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Special Collections Peter Di Gangi Papers
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Gov. Vol. III: 92-93

File contains correspondence, a copy of the Chiefs' Governance Working Group Report, The Constitution and Self-Government information, and other records relating to self-governance.

Governance - RCAP 7/94

File contains Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples related materials. Included are: draft outline - Policy Options Paper: Aboriginal Governance; Minutes of 54th meeting Sept. 12-16, 1994; Memo to Treaty/Governance RCAP teams; and draft copy of The Treaty Relationship & Governance.

UOI Self Govt - 12/95

File contains a work book from the Anishinabek Special Chiefs Assembly "Restoring Anishinabek Jurisdiction" held December 11-12, 1995 in North Bay.

UOI Self Govt - 10/96

One copy of the Anishinabek Restoration of Jurisdiction recommended approach document adopted by the Grand Council in 1996.

UOI Self Govt 12/98

File contains copies of the framework agreement with respect to governance between the Anishinabek Nation and The Federal Government (as representatives of the Queen). The file also contains a press release regarding the signing of the agreement.

Siksika - CBSG/Negs 92-93

File contains records relating to self-government for the Siksika First Nation. File includes a copy of the agreement between The Siksika and the Federal Government and four documents prepared for the Siksika First Nation by Robert A. Reiter - titled "Accountability Legislation", "First Nation Government Finance Act", "First Nation Governance Recognition Act", and "First Nation Government Act".

Monies 91-93

File contains records relating to First Nations money management. Included in the file are:
1) An analysis of Indian Act Alternatives on Indian Moneys, prepared for the Native Council of Canada
2) "secret" draft legislation - First Nations Moneys Management Act
3) Monies Committee - Legislative Section
4) Indian Monies Committee and Trust Fund Management: Current Initiatives of the Governance Working Group, prepared by Peter Di Gangi

NAFA Legis. 6/93

File contains records relating to the First Nation Forest Resources Management Act and the National Aboriginal Forestry Association (NAFA). Included in the file are:
1) NAFA (National Aboriginal Forestry Association) brochure
2) Correspondence re: First Nation Forest Resources Management Act
3) An analysis of the proposed First Nation Forest Resources Management Act, prepared for the Native Council of Canada
4) NAFA drafts No. 4 and draft No. 5 - Proposal for a First Nation Forest Resources Management Act
5) NAFA Quarterly newsletter - Summer 1992, Summer 1993
6) Lands, Revenues and Trusts Forestry Review - Intertribal Forestry Association of British Columbia, December 1990

AMC-FAI 1994-96

File contains records relating to the framework agreement initiative and the Association of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC). The file includes newsclippings; correspondence; a brochure "Moving Beyond Talk - A first step to restoring jurisdictions to Manitoba First Nations; news releases; copy of the memorandum of understanding between AMC and the Federal Government; copies of the framework; and other related materials.

Taxation - 1/96

File contains correspondence, news releases and other records related to taxation and First Nations.

Self Govt: Polls/94

One copy of "Aboriginal Issues Study - Alerts Bulletin" by the Angus Reid Group, April 1994. Report looked at Aboriginal Rights and Government Services, Native Land Claims, Control of Natural Resources, Aboriginal Self-Government, Public Reaction to recent Initiatives, Confidence in players and institutions, and Aboriginal Leadership and Tactics.

Mi'kmaq Education 14 Jan/97

File contains records about the Mi'kmaq Education Act. Included in the file is a news release; two copies of "An Agreement with respect to Mi'kmaq Education in Nova Scotia" between The Federal Government and the Mi'kmaq Bands in Nova Scotia; and copies of the various legislations and other documents related to this initiative.

Premiers Vol. I

File contains records relating to provincial/territorial social policy. Included in the file are:
1) news releases/newspaper clippings
2) Report - New Approaches to Canada's Social Union, prepared by the Provincial/Territorial Council on Social Policy Renewal
3) Social Policy Reform and Renewal - 37th annual Premiers' Conference
4) Renewing the Canadian Federation: An Ontario Perspective, Dianne Cunningham, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs
5) Ministerial Council on Social Policy Reform and Renewal - report to Premiers

Premiers Vol. II

File contains records relating to Provincial/Territorial Premier meetings regarding social reform. Included are:
1) newspaper clippings/news releases
2) correspondence
3) Report No. 2 - Provincial Territorial Council on Social Policy Renewal progress report to Premiers.

