Affichage de 78 résultats

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Faculty of Arts
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Golf Tournament miscellanea

The "Arts" Division annual golf tourney was initiated in 1981 and developed into an University-wide tournament in 1988. The materials consist of notices, photographs, a sampling of score cards, statistics (player scores, prize categories), sampling of a tournament contract and a trophy - given to the archives by former Dean of Arts, Terry Grier.

Arts Division

This file contains budgetary information for the Arts Division.

Costing Data

This file contains program costing data.

Labour Studies

This file contains correspondence and reports on Labour Studies at post- secondary institutions.

Music Department

This file contains the hiring information, course information, budgetary information , and correspondence in regard to the Music Department.

Arts 5 Year Academic Plan

This file contains reports and correspondence in regard to the Arts 5-year Academic Plan.

5/3rds Rule

This file contains correspondence and reports in regard to the 5/3 and 3/3 course load distinction, also described as "degree level" and "diploma level".

OCUA Program Evaluations

This file contains one report, "A Proposal for a Mechanism for Funding Degree Programs at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute", as well as discussion papers, correspondence, copies of newspaper clippings, student and employer questionnaires in regard to OCUA program evaluations.

Ontario Education Communications Authority

This file contains correspondence between the Director of the Office of Planning and Development of the OECA, and the Dean of Arts in regard to the ways in which the OECA could contribute to development of media programs at colleges and universities.


This file contains various notes, correspondence, and discussion papers.

Technology Division

This file contains correspondence, meeting minutes, academic planning reports, a copy of a University Affairs newsletter, a report, "Proposed Degree of Bachelor of Applied Arts in Industrial Arts", booklets, and course information in regards to the Technology Division.

Computer Planning Group

This file contains correspondence, resource information, reports, meeting minutes, and budgetary information regarding the Computer Planning Group.


This file contains correspondence.

Division Departments

This file contains Arts Secretariat, Economics, English, French, Geography, History, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, and Politics department information.

Teaching Analysis

This file contains teaching analyses from various departments.

Faculty of Arts posters

The file contains o/s posters, as follows :

  • The Role of Liberal Studies conference, 1986 : Career eduction for the 1990s, 1986

  • Ryerson in Europe - Credit Courses, 1993

  • Celebrating Authors event, 2012 ; See also folder RG 71.40. Poster created to advertise the Faculty of Arts Celebrating authors event to honour their faculty as authors. The March 2012 event was the first and was held at The Arts and Letters Club on Elm Street.

  • Jack Layton Lecture, 2012 - The inaugural and annual event created after Jack Layton had died in 2012. (Formerly RG 7.76.)

  • Recollecting the Nineteenth-Century Museum, 2015

Faculty of Arts floor hockey tournament photographs

Photographs of faculty members and spectators taken during and after a Faculty of Arts floor hockey tournament. Participants in the tournament were faculty members from the departments of History, Economics, Politics and Applied Geography.

Bachelor of arts degree project

A collection of loose documents and records pertaining to the possible creation of a Bachelor of Arts Degree Program at Ryerson and the committee(s) established to examine this issue.
The activities described in this material presumably led to the formation of a B.A. in Arts and Contemporary Studies, first offered in the Fall of 2003. Items found in this sub-series include: a discussion paper; a mission statement; e-mail messages; a copy of the Ryerson Act; several reports; computer Web site printouts and photocopies relating to programs at Toronto Area community colleges and British universities; and a document from the Vice President Academic entitled, "The Development, Review and Approval of New Undergraduate Degree Programs".The contents of this collection record were reorganized and arranged in chronological order.

Personnel files

This file contains documents concerning the employment and payroll information of various employees at Ryerson.

Job vacancy notices and advertisements

File contains job postings sent by the Human Resources department. Job postings prior to 1980 can be found in RG 71.32.
File closed as of December 2012. Please see RG 94.46 for future job postings.

Faculty of Arts Student Experience Centre

The Student Experience group - which includes personal and career counselling - has been together since 2007, and recently named itself the "Student Experience Centre".

Ryerson Music Series

The Ryerson Music Series - Interdisciplinary Perspecitives was created by Prof. Kim Chow-Morris in 2008 as a way to "connect faculty, students, staff, and community members from diverse disciplinary perspectives with interest and research backgrounds in music, [to] learn from and diaolouge with each other..." Dr. Kim Chow-Morris spoke with "faculty members across Ryerson whose research and creative work focused on or incorporated music or sound". The first session was a musical concert put on by musical faculty members called Music Cafe and held in Oakham House in September 2008 and the other session of the 2008 / 2009 academic year were Ryerson faculty from Music, History, Psychology, and Early Childhood Education. The second year brough Professor David Lidov from York University. Audiences have been from Physics, Journalism, and others.

ARTSbuzz newsletter

Started in July of 2011 by incoming Dean Jean Paul Boudreau in July of 2011. Is posted several times a year.

The Jack Layton Chair

File contains of an introduction to The Jack Layton Chair with pledge information.

Second Annual Jack Layton Lecture bookmark

Bookmark featuring the second Jack Layton Lecture by Ed Broadbent, former federal NDP leader (1971-1989) entitled, "Social Democracy: Dead as a Dodo or the Only Option?"

Pimatisiwin (Life) : Indigenous Filmmakers

The flyers advertise a "documentary film screening and talk exploring culture, resilience, and the effects of colonialism in First Nations communities." Presented by The Jack Layton Chair and 'Colectivo' Toronto.

The films include :

  • "Memory in Bones" 2005
  • "Twilight Dancers" 2017
  • "Thirst : Canada's Dirty Little Truth" 2007

Speakers include :

  • Joanne Dallaire
  • Gail Maurice
  • Theola Ross
  • Paola Marino
  • Nataleah Hunter-Young


This file contains correspondence, budgetary information, reports, event information, and notes.