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Peter Di Gangi Papers File
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ASI - Final Draft 3/98

File contains the research proposal (1997) and draft #3 of "Social Development and First Nation Jurisdiction - a discussion paper" prepared by Peter Di Gangi for the Assembly of First Nations Aboriginal Strategic Initiative.

Di Gangi, Peter

ASI - Oct 1997

File contains a final report by Windiroflow Consulting Inc. for the Assembly of First Nations titled "First Nations Social Security Systems - a review of literature for Assembly of First Nations". Also in the file are two copies of the Assembly of First Nations Social Security Reform newsletter, Vol. 1 No. 3 - October 1997.

AFN Soc. Dev 4/97

File contains several reports dealing with Social Services and First Nations. Included are:
1) "Social Assistance Policy - Comparative Analysis" prepared for the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nation Chiefs by Rosanna Stafford
2) "Mi'kmaw/Maliseet Self-Government in Social Services - Jurisdictional Possibilities for the Future" prepared for the Mi'kmaw & Maliseet First Nations Member Chiefs by the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs secretariat
3) "Strategic Approaches to Social Services - a discussion paper on Exercising First Nations' Jurisdiction over Social Services"

ASI Projects 8/97

File contains reports and other materials. Included are:
1) Assembly of First Nations Report of the Proceedings of the National Symposium on Sharing Solutions: First Nations Social Security, held in Aylmer, Quebec May 5-7, 1997
2) Assembly of First Nations Social Security Reform Newsletter - Vol. 1, No's 1 and 2
3) Four Worlds International Institute for Human and Community Development resource catalogue
4) First Nations Child Poverty Issues Research Paper prepared for the Assembly of First Nations Aboriginal Strategic Initiative by Louise Lahache

ICC - 1992

File contains brochures, information booklets, and information packages about the Indian Claims Commission. Also in the file are two copies of the Indian Claims Review newsletter Spring 1995.

AFA Jan 1986 - Native Funding

File contains records relating to the Government of Canada's Alternative Funding Arrangements for First Nations. In the file are and Alternative Funding Arrangements Managers Guide; New Indian Funding Arrangement Implementation strategy; and a copy of the agreement between the Federal Government and the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation.

FTA - AFN Docs 96-97

File contains records relating to Financial Transfer Agreements between the Federal Government and First Nations. Included in the file are:
1) Fiscal Relations - Dependency or Development? - discussion paper draft #2
2) Financial Transfer Arrangements: background information
3) Memorandum of Understanding Establishing a Fiscal Relations Table between the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Canada, Minister of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs Saskatchewan, and the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.
4) Assembly of First Nations correspondence and resolutions
5) News releases, notes and other materials.

Fiscal Update 10/97

File contains records created by the Department of Finance, specifically the October 1997 economic and fiscal update. Included in the file is the news release and presentation notes and a copy of "The Economic and Fiscal Update - Strong Economy Strong Society - Security & Opportunity".

FTA - 1/97

File contains notes and presentation materials related to the Financial Transfer Arrangement between First Nations and the Government of Canada.

FTA - Analysis 6/96

File contains records related to Financial Transfer Agreements (FTA). Included in the file are:
1) Fiscal Transfers and Dismantling of the Fiduciary Duty by Peter Di Gangi
2) Issue Summary - DIAND's New Funding Mechanism the FTA
3) Chiefs of Ontario bulletin Sept. 6, 1996
4) Briefing Note - FTA
5) notes
6) Assembly of First Nations working draft resolution on Fiscal Relationships
7) News release on Kee Tas Kee Now Tribal Council sigining of FTA

FTA - 5/96

File contains agreements and other records related to Financial Transfer Agreements (FTA). Included in the file are:
1) draft 4 - January 18, 1996 of a Financial Transfer Agreement
2) Financial Transfer Arrangments management assessment workbook
3) Discussion paper on Accountability
4) Financial Transfer Agreement between the Federal Government and the Wagmatcook Band
5) Blank annotated FTA


File contains records relating to the Joint Health Canada - Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development approach to the Financial Transfer Arrangements/Agreements.

FTA - July 1999

File contains correspondence and a draft copy of the Financial Transfer Agreement (FTA).

Health & Treaties

File contains records relating to First Nations health care and treaty rights. Included in the file are:
1) "Health Care and the Treaties - preliminary reports" compiled by the Centre for Treaty Advocacy for the National Committee on Treaties, Vancouver B. C. May 1-2, 1990
2) "The Aboriginal Right to Health, Treaty making and Indian Government Jurisdiction" prepared by the Centre for Treaty Advocacy for the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs
3) "Issues in First Nations Health Care" notes for remarks by First Nations Health Commission Director Richard Saunders at Community Health Seminar held Oct. 3, 1990 at the University of Ottawa
4) Correspondence re: Treaty No. 6 Medicine Chest Clause
5) "Interpretation and Enforcement of Treaty Rights of First Nations" prepared by D. E. Worme for Peter Di Gangi, Director Centre for Treaty Advocacy
6) "The Structural Injunction as a Remedy for Violations of Aboriginal Constitutional Rights" by Phil Lancaster for the Canadian Bar Association Committee on Native Justice.