Ont - Federalism 8/96

File contains a news release regarding the paper "Access: A Convention on the Canadian Economic and Social Systems" by Professor Thomas J. Courchene.

SA - Moscovich & Webster

Discussion paper "Social Assistance and Aboriginal People" by Allan Moscovitch and Andrew Webster. Paper was prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Poverty/Tax/Fed Prov/97

File contains newspaper clippings, and a copy of the draft interim report regarding public accounts and the Specific Claims branch of the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs.

Box 5 - Policy #2: Tax/Fiscal/Social

Series contains records relating to taxation, fiscal, and social programming for First Nations in Canada. The series contains the following files/items:

2018.008.005.001 Indian Taxation - THRC 1978
2018.008.005.002 Penner - Fiscal 83
2018.008.005.003 Taxation/GST: 1989-91
2018.008.005.004 Tax - ITAB Bylaws
2018.008.005.005 Tax: Big Picture
2018.008.005.006 Taxation - Jan/93
2018.008.005.007 Taxation 1991-1993
2018.008.005.008 ITAB - Real Property Tax - 1990
2018.008.005.009 Tax/Ec Dev - AFN 01/1990
2018.008.005.010 AFN - Taxation - 10/91
2018.008.005.011 Taxation Conf. Whistler, 1991
2018.008.005.012 Taxation - Nov. 1993
2018.008.005.013 C-115 - Kamloops
2018.008.005.014 Financing - Goss Gilroy
2018.008.005.015 Taxation - Heather Caswell
2018.008.005.016 Taxation - Kamloops Bylaws
2018.008.005.017 GST Harmonization 4/96
2018.008.005.018 CHST - 95/96
2018.008.005.019 Taxation - 1/96
2018.008.005.020 Fisc/Soc. Programs /96
2018.008.005.021 ITAB - Utility Tax By-Laws B. C.
2018.008.005.022 How Ottawa Spends 1996-97 - Life under the Knife
2018.008.005.023 How Ottawa Spends 1998-99 - Balancing Act: The Post-Deficit Mandate
2018.008.005.024 How Ottawa Spends 1999-2000 Shape Shifting: Canadian Governance Toward the 21st Century

Indian Taxation - THRC 1978

File contains two copies of the discussion report on Indian Taxation by W. E. Daugherty and released by the Treaties and Historical Research Centre.

Penner - Fiscal 83

Special Committee on Indian Self-Government Research Project on Federal Expenditures and Mechanisms for their Transfer to Indians by Coopers & Lybrand.

Taxation/GST: 1989-91

File contains records regarding taxation and introduction of the GST. Included is correspondence and accompanying materials, court case documentation; Report - First annual report of the Indian Taxation Advisory Board 1989/90; An Information Guide for Indian and Native Businesses on the Impact of GST; and the ABC's of GST and Indians.

Taxation - Jan/93

File contains 2 copies of "A Working Paper on Indian Government Taxation"; story from the Manitoba Law Journal "Taxation of Aboriginals in Canada" by Howard L. Morry; memos from Ovide Mercredi, National Chief Assembly of First Nations re: taxation issues planning committee meetings; and court decision in Williams v. Canada.

Taxation 1991-1993

File contains records related to Indian taxation . Included in the file is correspondence from Roger Obonsawin re: taxation; Department of Finance Working paper on Indian Taxation; Department of Finance - Indian Taxation Policy Review and accompanying materials; a report "Indian Monies Committee and Trust Fund Management: Current Initiatives of the Governance Working Group; and a brochure "What is Self Government" put out by the United Indian Councils.

