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Faculty of Community Services
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Faculty of Community Services

  • RG 186
  • Fondo
  • 1970-2017

Fonds contains records and material relating to the Faculty of Community Services.

Faculty of Community Services

Administrative Records

Series contains administrative records for the Faculty of Community Services. The Series is divided into three areas:
RG 186.001.001 Chair/Director meeting minutes and accompanying records
RG 186.001.002 Dean of the Faculty of Community Services documentation files
RG 186.001.003 Job postings

Accession 1982-299 file #63

File from larger donation of materials from the School of Nursing. It contains memos, notices, correspondence and other materials sent/received by the Dean of Community Services between 1974-1976.

Accession 1982-299 file #62

File from larger donation of materials from the School of Nursing. It contains meeting minutes, memos, notices, correspondence and other materials sent/received by the Dean of Community Services between 1983-1986.

General documentation file

File contains minutes, memos, announcements, correspondence and other items created/retained by the Dean of Community Services.

Academic Planning, Review, Proposals, and Curriculum records

Series contains records relating to the programs offered under the umbrella of the Faculty of Community Services, specifically relating to academic planning, program reviews, program proposals, and curriculum. The Series contains the following:
RG 186.002.001 Public Health Inspection Department - Proposed Program Presentation - Bachelor of Applied Arts (Environmental Health)
RG 186.002.002 Environmental Health Program reviews
RG 186.002.003 Master Program in Community Studies faculty forum invitation
RG 186.002.004 School of Nursing - Nursing Diploma Program Approval report
RG 186.002.005 School of Nursing Program Review Process reports
RG 186.002.006 Faculty of Community Services Academic Plan 2014-2019
RG 186.002.007 Faculty of Community Services calendar extracts
RG 186.002.008 Planning Priorities for 1990-1991 for the Faculty of Community Services
RG 186.002.009 Task Force on Academic Program Alternatives final report
RG 186.002.010 Faculty of Community Services 1986-1987 Academic Plan submission
RG 186.002.011 Interdisciplinary Field Project

Environmental Health Program Reviews

File contains two program reviews for the Environmental Health Degree Program:
RG Review of the Degree Program in Environmental Health, 1983
RG Program Review and Evaluation Procedure (PREP) - Environmental Health

School of Nursing Program Review Process reports

File contains multiple parts and variations of the Nursing Program's Program Review report. Included are:
RG Nursing Program Academic Quality Element
RG Nursing Program Societal Need Element
RG Nursing Program Financial Viability Element and summary of societal need
and academic quality elements
RG School of Nursing Program Review Committee Background Information (PREP)
RG School of Nursing Program Review Evaluation Process (PREP)

Faculty of Community Services Calendar Extracts

Calendar extracts showing only Faculty of Community Services programs and course descriptions.
RG 1985-1986
RG 1988-1989
RG 1995-1996
RG 1997-1998 (2)
RG 786.002.007.005 2001-2002 (2)
RG 2004-2005 (2)
RG 2005-2006 (2)

Task Force on Academic Program Alternatives final report

Final report of the Task Force on Academic Program Alternatives submitted to the Faculty of Community Services. Divided into 4 sections that include: a general summary of the task force's goal; 4-weekend model proposal; program delivery variables; and work study as an alternative to traditional academic programs.

Faculty of Community Services 1986-1987 Academic Plan Submission

File contains the submission put forward by the Faculty of Community Services for the 1986-1987 academic plan. Included are: Dean's summary; a working paper; library acquisitions report; School of Early Childhood Education submission; Environmental Health Department submission; Department of Food, Nutrition, Consumer and Family Studies submission; Nursing submission; and School of Social Work submission.

Interdisciplinary Field Project

File contains records relating to the Interdisciplinary Field Project - Health Promotion Project that teamed Ryerson's Faculty of Community Services faculty and students with the City of Toronto. File contains meeting notes, curriculum documents, a reports and other associated materials.

