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G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education Inglés
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Correspondence: Joanne Harack Hayne and Diana Falkner

File contains correspondence from Joanne Harack-Hayne in her role as the co-ordinator of in-house programs; and Diana Falkner during her time as the assistant to the director of the Management Development Institute and as the program director of special programs and conferences. File has been divided into the following file parts:
RG Correspondence - Joanne Harack Hayne
RG Correspondence - Diana Faulkner, 1983

Access program for multi-racial students enter Human Service fields

The program offered through Continuing Education at Ryerson was created jointly by Ryerson and the Access Action Council and was funded by the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities.
Files contain correspondence, financials, course brochures, meeting minutes, notes, proposals, Progress Report to Ministry of Colleges and Universities Government of Ontario, and Proposal for a Conference in Improving Accessibility in Post Secondary Institutions For Visible Minority and Ethno Specific Students in Ontario.

Gay and Lesbian program and resource development at Ryerson

File contains correspondence, forms, meeting minutes and announcements regarding Gay and Lesbian program and resource development at Ryerson. Included is information on "New Perspectives on Gay and Lesbian Realities" - a non-credit course offered through Continuing Education; meeting minutes for a working group on Gay and Lesbian program and resource development; and other materials.

Roads to Perdition Lecture series

The Roads to Perdition lecture series occurred between January and May of 2011. The series was a partnership between the G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education and the Revue cinema. The lecturer Kevin Courrier is an instructor at the School in Programs for the 50+.

Perfect Bound magazine

Perfect Bound magazine was created to give the students in the magazine publishing certificate and other related courses an opportunity to put their study into practice. The Folio Magazine club was created in 2008 by Angela Walcott. It appears the last published copy of the magazine was created in 2010, and the last online version published in 2011.

"Applying to University" film

This short film (9.5 minutes) was a student project - an instructional video for Image Arts students applying to University. It was partially filmed in the Ryerson Archives (Library room 387) on January 26, 2007.

Nyitray, Frank

Heaslip House open house and official opening

File contains posters advertising the open house, September 7, 2006, celebrating the new home of Continuing Education - Heaslip House. File also contains posters, an invitation, 2 copies of the VIP reception program, and a brief history of the LIFE institute for the official opening of Heaslip House on September 26, 2006.

Graphic Communications certificate revisions

File contains two proposals. The first, dated February 3, 1994, to the Academic Standards Committee to merge the existing Graphic Communication Production and the Graphic Communication Management certificates. The second, dated January 28, 1998, to the Academic Standards Committee to revise the existing certificate. Proposed changes effect admission and certificate requirements, required and elective courses, and advanced standing guidelines into GCM degree program.

Re-development of the certificate in Canadian Cross-Cultural Studies into a certificate in Race and Ethnocultural Relations

File contains correspondence, meeting minutes, a copy of the proposal, and a press package from the Ontario Government from a stakeholder's forum held by the Ministry of Education and Training about initiatives surrounding racial and ethnocultural equity and education.

Training and Development certificate program proposals

File contains:
1) Proposal for A Certificate Program in Training and Development - January 1993
2) Certificate in Training and Development Proposal - February 1992
3) A Proposal to the Ontario Society for Training and Development For Joint Development of a Program of Professional Growth in Training Development, and Training Management - February 1991.

Management and Community Studies certificates proposal

File contains a copy of the proposal to amend the present Certificate in Administrative and Communication Studies, created in 1971 and implemented 1972, to become Certificates in Management and Community Studies, Level I and II. Program designed to complement Police College training. Also in the file is correspondence.

International Business Management certificate proposal

File contains two copies of the proposal sent to the Academic Standards Committee. The School of Business Management is proposing this program through the Continuing Education Division. The proposal was approved by the Business Council on March 9, 1998 and the Continuing Education Divisional Council on January 27, 1998.

Distance Education students as members of CESAR

File contains a signed letter of understanding between CESAR and Continuing Education that all students in Continuing Education registered as distance or off-campus students will be considered full CESAR members, therefore requiring them to start paying the CESAR fee as covered under ancillary fees.
Included in the folder are letters of support for the action from the Ombudsman, Oakham House and Student Services.

Executive report on the proposed restructuring of the administration of the Continuing Education division

File contains a copy of the report "An Executive report prepared for Milton Orris Dean, Continuing Education Division Ryerson Polytechnical Institute" prepared by James Scurr & Associates Inc. The report details changes that should be made on the administrative side of Continuing Education.

