Affichage de 114 résultats

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Special Collections Peter Di Gangi Papers Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
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Municipalities: RCAP

Copy of the submission "Municipalities and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada" by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities in co-operation with the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

OFAH to RCAP 1993

Copy of the Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters submission to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples "Self-Government and Co-management in Ontario".

Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters


File contains two copies of "Putting Nature First: Conservation Principles to Guide Settlement of Aboriginal Land Claims" a brief for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples by the Land Claims Work Group of the Federation of Ontario Naturalists. One of the copies is complete, the other is only the odd numbered pages of the report.

Federation of Ontario Naturalists

T #9 Moose River

File contains a copy of task 3 "Treaty Rights in the Moose River Basin" from Aboriginal, Treaty and Riparian Rights in the Moose River Basin: The Potential Impact of the Ontario Hydraulic Plan - a report for the Moose River/James Bay Coalition by Kent McNeil and Patrick Macklem. Attached to the report section is a letter to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples regarding the report.

Trapper Support - Ig. La Rusic

Copy of "Subsidies for Substance - The Place of income security programs in supporting hunting, fishing and trapping as a way of life in Canada's Aboriginal communities". This copy is a preliminary working draft submission of the report for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples by Ignatius E. La Rustic.

La Rusic, Ignatius E.

N. S. Women - I. P. P.

Copy of the Nova Scotia Native Women's Association final report for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Nova Scotia Native Women's Association

Nishnawbe-Aski - I. P. P.

Copy of the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation intervention report for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Nishnawbe-Aski Nation

U. O. I. - I. P. P.

Copy of the Union of Ontario Indians "Anishinabek Traditional Governing - a new era for the Anishinabek: Understanding the past for the challenges of tomorrow" submission to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Anishinabek Nation

C. O. O. - I. P. P.

File contains a copy of the Chiefs of Ontario's submission to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Chiefs of Ontario

AFN - I. P. P.

File contains "A Discussion Paper - Royal Commission on Aboriginal Affairs" and "Reclaiming our Nationhood Strengthening our Heritage - report to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples".

Assembly of First Nations/National Indian Brotherhood

FSIN Vol. I and Vol. II

Files contain a copy of "A Comprehensive Presentation to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples by the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations". Report was divided into two file folders FSIN Vol. I and FSIN Vol. 2 because of the size of the report.

Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations


File contains copies of "Justice in Our Land" by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs for the Manitoba Constitutional Task Force; and "Planning Change" a report to the 5th annual Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and submission to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs

Manitoba: T#4, 5, 6

Copy of the presentation by the Swampy Cree Tribal Council to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Swampy Cree Tribal Council

RCAP Treaty #7

Copy of the presentation to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Affairs - intervenor participation program by the Treaty 7 Tribal Council.

Treaty 7 First Nations Chiefs' Association

Treaty #9 - Windigo

Copy of the Windigo First Nations Council's submission to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Windigo First Nations Council

Northern Flood T #5

File contains a copy of "The Northern Flood Agreement - History of Negotiation and Implementation, and Recommendations for Improvement" a report prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples by The Northern Flood Committee, Inc. and Patrica A. Cobb of Symbion Consultants.

Northern Flood Committee

Treaty #5 - Manitoba

Copy of "Keewatinook Okimowin: Mechanisms and Solutions" a presentation to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples by Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak, Inc.

Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak, Inc.

Fish - Saugeen - IPP

Copy of "Issues of Jurisdiction" presented to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples by the Saugeen Ojibway Nations.

Saugeen Ojibway Nations

T #4 - RCAP

File contains copy of the report submitted to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples by the Touchwood File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council.

Touchwood File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council

Land Use - Usher

File contains a copy of "Contemporary Aboriginal Lands, Resources, and Environment Regimes - Origins, Problems, and Prospects" by Peter J. Usher of P. J. Usher Consulting Services. It is a background paper prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Also included in the file is a revised list of sources for the report.

Usher, Peter J.


