the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement - Grand Chief Billy Diamond
2) Macleans magazine, June 1, 1981
3) Grand Council of the Crees annual report, 1982
4) article "Grand Council of the Crees (of Quebec) - Marsha G. Smoke
5) Cree School Board annual report, 1982
6) James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement implementation review, February 1982


File contains a variety of information related to the James Bay Northern Quebec Agreement and the Northeastern Quebec Agreement. Included in the file are:
1) Article in Nature Canada Spring 1991 - "The Geese have lost their way..." by Jamie Linton
2) memo "Naskapi: Committees, Commissions and Boards" re: the Northeastern Quebec Agreement
3) "Implementation of the Cree/Naskapi (of Quebec) Act and the Implications for Indian Programs"
4) "The James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement - general information"
5) "Development of the James Bay Crees (of Quebec) since the signing of the James Bay Agreement 1975-1985"
6) Address by Chief Ted Moses, Eastmain Band, James Bay 13 June 1988
7) The Ouje-Bougoumou Cree Nation vs Her Majesty the Queen in the Right of Canada
8) Equinox magazine January/February 1992

Claims - North

File contains a paper and a report regarding Indigenous land claims in Northern Canada. Included in the file are:
1) The Political Economy of Native Land Claims in the Canadian North by J. I. Prattis
2) A Survey of the History and Claims of the Native Peoples of Northern Canada by William R. Morrison for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

Comp. Cl. Cases

File contains three reports created for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP).
1) Comprehensive Claims Agreements as Tools for Local/Regional Development - Roy Erasmus
2) A Brief to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Intervenor Participation Program - Alliance Tribal Council of Delta British Columbia
3) Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Final Report, July 30, 1993

Olthuis et al. 4/94

Letter regarding and copy of final draft of the report "Analysis of Canada's Comprehensive and Specific Claims Policies and Suggested Alternatives". Report created by Morris/Rose/Ledgett Barristers and Solicitors for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

RCAP: Comp. Claims

File folder containing the report "Northern Comprehensive Aboriginal Claims Agreements" prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples by Letha J. MacLachlan, barrister and solicitor. Also in the file are charts of information on each of the 14 comprehensive land claims examined for the report.

Turpel - Xting Vols. 1-3

Two file folders contains the three volume "Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Extinguishment of Rights of Aboriginal Peoples Governance Project - Extinguishment of the Rights of Aboriginal Peoples: Problems and Alternatives".

Xting - Research Vol. I

File contains records related to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Extinguishment of Rights of Aboriginal Peoples Governance project. In the file are:
1) RCAP extinguishment project detailed research plan
2) RCAP Extinguishment of rights interim report - Paul Joffe, Dick Spaulding, Chris Tennant, Mary Ellen Turpel
3) Alternatives to Extinguishment - a report prepared for RCAP - Michael Jackson

XTing - Macklem 4/94

File contains letter and copy of "Treaty-making in the Spirit of Co-existence: Alternatives to Extinguishment in Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements" second draft by Patrick Macklem.


File contains records related to the Royal Commission on Aboriginals Peoples Land and Resources Policy team and their work on dispute resolution mechanisms.

Xting Vol. I

File contains records relating to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples claims working group and research on claims and extinguishment. File contains two copies of the paper "Extinguishment and Federal Comprehensive Claims Policy Recommendations for Alternatives: A report prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples" by Michael Asch.

RCAP Claims Vol. I 6/93

File contains records relating to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Claims Focus Group. Included in the file are handwritten notes by Peter Di Gangi, contact lists, discussion papers, and a copy of "Federal Policy for the Settlement of Native Claims".

Xting SCAA 1994

File contains correspondence regarding Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development meetings and a copy of the June 1994 meeting minutes and accompanying 5th and 6th reports - Committee Report on Extinguishment and Committee Report on the Kaska Nation and the Yukon Umbrella Final Agreement.

C-19 - FN Statistical & Fiscal Act

File contains records related to Bill C-19 First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act. Included in the file is correspondence and accompanying materials, and an official report of the House of Commons Debate Thursday January 30, 2003 - Vol. 138 No. 049 2nd session - 37th Parliament.

Bill C-6 - October 2003

File contains records related to Bill C-6. Included in the folder are meeting agenda and minutes, correspondence, briefs and other records created by the Assembly of First Nations, the Algonquin Nation Secretariat, the Chiefs' Committee on Claims, and the Indian Governments of Saskatchewan.