ITAB - Real Property Tax - 1990

File contains two copies of "Introduction to Real Property Taxation on Reserve" by the Indian Taxation Advisory Board, Indian and Northern Affairs.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

AFN - Taxation - 10/91

File contains records relating to the Assembly of First Nations National Taxation meeting held in Ottawa October 3-4, 1991. Included in the file is a meeting summary; a brochure; handwritten notes; and correspondence with accompanying materials.

Taxation Conf. Whistler, 1991

Brochure and highlights report from the Indian Governments and Tax: a conference exploring the nature and powers of tax, held November 12-15, 1991 in Whistler, British Columbia.

Taxation - Nov. 1993

File contains a variety of papers and reports related to taxation. Included are:
1) "A First Nations Province" executive summary, Thomas J. Courchene and Lisa M. Powell
2) "A taxation potential estimate for the Le Pas First Nation".
3) "Judgement Day - the link between taxation jurisdiction and economic development for First Nations" by Andre Le Dressay, Indian Taxation Advisory Board
4) "Indian Government taxes and Services in British Columbia - alternatives under Bill C-115 and Bill 64" by Robert L. Bish, Eric G. Clemens, and Hector G. Topham
5) "Some Short Answers to Some Tough Tax Questions" Indian Taxation Advisory Board
6) "Taxation of Aboriginals in Canada" Howard L. Morry
7) Parliamentary Alert newsletter Vol. 12, No. 4 February 3, 1994

C-115 - Kamloops

File contains records relating to Parliament Bill C-115 - an act to amend the Indian Act. In the file is a info sheet "Band Property Taxation Powers on Reserves" and a background report on Bill C-115.

Financing - Goss Gilroy

File contains copies of reports created by Goss Gilroy Inc. for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. The two reports are "Federal, Territorial and Provincial Expenditures relating to Aboriginal Peoples" and "Report on Assignment 2 The Costs of Policy and Program Failure". Also in the file is a working draft of a report "Current Practices in Financing Aborignal Government" by Torben Drewes and Harry Kitchen of Trent University.

Taxation - Heather Caswell

File contains proposal, outline, and a working draft copy of the paper "First Nations Taxation Exemption and Jurisdiction: The Legal Context and Policy Options". Paper was authored for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Caswell, Heather M.

GST Harmonization 4/96

File contains record relating to Canadian sales tax harmonization. Included is the booklet "Towards Replacing the Goods and Services Tax".

CHST - 95/96

File contains records relating to the Canadian Health and Social Transfer from the Federal to Provincial/Territorial Governments. Included in the file is correspondence; newspaper clippings; report "Social Policy Beyond the Budget" by the Canadian Council on Social Development; report "Looking for Mr. Good-Transfer, a guide to the CHST negotiations" by Michael Mendelson, Caledon Institute of Social Policy; draft #3 "Aboriginal Social Assistance Programs" by Allan Moscovitch and Andrew Webster; "Canadian Health and Social Transfer - Bill C-76 First Nations Impacts" Linden A. Pinay for the Assembly of First Nations; and copies of "Canadian Perspectives" the Council of Canadian magazine.

ITAB - Utility Tax By-Laws B. C.

File contains records relating to taxation and First Nations. File contains two copies of the Skuppah First Nation assessment by-law; news releases about appointment to Indian Taxation Advisory Board; and a copy of "Why Tax? - Considerations for First Nations Councils".

Box 6 - Policy #3: Social/FTA/Health

Series contains records and files regarding financial funding arrangements/agreements for health and welfare funding for First Nations, and Health and Welfare programs for Indigenous peoples.
The series contain the following files/items:

2018.008.006.001 ASI Plans
2018.008.006.002 ASI - Jurisdiction #1
2018.008.006.003 ASI - Final Draft 3/98
2018.008.006.004 ASI - Oct 1997
2018.008.006.005 ASI Final Report 3/99
2018.008.006.006 AFN Soc. Dev 4/97
2018.008.006.007 ASI Projects 8/97
2018.008.006.008 Assembly of First Nations Aboriginal Strategic Initiative: Directed Research Component
2018.008.006.009 AFA Jan 1986 - Native Funding
2018.008.006.010 FTA - AFN Docs 96-97
2018.008.006.011 Fiscal Update 10/97
2018.008.006.012 FTA Info - DIAND - 6/96
2018.008.006.013 FTA - 1/97
2018.008.006.014 FTA - COO - DIA Draft 6/97
2018.008.006.015 FTA - Analysis 6/96
2018.008.006.016 FTA: DIA Evaluation - 10/96
2018.008.006.017 FTA - 5/96
2018.008.006.018 FTA/MSB/CHST 4/98
2018.008.006.019 FTA - July 1999
2018.008.006.020 Health & Treaties
2018.008.006.021 UOI -Health - 1990-91
2018.008.006.022 AFN Health 11/95
2018.008.006.023 UCCM: Health 6/95
2018.008.006.024 Program Review - Health
2018.008.006.025 Fed. Legal Opinion - Treaty Right to Health
2018.008.006.026 Non-Insured Health
2018.008.006.027 Auditor General: NIHB 10/97
2018.008.006.028 Health Stats
2018.008.006.029 Health 6/97
2018.008.006.030 Community Healing and Aboriginal Social Security Reform

ASI Plans

File contains records relating created in conjunction with the Assembly of First Nations/Aboriginal Strategic Initiative regarding First Nations social services. Included in the file are:
1) Towards a National Framework for a First Nations Social Security System - a discussion document (2 copies)
2) Selected Executive Summaries Aboriginal Strategic Initiative Comprehensive Research and Effective Practices on Social Security Reform (2 copies)
3) Discussion Paper - A First Nations' Agenda for the National Child Benefit
4) Towards a Framework for a First Nations Social Security System - Our Challenge Our Responsibility Facilitator Information Kit
5) ASI Jurisdiction History outline
6) Executive Summary Report on First Nations Children, Our Future; A Comprehensive Review on the Cultural Conflicts Contributing to First Nation Child Poverty
7) Memorandum of Agreement between Assembly of First Nations/Aboriginal Strategic Initiative and Peter Di Gangi

ASI - Jurisdiction #1

Draft #2 of discussion paper "Jurisdiction & Social Development" prepared by Peter Di Gangi for the Social Development Program Assembly of First Nations.

Di Gangi, Peter

ASI - Final Draft 3/98

File contains the research proposal (1997) and draft #3 of "Social Development and First Nation Jurisdiction - a discussion paper" prepared by Peter Di Gangi for the Assembly of First Nations Aboriginal Strategic Initiative.

Di Gangi, Peter

ASI - Oct 1997

File contains a final report by Windiroflow Consulting Inc. for the Assembly of First Nations titled "First Nations Social Security Systems - a review of literature for Assembly of First Nations". Also in the file are two copies of the Assembly of First Nations Social Security Reform newsletter, Vol. 1 No. 3 - October 1997.

ASI Final Report 3/99

Final Report of the Aboriginal Strategic Initiatives "Sharing Solutions First Nations Social Security Reform".

Aboriginal Strategic Initiatives

AFN Soc. Dev 4/97

File contains several reports dealing with Social Services and First Nations. Included are:
1) "Social Assistance Policy - Comparative Analysis" prepared for the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nation Chiefs by Rosanna Stafford
2) "Mi'kmaw/Maliseet Self-Government in Social Services - Jurisdictional Possibilities for the Future" prepared for the Mi'kmaw & Maliseet First Nations Member Chiefs by the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs secretariat
3) "Strategic Approaches to Social Services - a discussion paper on Exercising First Nations' Jurisdiction over Social Services"

ASI Projects 8/97

File contains reports and other materials. Included are:
1) Assembly of First Nations Report of the Proceedings of the National Symposium on Sharing Solutions: First Nations Social Security, held in Aylmer, Quebec May 5-7, 1997
2) Assembly of First Nations Social Security Reform Newsletter - Vol. 1, No's 1 and 2
3) Four Worlds International Institute for Human and Community Development resource catalogue
4) First Nations Child Poverty Issues Research Paper prepared for the Assembly of First Nations Aboriginal Strategic Initiative by Louise Lahache

ICC - 1992

File contains brochures, information booklets, and information packages about the Indian Claims Commission. Also in the file are two copies of the Indian Claims Review newsletter Spring 1995.

