Dimensions Pilot Program at Toronto Metropolitan University, one of 17 across the country, is a program aimed at enhancing equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in all aspects of and endeavours related to scholarship, research and creativity (SRC), as well as addressing and eliminating systemic and structural barriers to engagement in research and scholarship.
The Yeates School report is graduate studies' response to the initiative, giving 6 recommendations aimed at supporting the recruitment, admittance, retention and success for students from equity deserving groups. The 6 recommendations are:
1) Consider adopting a more holistic approach to admissions review for graduate programs
2) Provide dedicated support and resources throughout the admissions process
3) Provide tailored support throughout the graduate school experience
4) Enhance mentorship opportunities and programming tailored to support students from equity-deserving groups
5) Create a welcoming and purposefully inclusive university graduate student community
6) Advocate for and actively engage in the establishment of an institutional EDIA strategy or framework to support and sustain equity-focused initiatives, across the university and within YSGS
Archives has one digital copy of the final report in pdf format.