AFN Health 11/95

File contains correspondence, notes, and newspapers. Topics include the First Nations Health Forum; First Nations Health and the Federal Government; and Non-insured health benefits.

UCCM: Health 6/95

File contains records pertaining to the Health Services Transfer agreement between the Federal Government and United Chiefs and Councils of Manitoulin (UCCM). Included are a copy of the agreement; UCCM report; news clippings; and other materials.

Program Review - Health

File contains a letter from Health and Welfare Canada to Ovide Mercredi in his role as National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations. Also in the file is an Indian and Inuit Health programs review.

Non-Insured Health

File contains a records relating to non-insured health benefits )NIHB) for First Nations peoples. Included are: a newspaper "First Nations Health Bulletin" Vol. 1 No. 2, published by the Assembly of First Nations; Health Canada 1995-1996 Annual report on NIHB program analysis division; a 2 page paper "Issues pertaining to the transfer of non-insured health benefits"; "Non-Insured Health Services: The Saskatchewan Experience, a paper to be delivered at the BEC meeting by Duane Adams; and a Federal Government Aide de Memoire pertaining to non-insured health benefits for status Indians and Inuit.

Auditor General: NIHB 10/97

File contains news clippings and a a copy of Chapter 13 of the Auditor General's 1997 report "Health Canada - First Nations Health". Also in the file is correspondence regarding correspondence regarding the Lovelace v. The Queen in right of Ontario court case.

Health Stats

File contains two reports by Health Canada:
1) "Health Status of Canadian Indians and Inuit - update 1987" Indian and Northern Health Services, Medical Services Branch
2) "Health Status of Canadian Indians and Inuit - 1990"

Health Canada

Claims - ICO 90

File contains two copies of "Discussion Paper Regarding First Nation Land Claims" by the Indian Commission of Ontario. Attached to one of the reports is a letter to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Claims - Standing Committee - 1991

File contains speaking notes for Ovide Mercredi, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, for the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs on December 12, 1991. The File also contains a transcript of the December 10, 1991 meeting of the Indian Specific Claim Commission.

Claims - Post Oka Vol. I

File contains records pertaining to First Nations Land Claims and the Federal Governments policies. Included in the file are meeting notes and reports of the First Nations Task Force on Claims, Assembly of First Nations critique of Federal policies, correspondence, and meeting notes and radio interview with Tom Siddon, Federal Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs.

Claims - Post Oka Vol. II

File contains records pertaining to First Nations Land Claims and the Federal Governments policies. Included in the file are correspondence, meeting minutes and notes, speech transcriptions, and reports from the Federal Government, Chiefs Committee on Claims and others.

Chiefs Claims Committee - Aug./91

File contains records pertaining to/created by the Chiefs Committee on Claims. Included in the file are meeting minutes, briefing notes, memorandums, reports, and correspondence.

CCC - Vancouver Dec 9/91

File contains records pertaining to the Chiefs Committee Claims, specifically their meeting in Vancouver on December 9, 1991. Included is the agenda and accompanying materials for the meeting; an extract from the Auditor General of Canada's report on specific land claims; and speaking notes from Ovide Mercredi, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, presentation to the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs.

Claims - Joint Wkg Group August - Sept/92

File contains records from the Specific Claims Joint Working Group (First Nations and Government of Canada). Included are meeting minutes and updates from the meeting held August 17-19, 1992 in Kamloops, British Columbia and meeting minutes from the meeting held September 29-30, 1992 in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.

CCC Dec-Jan/92

File contains the agenda and accompanying materials for the December 9, 1991 meeting of the National Chiefs Commission on Claims held in Vancouver, British Columbia. Also in the file are a meeting follow-up, correspondence, speaking notes, and an extract from the Auditor General of Canada's report.

CCC Ottawa, February 26/92

File contains records created by and related to the National Chiefs Claims Commission, the Assembly of First Nations, the Specific Claims Joint Working Group, and the Indian Claims Commission. Contents included correspondence and accompanying materials, updates, notes, resolutions, and draft resolutions.

Claims - JWG: December/92

File contains records created by/for the Specific Claims Joint Working Group (JWG). Records included correspondence; draft resolutions; JWG meeting minutes - Ottawa December 8-9, 1992; chronology of JWG meetings and discussions; JWG meeting minutes - Winnipeg January 26-27, 1993; Chiefs Committee on Claims meeting agenda, January 28-29, 1993; JWG meeting minutes - Val D'Or, Quebec November 3-5, 1992; and report - consultation on ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) systems.

JWG - 23-25 Feb 1993

File contains a copy of the meeting agenda and accompanying material for the Joint Working Group on Claims Policy held February 23-25, 1993 in Ottawa, Ontario. Included is information on the previous meetings held in Val D'Or, Winnipeg, and Ottawa.

