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Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) Inglés
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Dec 1996

File contains records related to Bill C-79. Included in the file is correspondence; a booklet on the proposed Indian Act amendments; notes and meeting minutes.

Red Alert!! posters

File contains two posters "Red Alert!! - Special Chiefs' Assembly: Canada's Termination Policy and DIAND's Proposed Amendments to the Indian Act, Sept. 23-24, 1996 Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Assembly of First Nations/National Indian Brotherhood

Hunt/Fish Steve Aronson

Copy of Stephen Aronson's final report "Selected Documents Concerning Indian Treaties in Canada and Hunting and Fishing Rights". Report created for the Department of Indian Affairs.

Aronson, Stephen

Ontario Mining Policy 2007

File contains records related to Ontario's Mining Policy. Included in the file are:
1) Ontario's Mineral Development Strategy, 2006 [ENG/FR]
2) Toward Developing an Aboriginal Consultation Approach for Mineral Sector Activities - a discussion paper, Winter 2007

Ont. Aboriginal Policy - 05 2005

File contains records related to Ontario's Aboriginal Policy. Included in the are two copies of "Ontario's New Approach to Aboriginal Affairs - Prosperous and Healthy Aboriginal Communities Create a Better Future for Aboriginal Children and Youth"; and a newspaper article critiquing the new approach and the Federal Government's policy.

FNG - Governance 2006

File contains "secret" advice to Minister regarding First Nations governance and an Ontario Government redacted briefing note regarding the Batchewana First Nation.

MC Re: FNG May 2002

File contains a copy of a memorandum to Cabinet regarding First Nations Governance Legislation. Also in the file is a copy of the article "Colonialism 101 How Governments Keep Control" by Rarihokwats.

FNG Bckgrnd - 3/2003

File contains records related to Bill C-7, the Federal Government's First Nations Governance Act. Included in the file is correspondence, a guide to Bill C-7, news releases, briefs, minutes, analyses, and newspaper clippings.

Policy - Winter 2001/02

File contains records related to First Nations Governance. Included in the file are:
1) news stories
2) Assembly of First Nations Bulletin re: Minister Nault's Governance Initiative Act
3) "A Report on the First Month's Work of Minister Nault's 'Joint Advisory Committee' on Governance Legislation"
4) "Putting the Nault Governance Act into Context: The Long History of Opposition"

INAC PTO Review - 2003

File contains records related to Provincial/Territorial Organization (PTO) funding. Included is:
1) PTO Funding Policy, Feb. 26, 2003
2) memo and accompanying material regarding the PTO Funding Policy Technical Working Session, Feb. 26-27, 2003

Fed Budget 3/2004

File contains a redacted Government pre-budget consultation report and a news story about Indigenous Affairs in the media.

Fed Policy - Sept 2004

File contains copies of secret Federal Policy documents related to changes to Aboriginal Policy. Included are:
1) Policy Directions in the Six Areas of Focus
2) A Framework for Renewing Canada's Policies with Respect to Aboriginal and Treaty Rights

Program Review 2005

File contains records related to Federal program review funding cuts. Included is a Federal Program Review synopsis for Indian Affairs, Privy Council, and Fisheries and Oceans, and 2 news stories from the Hill Times regarding the expenditure review.

AFN-DIA Mar. 2005

File contains records related to Federal Indigenous policy. Included in the file are:
1) memo and accompanying report on Assembly of First Nations Special Chiefs' Assembly on Renewal
2) two copies of "Our Nations, Our Governments: Choosing our own Paths" the final report of the Joint Committee of Chiefs and Advisors on the Recognition and Implementation of First Nations Governments
3) Actions for Change - Working with Aboriginal Peoples of Canada on an Agenda for Change
4) "On the Right Path Together: A Sustainable Future for First Nations, Inuit and Northern Communities" Sustainable Development Strategy 2004-2006

DIA - CCP Status - Feb 2003

File contains a report on the status of Comprehensive Claims from the Department of Indian Affairs as of February 2003.

INAC File 601/1-2-2-2 Vol. 3

File contains photocopies of documents from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada regarding Saskatchewan Indian consultations on amendments to the Indian Act between 1958-1970.