C-6 Senate - June 2003

File contains records related to Bill C-6. Included in the file is correspondence; briefing notes; presentations to Senate Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Senate Standing Committee on Aboriginal Peoples; and minutes from Standing Committee on Aboriginal Peoples meetings in April and May 2003 regarding Bill C-6.

Bill C-6 - Spring 2003

File contains records related to the Bills C-6 and C-60. Included are news clippings, notes, correspondence, and other materials including a copy of Bill C-60.

AFN - CCC - 22 May 2002

File contains records related to the Chiefs Committee on Claims and the proposal for an independent claims body. Included in the file are meeting agendas and minutes, updates, and a copy of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Legislative Process manual.

C-60/C-6 - "ICB" Kit

File contains records related to Bill C-6 and Bill C-60. Included are emails, notes, press releases, strategy documents, papers, and presentations from various bodies in reaction to the Bills. Also included are copies of the Bills themselves.

Bill C-6 - Nov 2002

File contains records related to Bill C-6 The Specific Claims Resolution Act. Included in the file is correspondence, meeting minutes, and draft discussion papers.

Bill C-60 - Sept 2002

File contains records related to Bill C-60 Specific Claims bill. Included in the file are:
1) Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Chiefs' Strategic Committee reports
2) Assembly of First Nations Chiefs Committee on Claims records
3) Indian Claims Commission records
4) Correspondence
5) Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Legislative Process booklet

C-6: Ed John Report

File contains a copy of the final report by Grand Chief Edward John of the Tl'atz'en First Nation on the Federal Government's proposed independent claims body.
The Federal Bill was ultimately rejected by First Nations.

AFN Claims 5/2000

File contains records related to the creation of an independent claims body in Canada. Included are newsclippings, correspondence and reports.

AFN Claims Jan 99

File contains records related to specific claims and the claims process. Included are news paper clippings, correspondence and accompanying materials.

AFN/AFNQ - 4/98

File contains records related to the Premiers' and Territorial Leaders communique and framework for discussion on Canadian Unity. File also contains records related to land titles and comprehensive claims and claim policy.

Claims Directions 2/97

File contains records related to land claims and land claim policy. Included in the file are:
1) Pages from "Indian and Inuit Affairs Program"
2) Correspondence and accompanying records re: Chiefs Committee on Claims
3) "An Analysis of the Costs and Settlements of Canada's Current Claims Policy" discussion draft
4) Draft "Protocol for the Joint First Nations/Canada Task Force on the Specific Claims Policy"

FN's RCMP 1995

File contains news clippings and RCMP Criminal Intelligence briefs and memos regarding Aboriginal militancy and Aboriginal-based organized crime.

Lands & Trusts 1998-99

File contains a news clippings; handwritten notes ; and a copy of "The Lands and Trust Services Initiative: Its potential Impact on the Federal Government's Fiduciary Obligations" by Kent McNeil.

FMC & Claims & Self Govt. 1980s

File contains records related to the First Ministers' Conference, Land Claims, and Self-Government. Included in the file are:
1) A New Covenant - Towards the Constitutional Recognition and Protection of Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada
2) Bill S-18 - An Act to further the aspirations of the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada
3) Senate news release re: Aboriginal Peoples Act
4) Address by Chief Ted Moses, Eastmain Band, James Bay June 13, 1988, Yellowknift, N. W. T.
5) Minister's Letter - Issue 5, April 1984
6) Correspondence re: proposed constitutional amendments, 1981
7) Copy of notes and actual speech given by National Chief to open the First Ministers' Constitutional Conference, 1983
8) Strength in Unity - Association of Iroquois and Allied Nations newsletter
9) The Implementation of Federal Claims Policy 1973-1980 - a working paper - Murray Angus
10) Public Lands, Native Land Claims and Land Use - Peter A. Cumming
11) The Federal-Indian Trust Relationship: An Historical Overview and Discussion of Some Current Issues - Jeffrey A. Ross
12) The Political Economy of Land Claims: Critical Reflections on the 1973 Federal Policy Statement on Native Claims in Canada - James Murray Angus
13) Towards a New Federal Policy for Comprehensive Claims Settlements

I. C. O. 82-

File contains records related to the Indian Commission of Ontario. Included in the file are:
1) The Tripartite Council resolution and memorandum of reference (unsigned)
2) An Introduction to the Indian Commission of Ontario
3) Claims in Ontario: P. T. C. Discussions - Nishnawbe-Aski Nation
4) Correspondence re: Ontario Research Directors' Meeting
5) article from Anishinabek News re: Mississauga #8 settlement ratification

Ontario PTOs RE: Claims 1981

File contains 2 copies of the joint presentation "A New Proposal for Claims Resolution in Ontario" by the Executive Councils of the Association of Iroquois & Allied Indians, Grand Council Treaty #3, and the Union of Ontario Indians to the Minister of Indian Affairs Honourable John Munro.