James Scurr & Associates Inc.

Course outlines

File contains two different course syllabi. One is two pages with a brief listing of topics covered in the 10 courses that make up the program. The other is dated 1977 and is an extensive course outline with topic breakdowns for the 10 courses.

Examination materials

File contains an exam instructions for the June 1978 Ophthalmic Dispensing workshop. It also contains a blank final written examination from the Board of Ophthalmic Dispensers, Province of Ontario.

Ophthalmic Dispensing Program course materials

Subseries is divided into the following six files:

RG Examination materials
RG Visual and Ophthalmic optics formulae booklet
RG Course outlines
RG Business Practice I - Evening course XTC926 and Correspondence course CC1926
RG Ophthalmic Dispensing I - Correspondence course 1913
RG Anatomy and physiology of the eye - Evening course XTC915 and XTC1915

Ophthalmic Dispensing program

The Ophthalmic Dispensing program was designed in conjunction with the Board of Ophthalmic Dispensers of Ontario, which was the provincial licensing and regulatory body. The program consisted of ten courses, taken as either evening or correspondence classes. The program was intended to be taken over a three-year span.
The series is divided into four files:
RG Ophthalmic Dispensing Advisory Committee meeting minutes
RG Ophthalmic Dispensing Program course materials
RG General files

Integration of Day and Evening studies working file

File, compiled by Dean of Arts contains correspondence, reports, meeting minutes and accompanying material related to the integration of Evening Studies classes with Day school classes. Included are reports and minutes from meetings of the Vice-President Academic's Part-Time Learning committee.
The outcome of this process was that day school students could take courses at night that would count towards their degrees, Part-time learners could earn credits towards a certificate or diploma, and the Division of Continuing Education was created - headed by a Dean.

Scissors and ribbon

Pair of small orange handled scissors with engraved metal disc attached. Engraved into disc "Mayor David Crombie Continuing Education 9 Mar 78" and on the other side "Genuine Imitation Gold-Plated Scissors". With the scissors is an orange ribbon - cut in half.
Mayor David Crombie used the scissors to cut the ribbon to open the new headquarters for the Division of Continuing Education in the Mordell Building (Library Building).

Student survey results

File contains two copies each of two surveys. The first survey was conducted in January of 1978 and encompassed all students enrolled in continuing education classes. The survey was conducted over a one week period and was completed by 81% of enrolled students. The survey focused on four things: student profile, organization, employment, and future courses.
The second survey focused on summer courses at Ryerson. The survey was conducted between June 9 and August 20. It focused on five things: who are summer students at Ryerson, is course scope and coverage adequate, how do students perceive Ryerson, what are student's education patterns, and how did students hear about the Summer at Ryerson program.

General File

File of material kept by Lorraine Wilson on the Gerontology program through Continuing Education. Included in the file are copies of the final reports of the Deans Working Group; an exploratory study of Gerontology certificate program at Ryerson; correspondence; meeting minutes; information on "Intimate relationships and the aging process" conference; and program brochures.

Administrative and general program records

File contains a variety of materials associated with the Gerontology certificate program. Included are an organizational chart outlining the academic and administrative report structure of the program; three program brochures; and One copy of a survey given to students in the program, and one copy of the survey results.

Deans Work Group on Gerontology: proposal and meeting minutes

File contains copies of the proposal to establish a Deans working group on Gerontology. Their purpose was to clarify and make recommendations about Gerontology's academic and administrative structure. The certificate program was established in 1979. Also in the file are agendas, minutes and accompanying materials from the group's meetings.

Gerontology Certificate program files

Series consists of records relating to the creation and running of the Gerontology Certificate program through Continuing Education. Series is broken into three files:

RG Deans Work Group on Gerontology: proposal and meeting minutes
RG Deans Work Group on Gerontology: Final Report
RG Administrative and general program records
RG General file


File contains photographs relating to Continuing Education at Ryerson.
The negatives are photographs taken during registration for night classes. One of the photographs, featuring Dean of Continuing Education Milton Orris and two students was published in the Forum in 1976.