INAC File 701/1-2-2-2 Vol. 2

File contains photocopies of documents from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada regarding Alberta Indian consultations on amendments to the Indian Act between 1967-1968.

INAC File 501/1-2-2-2 Vol. 2

File contains photocopies of documents from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada regarding Manitoba Indian consultations on amendments to the Indian Act between 1963-1968.

Steve T - AFN Ind Act.

File contains a memo and attached "Indian Act Project: Research Component Workplan Outline Draft #1" by Peter Di Gangi.

Ind. Act - Notes/Docs

File contains records related to the Indian Act. Included are:
1) Indian Act amendments chronology of events 1995-1996
2) News clipping
3) Proposal of the Union of Nova Scotia Indians for the revision of the Indian Act 2 August 1979
4) INAC press release

Ind Act Vol. II - 9/96

File contains records related to amendments to the Indian Act. Included in the file is a speech by Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Ronald Irwin; correspondence and attached proposed amendments to act from DIAND; and a letter from Minister Irwin to Ovide Mercredi, National Chief AFN.

Ind. Act Govt - Vol. I - 4/95-9/96

File contains records related to amendments to the Indian Act. Included in the file is a speech by DIAND Minister Ronald Irwin; DIAND press release and accompanying proposed changes to Indian Act; and an annotated summary of DIAND's Indian Act Amendments.

Ind. Act Regina 10/96

File contains records related to the Assembly of First Nations Chiefs' Committee on Enforcement of First Nations-Crown Relationship. Included in the file is a meeting kit, correspondence, notes and other records related to the October 17-18, 1996 meeting held in Regina, Saskatchewan.

Ind Act: 9-10/96

File contains records related to Indian Act Amendments by the Federal Government. Included in the file is information regarding the proposed amendments, the Assembly of First Nations Chiefs' Committee on Enforcement of First Nations-Crown Relationship and other records.

Ind Act: 11/96

File contains records related to the Assembly of First Nations Chiefs' Committee on Enforcement of First Nations-Crown Relationship. Included are meeting minutes, notes, correspondence, and other materials.

Border Crossing - Jan. '89

File contains records related to the issue of First Nations border crossing rights. Included is correspondence, reports, and other related records.

DIAND - Stats & Propog

File contains various documents created by the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs. Include are:
1) What You Wanted to Know - Some answers to the most often asked questions about programs and services for Registered Indians in Canada
2) Indians and Inuit of Canada booklet and map
3) Special Edition of "Intercom" newsletter, January 1991

Pop. & Bands By Treaty

File contains various census documents created by Reserves and Trusts - Indian and Inuit Affairs Program, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs. Included are:
1) Estimated Registered Indian Population by Settlement as of December 31, 1979
2) Registered Indian Population by age, sex and residence for region 3 (Ontario) districts, 1982
3) Registered Indian Population as of December 31, 1982 by Electoral District Pursuant to the 1976 Representation Order
4) Registered Indian Population by sex and residence, 1981

Population & Migration

File contains two Indian and Northern Affairs Canada reports:
1) Indian Register Population by Sex and Residence 1994
2) Migration Projections of Registered Indians, 1982-1996

Nawash: Fish/MNR 9/95

File contains records related to fishing rights for the Chippewas of Nawash, Saugeen First Nation., and he Haida Nation. Included is correspondence, Dibaudjimoh newsletter, press release, and newspaper clippings.


File contains records related to the Centre for Excellence in Municipal-Aboriginal Relations. Included in the file are press releases, newspaper clippings, job postings, and two copies of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and Aboriginal Peoples proposal to establish a Centre for Municipal-Aboriginal Relations.


File contains maps, promotional, and informational materials related to the creation of Nunavut. The information pages are written in the three official languages of Nunvut - Inuit Language (Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun), English, and French.


