Toronto Metropolitan Students' Union
- RG 79
- Fonds
Toronto Metropolitan Students' Union
Educational Preferences of Ryerson Students .......
This file contains study Report: Educational Preferences of Ryerson Students in relation to their socioeconomic background and other background characteristics.
Summary,Conclusions: "Educational Preferences......"
This file contains Summary, Conclusions and Comments to Educational Preferences of Ryerson Students in relation to their socioeconomic background and other background characteristics study.
Student Directories and Handbooks
The file contains the directories and handbooks issued by the Ryerson student union in any of its incarnations -
The earliest issues were simply student directories containing student and staff telephone numbers and home addresses.
The format changed many times over the course of the years. Personal information was eliminated and the directory became more of a guide to familarize first year students with the services and activities offered by both the Student Union and the University.
File consists of materials including T-shirts, mugs, and other materials handed out during Frosh week at Ryerson.
RG 79.4.01 Dog tags (1996)
RG 79.4.02 - t-shirts
RG Extra large. RSU Orientation “United Colours of Ryerson”. Spray dyed.
RG Large white SURPI Orientation T-Shirt. The front of the shirt is decorated with red, yellow and black stars, with
“S.U.R.P.I. Presents Magical Mystery Tour” in black lettering.
RG A large white t-shirt. RyeSAC Orientation “It’s The End OF The World As We Know It!
RG Grey. Large. RSU Orientation “Ryerson Rocks”.
RG (2) X-Large black t-shirt with blue “Ryerson - Proud Of Our Roots” lettering stamped on front, as well as a white tree
with blue ROOTS trademark (beaver) beneath the roots of the tree. The RYESAC logo is on the left sleeve
RG (2) X-Large black t-shirt with blue “Ryerson Roots” lettering stamped over the white ROOTS trademark (beaver) on
front. The RYESAC logo is on the left sleeve.
RG Small white SURPI Orientation T-Shirt. Black lettering. “S.U.R.P.I. Presents Ryerson Orientation”.
RG X-Large red t-shirt with yellow lettering worn by the designated RyeSAC parade and picnic marshals.
RG XXXL red t-shirt with yellow lettering worn by the designated RyeSAC parade and picnic marshals.
RG A red (small) t-shirt with black/white printed words “49th Annual Parade & Picnic”
RG S black t-shirt with red flame on front with "Events Ryerson Students' Union" in white in it. "Strength in numbers" in red on sleeve
RG S yellow t-shirt with "Parade and Picnic" on front in black and yellow. "Parade Marshall" and sign with ambulance in it on back of shirt in black and white.
RG Red T-shirt with white writing on front "Annual Parade and Picnic" and silhouette of students on bottom in black Back of shirt has black writing “Parade Marshall” with a ambulance silhouette in triangle underneath.
RG White t-shirt with "Ryerson Students' Union" and other words on front in blue and black. Back of shirt "I am part of the student movement" in blue and black
RG 79.4.03 (2) Blue bandanas "Ryerson Ground Zero" in white
RG 79.4.04 Laundry bag stamped with blue and black writing. Drop Fees on one side and RSU information on the other.
RG 79.4.05 Two plastic mugs "The United Colours of Ryerson"
RG 79.4.06 Plastic squeeze bottle, "Ryerson's World Schwing" 1992
Metallurgy Course Union Scrapbook
This file contains Metallurgy Course Union Scrapbook containing photographs, clippings, greeting card.
Secretarial/Administrative Studies "News & Views"
This file contains 1 issue of News & Views published by SAS Course Union.
SURPI and RYESAC by-laws and constitution
This file contains Ryerson Student's Administrative Council and Student's of Ryerson Union by-laws.
Course union and student group manuals
This file contains RSU Course Unions and RSU Student Groups manuals 1976-2012.
Ryerson ice carnival and winter carnival
File contains posters, 2 t-shirts for RyeSAC/RSU's Winter Carnival and Ice Carnival ,Winter Fest Handbooks, correspondence, minutes of meetings, planning and budgeting information, reports.
This file contains 9 issues of Ryersonia Magazine.
Digital Retrospecitve:Thanks For A Truly Amaging Year!
Three t-shirts worn by participants in the RyeSAC tax clinic
RG 79.104.01 - XL navy blue shirt with yellow graphics and lettering
RG 79.104.02 - L white shirt with blue graphics and lettering
RG 79.104.03 - S yellow shirt with navy blue graphics and lettering
Bowling "Killer Eggies!" t-shirts
Two white t-shirts (1 medium, 1 large) with graphics on back: bowling pins and the lettering “Killer Eggies!”.
Ryerson University Rules! ruler
Students' Administrative Council annual report
This file contains Students' Administrative Council Annual Report 1967-1968.