SP. CL. Status 77-86

File contains 3 specific claims in Canada status reports - 1977, 1982, and 1984.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

U. S. Claims Commission

File contains copies of "The U. S. Indian Claims Commission (a comprehensive digest)" by the U. S. Office of Native Claims and parts of "Indian Land Claims Policy in the United States" by Russel Lawrence Barsh and Sakej Y. Henderson.

Claims Policies

File contains 4 different land claim books published by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Included are:
1) In All Fairness - A Native Claims Policy, 1981
2) Outstanding Business - A Native Claims Policy, 1982
3) Comprehensive Land Claims Policy, 1986
4) Federal Policy for the Settlement of Native Claims, 1998

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Ind Orgs. Vol. I

File contains two papers and an article:
1) The Innovative Use of Standing Committees by Keith Penner, in "Canadian Parliamentary Review" Vol. 5 No. 1
2) The Indian Lobby by Douglas E. Sanders
3) A Guide to Native Political Associations in Canada by Wayne Daugherty, INAC

CBSG Audit 2/93

File contains records related to DIAND's "Audit of Community Based Self-Government Program". Included in the file are two copies of report, audit notes, and two copies of a newspaper article "Native Frustration".

Priorities DIA 6/95

File contains correspondence about and copies of "DIAND's Framework for Action (a work in progress)" and three copies of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada "The Outlook in Priorities and Expenditures 1995-1996 to 1997-1998".

DIA Audits - 1/95

File contains copies of departmental audit reports for Indian Affairs and Northern Development. Included in the file are:

1) news release and associated executive summaries for: Environmental Management Audit of Northern Affairs Program, Land & Water Management Activities Associated with Mining; Environmental Management Audit of the Land & Trust Sector, Land Management Activities Associated with Mining; Self-Assessment of the Funding Management Process; Indian Economic Development Fund (IEDF) and Eskimo Loan Fund (ELF) of the Headquarters and Quebec Regional Offices; Year End Expenditures for the 1994-1995 Fiscal Year; and Geological Mapping of the Northwest Territories Region.

2)Audit Report on the Office of the Treaty Commissioner

3) Audit of Specific Claims final report

4) Audit of the Indian Registration System audit report

5) Real Property Disposals audit report

6) Audit of Selected 1992-1993 Capital Projects report

7) Audit of Selected Databanks Nominal Roll System audit report

8) Audit of The Management of Receivables audit report

9) Training audit report

10) Audit of the Management of Automated Systems in the Land Management Function

McNeil/Slattery 1998

File contains two papers -
1) Brian Slattery's presentation on the inherent right to self-government presented at the Self-Government Conference October 19, 1998
2) "How Can Infringements of the Constitutional Rights of Aboriginal Peoples be Justified" by Kent McNeil for the Centre for Constitutional Studies - Constitutional Forum.

PCO Research - 96

File contains records relating to the 1996 Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development program review and budget. Included are an info package released by DIAND and correspondence and information from an access to information request regarding the review.

Govt Bios

File contains news stories, biographies and histories for government officials who worked for Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada and Ministry of Indigenous Affairs.

Federal Steering Cmmittee

File contains two copies of a booklet for the Federal Steering Committee on Self-Government and Comprehensive Claims. Included are member lists and a process booklet.

Residential Schools

File contains papers and articles written about Residential Schools. Included in the file are:
1) Anglican Journal April 2000 and May 2000
2) Presbyterian Record, January 2003
3) Federal Rules of Engagement - The Government's War Against Survivors and the Churches by Alvin Tolley
4) Article for Anasazi - "Federal Rules of Engagement: Canada's War Against Survivors and the Churches"

Self Govt - Accountability

File contains records related to fiscal accountability. Included in the file are newspaper clippings and a copy of "CGA-AFN Accountability Project interim report, April 1999".