File contains a variety of reports related to the Environment, Environmental Policy and the Resources Access Negotiations Program. Included in the file are:
1) Building a Future - Summary of Socio-Economic Agreements - Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
2) Resource Access Negotiations Program status report 1992-1996 - Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
3) National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy - a report to Canadians 1989-1990
4) Canadian Biodiversity Strategy 1995 - Environment Canada

H & F - Income Secure

File contains records related to income security for Indigenous hunters and trappers. Included in the file are:
1) brochure "James Bay Cree Communities of Northern Quebec - Sports & Recreation Campaign 1983/84/85"
2) proposal and paper by Ignatius E. La Rusic "The Income Security Program for Cree Hunters and Trappers - A study of the design, operation, and initial impacts of the Guaranteed Annual Income programme established under the James Bay and Northern Quebec agreement"
3) "Income Security for Subsistence Huntes - a review of the first five years of operation of the Income Security Programme for Cree Hunters and Trappers" by Ignatius E. La Rusic

Hunting Proposal

File contains records related to Indigenous harvesting/hunting/trapping. Included in the file are:
1) Workplan to develop a manual for harvest studies
2) handwritten meeting notes re: hunting/fishing
3) Report on the Fur Development Program Proposal to Develop a National Database for Aboriginal Harvesters
4) Framework for Discussions on the Possibility of a Bilateral Treaty Process between the Assembly of First Nations and the Federal Crown
5) Research Initiative: Creation of a Quantitative Database on the Importance of Trapping/Hunting in Canada to Aboriginal Peoples and other Indigenous Lifestyles

NAN - Land/Resources

File contains records related to the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation. Included are:
1) Nishnawbi-Aski Resource Development Project (NARDP Historical and Archival Research Project) re: Detour Mine by Peter Di Gangi, 1983
2) Nishnawbe-Aski Sovereignty - a right to self-determination through self-governance
3) correspondence re: Indigenous treaty and land rights
4) Nishnawbe-Aski Nation brochure

Treaty #9 - Data

File contains records related to Treaty No. 9 (James Bay Treaty). Included in the file are background materials on the treaty and discussion papers.

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and Canadian Polar Commission reports

File contains performance and expenditure reports from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and the Canadian Polar Commission. Included in the file are:
2018. 1993-1994 Estimates Part III
2018. 1997-1998 Estimates - A Report on Plans and Priorities Pilot Document (2 copies)
2018. Estimates Performance Report for the period ending March 31, 1998
2018. 1998-1999 Estimates Part III - Report on Plans and Priorities
2018. Estimates Performance Report for the period ending March 31, 1999
2018. 1999-2000 Estimates Part III - Report on Plans and Priorities
2018. 2000-2001 Estimates Part III - Report on Plans and Priorities

Northern Flood agreement between Canada, Manitoba, York Factory First Nation, and Manitoba Hydro-electric Board

Copy of the agreement: "Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada as represented by the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development of the First Part, and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of Manitoba as represented by the Minister of Northern Affairs of the Second Part, and The York Factory First Nation as represented by the Chief and Council of the Third Part, and The Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board of the Fourth Part".

Fiduciary Vol. I

File contains articles, papers, memos, and reports. Included in the file are:
1) Presentation by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
2) memo from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Re: exploratory actions needed as result of the Guerin Case
3) Briefing Memorandum on Musqueam Case
4) The Meaning of Trust by Walter Rudnicki
5) Instructions to the Crown in Right of Canada and to the Governor General in Council acting in the Fiduciary Capacity respecting all unsurrendered lands the Aboriginal title to which remains vested in the Shuswap Nation
6) UFO's - Unidentified Fiduciary Obligations - when do fiduciary obligations arise? by Peter W. Hutchins
7) In Sparrow we Trust: Federal and Provincial Fiduciary Responsibilities by M. E. Turpei
8) Lac Minerals Ltd v International Corona Resources Ltd: Confidential Geological Information in the Supreme Court of Canada by Barry Barton - Newsletter of the Canadian Institute of Resources Law, No. 28 (Fall 1989)
9) Lac Minerals Ltd. v. International Corona Resources Ltd. by Donovan W. M. Waters - The Canadian Bar Review, Vol. 69
10) Fiduciary Relationship of the Crown with Aboriginal Peoples: Implementation and Management Issues a Guide for Managers - report of an interdisciplinary working group to the Committee of Deputy Ministers on Justice and Legal Affairs


File contains records related to Batchewana Indian Band v. Canada (Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs). Included in the file is a copy of the decision, notes by Pete Di Gangi, and "Response to Corbiere" by the Assembly of First Nations.