Conferences, forums, lectures, and workshops

Series contains records related to conferences, forums, seminars, and lectures sponsored by or organized by the Faculty of Community Services. The series contains:
RG 186.003.001 Caribbean Family and Youth conference
RG 186.003.002 Promoting Health Equity
RG 186.003.003 Special and Annual Lectures
RG 186.003.004 Research Methodologies workshop
RG 186.003.005 Critical Pedagogy and Practice forum
RG 186.003.006 Racism and Sexism within Educational Institutions lecture
RG 186.003.007 Social Policy forum
RG 186.003.008 A New Era for Voluntarism conference
RG 186.003.009 Race and Culture in the Classroom forum
RG 186.003.010 The AIDS Pandemic: Nearly Over, or Still Taking a Toll?

Caribbean Family And Youth conference

This file contains Conference Proceedings : Caribbean Family and Youth. Developing Innovative Models for Service Delivery, June 5th and 6th, 1991; and 1 promotional brochure of the Conference held at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute on on June 5-6, 1991.

Faculty of Community Services Special and Annual Lecture series

File contains emailed notices for the Faculty of Community Services Special Lecture series and annual lecture series (unclear if the special lecture series evolved into the annual lecture series). Included are an announcement about the inaugural lecture given by Gerrard Kennedy and held on March 5, 2008; an announcement for lecture given by Nick Mount on November 3, 2008; and announcement for lecture given by Bilaal Rajan on March 24, 2011.

Criticial Pedagogy and Practice forum

The Faculty of Community Services hosted a forum titled "Critical Pedagogy and Practice" on May 8th, 1989. Included in the file is an announcement about the forum and a schedule of events.

Social Policy Forum

The Social Policy Forum, a joint venture between Ryerson Polytechnic University, York University, University of Toronto, and the Social Planning Council of Metropolitan Toronto, was held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on March 17, 1994. The forum was organized as a focused consultation session in relation to the Canadian Government's announcement about social security reform.
The file contains correspondence, applications, news releases and other materials relating to the government announcement and the forum.

A New Era For Voluntarism conference

The "A New Era for Voluntarism" conference, organized by The United Way of Greater Toronto, Canadian Centre for Philanthropy, Ryerson Faculty of Community Services, The Junior League of Toronto, United Way Centraide Canada, Volunteer Centre of Metropolitan Toronto, and York University Voluntary Sector program, was held June 1 - 3, 1986 and the Prince Hotel.
File contains conference programs, a participants list, conference papers, and a published copy of the conference proceedings.

Race and Culture in the Classroom forum

Faculty of Community Services forum "Race and Culture in the Classroom" was held May 7, 1990. The file contains an announcement about the forum, a schedule of events, a registration form, and an audio recording of keynote speaker, and Ryerson School of Social Work professor, Akua Benjamin. The forum was held at Oakham House and the keynote was held in the Thomas Lounge.

The AIDS Pandemic: Nearly Over, or Still Taking a Toll?

Poster for the Stephen Lewis Conversations "The AIDS Pandemic: Nearly Over, or Still Taking a Toll?" held on October 21, 2015 at the Ted Rogers School of Management. The Faculty of Community Services held the event in conjunction with the Planetary Health Commission.

Promotional Materials

Series containing promotional materials created by/for the Faculty of Community Services. Included are:
RG 186.004.001 Daphne Cockwell Health Sciences Complex brochure
RG 186.004.002 RPI Community Services Division buttons
RG 186.004.003 Faculty of Community Services program brochures

Daphne Cockwell Health Sciences Complex brochure

Colour brochure about the new Daphne Cockwell Health Sciences Complex at 288 Church Street (slated for opening in Spring of 2019). Building will be the home of 4 schools from the Faculty of Community Services - Nursing, Midiwifery, Nutrition, and Occupational and Public Health. The building will also be home to departmental offices and 100 housing units for students.

Awards and Special Events

Series contains records relating to awards and special events within the Faculty of Community Services. Included are invitations, posters, and programs for faculty awards nights, Scholarly Research, lectures, open houses, and convocation.

