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Peter Di Gangi Papers Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs (UBCIC)
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INAC PTO Review - 2003

File contains records related to Provincial/Territorial Organization (PTO) funding. Included is:
1) PTO Funding Policy, Feb. 26, 2003
2) memo and accompanying material regarding the PTO Funding Policy Technical Working Session, Feb. 26-27, 2003

AFN & BC Co-Opters 2005

File contains an agenda and accompanying materials from the Assembly of First Nations B.C. Region, First Nations Summit, and Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs special Chiefs Assembly held May 19-20, 2005. Also in the file is a letter between AFN Quebec-Labrador region and the Organization of United Reborn Survivors.

Land Claims Implementation Conference 11/2003

File contains a conference program "Redifining Relationships: Learning from a Decade of Land Claims Implementation" held November 11-14, 2003 in Ottawa. Also in the file is a brochure from the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs "The British Columbia Treaty Commission".

Ind. Act Govt - Vol. I - 4/95-9/96

File contains records related to amendments to the Indian Act. Included in the file is a speech by DIAND Minister Ronald Irwin; DIAND press release and accompanying proposed changes to Indian Act; and an annotated summary of DIAND's Indian Act Amendments.

UBCIC - MBC- April/95

File contains records regarding the Migratory Birds Convention between The U. S. and Canada. Included in the file is correspondence regarding amendments to convention; news clippings; Notes on the convention; Amendment negotiating team records; Copies of the 1973 and 1994 conventions; and other related records.

Sparrow Etc. - SCC

File contains copies of the judgement, commentary, and analysis on the Supreme Court of Canada ruling in Ronald Edward Sparrow v. Her Majesty the Queen and The National Indian Brotherhood/ Assembly of First Nations (intervenors).

BCTC - Spring 98

File contains correspondence, reports, and news clippings regarding British Columbia First Nations treaty negotiations, and materials from the First Nations Summit. Included are annual reports from the B. C. Treaty Commission, and information packages from the First Nations Summit.

UBCIC - Nov. 1999

File contains records relating to British Columbia claims and claims policy. Included in the file are two copies of "Truth Behind Treaty Making: Canada's 1986 Comprehensive Claims Policy"; UBCIC 1999 case highlights; resolutions; correspondence; and a news clipping.


File contains a variety of documents created/collected by the Union of British Columbia Chiefs (UBCIC). Included in the file are:
1) brochures - Shuswap Cultural Working Committee
2) booklets -Shuswap Nation Tribal Council
3) Press releases and press statements from UBCIC
4) National Committee on Treaties - Resolution Respecting Treaty-Making & the Constitutional Definition of Aboriginal Rights
5) First Nations' Meeting agenda and accompanying materials Oct. 23-24, 1990
6) Inter-Tribal Treaties on Land Question: B. C. Indian Nations' Strategy for the 1990s discussion paper 2 - UBCIC
7) UBCIC Statement of Principles and Interim Process on Aboriginal Fishing in British Columbia
8) UBCIC Aboriginal Title and Rights Position Paper
9) Constitution of The Provisional Government of The Confederacy of Aboriginal Nations draft #5
10) Philip Christopher Paul memorial booklet
11) Meeting and speech notes

UBCIC - Posters

File contains one over-sized poster "Comprehensive Framework Treaty between First Nations in British Columbia and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada" dated May 1991. File also contains an over-sized information booklet "Buffalo Stampede of the 1990s: The Report of the B. C. Land Claims Task Force".

UBCIC - 10/96

The majority of the file contains invitations, programs, and fact sheets for the "Voice of the Peoples" gathering at Cayoose Creek Indian Band Campgrounds, Stl'Atl'Imx Territory in Lillooet, British Columbia. Gathering was held July 11-12, 1997. Also in the file is a booklet created by the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs titled "Certainty: Canada's Struggle to Extinguish Aboriginal Title".

B. C. Treaty Comm Vol. II

File contains records related to the British Columbia Treaty Commission (BCTC). Included in the file are news releases and clippings, as well as:
1) brochures "Treaties in British Columbia" and "Treaty Making" from the First Nations Summit Perspective
2) brochure "The British Columbia Treaty Commission" from the UBCIC
3) brochure "Treaty Negotiations in B. C. ' an Overview" from the Federal Treaty Negotiation Office
4) "BCTC & The Land Question"
5) "BCTC 1997 Annual Report excerpts
6) Report on the Treaty Process in British Columbia
7) Musqueam Indian Band - Band Council Resolution
8) Understanding the B. C. Treaty Process - an opportunity for dialogue
9) newsletter "British Columbia Treaty Commission update"

BC Claims: 5%

File contains records related to British Columbia land claims. Included in the file are newspaper clippings; Provincial memo re: lands and resources component of treaty negotiations; and "New Confederation - Building the New Canada with a New Federalism" by Preston Manning, leader of Reform Party of Canada.