CCC - Halifax April/93

File contains records created by or related for the National Chiefs Committee on Claims. Included in the file are:
1) Summary notes from April 15-16 meeting held in Halifax, Nova Scotia
2) Chiefs Assembly resolutions on land claims
3) Specific Claims Joint Working Group (JWG) chronology of meetings and discussions
4) First Nations Submission on Claims - Dec. 14, 1990
5) Draft objectives for new First Nations claims resolution process and accompanying materials
6) Quarterly report from JWG

AFN Claims - 5/93

File contains records created by or related to the Specific Claims Joint Working Group (JWG). Included are meeting minutes, correspondence and other materials relating to JWG, National Chiefs Committee on Claims, and the Assembly of First Nations.

Claims - CCC 7/93

File contains records created by or related the the National Chiefs Committee on Claims. Records include meeting related correspondence; a summary of notes from the April 15-16, 1993 meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia; Draft Recommendations prepared by Neutral (Singleton Urquhart MacDonald); and a bound book "Specific Claims Joint Working Group" Vol. I (background documents).

AFN Claims 14/9/94

File contains records relating to the land claims reform process. Included are:
1) AFN proposal - Land Claims Reform Process: Towards an Adequate First Nation Land and Resource Base
2) Summary report on the Reform of Federal Land Claims Policies
3) draft summary of notes from Chiefs Committee meeting held June 1-2, 1994 in Winnipeg, Manitoba
4) draft proposal on reform of Federal Claims Policy
5) Background & Approach to Changing the Federal Claims Process.

AFN Claims Jan/96

File contains records related to Land Claims, policy and procedural reform. Included are background documents on litigation, independent claims bodies etc and an annotated bibliography on claims reform.

AFN Claims 21/2/96

File contains records relating to land claims and land claim process reform. Some of the items included in the file are:
1) "Beyond Lawful Obligation" by Michael Bossin
2) "First Nations Land Rights in Ontario and the Canadian Land Claims Process - a proposal for change" Ontario Land Rights Working Group
3) draft copies of "Claims Policy Reforms" by the Chiefs Committee on Claims
4) "Technical Requirements for the Establishment of an Independent Body"
5) memorandum regarding 1963 draft bill C-130 "An Act to provide for the Disposition of Indian Claims".
6) "Draft Recommendations Prepared by Neutral" - Singleton Urquhart MacDonald

AFN/DIA Claims 2/96-

File contains records created by or regarding the Assembly of First Nations and land claims reform. Some of the records in the file are: Land Rights Unit update; First Nations Land Rights in Canada seminar; Rolling draft #4 - Claims Policy Reform; letter to Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development re: reform of Federal claims policies.

AFN - Claims - 7/96

File contains records relating to federal land claims policy reform. Included in the file are:
1) Press statement - Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
2) blank protocol agreement between AFN and the Federal Government
3) Land Rights Update - XVII Annual General Assembly
4) Rolling Draft IV - AFN Chiefs Committee on Claims and AFN Land Rights Unit
5) Correspondence between Chiefs Committee on Claims and Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
6) Nation Indian Brotherhood/Assembly of First Nations Land Rights Unit Report - dispute resolution and First Nations land rights
7) National Indian Brotherhood/Assembly of First Nations Land Rights Unit - Claims Policy Reform annotated bibliography

ICC Review - 11/96

File contains a "Review of the Indian Specific Claims Commission" by Concorde Inc. and a newspaper clipping about the Commission.

AFN - ADR 12/96

File contains a copy of "Land Rights Unit Report Volume II - Litigation, Dispute Resolution and First Nations Land Rights" by the Assembly of First Nations. Also in the file are copies of the "In Brief" newsletter by Lang Michener Barristers & Solicitors with stories about ADR - alternative dispute resolution.

AFN Claims 7/97

File contains records relating to claims policy reform. Included in the file are:
1) Joint First Nations - Crown Task Force on Claims Policy Reform
2) Report to the AFN Chiefs Committee on Claims
3) Joint Task Force meeting summaries
4) Deputy's Paper for the Australian Reconciliation Convention (ARC)
5) "Natural Justice and Procedural Fairness" by Bruce Gilpin

AFN Claims - 12/1997

File contains a program for the Assembly of First Nations National Land Claims Conference held in Quebec City November 5-6, 1997. Also in the file is a "Joint First Nations - Crown Task Force on Claims Policy Reform" (also found in the conference program) and "First Nations Independent Claims Commission Act" by Bruce Gilpin.