Copy of the letter and submission by the National Aboriginal Forestry Association titled "Forest Lands and Resources for Aboriginal Peoples" for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

National Aboriginal Forestry Association

Fish - Native Bro. B. C. IPP

Copy of the submission put forward by the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Native Brotherhood of British Columbia

C. A. R. C. - Claims

Photocopy of Canadian Arctic Resources Committee "Aboriginal Peoples, Comprehensive Land Claims, and Sustainable Development in the Territorial North". The brief was created for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Canadian Arctic Resources Committee

ADR & Claims

"Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in the Resolution of Comprehensive Aboriginal Claims: Power Imbalance Between Aboriginal Claimants and Governments" by Andrea McCallum

McCallum, Andrea

U. S. A. Governance II

"Aboriginal Self-Government in the United States - A Qualitative Political Analysis" by Russel Lawrence Barsh for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Barsh, Russel Lawrence

U. S. A. Governance I

"Self Government of Native Nations in the United States" by Theresa Julnes for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Julnes, Theresa

Maori Governance

File contains correspondence and accompanying report "Country Study - New Zealand Indigenous Governance" by Tipene O'Regan, Aoraki Consultant Services.

Self Gov't - Macklem

"Normative Dimensions of the Right of Aboriginal Self-Government" by Patrick Macklem.

Macklem, Patrick

Innu & Governance

File contains records related to the Innu Nation. Included are:
1) Everything has been said, we all know the solutions...a time to change and a time to act - Foundation Analysis of the Political Development of the Innu of Ntesinan by Armand Mckenzie
2) Response of the Innu Nation to the discussion paper of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador "An Accelerated Approach to Aboriginal Land Claims Settlement".

Treaties & Self Gov't

File contains records related to treaties and Indigenous self-government. Included are:
1) Aboriginal Self-Government and Treaties: A Discussion - Leroy Little Bear
2) Treaties and Governance project write up
3) memorandum from RCAP - Governance and Treaties

"The Land" P. Williams

"Corlaer's Moon - Aboriginal Laws and the Spirit of the Land" by Paul Williams for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Williams, Paul

Metis Land Rites - Pinder

File contains two copies of the report "Submission to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Affairs: Metis Land Rights in Canada" by Louise Mandell of Mandell Pinder barristers solicitors.

Mandell, Louise

Metis Land - Nexus

Draft final report to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples "Metis Land Rights - Legal and Historical Issues".

Public Policy Nexus Group Inc.

Metis & 91(24) B. Morse

Report authored by Bradford W. Morse and John Giokas for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples titled "Do the Metis Fall Within Section 91(24) of the Constitution Act, 1867 and if so, What are the Ramifications in 1993?".

Giokas, John

Metis & 91(24)

Report authored by Don McMahon and Fred Martin for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples titled "The Metis and 91(24): Is Inclusion the Issue?".

McMahon, Don

Metis Land Rights

File contains a copy of the draft final report by Public Policy Nexus Group Inc. titled "Metis Land Rights - Legal and Historical Issues" created for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. File also includes correspondence and invoices regarding the creation of the report.

MNC - I. P. P.

File contains correspondence between Harry Daniels and Jean Chretien re: land claim; Memorandum of Understanding between the Metis Nation and the Royal Commission on Aborginal Peoples; Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples research - Metis Claims Group Workshop papers; and a copy of the Metis National Council's Intervenor report for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Metis - Enumeration

Report "Metis National Council Report of the Development and Implementation of a National Registry System for the Metis People of Canada" for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Coopers & Lybrand

Treaty #10/#5: Scrip

Report authored by Frank Tough and Leah Dorion "the claims of the Half-breeds...have been finally closed: A Study of Treaty Ten and Treaty Five Adhesion Scrip" for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Tough, Frank

NWT & Government of Canada

Cover letter and report "Canadian Government and Aboriginal Peoples - The Northwest Territories" by Gurston Dacks.

Dacks, Gurston

Inuit Comp.

File contains parts of two reports created for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Included are:
1) Institutional and Human Resource Development Implications of the Nunavut Agreement preliminary report by K. Knight - Chapters I and III
2) Nunavut: Aboriginal Self-Determination through Public Government by Gurston Dacks - Parts 1, 2, 5, 6 and appendices

Inuit Tapirisat - IPP

Submission of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples by the Inuit Tapiriiksat Kanatami (Inuit Tapirisat of Canada).

Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami

Inuit - Govt & Treaty

File contains records related to Inuit Government and Treaty Rights. File contains a trip report "Inuit Tapirisat of Canada Roundtables" in Pangnirtung, NWT; and a report by Wendy Moss "A Review of Inuit Perspectives on Treaty Rights and Governance Issues".