Right Wing - 2000

File contains newspaper clippings, brochures and other records related to negative reactions to Indigenous Rights and Self-Government.

AFN Speeches 1990

File contains speeches and presentations. Included are:

1) The Crown-First Nations Relationship and the Treaties - a National Perspective
2) Presentation to the Senate of Canada - The Implications of the Meech Lake Accord on Treaties
3) Presentation to the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs regarding The Post-Secondary Education Assistance Program
4) Speaking notes for Regional Chief Lawrence Courtoreille to the Indian Association of Alberta
5) National Chief Georges Erasmus' Speaking Notes for Newsworld, Aug. 29, 1990
6) Assembly of First Nations submission to the Senate Committee on Aboriginal Affairs
7) Backgrounder on the current crisis in First Nation - Canada Relations

Assembly of First Nations/National Indian Brotherhood

DIAND Polls - 1995-3/97

File contains Insight Research Canada polling reports for 1996-1997. Reports received as part of and Access to Information request by Peter Di Gangi. Included in the file are:
1) Pollara - Perspectives Canada Vol. VI, No. 1 First Quarter 1997 subscriber analysis - DIAND
2) Perspectives Canada Fall 1994 and Winter 1995 - Department of Indian and Northern Affairs
3) Perspectives Canada Vol. IV, No. 2 - Subscriber analysis: Department of Indian and Northern Affairs
4) Perspectives Canada Vol. IV, No. 3 - Subscriber analysis: Department of Indian and Northern Affairs
5) Perspectives Canada Vol. IV, No. 4 - Subscriber analysis: Department of Indian and Northern Affairs
6) Insight Canada Poll Results - Feb. 1996
7) Perspectives Canada Vol. V, No. 3 - Subscriber analysis: Department of Indian and Northern Affairs
8) Perspectives Canada Vol. V, No. 4 Fall 1996 - subscriber analysis - DIAND
9) Contract between Insight Research Canada and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada for the surveys.

Fed NDP - 1997

File contains records related to the Federal NDP party. Included in the file are:
1) The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples final report - NDP stance
2) Aboriginal Rights Coalition questionnaire responses by Gordon Earle, Halifax West NDP Campaign.
3) NDP 1997 election platform in relation to Aboriginal Peoples.

DIAND - Bckgrnd - 96

File contains records related to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND). Included in the file are DIAND news releases; Human Resources Development Canada news releases; correspondence; "You Wanted to Know" printouts from the DIAND website; and several audits of DIAND initiatives.

Deficits/Surplus - Policy

File contains records related to Federal budgets. Included in the file are newspaper clippings and a copy of "Canada's Current Economic and Fiscal Situation" - Dept. of Finance, Oct. 1992.

Federal Budgets

File contains records related to various Federal budgets. Included in the file are:
1) newspaper clippings
2) Lang Michener "In Brief" - Spring 1997, Spring 1995
3) News release re: DIAND program review and accompanying report
4) Presentation to the Assembly of First Nations on 1995-1996 Expenditures for Aboriginal Peoples
5) The Budget in Grief - Assembly of First Nations, March 15, 1990

DIA - 98/99 Estimates

File contains two documents: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and Canadian Polar Commission 1998-1999 estimates - a report on plans and priorities; and Comprehensive Claims Policy and Status of Claims, Nov. 21, 1997.

Federal Budget 1998

File has records related to Federal Government budget information for 1998. Included are newspaper clippings; papers; and Indian Affairs and Northern Development budget information.


File contains records related to Indigenous languages. Included in the file are news stories and a copy of "Beyond Rhetoric - exploring the linkages between language, literacy and First Nations social security programming" by Emily Faries, Mary Ann Corbiere, and Roger Spielmann.

Cabinet Urban Strategy 5/98

File contains a copy of the Cabinet analysis regarding creation of urban multipurpose Aboriginal youth centres.

Cabinet Nov/98

File contains clippings and documents related to "Gathering Strength" the Federal Government's response to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Federal Cabinet 1991-April & July 1993

File contain a news story and press releases regarding Canadian Government cabinet shuffles, and the reorganization of the Federal-Provincial Relations Office.