Certificate samples - blank

File contains blank copies of three different certificates:

Data Communications Technology CDIH 201
Award of Completion - OACMHC (Ontario Association of Children's Mental Health Centres) Continuing Education seminar
(2) Award of Completion - Supervisor Training Program CZIH405 Organizational Behaviour

Nursing Management certificate program proposal

File contains a rough draft and the final copy of the School of Nursing's proposal for a certificate in Nursing Management through Continuing Education. Included with the final proposal is a memo from from the Dean of Continuing Education to the Secretary of the Academic Council indicating that the proposal had already been approved by the School of Nursing Departmental Council, The School of Business Human Resources Management Area group, and the Continuing Education Divisional Council.
The certificate was offered for the first time in the 1988-1989 Continuing Education Calendars

Order-in-Council 1857/48 - the establishment of evening classes at Ontario's provincial technical institutes

File contains an authorized copy of the Order-in-Council 1857/48 approving the establishment of evening classes at the province's Technical Institutions - Ryerson Institute of Technology, Lakehead Technical Institute, Provincial Insititute of Textiles, and Provincial Institute of Mining. The order also authorizes the employment and payment of faculty, instructors, and staff past their usual working hours.

Miscellaneous blank cards, letterhead, forms, and questionnaires

File contains blank examples of materials used by Continuing Education. Included are:

Course completion card
Correspondence Courses envelope
Continuing Education Division Instructor card
Division of Evening Studies hand drawn registration form and paper explaining how to fill it out
Course registration form for Secretarial Science (evening)
Evening Studies Division registration survey questionnaire
Division of Evening Studies authorization to transfer form
(2) Transcript of Record forms - one with R. Celliers as signer, and one with Ken MacKeracher as Dean
Letterhead for In-House and Off-Campus programs - Continuing Education Division
Sign - Evening Studies Cancelled Course
(2) Instructor Contract and payroll advice.

Brief to the Minister's Advisory Committee on Financial Assistance to Students

File contains a copy of the brief.
Full title: Brief to the Minister's Advisory Committee on Financial Assistance to Students on behalf of the Ontario Association for Continuing Education in conjunction with representatives of Metropolitan Toronto area public post-secondary institution student awards and continuing education officers from Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology, George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology, Humber College of Applied Arts and Technology, Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology, Sheridan College of Applied Arts and Technology, University of Toronto - School of Continuing Studies Woodsworth College, York University - Centre for Continuing Education.

Report to Academic Council on Organization of Continuing Education

File contains a draft copy and the final version of the report prepared and presented to Academic Council (Senate) by J. L. Packham, Vice President Academic. Both are dated 1977 with the final version dated April 27, 1977. Included with the final version is a memo from J. L. Packham to J. A. Wargo, secretary of Academic Council.

A proposal for a certificate in public affairs - April 26, 1994

File contains a copy of the April 26, 1994 copy of the March 1994 edition of the proposal. Full title as follows: A proposal for a certificate in public affairs The Continuing Education Division, The School of Radio and Television Arts, The School of Journalism, and The Department of Business and Technical Communication.
April copy is smaller than the March 1994 version.

A proposal for a certificate in public affairs - March, 1994

File contains two copies of the March 1994 edition of the proposal. Full title as follows: A proposal for a certificate in public affairs prepared at the request of the Department of National Defence by The Continuing Education Division, The School of Radio and Television Arts, The School of Journalism, and The Department of Business and Technical Communication.
One of the copies is marked for editing.

Working file - 1993 and 1994 certificate program

File contains correpondence, memos, proposal preliminaries, and budget information relating to the Ryerson Continuing Education and Faculty of Applied Arts Certificate in Public Affairs offering for the Department of National Defence. Included is information on the 1993 and the 1994 programs.

Working file - 1992 and 1993 certificate programs

File contains correspondence, AUCC award information, memos, and budget information relating to the Ryerson Continuing Education and Faculty of Applied Arts Certificate in Public Affairs offering for the Department of National Defence. Included is information on the 1992 program and some preliminary documentation the the 1993 program.

Department of National Defence and Ryerson's Continuing Education Division: Certificate in Public Affairs

First offered in 1992, the certificate program was designed by the Faculty of Applied Arts (RTA, Journalism, Business and Technical Communication) and the Continuing Education Division. It was created at the request of the Department of National Defence.
Series contains correspondence, working papers, meeting minutes, copies of the proposals, along with other documents created in the organization and creation of a Public Affairs certificate program for members of the Department of National Defence.

A proposal for funding the development and testing of a procedure to determine, to inventory and to continuously classify part-time commuter student needs

File contains a proposal to the University for funding for a study about the needs of part-time and extension students. Unclear of who the author of the proposal was although Ryerson Centre is mentioned in the front piece.

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