Claims - Nfld.

File contains copy of "Proposal from Newfoundland: Accelerated Land Claims".

NFLD - Land base

File contains submissions to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples from Newfoundland Indigenous Peoples. Presentation given at the Gander, Newfoundland hearings held November 5, 1992. Included in the file are:
1) Federation of Newfoundland Indians presentation by Gerard Webb
2) Aboriginal Self-Government - Port-au-Port Indian Band
3) presentation by Stephenville Crossing Band Council
4) statement by Chief Lawrence Jeddore, Glenwood Indian Band Council
5) presentation by Gander Bay Indian Band Council, Chief Calvin Francis
6) St. George's Indian Band Council, Victor Muise Jr.
7) Bartlett's Harbour Indian Band Council report
8) Benoit's Cove Indian Band Council, Chief Walter Barry
9) statement from the Miawpukek Band by Chief Geraldine Kelly
10) Corner Brook Indian Band Council presentation
11) presentation by Exploit's Valley Native Indian Band Council
12) The Endless Story by Tony John
13) presentation by Flat Bay Indian Band Council


Copy of "Relocation of Indigenous Peoples of Canada" by Rarihokwats for Walter Rudnicki and the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.


Off Reserve Vol. I

File contains three intervener participation program reports. The reports are from the Winnipeg First Nations Tribal Council, the Saskatoon Treaty and First Nations Assembly Inc./The Aboriginal Women's Council of Saskatchewan Inc., and the New Brunswick Aboriginal Peoples Council.

Slattery: Urban Gov't

"The Constitutional Basis of Aboriginal Self- Government in Urban Areas" by Brian Slattery.

Slattery, Brian

RCAP - S. Aronson

File contains a print out of a resolution to "Acknowledge the contribution of the Iroquois Confederacy of Nations to the development of the U. S. Constitution" from the 100th Congress of the U. S. A. and a copy of "The Authority of the Crown to Make Treaties with Indians". by Stephen Aronson.

RCAP - Treaty Focus - 3/93

File contains records related to the March 17-18, 1993 RCAP Treaties and Governance workshop. Included in the file is an agenda; handwritten notes; a discussion paper "Treaty Perspectives and Obstacles to Recognition"; summary notes; paper "Aboriginal Self-Government and Treaties: A Discussion" by Leroy Little Bear; and "Dispute Settlement among the Naidanac.

Multicultural Charter

Copy of Will Kymlicka's "Multicultural Citizenship: a liberal theory of minority rights".

Kymlicka, Will

RCAP - Health

Health and Family Wellness References in RCAP's Infobase prepared by the Information Management Unit of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Lands & Resources Policy

Lands & Resources Policy prepared for the Commissioners of The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples by the RCAP Lands & Resources Team.

Economy - Policy

Copy of "Economics Policy" prepared for the Commissioners of the The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples by the RCAP Policy Team.

RCAP Intl - D. Sanders

Copy of Professor Douglas Sander's "The Current Status of International Indigenous Issues Affecting the Aboriginal People of Canada".

Sanders, Douglas

Walt's Drafts

File contains handwritten text by Walter Rudnicki for his Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples reports - "The Bilateral Dilemma" and "Saskatchewan Treaty Commission".

Rudnicki, Walter

Justice - Brief Book

File contains a copy of "Justice Briefing Book" and a copy of the presentation by the Swampy Cree Tribal Council to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Fol. Consent

File contains print out of results from Folio infobase under search terms "rcap hear consent" - Treaty Hearings Consent

Fol. Trty Rem.

File contains print out of results from Folio infobase under search terms "treaty rem" - Treaty Perspective remedies. Also in the file is a report created from the search results.

Fol. Trty Negs.

File contains print out of results from Folio infobase under search terms "treaty making negotiatio" - Treaty making negotiations and "Treaty making".

Fol. Trty Imp.

File contains print out of results from Folio infobase under search terms "Treat Implen" - Treaty Implementation and "clai implen" - Claims Implementation.

Folio Search Results

File contains research results from searchers conducted on the RCAP Folio infobase. Topics include Off reserve; territory and overlaps; representation, beneficiaries, off reserve; and aboriginal laws.

RCAP Folio Infobase

Sub-series contains folders containing records related to the RCAP's Folio infobase and is divided into 5 files.