AFA Jan 1986 - Native Funding

File contains records relating to the Government of Canada's Alternative Funding Arrangements for First Nations. In the file are and Alternative Funding Arrangements Managers Guide; New Indian Funding Arrangement Implementation strategy; and a copy of the agreement between the Federal Government and the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation.

FTA - AFN Docs 96-97

File contains records relating to Financial Transfer Agreements between the Federal Government and First Nations. Included in the file are:
1) Fiscal Relations - Dependency or Development? - discussion paper draft #2
2) Financial Transfer Arrangements: background information
3) Memorandum of Understanding Establishing a Fiscal Relations Table between the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Canada, Minister of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs Saskatchewan, and the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.
4) Assembly of First Nations correspondence and resolutions
5) News releases, notes and other materials.

Fiscal Update 10/97

File contains records created by the Department of Finance, specifically the October 1997 economic and fiscal update. Included in the file is the news release and presentation notes and a copy of "The Economic and Fiscal Update - Strong Economy Strong Society - Security & Opportunity".

FTA Info - DIAND - 6/96

Financial Transfer Arrangements Information Kit created by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development for the First Nations' Chief and Councils.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

FTA - 1/97

File contains notes and presentation materials related to the Financial Transfer Arrangement between First Nations and the Government of Canada.

FTA - COO - DIA Draft 6/97

File contains a draft Financial Transfer Agreement between The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and First Nations.

FTA - Analysis 6/96

File contains records related to Financial Transfer Agreements (FTA). Included in the file are:
1) Fiscal Transfers and Dismantling of the Fiduciary Duty by Peter Di Gangi
2) Issue Summary - DIAND's New Funding Mechanism the FTA
3) Chiefs of Ontario bulletin Sept. 6, 1996
4) Briefing Note - FTA
5) notes
6) Assembly of First Nations working draft resolution on Fiscal Relationships
7) News release on Kee Tas Kee Now Tribal Council sigining of FTA

FTA - 5/96

File contains agreements and other records related to Financial Transfer Agreements (FTA). Included in the file are:
1) draft 4 - January 18, 1996 of a Financial Transfer Agreement
2) Financial Transfer Arrangments management assessment workbook
3) Discussion paper on Accountability
4) Financial Transfer Agreement between the Federal Government and the Wagmatcook Band
5) Blank annotated FTA


File contains records relating to the Joint Health Canada - Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development approach to the Financial Transfer Arrangements/Agreements.

FTA - July 1999

File contains correspondence and a draft copy of the Financial Transfer Agreement (FTA).

Health & Treaties

File contains records relating to First Nations health care and treaty rights. Included in the file are:
1) "Health Care and the Treaties - preliminary reports" compiled by the Centre for Treaty Advocacy for the National Committee on Treaties, Vancouver B. C. May 1-2, 1990
2) "The Aboriginal Right to Health, Treaty making and Indian Government Jurisdiction" prepared by the Centre for Treaty Advocacy for the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs
3) "Issues in First Nations Health Care" notes for remarks by First Nations Health Commission Director Richard Saunders at Community Health Seminar held Oct. 3, 1990 at the University of Ottawa
4) Correspondence re: Treaty No. 6 Medicine Chest Clause
5) "Interpretation and Enforcement of Treaty Rights of First Nations" prepared by D. E. Worme for Peter Di Gangi, Director Centre for Treaty Advocacy
6) "The Structural Injunction as a Remedy for Violations of Aboriginal Constitutional Rights" by Phil Lancaster for the Canadian Bar Association Committee on Native Justice.

AFN Health 11/95

File contains correspondence, notes, and newspapers. Topics include the First Nations Health Forum; First Nations Health and the Federal Government; and Non-insured health benefits.

UCCM: Health 6/95

File contains records pertaining to the Health Services Transfer agreement between the Federal Government and United Chiefs and Councils of Manitoulin (UCCM). Included are a copy of the agreement; UCCM report; news clippings; and other materials.