MC - Marshall Dec/2000

File contains the following documents:
1) Canada's Approach for Dealing with Section 35 rights
2) Consultation strategy for First Nation Governance (FNG)
3) DIAND's Key Priorities at the Start of a New Mandate
4) DIAND Communication Strategy
5) Memorandum to cabinet re: long term response to R. v. Marshall
6) newsclippings on FNG

Sparrow Etc. - SCC

File contains copies of the judgement, commentary, and analysis on the Supreme Court of Canada ruling in Ronald Edward Sparrow v. Her Majesty the Queen and The National Indian Brotherhood/ Assembly of First Nations (intervenors).

BC - Fall 1999 - West Bank

File contains records related to land claims and specific court cases related to logging in British Columbia. There are affidavits and reasons for judgement in the Supreme Court of British Columbia cases - Ron Derrickson et al. v. Province of British Columbia, and Chief Dan Wilson et. al v. Province of British Columbia.

BCTC - Spring 98

File contains correspondence, reports, and news clippings regarding British Columbia First Nations treaty negotiations, and materials from the First Nations Summit. Included are annual reports from the B. C. Treaty Commission, and information packages from the First Nations Summit.

BC Interior

File contains a variety of newspaper clippings, correspondence and brochures regarding Indigenous Nations of Interior British Columbia.

Douglas Treaties - DIA

File contains "The Vancouver Island Treaties (1850-1854) by Dennis Madill; "B. C. Indian Treaties in Historical Perspective" by Dennis Madill, published by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada; and correspondence between The First Nations of South Island to Deputy Minister Harry Swain re: Treaty and Aboriginal Rights.

Nisga'a Agreement

File contains materials related to the Nisga'a Agreement with the Federal and Provincial governments. Included along with the news clippings are:
1) Notes for remarks by Tom Siddon, Minister of Indian Affairs at Nisga'a Ceremony
2) newsletter "British Columbia Treaty Commission update"
3) Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs information bulletin re: legal opinion involving Nisga'a Final Agreement
4) Interior Alliance press release denouncing Nisga'a agreement
5) Press release re: Kincolith Hereditary Chiefs Treaty

B. C. Treaty Comm Vol. II

File contains records related to the British Columbia Treaty Commission (BCTC). Included in the file are news releases and clippings, as well as:
1) brochures "Treaties in British Columbia" and "Treaty Making" from the First Nations Summit Perspective
2) brochure "The British Columbia Treaty Commission" from the UBCIC
3) brochure "Treaty Negotiations in B. C. ' an Overview" from the Federal Treaty Negotiation Office
4) "BCTC & The Land Question"
5) "BCTC 1997 Annual Report excerpts
6) Report on the Treaty Process in British Columbia
7) Musqueam Indian Band - Band Council Resolution
8) Understanding the B. C. Treaty Process - an opportunity for dialogue
9) newsletter "British Columbia Treaty Commission update"

B. C. Treaty Comm Vol. I

File contains records related to the British Columbia Treaty Commission. Along with newspaper clippings, correspondence, and other related materials there are:
1) two copies of "Building a New Relationship with First Nations in British Columbia - Canada's response to the report of the B. C. Claims Task Force
2) newsletter "Pride in Partnership - British Columbia"
3) two copies of "British Columbia Treaty Commission Agreement"
4) newsletter "Treaty News" July 1995, and December 1996 editions
5) "The Report of The British Columbia Claims Task Force" July 28, 1991
6) "Aboriginal Rights and Title - A Made in B. C. Approach" by the Westbank Indian Council
7) Form 11 - Chief R. Kwasistala on behalf of the Lichkwilthach hereditary chiefs and others v. Canadian Government
8) Outline and background on BC Treaty Commission

Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement

File contains three documents:

2018. Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement Between Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and The Gwich'in as represented by The Gwich'in Tribal Council, July 13, 1991

2018. Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement volumes 1 & 2, April 22, 1992

First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun

File contains two published documents:
2018. First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun Self-Government Agreement
2018. First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun Final Agreement

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Tr'ondek Hwechi'in

File contains two published documents:
2018. Tr'ondek Hwech'in Self-Government Agreement
2018. Tr'ondek Hwech'in Final Agreement