Treaty Infobase IMU

Treaty References in RCAP's infobase report created by the Information Management Unit.


File contains information on and instructions for using the RCAP Folio V. I. P. database.

RCAP Research - All

File contains records related to the RCAP Treaties and Lands research. Included in the file is a project outline; Integrated research plan; two copies of the Treaty/Lands Research Project outlines; and RCAP Treaties & Lands Research revised projects outlines draft #3 Dec. 1992.

RCAP - Policy Process

File contains memos, schedules, minutes and other records related to the various policy teams under the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Majority of information is on the Policy Committee on Treaties.

RCAP - Guidelines

File contains four copies of the "Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Final Draft - Ethical Guidelines for Research".

RCAP Begins - 1991

File contains records related to the establishment of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP). Included in the file are:
1) Press release and terms of reference for the commission
2) Press release re: appointment of David Crombie as chairman of intervenor participation program
3) Copies of "The Circle" Vol. 1 No. 1 and No.2 - newsletter of RCAP

Crown Conduct Dr#1

Draft final report by Peter Hutchins (Hutchins, Soroka & Dionne) titled "Renouncing the Old Rules of the Game: Crown Conduct within the Context of Litigation involving Aboriginal Peoples". Report was prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

B. C. Claims Vol. I & II

Copy of Aboriginal Royal Commission: B. C. Issues by Mandell Pinder and created for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Mandell Pinder Barristers & Solicitors

Xting: Fact Finder

File contain records relating to the Honourable Alvin C. Hamilton's role as fact finder for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. This role's purpose was to find alternatives to "surrender provisions" used in claim settlements and was initiated in response to a special report by the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Included in the file are "Extinguishing Extinguishment: Bringing an Era to an End" presented by Ovide Mercredi in his role as National Chief of Assembly of First Nations; copies of background paper "Achieving Certainty in Comprehensive Land Claims Settlements"; correspondence; and other materials related to this research.

Xting - Hamilton 9/95

File contains a copy of "Canada and Aboriginal Peoples - A New Partnership" report of the Honourable A. C. Hamilton Fact Finder for Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development; draft copy of "Analysis of the Report of The Honourable A. C. Hamilton, Fact Finder for the Minister of Indian & Northern Development"; news release regarding the report release; and correspondence regarding the Assembly of First Nations report analysis.

Comp. Cl. Cases

File contains three reports created for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP).
1) Comprehensive Claims Agreements as Tools for Local/Regional Development - Roy Erasmus
2) A Brief to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Intervenor Participation Program - Alliance Tribal Council of Delta British Columbia
3) Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Final Report, July 30, 1993

Olthuis et al. 4/94

Letter regarding and copy of final draft of the report "Analysis of Canada's Comprehensive and Specific Claims Policies and Suggested Alternatives". Report created by Morris/Rose/Ledgett Barristers and Solicitors for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

RCAP: Comp. Claims

File folder containing the report "Northern Comprehensive Aboriginal Claims Agreements" prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples by Letha J. MacLachlan, barrister and solicitor. Also in the file are charts of information on each of the 14 comprehensive land claims examined for the report.

Turpel - Xting Vols. 1-3

Two file folders contains the three volume "Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Extinguishment of Rights of Aboriginal Peoples Governance Project - Extinguishment of the Rights of Aboriginal Peoples: Problems and Alternatives".

Xting - Research Vol. I

File contains records related to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Extinguishment of Rights of Aboriginal Peoples Governance project. In the file are:
1) RCAP extinguishment project detailed research plan
2) RCAP Extinguishment of rights interim report - Paul Joffe, Dick Spaulding, Chris Tennant, Mary Ellen Turpel
3) Alternatives to Extinguishment - a report prepared for RCAP - Michael Jackson

Xting Alt's: Jackson

Report by Michael Jackson, prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, titled "A New Covenant Chain: An Alternative Model to Extinguishment for Land Claims Agreements".

XTing - Macklem 4/94

File contains letter and copy of "Treaty-making in the Spirit of Co-existence: Alternatives to Extinguishment in Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements" second draft by Patrick Macklem.


File contains records related to the Royal Commission on Aboriginals Peoples Land and Resources Policy team and their work on dispute resolution mechanisms.