Program Review - Health

File contains a letter from Health and Welfare Canada to Ovide Mercredi in his role as National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations. Also in the file is an Indian and Inuit Health programs review.

Non-Insured Health

File contains a records relating to non-insured health benefits )NIHB) for First Nations peoples. Included are: a newspaper "First Nations Health Bulletin" Vol. 1 No. 2, published by the Assembly of First Nations; Health Canada 1995-1996 Annual report on NIHB program analysis division; a 2 page paper "Issues pertaining to the transfer of non-insured health benefits"; "Non-Insured Health Services: The Saskatchewan Experience, a paper to be delivered at the BEC meeting by Duane Adams; and a Federal Government Aide de Memoire pertaining to non-insured health benefits for status Indians and Inuit.

Auditor General: NIHB 10/97

File contains news clippings and a a copy of Chapter 13 of the Auditor General's 1997 report "Health Canada - First Nations Health". Also in the file is correspondence regarding correspondence regarding the Lovelace v. The Queen in right of Ontario court case.

Health Stats

File contains two reports by Health Canada:
1) "Health Status of Canadian Indians and Inuit - update 1987" Indian and Northern Health Services, Medical Services Branch
2) "Health Status of Canadian Indians and Inuit - 1990"

Health Canada

Health 6/97

File contains two reports by Health Canada:
1) "Health Status of Canadian Indians and Inuit - update 1987" Indian and Northern Health Services, Medical Services Branch
2) "Health Status of Canadian Indians and Inuit - 1990"

Community Healing and Aboriginal Social Security Reform

Community Healing and Aboriginal Social Security Reform - a study prepared for the Assembly of First Nations Aboriginal Social Security Reform Strategic Initiative. Study was prepared by Michael Bopp, Judie Bopp, and Phil Lane, Jr.

Four Worlds International Institute for Human and Community Development

Box 7 - Claims Policy Post Post-Oka Box 1

Series contains files relating to Indigenous land claims policy and policy reform. The Series contains the following files/items:

2018.008.007.001 Claims - ADR - 91
2018.008.007.002 Claims - ICO 90
2018.008.007.003 Claims - Standing Committee - 1991
2018.008.007.004 Claims - Post Oka Vol. I
2018.008.007.005 Claims - Post Oka Vol. II
2018.008.007.006 Chiefs Claims Committee - Aug./91
2018.008.007.007 CCC - Vancouver Dec 9/91
2018.008.007.008 ICC - 1992
2018.008.007.009 Claims - Joint Wkg Group August - Sept/92
2018.008.007.010 CCC Dec-Jan/92
2018.008.007.011 CCC Ottawa, February 26/92
2018.008.007.012 Claims - JWG: December/92
2018.008.007.013 ADR - 1993 - D. Russell
2018.008.007.014 JWG - 23-25 Feb 1993
2018.008.007.015 CCC - Halifax April/93
2018.008.007.016 AFN Claims - 5/93
2018.008.007.017 Claims - CCC 7/93
2018.008.007.018 AFN Claims 14/9/94
2018.008.007.019 AFN Claims Jan/96
2018.008.007.020 AFN Claims 21/2/96

Claims - ADR - 91

Preliminary study "The Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Specific Claims". Prepared for Specific Claims Branch, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Canada by Ben Hoffman of Concorde Inc.

Hoffman, Ben

Claims - ICO 90

File contains two copies of "Discussion Paper Regarding First Nation Land Claims" by the Indian Commission of Ontario. Attached to one of the reports is a letter to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Claims - Standing Committee - 1991

File contains speaking notes for Ovide Mercredi, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, for the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs on December 12, 1991. The File also contains a transcript of the December 10, 1991 meeting of the Indian Specific Claim Commission.

Claims - Post Oka Vol. I

File contains records pertaining to First Nations Land Claims and the Federal Governments policies. Included in the file are meeting notes and reports of the First Nations Task Force on Claims, Assembly of First Nations critique of Federal policies, correspondence, and meeting notes and radio interview with Tom Siddon, Federal Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs.