AFN Claims - 5-6/98 I

File contains records relating claims, and claims resolution. Included are:
1) "Assessing the Fiscal Impacts of Settling Specific Claims" presented to the Assembly of First Nations and the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development by Fiscal Realities
2) "Specific Claims" by P. King
3) Indian Claims Commission - Status of Claims as of May 15, 1998
4) "A First Nations Specific Claims Process - models in other countries" by Douglas Saunders
5) "A First Nations Specific Claims Process - Constitutional Issues" by Douglas Saunders
6) other assorted draft reports, notes, correspondence related to land claims

AFN Claims - 5-6/98 II

File contains several reports including:
1) Assembly of First Nations Aboriginal Title & Comprehensive Claims conference report
2) Workplan for a Joint Review of Canada's Comprehensive Claims Policy
3) Assembly of First Nations after Delgamuukw: Canada's Comprehensive Claims Policy - a national review submitted by Herb George
4) Political Lobby Strategy for a New, Independent and Fair Specific Claims Policy and Process

AFN Claims - 9/1998

File contains a briefing package for the Joint First Nations-Canada Task Force on Claims Policy Reform and accompanying materials.

AFN Claims - 11/98

File contains records relating to the Joint First Nations-Canada Task Force on Claims Policy Reform and the creation of an independent claims body. Included in the file are correspondence; meeting minutes; memorandum and:
1) Drafts "First Nations Specific Claims Resolution Act"
2) First Nations Specific Claims Commission Tribunal Joint AFN-DIAND communication plan

AFN Claims - 4/1999

File contains records relating to the Joint First Nations/Canada Task Force (JTF) on Specific Claims Reform and lobbying of an Independent Claims Body. Included in the file are:
1) Assembly of First Nations/Fraternite Nationale des Indiens - "First Nations Specific Claims Commission and Tribunal" cabinet lobby update
2) "The Joint FIrst Nations-Canada Task Force on Specific Claims Reform" by Rolland Pangowish
3) Lists of reserves by province
4) "Rapport du Groupe de Travail Mixte Premieres Nations - Canada sur la Reforme de la Politique sur les Revendications Particulieres"

AFN/JTF - March 2001

File contains records relating to the Assembly of First Nations and the First Nations-Canada Joint Task Force (JST) on Specific Claims Reform. Included in the file are:
1) correspondence between Robert D. Nault, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Matthew Coon Come, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations re: Independent Claims Body
2) Presentation "Proposed Independent Claims Body"
3) JTF/Chiefs Council on Claims meeting related records

AFN-ICB - May 2001

File contains records related to the establishment of an Independent Claims Body. Included is correspondence between Matthew Coon Come, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations and Robert D. Nault, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development; Assembly of First Nations update: Independent Claims Body - AFN Confederacy report; and other records.

AFN/ICB- Toronto - June 2001

File contains records related to the establishment of an Independent Claims Body (ICB). Included in the file is correspondence, updates, a proposed ICB model, and other related materials.

ICB - Fall 2001

File contains records relating to the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and the Independent Claims Body (ICB) initiative. In the file is a resolution on the ICB; memorandum; and information on the AFN ICB Technical Group.

ICB - 2001-2002

File contains records relating to the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Independent Claims Body (ICB) technical team and initiative. In the file is correspondence, meeting agenda and other materials and a copy of "Landmark" Vol. 8 No. 3.

AFN-ICB- Feb-March 2002

File contains related to the Independent Claims Body (ICB). Included in the file are:
1) "Made in Ottawa Governance (and other initiatives)" by Eagle Shield (Walter Rudnicki)
2) memorandum and accompanying materials - Assembly of First Nations (AFN) ICB
3) update on ICB
4) Report of the Joint First Nations-Canada Task Force on Specific Claims Policy Reform
5) booklet of documents by the AFN regarding land claims
6) notes for an address by Daniel J. Bellegarde, Commissioner - Indian Land Claims Commission to the Aboriginal Law Conference
7) INAC document - proposed ICB model

UBCIC - Delgamuukw 3/99

File contains records relating to three conferences:
1) Notes and agenda for "Implementing Delgamuuk'w - legal implications for Aboriginal title research in BC" held March 1-3 in Vancouver, British Columbia
2) Program for conference "Delgamuuk'w: One Year After" held February 18-19 in Victoria, British Columbia
3) Program for First Nations GIS mini conference "GeoSolutions: Integrating our World" held March 1-4 in Vancouver, British Columbia
Also in the file is "$3 treaty script" and "Delgammuukw Report Card - Canada's Record One Year Later".

Delgamuukw Analysis 1998

File contains records relating to the court case "Delgamuukw vs. British Columbia". Included in the file are:
1) Delgamuukw vs British Columbia: Issues Analysis by Peter DiGangi
2) Regarding Delgamuukw: Where do we go from here? Office of M. P. Darrel Stinson
3) Aboriginal claims and the forestry industry: claims processess and recent developments in the courts by R. David House
4) The Delgamuukw Decision - Implications for the Forest Sector - The Forestry Chronicle, Vol. 74, No. 3 1998
5) Open Letter to Aboriginal Rights Council from the Interior Alliance of British Columbia
6) Supreme Court of Canada Delgamuukw Decision backgrounder - Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
7) Supreme Court of Canada - Brief newsletter by Lang Michener Barristers & Solicitors
8) Delgamuukw analysis by Mandell Pindell Barristers & Solicitors
9) Analysis of Delgamuukw decision and its implications for treaty negotiations by Ratcliff & Company Barristers & Solicitors
10) Research Implications of the Supreme Court of Canada's decision in Delgamuukw v. British Columbia by Peter Douglas Elias
11) Delgamuukw v. BC and Canada synopsis and implications for Ontario - Ministry of Natural Resources
12) Delgamuukw versus British Columbia preliminary summary