Several t-shirts with relating to different events at the RSU was involved in.
RG 79.112.01 - White cotton t-shirt with blue and orange stamping on it. Front has a white silhouette of students with raised fists and “Education is a RIGHT! Drop Fees” underneath in orange and blue. Back of t-shirt has RSU logo in blue and white.
RG 79.112.02 - RSU stand up and make a difference
RG 79.112.03 - A white t-shirt with blue and black lettering: Ryerson got SuperBuild and all I got was this lousy t-shirt (and a tuition fee increase, and a $2.3M budget cut, and larger class sizes…).
RG 79.112.04 - An XL grey t-shirt with RyeSAC logo on upper left chest and “Ryerson Rocks” on back.
RG 79.112.05 - IWD Fair 2008 Volunteer
Newspaper Clippings - BOG representation, RSU, student jobs, misc.
File contains collated and preserved newspaper clippings.
Records contained in 2 red binders - 1958-1959 and 1959-1960. In the binders are also meeting minutes, meeting announcements and some correspondence. They have been filed under Finanacial Records due to the fact that the majority of the records are financial in nature.
RYESERT - Ryerson Student Emergency Response Team
RyeSERT (Ryerson Student Emergency Response Team) is a volunteer based student group that provides on-site medical coverage at Ryerson events and in all Ryerson residences. RyeSERT is made up of students with backgrounds as firefighters, paramedics, first responders, lifeguards, and those just interested in serving the Ryerson community with a genuine desire to help others.
Series contains records and artifacts related to the Ryerson Student Emergency Response Team.
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons - Emergency Care Slide Set
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 35mm Slide Set, with annotations and markings related to the set's use by RYESERT.
Sociology Student Union Materials
Criminal Justice Course Union records
Brochures and flyers related to the RSU's Criminal Justice student association.
Director's Handbook:Functions, Policies, By-Laws...
This file contains 3 copies of handbook.
Occupational and Public Health course union
Chemistry and Biology students course union (CABS)
Industrial Engineeing course union
Civil Engineering Course Union
Politics and Governance Course Union
Persepolis - Iranian Student's Association
Partner Pass: Kevin Smith Speaks Out
Red plastic water bottle with screw top lid. "RSU Ryerson Students' Union" and other things stamped on one side in white, and "Turn on the tap public water it's a public service" on the other in white as well.
This file contains "What Role Ryerson?" Preliminary Brief to the Commission on the Post Secondary Education presented by the Students' Union of RPI.
Colgate toothbrush in package. Handle of tootbrush is stamped with "Ryerson Students' Union Dental Plan OPT-OUT DEADLINE: Oct. 2, 2009"
One orange plastic push pen with "Ryerson Students' Union" on side in white.
Two red plastic hard hats. Front of one hard hat has sticker "ryesac 2001-2002 board of directors" and yellow peeling letters on the side. The other hard hat has a sticker "ryesac 2001-2002 student campus centre" and "PRATHA" on side in yellow.
Leather harness with metal fittings and apparently brass buttons and wool blanket (attached as one unit). Rig was formerly worn by Ryerson's ram mascot(s)
Slides - donated by RSU and Oakham House
158 colour slides depicting Ryerson campus life during the 1970s.
File contains a copy of the Student Action Now newspaper on "the February 1st Day of Action" by the Ryerson Students' Union.
Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic/Related Memorandum
This file contains posters and notices.
This file contains 1 issue of Ryerson Citizen newspaper.
File contains posters of a variety of events and issues and have been separated by size.
The file contains posters collected from campus halls after the election period. It has been divided into two folders:
(1): 1972 - 1995
(2): 1996 -
This file contains memorandums, Report on Course Evaluation at Ryerson, Merry-Go Round Surveys Interim Report for SURPI.
"Teach-In" On Constitutional Proposal: Poster & Memo
Histories written by or commissioned by the student union under any of its variant historical names.
Community Service Groups Historial Research
A history, written by Adam Garnet Jones, of four student union services -
Community Food Room
Community Women's Centre
Working Students' Centre
Although the sub title states five histories are included, there are only four. The Working Students' Centre appears twice.
RSU Student Feedback (Food Bank) Information Package
This file contains Student Feedback Information Package regarding Food Bank.
Eggy the Ram - taxidermied heads
The head and horns of all 5 Eggy mascots reside in the Ryerson Archives. They originally hung on the wall in the two student pubs - The Edge and the Ram in the Rye.
A selection of metal buttons promoting campaigns and events.
This file contains notices for student activities related to the many cultural groups within the university. Also included in this file are notices for cultural pop culture clubs.
This file contains notices.
This file contains notices.
This file contains 4 handbooks.
The file contains posters related to cultural student events held on campus.