Claims - Post Oka Vol. II

File contains records pertaining to First Nations Land Claims and the Federal Governments policies. Included in the file are correspondence, meeting minutes and notes, speech transcriptions, and reports from the Federal Government, Chiefs Committee on Claims and others.

Chiefs Claims Committee - Aug./91

File contains records pertaining to/created by the Chiefs Committee on Claims. Included in the file are meeting minutes, briefing notes, memorandums, reports, and correspondence.

CCC - Vancouver Dec 9/91

File contains records pertaining to the Chiefs Committee Claims, specifically their meeting in Vancouver on December 9, 1991. Included is the agenda and accompanying materials for the meeting; an extract from the Auditor General of Canada's report on specific land claims; and speaking notes from Ovide Mercredi, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, presentation to the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs.

Claims - Joint Wkg Group August - Sept/92

File contains records from the Specific Claims Joint Working Group (First Nations and Government of Canada). Included are meeting minutes and updates from the meeting held August 17-19, 1992 in Kamloops, British Columbia and meeting minutes from the meeting held September 29-30, 1992 in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.

CCC Dec-Jan/92

File contains the agenda and accompanying materials for the December 9, 1991 meeting of the National Chiefs Commission on Claims held in Vancouver, British Columbia. Also in the file are a meeting follow-up, correspondence, speaking notes, and an extract from the Auditor General of Canada's report.

CCC Ottawa, February 26/92

File contains records created by and related to the National Chiefs Claims Commission, the Assembly of First Nations, the Specific Claims Joint Working Group, and the Indian Claims Commission. Contents included correspondence and accompanying materials, updates, notes, resolutions, and draft resolutions.

Claims - JWG: December/92

File contains records created by/for the Specific Claims Joint Working Group (JWG). Records included correspondence; draft resolutions; JWG meeting minutes - Ottawa December 8-9, 1992; chronology of JWG meetings and discussions; JWG meeting minutes - Winnipeg January 26-27, 1993; Chiefs Committee on Claims meeting agenda, January 28-29, 1993; JWG meeting minutes - Val D'Or, Quebec November 3-5, 1992; and report - consultation on ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) systems.

ADR - 1993 - D. Russell

Native Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems: The Canadian Future in Light of the The American Past by Jonathan Rudin and Dan Russell for the Ontario Native Council on Justice.

Rudin, Jonathan

JWG - 23-25 Feb 1993

File contains a copy of the meeting agenda and accompanying material for the Joint Working Group on Claims Policy held February 23-25, 1993 in Ottawa, Ontario. Included is information on the previous meetings held in Val D'Or, Winnipeg, and Ottawa.

CCC - Halifax April/93

File contains records created by or related for the National Chiefs Committee on Claims. Included in the file are:
1) Summary notes from April 15-16 meeting held in Halifax, Nova Scotia
2) Chiefs Assembly resolutions on land claims
3) Specific Claims Joint Working Group (JWG) chronology of meetings and discussions
4) First Nations Submission on Claims - Dec. 14, 1990
5) Draft objectives for new First Nations claims resolution process and accompanying materials
6) Quarterly report from JWG

AFN Claims - 5/93

File contains records created by or related to the Specific Claims Joint Working Group (JWG). Included are meeting minutes, correspondence and other materials relating to JWG, National Chiefs Committee on Claims, and the Assembly of First Nations.

Claims - CCC 7/93

File contains records created by or related the the National Chiefs Committee on Claims. Records include meeting related correspondence; a summary of notes from the April 15-16, 1993 meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia; Draft Recommendations prepared by Neutral (Singleton Urquhart MacDonald); and a bound book "Specific Claims Joint Working Group" Vol. I (background documents).

AFN Claims 14/9/94

File contains records relating to the land claims reform process. Included are:
1) AFN proposal - Land Claims Reform Process: Towards an Adequate First Nation Land and Resource Base
2) Summary report on the Reform of Federal Land Claims Policies
3) draft summary of notes from Chiefs Committee meeting held June 1-2, 1994 in Winnipeg, Manitoba
4) draft proposal on reform of Federal Claims Policy
5) Background & Approach to Changing the Federal Claims Process.

