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272 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Proposed sidings for the Canadian Kodak Co. Ltd. [Kodak Heights]

File contains 3 blueprints (2 cyanotype reproductions) related to the original land proposal for the Kodak Heights factory in Ontario, showing the outline of the area including proposed buildings, Eglinton and Yonge streets, as well as surrounding lots and concessions. Blueprints pertain specifically to the construction of a steel railway trestle connecting Canadian Pacific rail lines to the Kodak Heights power house (Building 1)

The Canadian Pacific Railway Company

Segmental anatomy of the lung in cross section

Item consists of a foldable brochure binder insert with images and information about the cross sections of lungs that is intended to make it possible to identify the segmental anatomy and localize lung lesions observed on a CT examination of the thorax. It was produced by the Department of Radiology, Toronto Division and University of Toronto and published by the Health Sciences Division of the Eastman Kodak Company.

Kodak Canada Inc.

Kodak Film - the dependable film in the yellow box

Item consists of a portrait format, white, board poster, featuring a black and white image of two boxes of Kodak Film, with "Kodak Film - the dependable film in the yellow box / The film that gives the same results from roll to roll, so that you can rely on it. / Kodak Film excels on every count - speed, latitude, uniformity - and each is of picture-making importance. / Use Kodak Film, the dependable film in the yellow box. / Canadian Kodak Co., Limited, Toronto" printed beneath.

Kodak Canada Inc.

Kodak gifts say open me first!

Item consists of a portrait format poster that reads "Kodak Gifts Say / Open me first! / When you open your Kodak camera outfit first, you can save all the fun of Christmas-and the years to come-in pictures" Beneath the text are images, prices, and brief descriptions of the Brownie Starflash Outfit camera, the Brownie Hawkeye Flash Outfit camera, the Kodak Pony IV Camera Outfit, and the Brownie Movie Camera Kit.

Kodak Canada Inc.

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