C-79 Master Kit - xerox

File contains master copies of legal briefs, analyses, speaking notes, and other records related to Bill C-79 - an act to permit certain modifications in the application of the Indian Act to bands that desire them created/collected by the Assembly of First Nations. Included are:
1) Preliminary notes on Bill C-79
2) correspondence between Assembly of First Nations and Nahwegahbow, Nadjiwan Barrister and Solicitors
3) Framework for Analysis: Diand's proposed Indian Act amendments
4) Remarks on Bill C-79. the 'Optional Indian Act Modification Act'
5) Submission to Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development on the Optional Indian Act Modification Act by the North Shore Tribal Council
6) copy of Bill C-79

Self Govt - AFN 89

File contains records relating to self-government. Included are:
1) Assembly of First Nations Self-Determination Symposium summary report, Oct. 1-3, 1990
2) Assembly of First Nations First Nations Government Planning Session information package
3) Council for Yukon Indians discussion paper re: Aboriginal Self-Government

Reserves - Powers

File contains three reports about Canada's Indian Reserves authored by William B. Henderson for the Research Branch of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. They include:
1) Canada's Indian Reserves: Legislative Powers, 1981
2) Canada's Indian Reserves: Legislative Powers An Update, 1985
3) Canada's Indian Reserves: The Usufruct in our Constitution, 1980

Henderson, William B.

Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe concluding documents

File contains 4 final reports from the Conference on Security on Co-operation in Europe held between 1977 and 1990. Included are:
2018. Concluding Document of the Belgrade Meeting 1977 of Representatives of the Participating States of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe
2018. Concluding Document of the Madrid Meeting of Representatives of the Participating States of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, 1983
2018. Concluding Document of the Vienna Meeting 1986 of Representatives of the Participating States of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe
2018. Document of the Copenhagen Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension of the CSCE, 1990

Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe

UN/GCCQ 11-12/98

Two copies of "Reciting the Symptoms, Ignoring the Cause: The Systematic Dispossession of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada" a response to the Government of Canada's third periodic report on the implementation of the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights.

Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)

UN Land Rites 6/99

Two copies of "Indigenous People and their Relationship to Land" second progress report on the working paper prepared by Mrs. Erica-Irene A. Daes, special rapporteur. Report prepared for the United Nations Economic and Social Council Commission on Human Rights Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities.

Daes, Erica-Irene A.

UN/GCCQ 3-4/99

File contains report created by the Grand Council of the Crees for the United Nations Economic and Social Council - "To the Edge of Cultural and Political Extinction" a response concerning the covenant rights of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada to the Government of Canada's fourth periodic report on the implementation of the international covenant on civil and political rights.

Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)

UN Treaties 6/99

Two copies of "Study on treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and Indigenous populations" by Miguel Alfonso Martinez for the United Nations Economic and Social Council Commission on Human Rights sub-commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities.

Martinez, Miguel Alfonso

UNations/Canada: 1988

File contains news clippings and United Nations reports regarding Canada and its Indigenous Peoples. United Nations reports are from United Nations Economic and Social Council.

P. Hutchins News: INTL

File contains copies of the Hutchins, Soroka & Dionne newsletter "Nouvelles Internationales HSD International News". Included in the file are Volume 1, Nos. 1-6; Volume 2, Nos. 1-3; Volume 3 No. 1-2; and Volume 4 No. 1-2.

Hutchins, Soroka & Dionne, lawyers

International Countries - 4th Russell Tribunal

File contains records related to the Fourth Russell Tribunal on the Rights of the Indians of the Americas held in Rotterdam, Netherlands in 1980. Included in the file are:
1) Report of the Fourth Russell Tribunal on the Rights of the Indians of the Americas conclusions, November 1980
2) transcription of testimony of the Grand Council Treaty No. 9
3) Russell Tribunal Rules in Favour of Nishnawbe-Aski Nation by Norman Zlotkin
4) Fourth Russell Tribunal - Rotterdam, Holland 1980 - Grand Treaty Council No. 9
5) Presentation to the IVth Russell Tribunal on the Rights of the Indians in North and Latin America presented by Grand Council Treaty No. 9 on behalf of the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation

Cert - USA 80's

File contains records related to CERT - Council of Energy Resource Tribes. Included in the file are magazines, magazine stories, brochures, a report on the organization by Peter Di Gangi.

Waitangi Treaty

File contains records related to the Treaty of Waitangi and the Waitangi Tribunal in New Zealand. Included in the file are newspaper and magazine clippings, and a copy of the New Zealand Law Society seminar notes "The Treaty of Waitangi".

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