SRC poster events and awards ceremonies

File contains programs and posters related to the Faculty of Community Services Scholarly Research and Creative poster sessions and awards ceremonies. Included in the file are:
RG 2005 SRC Poster Event and Awards Presentation program
RG 2009 Research Poster Event and Award Presentation poster
RG 2011 Sue Williams Excellence in Teaching Awards poster
RG 2015 Faculty Achievement and Year End Celebration program


File contains 3 invitations - the first for an end of term Faculty of Community Services open house held December 12, 1988; the second for a convocation luncheon held at Thomas Lounge, Oakham House on June 8, 1989; and the third for a donor appreciation reception and Social Innovation program launch held March 19, 2013 at the Peter Bronfman Learning Centre at 297 Victoria Street.

Committees and Councils

Series contains records relating to councils and committees that the Faculty of Community Services organized or took part in. The series consists of the following files:
RG 186.006.001 December 6th Memorial Committee
RG 186.006.002 Community Services International Development Committee
RG 186.006.003 Interdisciplinary Ryerson Group on Women in Science
RG 186.006.004 Computer Coordinating Committee - Faculty of Community Services
RG 186.006.005 Committee for the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute

December 6th Memorial Committee

Subseries contains records relating to Ryerson's December 6th Memorial Committee. Sub-series is divided based on content into three files - textual records, posters, and an audio recording.
RG Textual Records - contains correspondence, brochures, announcements and other records related to the December 6th memorial, presentations, Dec. 6th Memorial Fund, Awards, and programs
RG Posters - Posters for Dec. 6th memorial ceremonies and seminars, plays, and other events sponsored by the committee.
RG Audiocassette - Audio recording of Rosemary Brown speaking at the first December 6th Memorial ceremony held in LIB 72.

Community Services International Development Committee

This file contains Committee Records for the Community Services International Development Committee. Included in the file are meeting minutes, guidelines, memorandums, reports, and a copy of the submission of the "Ryerson Joint Planning Commission from the International Development Committee of the Faculty of Community Services - A Draft Proposal for an International Student Centre".

Committee for the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute

This file contains 2 copies of A teacher's program on the Issues of Homelessness by the Committee for the International Year Shelter for the Homeless of RPI prepared by Michael Doucet, Kenise Murphy Kilbride, and Joseph Springer; a news release, How can you help the Homeless? brochure; and Ontario Ministry of Housing publication " Your Guide to Ontario's Housing Programs.

Research and Publications

File contains publications and research created by the Faculty of Community Services. Included in the series are:
RG 186.007.001 Research Directory - A compilation of Faculty of Community Services Research
RG 186.007.002 Faculty of Community Services - Interdisciplinary Office newsletter
RG 186.007.003 Faculty of Community Services Update/SRC Update
RG 186.007.004 Proposed Research Coordination Unit: Better Beginnings Better Futures
RG 186.007.005 The Front Line
RG 186.007.006 Library Research Guides
RG 186.007.007 For the Love of Havana
RG 186.007.008 FCS News
RG 186.007.009 Imprints - Faculty of Community Services magazine

Proposed Research Co-ordination Unit: Better Beginnings Better Futures

This file contains a joint proposal titled "Proposed Research Coordination Unit Better Beginnings better Futures" submitted by The Ontario Institute For Studies in Education and The Ryerson Polytechnical Institute. Proposal submitted to Ministry of Community and Social Services. The consortium included Ryerson, OISE, the University of Guelph and private consultants.

Library Research Guides

This file contains Library Research Guides for:
-Social Work
-Consumer Studies
-Family Studies
-Food and Nutrition
-Housing & Design
-Environmental Health
-Occupational Health
-Early Childhood Education

FCS News

A copy of the Spring 2003 (Volume 5, Issue 3) newsletter put out by the Faculty of Community Services with news about the faculty, scholarly research, Learning and Teaching and committees.