UBCIC Clippings

File contains newsclipping packages put together by the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs (UBCIC). File includes:

2018. December '95 edition
2018. January '96 edition
2018. July '97 edition
2018. September '97 edition
2018. August '97 edition
2018. September '97 edition
2018. December '97 edition
2018. January '98 edition
2018. February '98 edition
2018. April '98 edition

Delgamuukw - Govt's

File contains various analyses and reports regarding the impact of the Delamuukw decision. Included in the file are:
1) Union of British Columbia Municipalities - Conference on the Supreme Court of Canada Decision on Delgamuukw
2) three analysis by Bull, Housser & Tupper barristers and solicitor regarding decision
3) Specific claims and Delgamuukw by Mandell Pinder for UBCIC
4) Delgamuukw - a preliminary anaylsis of the Supreme Court of Canada's decision for a discussion with legal counsel for British Columbia and First Nations - Dept. of Justice

Natnl Treaty - 91

Photocopy of the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs "A National First Nations-Canada Treaty".

Non-xting Treaty

File contains records related to treaty making and non-extinguishment. Included are:
1) Indigenous Peoples Treaty Making Workshop
2) Treaty-Making and Title: A Non-extinguishment alternative for settling the land question in British Columbia, discussion paper #1 - UBCIC 21st annual general assembly, 1989
3) Inter-Tribal Treaties on the Land Question: B. C. Indians' Strategy for the 1990s, discussion paper #2 - UBCIC 21st annual general assembly, 1989
4) Presentation on claims, reserves, and self government
5) Memorandum - Alternatives to Extinguishment - Jeff Richstone, Inuit Committee on National Issues
6) Discussion paper on the Federal Government's Extinguishment Policy with Respect to Land Claims Agreements
7) General Statement on Extinguishment Policy - Conseil Atikamekw-Montagnais

Priorities DIA 6/95

File contains correspondence about and copies of "DIAND's Framework for Action (a work in progress)" and three copies of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada "The Outlook in Priorities and Expenditures 1995-1996 to 1997-1998".

PCO Research - 96

File contains records relating to the 1996 Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development program review and budget. Included are an info package released by DIAND and correspondence and information from an access to information request regarding the review.

Coalition Kit - 12/2001

File contains a brochure for the Federal Government's First Nations Governance Initiative, and an information kit for the First Nation Coalition for Inherent Rights. Kit includes briefing materials and a legal review.

W. Rudnicki: Corbiere

File contains a copy of "The Corbiere Ruling - A Loaded Verdict" by Eagle Shield (Walter Rudnicki) for the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs.

Rudnicki, Walter

CH. Lands Vol. III - 94-96

File contains records relating to the framework agreement on land management between First Nations and the Canadian Government. Included in the file is correspondence, news releases, draft and copy of framework agreement, and other records.

FNG Fall 2001

File contains records related to First Nations Governance. It includes correspondence, analysis, newspaper clippings and reports primarily related to the joint Assembly of First Nations - Department of Indian and Northern Development work plans for self government.

FNG - June/July 2001

File contains records related to First Nations Governance. Included in the file are:
1) news clippings
2) correspondence
3) draft "Facilitating the Exercise of Self Government: a co-operative approach between Canada and the Assembly of First Nations"
4) briefing notes
5) Anasazi newsletter Vol. 7 No. 1
6) "Is There Life After the Indian Act? Part 1

Ind. Act: Res/Bckgrnd

File contains records related to the proposed amendments to the Indian Act. Included in the file is correspondence and an Assembly of First Nations "Resolutions and Related Correspondence" packet of documents.

AFN - ATIP 96-97

File contains Access to Information and Privacy requests by Peter Di Gangi to the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada regarding the costs associated with Bill C-79.

Constitution Oct/92

File contains records relating to the Charlottetown Accord. Included in the file are: two copies of "Draft Legal Text"; Your Guide to Canada's Proposed Constitutional Changes; newspaper clippings; and correspondence.

FMC - 1987

File contains records related to the First Ministers' Conference. Included are:
1) Strategical Planning and Defence Analysis - Situation Report and Recommendations Respecting the First Ministers' Conference 1987
2) First Ministers' Conference on Aboriginal Constitutional Matters - notes for opening address by Don. R. Getty
3) Our Land is Our Future - UBCIC
4) Assembly of First Nations (AFN)brochure
5) Security Intelligence Review Committee Annual Report 1989-1990
6) Assembly of First Nations Treaties and Treaty Rights - Some Preliminary Considerations by Paul Joffe
7) Treaty Rights Unit Report on Treaties for AFN Special Assembly
8) memos re: funding for Treaty Research and Advocacy Center
9) AFN Bulletin, Vol. 4 No. 3 Oct/Nov 1986
10) National Committee on Treaties Briefing Book - 6th annual AFN Assembly
11) Task Force on Treaties and Treaty Rights
12) Letter to AFN from Prairie Treaty Nations Alliance
13) Newspaper clippings
14) memo from Union of Ontario Indians and AFN
15) Agenda - AFN Special All Chiefs' Assembly

AFN DISC May 2000

File contains records related to the Delgamuukw Strategic Implementation Committee. Also in the file is information on the Federal Government's Comprehensive Claim Policy and a copy of "Common Ground - Toward Reconciliation of Aboriginal & Crown Title".