Delgamuukw: Fraser 5/99

File contains records relating to the Fraser Institute and the conference "The Delgamuukw Case: Aboriginal Land Claims and Canada's Regions" held in Ottawa on May 26-27, 1999.
Included in the file are:
1) handwritten notes from conference
2) Conference kit
3) Conference paper #1 "The Probable Effects of Delgamuukw" by John Howard
4) Conference paper #2 "Aboriginal Title as a Constitutionally Protected Property Right" by Kent NcNeil
5) Conference paper #3 "Converting the Communal Aboriginal Interest into Private Property: Sarnia, Osoyoos, The Nisga'a Treaty, and other Post-Delgamuukw Developments" by Jack Woodward
6) Conference paper #4 "Aboriginal Title: Origins and Character" by Brian Slattery
7) Conference paper #5 "What My Elders Taught Me: Oral Traditions as Evidence in Aboriginal Litigation" by Alexander von Gernet
8) Conference paper #6 "The Delgamuukw Case: What does it mean and what do we do now?" by Melvin H. Smith
9) Conference paper #7 "Delgamuukw and Diplomacy: First Nations and Municipalities in British Columbia" by Paul Tennant
10) Conference paper #8 "The Effect of the Delgamuukw Decision upon Alberta Land Claims" by Tom Flanagan
11) Conference paper #9 "Will Delgamuukw Eclipse the Prairie Sun? The Implications of the Supreme Court's Decision for the Prairie Treaties" by Ken Tyler
12) Conference paper #10 "Delgamuukw and the Interpretation of the Prairie Treaties" by Norman Zlotkin
13) Conference paper #11 "Take your Time and Do It Right: Delgamuukw and the Dynamics of Self-Government Advocacy" by Kerry Wilkins
14) Conference paper #12 "Delgamuukw: Its Implications and Potential Effects in Quebec" by Paul Joffe
15) Conference paper #13 "The Delgamuukw Decision: An Invaluable Lever for Quebec's Aboriginal Communities" by Claude Bachand
16) Conference paper #14 "Rights and Wrongs: Finding a Just Middle Ground in Land Claim Disputes" by Don Cayo
17) Conference paper #15 "Impact of Delgamuukw Guidelines in Atlantic Canada" by James Sa'ke'j Youngblood Henderson
18) Conference paper #16 "The Impact of Delgamuukw in Newfoundland and Labrador" by Adrian Tanner
19) The Fraser Institute 1998 Annual Report
20) The Nisga'a Template: Facts the Government isn't sharing" Office of the Official Opposition Liberal Caucus of British Columbia
21) "A Principled Analysis of the Nisga'a Treaty" by Gordon Gibson, Public Policy Sources, No. 27

Delgamuukw Vancouver

File contains three conference papers:
1) The Delgamuukw Decision Analysis prepared by Louise Mandell, Q.C. for the Pacific Business & Law Institute conference Feb. 12-13, 1998
2) The Definition and Proof of Aboriginal Title by Brian Slattery, Osgoode Law School for the Pacific Business & Law Institute conference Feb. 12-13, 1998
3) The SCC Decision in Delagamuukw comments by Denis de Keruzec, General Counsel Department of Justice, Canada for the conference "The Supreme Court of Canada Decision in Delgamuukw" Jan. 12-13, 1998

Aboriginal Title & Comprehensive Claims conference

Conference kit for the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) "Title & Comprehensive Claims Conference" held February 24-25, 1998 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is unclear if all the materials were included in the kit or added later. Included in the file folder are:
1) Joint Statement on the Comprehensive Claims Policy, April 7, 1993
2) AFN Preliminary Assessment of the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: RCAP Recommendations on Treaties, Lands and Resources, February 21, 1997
3) Extinguishing Extinguishment: Bringing an Era to an End by Ovide Mercredi, May 1995
4) Correspondence between Ministry of Indian and Northern Affairs and the Assembly of FIrst Nations
5) Federal Policy of the Settlement of Native Claims, March 1993
6) The Delgamuukw Case - What does it mean and what do we do now? by Melvin H. Smith Q.C., Feb. 10, 1998
7)Draft - Aboriginal Title and Comprehensive Claims Special Meeting notes
8) First Nations Summit - Analysis, Strategy and Statement on Delgamuukw, February 3, 1998
9) Newspaper and newspaper clippings
10) AFN Aboriginal Title & Comprehensive Claims conference report
11) background information and conference agenda

AFN - Delgamuukw 2/98

File contains a newspaper clipping, correspondence, an agenda for the "Aboriginal Title and Comprehensive Claims" conference, and a discussion paper "Common Ground - Toward Reconciliation of Aboriginal & Crown Title".