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation

File contains two published documents:
2018. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Self-Government Agreement
2018. Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Final Agreement

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation

File contains two published documents:
2018. Entente sur L'Autonomie Gouvernementale de la Premiere Nation de Little Salmon/Carmacks
2018. Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation Final Agreement

Nisga'a Nation

File contains two published documents:
2018. Nisga'a Treaty Negotiations Agreement-in-Principle
2018. Nisga'a Final Agreement - Appendices

Justice Opinions - General

File contains records related to the Department of Justice Canada and Indigenous law. Included in the file are:
1) Trending in Native Law - Native Law, Public Law Sector - Department of Justice
2) Current Native Litigation Report, Issue No. 13 (April 1988) - Native Law, Public Law Sector - Department of Justice
3) memo from within the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development regarding the Sparrow c. The Queen court case

Auditor General CCP 9/98

File contains records related to comprehensive claims policy and information on specific claims. In the file is section 14 - "Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - Comprehensive Land Claims" of the Auditor General of Canada's 1998 report; Comprehensive Claims Policy and Status of Claims - Nov. 21, 1997 from Indigenous Affairs and Northern Development website; and transcript from the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Oct. 22, 1998 meeting.


File contains records related to the Dene/Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement. Included in the file are:
1) Correspondence
2) Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement between Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and the Gwich'in as represented by the Gwich'in Tribal Council and supplement to the agreement
3) Dene/Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement in Principle
4) Analysis and Commentary: March 31, 1990 Draft of the Dene/Metis Claims Agreement - Assembly of First Nations Centre for Treaty Advocacy
5) Dene Leadership Meeting motions
6) Supreme Court of Canada appeal re: unpatented crown land in the Northwest Territories

Dene/Metis - 90

Copy of the comprehensive land claim between the Canadian government and the Dene/Metis Negotiations Secretariat.

DIA Audit - CCP - 10/1983

Photocopy of the Review of Comprehensive Claims Process by the Departmental Audit Branch, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.

CYI - Bands

Photocopy of the agreement between the Vuntut Gwich'in First Nation, the Government of the Yukon, and the Government of Canada. Some of the agreement pages have handwritten notes on them.

C. Y. I. Umbrella

File contains a copy of the Council for Yukon Indians Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement in Principle, a newspaper clipping, and correspondence between the Minister of Indian Affairs and the Council for Yukon Indians.

Xting 84 Vol. II

Second of two folders from the Assembly of First Nations conference on Land Claims and Extinguishment. Included in the file is correspondence, reports and copies of:
1) "Indian Land Title Extinguishment" by Brian Davey, Nishnawbe-Aski Nation
2) "The James Bay Treaty and the Federal Government's Comprehensive Land Claims Policy"
3) The Unconscionable Treaty between the Crown and the Cree/Ojibway People of Northern Ontario" by Brian Davey, Nishnawbe-Aski Nation
4) "Alternative Approaches to Alaska Native Land and Governance" by Ralph W. Johnson for the Alaska Native Review Commission
5) "Extinguishment: An Analysis and Strategy" by Murray Angus for Dene-Metis Negotiations Secretariate
6) "Towards a New Federal Policy for Comprehensive Claims Settlements" John A. Olthuis, for AFN
7) "Extinguishment of Aboriginal Rights as a Result of Supersession by Law and Third Party Alienation" Squamish Nation
8) French and English version of "Condensed Version of the Review of the Comprehensive Claims Process"
9) "A New Proposal for Claims Resolution in Ontario" presentation by Association of Iroquois & Allied Indians, Grand Council Treaty #3, and Union of Ontario Indians to Minister of Indian Affairs
10) "The Political Economy of Native Land Claims in the Canadian North" J. I. Prattis
11) "The Black Hills Case - from the Dakota Nations" Cy Standing and Clair Henderson

Xting 84 Vol. I

First of two folders filled with materials from the November 1984 Assembly of First Nations conference on Land Claims and Extinguishment. Also in the file are meeting notes from the Land Claims Steering Committee meetings held in October of that year.