RYESAC (SURPI) Executive and Staff
This file contains photographs of RYESAC (SURPI) Executive and Staff.
War And Peace:Analysis Of Possible Future Devel...RPI
Ryerson Students' Union banner
A large white vinyl banner with the RSU logo in black and red with “Students’ Union” in black lettering.
SURPI Instructor-Course Evaluations Programme
This Orientation file is for the years 1952 - 1983. Included is a pennant that was handed out to new students for the 1968 orientation.
Series consists of various newsletters by the Student Union.
File consists of various issues of the RSU newsletter.
Your student health and benefits plan
Promotional RSU brochures, pamphlets, postcards
File contains brochures, pamphlets, and postcards relating to RSU and club events, elections, Ram in the Rye promotions, and other promotions.
Contracts and Agreements between Ryerson's Students' Union and the Board of Governors
The file contains :
A) Memorandum of Agreement 1974/1975 and dated August 22, 1974 with ten directives :
1.) Students' Union fee allocation.
2.) SURPI Surplus
3.) Accountability (of SURPI'S budgets, financial statements, and audits)
4.) Community Services
5.) Community Services Funding
6.) Community Service Board/Quorum
7.) Community Services Accruals
8.) Community Services Board-Ryerson Centre Board
9.) Future Direction of Ryerson Centre Board and Community Board
10.) Housing Capital/Off Campus
B) A SURPI rebuttal to the Accountability clause
C) An Agreement of 24 December 1975, the principal agreement regarding the collection of and transference of Students' Union Fee funding from Ryerson administration to SURPI, including the I) Obligations of the Board ; II) Obligations of SURPI ; III) Agreements by Both Parties.
Students' Union Executive meeting minutes
Series contains the minutes and appendices for the Students' Union of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute (SURPI) Board of Director's meetings. Included are also minutes from the Executive Committee and other committees.
Students' Union Board of Directors meetings, March 9, 1971 - December 14, 1972
File contains agendas, minutes, and appendices from the Ryerson Students' Union Board of Director's meetings between March 9, 1971 and December 14, 1972.
Students' Union Board of Directors meetings, January 11, 1973 - April 9, 1974
File contains agendas, minutes, and appendices from the Ryerson Students' Union Board of Director's meetings between January 11, 1973 - April 9, 1974.
Students' Union Board of Directors meeting, April 11, 1974
File contains agenda and minutes from the Ryerson Students' Union Board of Directors on April 11, 1974.
Students' Union Board of Directors meetings, April 11, 1974 - August 10, 1975
File contains agenda and minutes from the Ryerson Students' Union Board of Directors on April 25, 1974 to August 10, 1975. Also included is the minutes from the annual general meeting on April 11, 1974.
Students' Union Board of Directors meetings, March 6, 1975 - August 10, 1975
File contains agendas, minutes, and appendices from the Ryerson Students' Union Board of Director's meetings between March 6, 1975 and August 10, 1975. Binder kept by secretary Kevin Schwenker. Divided into two folders.
Students' Union Board of Directors meetings, August 15, 1975 - April 7, 1976
File contains agenda and minutes from the Ryerson Students' Union Board of Directors (SURPI) from September 5, 1975 to April 7, 1976. Also included is a letter from Roger Gillespie, SURPI President, to the Toronto City Council.
Students' Union Board of Directors meetings, March 30, 1976 - February 16, 1977
File contains agendas, minutes, and appendices from the Ryerson Students' Union Board of Director's meetings between March 30, 1976 to February 16, 1977. Binder kept by Kevin Schwenker. Divided into two folders.
Students' Union Board of Directors meetings, April 13, 1976 - December 10, 1976
File contains agenda and minutes from the Ryerson Students' Union Board of Directors (SURPI) from April 13, 1976 to December 10, 1976.
Students' Union Board of Directors meetings, January 13, 1977 - August 13, 1977
File contains agenda and minutes from the Ryerson Students' Union Board of Directors (SURPI) from January 13, 1977 to August 13, 1977. More appendices from the August 13 meeting can be found in RG 79.49.10
Students' Union Board of Directors meetings, August 13, 1977 - March 8, 1978
File contains agenda and minutes from the Ryerson Students' Union Board of Directors (SURPI) from August 13, 1977 to March 8, 1978. The front of the ledger contains the appendices from the August 13 meeting. The rest of the materials relating to the August 13 meeting can be found in record RG 79.49.09. Ledger arranged in two files.
Students' Union Board of Directors meetings, March 8, 1978 - November 6, 1978
File contains agenda and minutes from the Ryerson Students' Union Board of Directors (SURPI) from March 8, 1978 to November 6, 1978. The front of the ledger contains the appendices from the March 8 meeting. The rest of the materials relating to the March 8 meeting can be found in record RG 79.49.10. Ledger arranged in two files.