Delgamuukw clippings

File contains news clippings and press releases regarding treaty negotiations and Indigenous land claims in British Columbia after the Delgamuukw v. British Columbia Supreme Court ruling.

Delgamuukw Thing

File contains correspondence, resolutions, notes and other materials related to Delgamuukw, treaties, and land claims.

AFN Delgamuukw 7/1999

File contains records relating to the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) - Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Developement (DIAND) Joint Technical Committee: Delgamuukw Review Process. Included in the file are:
1) AFN Delgamuukw National Review: Making Delgamuukw Come Alive - a summary of activities and plans
2) The Delgamuukw National Review Eastern and Western Fora - a short summary
3) Responding to Delgamuukw - a summary of a think tank sponsored by AFN and DIAND
4) Record of Decision - Meeting #2 of AFN-DIAND Joint Technicial Committee

InterTribal - Fall 1999

File contains resolutions, clippings, correspondence and notes regarding the Degamuukw decision and implementing the decision. Also in the file is a booklet "People of the Plateau - Southern Carrier St'at'imc Secwepemc Nlaka'pamux Okanagan - Defending Our Forests".

Kamloops Mtng 2/99

File contains correspondence, news clippings, and other materials related to the planning and implementation of the 1st Special National Conference on Delgamuukw held in Kamloops, British Columbia. Also in the file are meeting minutes regarding negotiations and a copy of the land use agreement between the Neskonlith Indian Band, The Adams Lake Indian Band and the Province of British Columbia.

Kamloops II - 2/99

File contains documents related to Delgammukw. They include "Common Ground - Toward Reconciliation of Aboriginal & Crown Title", press releases; multiple copies of "Statement on Review Developments" and "Statement on the Report of the Special Rapporteur", both presented to the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations by Chief Arthur Manuel of the Interior Alliance; and information regarding AFN-AGA Resolution 5/99 "Motion to Implement the Delgamuukw Decision".

AFN Vancouver 1/00

File contains records relating to Delgamuukw strategy. Included are a copy of "Common Ground - Toward Reconciliation of Aboriginal & Crown Title" and records related to the Federal Government's Comprehensive Claims Policy and the need to change it.

AFN Delg/April 2000

File contains records related to the implementation of the Delgamuukw decision. They include two copies of Resolution 7/00 - Delgamuukw Implementation of the Confederacy of Nations; multiple AFN resolutions regarding claims and claims policy; a meeting kit for the Recognition and Affirmation of Aboriginal Title Strategy Meeting; and other records.


File contains records related to implementation of Delgamuukw. Included in the file is correspondence, papers, reports, and resolutions.

AFN DISC May 2000

File contains records related to the Delgamuukw Strategic Implementation Committee. Also in the file is information on the Federal Government's Comprehensive Claim Policy and a copy of "Common Ground - Toward Reconciliation of Aboriginal & Crown Title".

Interior Alliance 5/2000

File contains records created by/related to the Interior Alliance. Included in the file are press releases, a page titled "Tripartite Political Accord on Treaty Negotiation", and a legal update on Logging Cases for the AFN Committee to Implement Delgamuukw.

AFN Delg/May 2000

File contains records related to the Delgamuukw decision and the Canadian Government. Included in the file are:
1) Delgamuukw Implementation Committee background materials and meeting minutes
2) draft strategy framework on the recognition & affirmation of Aboriginal title
3) agendas and accompanying materials related to the May 6-7, 2000 Comprehensive Claims Strategy meeting and the May 8-9, 2000 joint AFN/DOJ/DIAND working session on comprehensive claims policy review
4) Correspondence and press releases
5) Assembly of First Nations - Canada's Comprehensive Claims Policy: The Need for Fundamental Change
6) News release re: Fraser Valley Blockade

DISC June 2000

File contains records related to the Delgamuukw Implementation Committee. Included in the file are:
1) newspaper clippings
2) meeting agendas and other materials
3) Kitasoo/Xaixais First Nation protocol on the environment
4) Nlaka'Pamux Aboriginal Title and Rights
5) Correspondence - Phil Fontaine, National Chief, Assembly of First Nations
6) Comprehensive Claims Policy Review meeting notes
7) Transcript of May 9, 2000 Assembly of First Nations / Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Comprehensive Land Claims Policy working session
8) AFN resolutions re: Delgamuukw and land claims
9) BC Treaty Commission annual report, 2000
10) information about other land claims

DISC July 2000

File contains records related to the Delgamuukw Implementation Strategic Committee. Included in the file is correspondence, reports, and other materials related to claim policy and Delgamuukw.

DISC October 2000

File contains records related to the Delgamuukw Implementation Strategic Committee and comprehensive claim policy. Included in the file is correspondence, and an information package re: Delgamuukw implementation.