AFN Claims Jan/96

File contains records related to Land Claims, policy and procedural reform. Included are background documents on litigation, independent claims bodies etc and an annotated bibliography on claims reform.

AFN Claims 21/2/96

File contains records relating to land claims and land claim process reform. Some of the items included in the file are:
1) "Beyond Lawful Obligation" by Michael Bossin
2) "First Nations Land Rights in Ontario and the Canadian Land Claims Process - a proposal for change" Ontario Land Rights Working Group
3) draft copies of "Claims Policy Reforms" by the Chiefs Committee on Claims
4) "Technical Requirements for the Establishment of an Independent Body"
5) memorandum regarding 1963 draft bill C-130 "An Act to provide for the Disposition of Indian Claims".
6) "Draft Recommendations Prepared by Neutral" - Singleton Urquhart MacDonald

Box 8 - Claims Policy Post Post-Oka Box 2

Series contains records related to Indigenous land claims and the establishment of an Independent Claims Body (ICB). The series contains the following files/items:

2018.008.008.001 AFN/DIA Claims 2/96-
2018.008.008.002 AFN - Claims - 7/96
2018.008.008.003 ICC Review - 11/96
2018.008.008.004 AFN - ADR 12/96
2018.008.008.005 AFN Claims 7/97
2018.008.008.006 AFN Claims - 12/1997
2018.008.008.007 AFN Claims - 1997 Report
2018.008.008.008 AFN Claims - 5-6/98 I
2018.008.008.009 AFN Claims - 5-6/98 II
2018.008.008.010 AFN Claims - 9/1998
2018.008.008.011 AFN Claims - 11/98
2018.008.008.012 AFN Claims - 4/1999
2018.008.008.013 AFN/JTF - March 2001
2018.008.008.014 AFN-ICB - May 2001
2018.008.008.015 AFN/ICB- Toronto - June 2001
2018.008.008.016 ICB - Fall 2001
2018.008.008.017 ICB - 2001-2002
2018.008.008.018 CCC - Vancouver Feb 2002
2018.008.008.019 AFN-ICB- Feb-March 2002
2018.008.008.020 Assembly of First Nations Chiefs Committee on Claims
2018.008.008.021 Indian Claims Commission - Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range report on Canoe Lake Inquiry, Cold Lake Inquiry
2018.008.008.022 Indian Claims Commission Proceedings (1999) 11 ICCP
2018.008.008.023 Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Specific Claims Branch - status report

AFN/DIA Claims 2/96-

File contains records created by or regarding the Assembly of First Nations and land claims reform. Some of the records in the file are: Land Rights Unit update; First Nations Land Rights in Canada seminar; Rolling draft #4 - Claims Policy Reform; letter to Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development re: reform of Federal claims policies.

AFN - Claims - 7/96

File contains records relating to federal land claims policy reform. Included in the file are:
1) Press statement - Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
2) blank protocol agreement between AFN and the Federal Government
3) Land Rights Update - XVII Annual General Assembly
4) Rolling Draft IV - AFN Chiefs Committee on Claims and AFN Land Rights Unit
5) Correspondence between Chiefs Committee on Claims and Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
6) Nation Indian Brotherhood/Assembly of First Nations Land Rights Unit Report - dispute resolution and First Nations land rights
7) National Indian Brotherhood/Assembly of First Nations Land Rights Unit - Claims Policy Reform annotated bibliography

ICC Review - 11/96

File contains a "Review of the Indian Specific Claims Commission" by Concorde Inc. and a newspaper clipping about the Commission.

AFN - ADR 12/96

File contains a copy of "Land Rights Unit Report Volume II - Litigation, Dispute Resolution and First Nations Land Rights" by the Assembly of First Nations. Also in the file are copies of the "In Brief" newsletter by Lang Michener Barristers & Solicitors with stories about ADR - alternative dispute resolution.

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