Xting: Fact Finder

File contain records relating to the Honourable Alvin C. Hamilton's role as fact finder for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. This role's purpose was to find alternatives to "surrender provisions" used in claim settlements and was initiated in response to a special report by the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Included in the file are "Extinguishing Extinguishment: Bringing an Era to an End" presented by Ovide Mercredi in his role as National Chief of Assembly of First Nations; copies of background paper "Achieving Certainty in Comprehensive Land Claims Settlements"; correspondence; and other materials related to this research.

Xting - Hamilton 9/95

File contains a copy of "Canada and Aboriginal Peoples - A New Partnership" report of the Honourable A. C. Hamilton Fact Finder for Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development; draft copy of "Analysis of the Report of The Honourable A. C. Hamilton, Fact Finder for the Minister of Indian & Northern Development"; news release regarding the report release; and correspondence regarding the Assembly of First Nations report analysis.

JBNQA - Negs

Copy of "Negotiating a Way of Life" by Ingatius E. La Rusic, Serge Bouchard, Alan Penn, Taylor Brelsford, Jean-Guy Deschenes, and Richard F. Salisbury. Report was created for the Research Division, Policy, Research and Evaluation group of the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs.

Claims - North

File contains a paper and a report regarding Indigenous land claims in Northern Canada. Included in the file are:
1) The Political Economy of Native Land Claims in the Canadian North by J. I. Prattis
2) A Survey of the History and Claims of the Native Peoples of Northern Canada by William R. Morrison for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

RCAP Claims Vol. I 6/93

File contains records relating to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Claims Focus Group. Included in the file are handwritten notes by Peter Di Gangi, contact lists, discussion papers, and a copy of "Federal Policy for the Settlement of Native Claims".

Bill C-6 - Spring 2003

File contains records related to the Bills C-6 and C-60. Included are news clippings, notes, correspondence, and other materials including a copy of Bill C-60.

AFN - CCC - 22 May 2002

File contains records related to the Chiefs Committee on Claims and the proposal for an independent claims body. Included in the file are meeting agendas and minutes, updates, and a copy of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Legislative Process manual.

C-60/C-6 - "ICB" Kit

File contains records related to Bill C-6 and Bill C-60. Included are emails, notes, press releases, strategy documents, papers, and presentations from various bodies in reaction to the Bills. Also included are copies of the Bills themselves.

Bill C-60 - Sept 2002

File contains records related to Bill C-60 Specific Claims bill. Included in the file are:
1) Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Chiefs' Strategic Committee reports
2) Assembly of First Nations Chiefs Committee on Claims records
3) Indian Claims Commission records
4) Correspondence
5) Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Legislative Process booklet

C-6: Ed John Report

File contains a copy of the final report by Grand Chief Edward John of the Tl'atz'en First Nation on the Federal Government's proposed independent claims body.
The Federal Bill was ultimately rejected by First Nations.

AFN Claims 5/2000

File contains records related to the creation of an independent claims body in Canada. Included are newsclippings, correspondence and reports.

AFN Claims Jan 99

File contains records related to specific claims and the claims process. Included are news paper clippings, correspondence and accompanying materials.

Claims Directions 2/97

File contains records related to land claims and land claim policy. Included in the file are:
1) Pages from "Indian and Inuit Affairs Program"
2) Correspondence and accompanying records re: Chiefs Committee on Claims
3) "An Analysis of the Costs and Settlements of Canada's Current Claims Policy" discussion draft
4) Draft "Protocol for the Joint First Nations/Canada Task Force on the Specific Claims Policy"

Lands & Trusts 1998-99

File contains a news clippings; handwritten notes ; and a copy of "The Lands and Trust Services Initiative: Its potential Impact on the Federal Government's Fiduciary Obligations" by Kent McNeil.