AFN Delg/April 2000

File contains records related to the implementation of the Delgamuukw decision. They include two copies of Resolution 7/00 - Delgamuukw Implementation of the Confederacy of Nations; multiple AFN resolutions regarding claims and claims policy; a meeting kit for the Recognition and Affirmation of Aboriginal Title Strategy Meeting; and other records.

Kamloops II - 2/99

File contains documents related to Delgammukw. They include "Common Ground - Toward Reconciliation of Aboriginal & Crown Title", press releases; multiple copies of "Statement on Review Developments" and "Statement on the Report of the Special Rapporteur", both presented to the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations by Chief Arthur Manuel of the Interior Alliance; and information regarding AFN-AGA Resolution 5/99 "Motion to Implement the Delgamuukw Decision".

UBCIC - Delgamuukw 3/99

File contains records relating to three conferences:
1) Notes and agenda for "Implementing Delgamuuk'w - legal implications for Aboriginal title research in BC" held March 1-3 in Vancouver, British Columbia
2) Program for conference "Delgamuuk'w: One Year After" held February 18-19 in Victoria, British Columbia
3) Program for First Nations GIS mini conference "GeoSolutions: Integrating our World" held March 1-4 in Vancouver, British Columbia
Also in the file is "$3 treaty script" and "Delgammuukw Report Card - Canada's Record One Year Later".

AFN Claims - 11/98

File contains records relating to the Joint First Nations-Canada Task Force on Claims Policy Reform and the creation of an independent claims body. Included in the file are correspondence; meeting minutes; memorandum and:
1) Drafts "First Nations Specific Claims Resolution Act"
2) First Nations Specific Claims Commission Tribunal Joint AFN-DIAND communication plan

Health & Treaties

File contains records relating to First Nations health care and treaty rights. Included in the file are:
1) "Health Care and the Treaties - preliminary reports" compiled by the Centre for Treaty Advocacy for the National Committee on Treaties, Vancouver B. C. May 1-2, 1990
2) "The Aboriginal Right to Health, Treaty making and Indian Government Jurisdiction" prepared by the Centre for Treaty Advocacy for the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs
3) "Issues in First Nations Health Care" notes for remarks by First Nations Health Commission Director Richard Saunders at Community Health Seminar held Oct. 3, 1990 at the University of Ottawa
4) Correspondence re: Treaty No. 6 Medicine Chest Clause
5) "Interpretation and Enforcement of Treaty Rights of First Nations" prepared by D. E. Worme for Peter Di Gangi, Director Centre for Treaty Advocacy
6) "The Structural Injunction as a Remedy for Violations of Aboriginal Constitutional Rights" by Phil Lancaster for the Canadian Bar Association Committee on Native Justice.

Self Govt 1991 Vol. 1

File contains materials relating to self-government. Included are newspaper clippings; correspondence; records relating to the Chiefs' Governance Working Group; press releases; Assembly of First Nations bulletins; a copy of "Building Blocks towards Constitutionalizing First Nations Self-Government"; "Approach to First Nations Government"; and an information sheet "Indian Act Alternatives".

Trojan Buffalo 6/95

File contains 3 reports prepared by Peter Di Gangi. They include:
1) The "Trojan Buffalo"? Inherent Right, Federal Policy and the Bureaucracy: A Situational Analysis
2) Crown - First Nation Intergovernmental Relations: Politics, Policy and Bureaucracies
3) Federal Program Assessment and Review: Buffalo Jump II?

Di Gangi, Peter

Program Assessment & Review, 1994

File contains records relating to Federal Government programs and assessment of those programs. Included are a Program Assessment by Peter DiGangi for the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs; newspaper clippings; a draft of "Programs, Policies and Approvals" for the RCAP Treaty Policy team; historical outline of Indian social welfare developments, 1945-1966; and Assembly of First Nations materials.

UBCIC Brown Paper

File contains a copy of the Brown Paper - A Declaration of Indian Rights, The B. C. Position paper prepared by the UBCIC (The Union of B. C. Indian Chiefs), dated November 17, 1970.
Also in the file is an invitation to the Spring graduation of the Institute of Indigenous Government in Burnaby B. C.

Oka - 1990

File contains materials relating to the events at Oka in 1990. Included in the file are:
1) correspondence
2) Maclean's Magazine, September 10, 1990
3) Soldier of Fortune magazine, December 1990
4) "The Summer of 1990" - fifth report of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, May 1991
5) "Shaping Canada's Future Together" highlights booklet
6) "Shaping Canada's Future Together" proposals