DISC December 2000

File contains a variety of documents. Included are:
1) Federal Government's Proposed "Non-assertion/Fall-back release technique": a preliminary assessment" by Paul Joffe
2) multiple copies of "Canada's Approach for Dealing with section 35 Rights" - Ministerial recommendations to Cabinet
3) Sun Peaks Resort expansion correspondence
4) Assembly of First Nations - Delgamuukw Implementation Strategic Committee Dec. 12, 2000 meeting kit

AFN DISC Jan 2001

File contains a variety of records. Included are:
1) Memorandum to Cabinet re: Long Term Response to R. v. Marshall
2) Consultation Strategy for First Nations Governance
3) AFN "National First Nations Policy Review on Fisheries" concept paper
4) AFN National Health Conference agenda and program, February 2001
5) Delgamuukw Implementation Strategy Committee Meetings materials
6) booklet of AFN resolutions regarding Delgamuukw principles and implementation
7) booklet of correspondence and other materials regarding Comprehensive Land Claims
8) Society for the Threatened Peoples Austria Working Circle for North American Indians campaign
9) DIANDS Key Priorities at the Start of a New Mandate
10) DIAND Communications strategy, 2001
11) Approach for Dealing with Section 35 Rights - Ministerial Recommendations to Cabinet

Tradition and Education Towards a Vision of Our Future

Tradition and Education - Towards a Vision of Our Future four volume publication published by the Assembly of First Nations.
1) A Declaration of First Nations Jurisdiction over Education
2) Volume I - National Review of First Nations Education
3) Volume II - National Review of First Nations Education
4) Volume III - Executive Summary

Assembly of First Nations/National Indian Brotherhood

NIB/AFN: 1975-1982

File contains four publications:
1) Indian News - Special Edition, Vol. 23 No. 2 May 1982 Indian and Inuit Affairs Program
2) Coalition of First Nations: Sovereignty & Nationhood
3) National Indian Brotherhood 1975
4) Statement by Dr. David Ahenakew, National Chief Assembly of First Nations

NIB/AFN 1982

File contains various reports and papers related to the National Indian Brotherhood - Assembly of First Nations. Included in the file are:
1) Background - The Assembly of First Nations: A History of Challenge
2) "Report on Problem and Resolutions related to the Assembly of First Nations' Operations, Structure and Organization" from the IVth annual Assembly of First Nations held May 16-18, 1983 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Prepared by Dennia Cromarty, Commissioner Nishnawbe-Aski Commission
3) Letter to Chiefs of Ontario from Peter Kelly/Kinew, Onigaming Indian Reserve
4) Listing of working committees on structure within the Assembly of First Nations
5) Organizational Structure of the Assembly of First Nations background papers
6) Resolutions passed at the Special Assembly of First Nations Conference held Feb. 6-8, 1984 in Toronto, Ontario
7) A Guide to Native Political Associations in Canada by Wayne Daugherty, Treaties and Historical Research Centre

W. Rudnikick - 1982 Patriation Debate

File contains several copies of brochure "Support the Right to Self-Government" put out by the Assembly of First Nations, and a copy of "Indian Development Issues Post-Patriation" notes from a speech given by W. Rudnicki at McMaster University, June 2, 1982.

FMC's: 1982-

File contains a variety of presentations. Included are:
1) "Strength in Unity" Association of Iroquois and Allied Nations special edition
2) Grand Chief Wally McKay presentation to Nishnawbe-Aski Nation conference "Constitution" - Nishnawbe-Aski Chiefs' General Assembly, Moose Factory Island, Ontario Aug. 23-27, 1982
3) Up-Date on March 15-16, 1983 Canadian Constitutional Conference on Treaty and Aboriginal Rights. Presented to the Nishnawbe-Aski Chiefs by Dennis Cromarty, March 2, 1983
4) constitutional amendments
5) Opening Statement on Aboriginal and Treaty Rights to the Federal/Provincial/Aboriginal Ministerial Meeting by Grand Chief Billy Diamond, Grand Council of the Crees on behalf of the Assembly of First Nations, Feb. 28, 1983
6) Address of the Ontario Vice Chief, Assembly of First Nations to the Chiefs of the Anishnawbe-Aski Nation, by Tobasonakwut Peter (Kelly) Kinew, March 3, 1983

FMC - 1983-84

File contains federal communication strategy, background papers, and Ontario Government analysis related to FMC (First Ministers' Conference) . Included are:
1) Aboriginal Issues - a background paper, March 1983
2) Correspondence and Communication Strategy for the Constitutional Conference on Aboriginal Rights
3) Media Activities related to FMC (First Ministers' Conference
4) Press Paper - FMC pre-conference media activities
5) Indian Sovereignty and Self-Determination - first draft, Optional position paper No. 3 Assembly of First Nations
6) The Constitution Act, 1982: Potential Impact of The Provisions Regarding the Aboriginal Peoples, and Options for Ontario.