Tribunal - J. Evans 5/95

Copy of "The Aboriginal Lands and Treaties Tribunal - a section of the Lands and Resources Chapter of the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples" by John M. Evans.

Xting Vol. I

File contains records relating to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples claims working group and research on claims and extinguishment. File contains two copies of the paper "Extinguishment and Federal Comprehensive Claims Policy Recommendations for Alternatives: A report prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples" by Michael Asch.

RCAP Claims Vol. I 6/93

File contains records relating to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Claims Focus Group. Included in the file are handwritten notes by Peter Di Gangi, contact lists, discussion papers, and a copy of "Federal Policy for the Settlement of Native Claims".

Fed NDP - 1997

File contains records related to the Federal NDP party. Included in the file are:
1) The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples final report - NDP stance
2) Aboriginal Rights Coalition questionnaire responses by Gordon Earle, Halifax West NDP Campaign.
3) NDP 1997 election platform in relation to Aboriginal Peoples.

Fur Trade, Rites, Treaties

File contains report authored by Tony Hall for Leroy Little Bear and the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Report is in two parts: Part 1 - The Fur Trade and Aboriginal Rights: History, Education and Constitutional Meaning; and Part 2 - Aboriginal-Crown Treaties in the History and Constitution of Canada: Basic Principles, Basic Interpretations.

Hall, Tony

Apamuwek Vol. I and Vol. II

Draft Final Report of "International Context of Crown-Aboriginal Treaties in Canada". Report was prepared by Russel Lawrence Barsh and James Youngblood Henderson, in their roles with the Apamuwek Institute, under contract to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Apamuwek Institute

Treaty Federalism

File contains a copy of "Exploring Concepts of Treaty Federalism - a Comparative Perspective" by Thomas O. Hueglin, Wilfred Laurier University. Paper was prepared for the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations - Queen's University on behalf of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Hueglin, Thomas O.

Crown Treaty Policy

File contains a copy of the Federal Treaty Policy Study by Stephen Aronson and Ron Maguire; a copy of the completed Aboriginal Treaties questionnaire for RCAP - submitted by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada; and copies of the questionnaire question and a list of people it was sent to.

RCAP Treaty Policy April 1994

File contains four writings regarding treaty policy. In the file are:
1) Evolving New International Laws from the Fourth World - Rudolph C. Ryser
2) Will Canadian Accept the New Relationship - thoughts on the seminar on sovereignty, citizenship, and treaties - James Tully
3) Making Waves newsletter Vol. 4, No. 3 (August 1993)
4) The North and National Policy - Peter Jull

IAA - Treaty Remedies

Report titled "Disputes about the Meanings of Indian Treaties between the Crown and First Nations" by the Indian Association of Alberta for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Indian Association of Alberta

Treaty Interpretation

File contains authored papers regarding treaty interpretation. Included in the file are:
1) A People of Law - Paul Williams
2) The Incorporation of International Law in Domestic Law - Hutchins, Soroka & Dionne
3) The Nature and Status of the Oral Agreements as Distinct from the Written Terms of the Treaties - Delia Opekokew
4) The Interpretation of the Treaties Entered into by the First Nations and the Crown... - Delia Opekokew

Treaties & Xting - Alan Pratt

Letter and accompanying discussion paper "The Numbered Treaties and Extinguishment: A Legal Analysis" authored by Alan Pratt for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Pratt, Alan

RCAP - Douglas Treaties

File contains a copy of the Douglas Treaty Case Study by the Nanoose First Nation for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Day of Action clippings

File contains newspaper clippings, brochures, and other records related to the National Day of Action April 17, 1997.

AFN Treaties - 2/93

File contains records related to work with the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples(RCAP). Specifically relating to treaty research. Included in the file are:
1) Assembly of First Nations Preliminary Work Plan of Intervenor Activities before the RCAP
2) Draft Outline - Land and Resource Base - AFN-RCAP

Claims - ICO 90

File contains two copies of "Discussion Paper Regarding First Nation Land Claims" by the Indian Commission of Ontario. Attached to one of the reports is a letter to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Taxation - Heather Caswell

File contains proposal, outline, and a working draft copy of the paper "First Nations Taxation Exemption and Jurisdiction: The Legal Context and Policy Options". Paper was authored for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Caswell, Heather M.

Résultats 1 à 100 sur 114