FMC & Claims & Self Govt. 1980s

File contains records related to the First Ministers' Conference, Land Claims, and Self-Government. Included in the file are:
1) A New Covenant - Towards the Constitutional Recognition and Protection of Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada
2) Bill S-18 - An Act to further the aspirations of the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada
3) Senate news release re: Aboriginal Peoples Act
4) Address by Chief Ted Moses, Eastmain Band, James Bay June 13, 1988, Yellowknift, N. W. T.
5) Minister's Letter - Issue 5, April 1984
6) Correspondence re: proposed constitutional amendments, 1981
7) Copy of notes and actual speech given by National Chief to open the First Ministers' Constitutional Conference, 1983
8) Strength in Unity - Association of Iroquois and Allied Nations newsletter
9) The Implementation of Federal Claims Policy 1973-1980 - a working paper - Murray Angus
10) Public Lands, Native Land Claims and Land Use - Peter A. Cumming
11) The Federal-Indian Trust Relationship: An Historical Overview and Discussion of Some Current Issues - Jeffrey A. Ross
12) The Political Economy of Land Claims: Critical Reflections on the 1973 Federal Policy Statement on Native Claims in Canada - James Murray Angus
13) Towards a New Federal Policy for Comprehensive Claims Settlements

I. C. O. 82-

File contains records related to the Indian Commission of Ontario. Included in the file are:
1) The Tripartite Council resolution and memorandum of reference (unsigned)
2) An Introduction to the Indian Commission of Ontario
3) Claims in Ontario: P. T. C. Discussions - Nishnawbe-Aski Nation
4) Correspondence re: Ontario Research Directors' Meeting
5) article from Anishinabek News re: Mississauga #8 settlement ratification

Ontario PTOs RE: Claims 1981

File contains 2 copies of the joint presentation "A New Proposal for Claims Resolution in Ontario" by the Executive Councils of the Association of Iroquois & Allied Indians, Grand Council Treaty #3, and the Union of Ontario Indians to the Minister of Indian Affairs Honourable John Munro.

Social Assistance

Copy of "First Nations Social Assistance: A Series of Five Papers" prepared by Andrew Webster, Atelier Pika Ltd for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development as a follow up to concerns raised by the Auditor General of Canada in the 1994 Report on DIAND's Social Assistance Program.

Webster, Andrew

CBSG Audit 2/93

File contains records related to DIAND's "Audit of Community Based Self-Government Program". Included in the file are two copies of report, audit notes, and two copies of a newspaper article "Native Frustration".

Priorities DIA 6/95

File contains correspondence about and copies of "DIAND's Framework for Action (a work in progress)" and three copies of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada "The Outlook in Priorities and Expenditures 1995-1996 to 1997-1998".

DIA Audits - 1/95

File contains copies of departmental audit reports for Indian Affairs and Northern Development. Included in the file are:

1) news release and associated executive summaries for: Environmental Management Audit of Northern Affairs Program, Land & Water Management Activities Associated with Mining; Environmental Management Audit of the Land & Trust Sector, Land Management Activities Associated with Mining; Self-Assessment of the Funding Management Process; Indian Economic Development Fund (IEDF) and Eskimo Loan Fund (ELF) of the Headquarters and Quebec Regional Offices; Year End Expenditures for the 1994-1995 Fiscal Year; and Geological Mapping of the Northwest Territories Region.

2)Audit Report on the Office of the Treaty Commissioner

3) Audit of Specific Claims final report

4) Audit of the Indian Registration System audit report

5) Real Property Disposals audit report

6) Audit of Selected 1992-1993 Capital Projects report

7) Audit of Selected Databanks Nominal Roll System audit report

8) Audit of The Management of Receivables audit report

9) Training audit report

10) Audit of the Management of Automated Systems in the Land Management Function

DIAN - Treaty $

File contains a single correspondence between the Assembly of First Nations and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada regarding First Nations funding from the Federal Government.

Ind. Act - Case Law

Copy of the report by Gordon J. Burrell and Douglas E. Sanders "Handbook of Case Law on the Indian Act".

Ind. Act. Govt

File contains a copy of the report "Indian Government under Indian Act Legislation, 1868-1951" by Wayne Daugherty and Dennis Madill for the Treaties and Historical Research Centre, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs.

Treaties and Historical Research Centre

PCO Research - 96

File contains records relating to the 1996 Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development program review and budget. Included are an info package released by DIAND and correspondence and information from an access to information request regarding the review.

Govt Bios

File contains news stories, biographies and histories for government officials who worked for Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada and Ministry of Indigenous Affairs.

Resultados 1 a 100 de 213