FMC - 1987

File contains records related to the First Ministers' Conference. Included are:
1) Strategical Planning and Defence Analysis - Situation Report and Recommendations Respecting the First Ministers' Conference 1987
2) First Ministers' Conference on Aboriginal Constitutional Matters - notes for opening address by Don. R. Getty
3) Our Land is Our Future - UBCIC
4) Assembly of First Nations (AFN)brochure
5) Security Intelligence Review Committee Annual Report 1989-1990
6) Assembly of First Nations Treaties and Treaty Rights - Some Preliminary Considerations by Paul Joffe
7) Treaty Rights Unit Report on Treaties for AFN Special Assembly
8) memos re: funding for Treaty Research and Advocacy Center
9) AFN Bulletin, Vol. 4 No. 3 Oct/Nov 1986
10) National Committee on Treaties Briefing Book - 6th annual AFN Assembly
11) Task Force on Treaties and Treaty Rights
12) Letter to AFN from Prairie Treaty Nations Alliance
13) Newspaper clippings
14) memo from Union of Ontario Indians and AFN
15) Agenda - AFN Special All Chiefs' Assembly

AFN 91-93

File contains newspaper clippings, memos, resolutions and other records relating to restructuring of the Assembly of First Nations, Ovide Mercredi, and constitutional process.

AFN Confed 3/91

File contains draft agenda and accompanying materials for the Confederacy of Nations Meeting held in Ottawa, Ontario on March 19-20th, 1991.

AFN Election 1991

File contains mostly newspaper clippings regarding the 1991 election for National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations. Also included in the file is a memo from the Indian Governments of Saskatechewan re: candidates questionnaire.

Constitution - 1991

File contains records relating to Meech Lake and constitutional proposals. Included in the file are:
1) 2 copies of "Rolling Draft of Constitution Act, 1992 related to Aboriginal Peoples Mi'kmaq titles"
2) Report of the Atlantic First People's Constitutional Forum
3) First Nations Parallel Constitutional Process - AFN
4) Notes from Ad Hoc Committee on the Constitution - AFN
5) Shaping Canada's Future Together - proposals
6) Notes for an address by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney on the launch of the Government's Constitutional Proposals

CWG - Jan. 1992 - April/92

File contains records related to the Charlottetown accord, Special Joint Committee on a Renewed Canada, and the AFN Constitutional Working Group. Included in the file are clippings, memos and:
1) Charlottetown Referendum results by Reserve
2) Submission to the Special Joint Committee on a Renewed Canada - AFN
3) AFN Constitutional Working group papers
4) First Nations Circle on the Constitution papers
5) Notes for speech by Joe Clark, president of the Privy Council and Minister responsible for Constitutional Affairs.

Constitution Sept 1/92

File contains records relating to Canada's Constitution and constitutional amendments. Included in the the file is correspondence and:
1) The Process for Amending the Constitution of Canada - the report of the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons, June 1991
2) First Ministers' Meeting on the Constitution final political accords
3) Political Accords - the Multilateral Meetings on the Constitution, Aug. 1992
4) Consensus Report on the Constitution - Charlottetown Aug. 28, 1992

Constitution Oct/92

File contains records relating to the Canadian Constitution and Constitutional reform. Included in the file are:
1) Treaty Indigenous Peoples and the Charlottetown Accord: the Message in the Breeze
2) Aboriginal Self-Government: Paramountcy of Laws by Peter W. Hogg
3) Constitution Act drafts 1867, 1982
4) The Charlottetown Agreement: A Consensus Legal Opinion
5) AFN brochure "Aboriginal Reforms in Canada's Constitution - Restoring the Path, Renewing our Nations"
6) Rolling Draft of Constitution Act, 1992 related to Aboriginal Peoples Mi'kmaq titles
7) Continuing Committee on the Constitution group III - Rolling Draft - May 29, 1992

Constitution Oct/92

File contains records relating to the Charlottetown Accord. Included in the file are: two copies of "Draft Legal Text"; Your Guide to Canada's Proposed Constitutional Changes; newspaper clippings; and correspondence.

AFN Treaties - 2/93

File contains records related to work with the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples(RCAP). Specifically relating to treaty research. Included in the file are:
1) Assembly of First Nations Preliminary Work Plan of Intervenor Activities before the RCAP
2) Draft Outline - Land and Resource Base - AFN-RCAP

AFN Assembly 7/95

File contains records related to the Assembly of First Nations XVI Annual General Assembly. Included are a list of adopted resolutions, newspaper clippings, and a copy of "Reflection Unity Action" Assembly of First Nations Annual Report 1995.

Assembly of First Nations XVII Annual General Assembly kit, 1996

File contains Assembly of First Nations (AFN) General Assembly information kit and newspaper clippings. Included in the kit is an agenda; resolution proceedures and resolutions; charter; first draft of "Declaration of First Nations Sovereign Relationships"; a proposal for the political restructuring of the Assembly of First Nations; "Aboriginal Strategic Initiatives Proposal - final draft; assembly opening remarks and speeches; and a copy of the AFN annual report for 1996.

Results 101 to 200 of 578