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G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education
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G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education

  • RG 27
  • Fonds

Fonds consists of materials relating to Ryerson's School of Continuing Education.
Fonds is broken down into three sous-fonds:

RG 27.01 Continuing Education
RG 27.02 Management Development Institute
RG 27.03 Programs for the 50+

Real Estate educational program

File contains calendars for the Real Estate educational program offered through Continuing Education. It was first under the Management and Development Institute which was part of Continuing Education. Courses offered in conjunction with Ontario Real Estate Association under the authority of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations.

Summer at Ryerson materials

Series contains items created to promote summer courses at Ryerson. The series is divided into the following files.

RG Calendars
RG Pamphlets, Flyers, Notices RG Reports: Summer at Ryerson
RG T-Shirts: Summer at Ryerson
RG Button Collection


File contains two t-shirts created for the Summer at Ryerson programming.
RG is a navy blue shirt with white writing and images on it.
RG is a yellow t-shirt with blue writing and images on it.


File contains buttons created to promote Summer at Ryerson programming:
RG Three green buttons with white writing
RG Three white buttons with red suns on them
RG One red button with white writing

Summer at Ryerson slide show

File contains colour photographic slides. The slide show might have been used to give the viewer some general information about Continuing Education's "Summer At Ryerson" program and a general view of the Ryerson campus and its facilities.
The slide show was created by students in Radio and Television Arts with help from the Media Centre.

Course Calendars and class schedules

File contains copies of the Evening Studies calendars, Extension Course calendars, and Continuing Education course calendars and class schedule bulletins. The final print version of the course calendar was for the 2018-2019 school year. The Chang School plans to continue publishing the class schedule bulletins.

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