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Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection

  • SC 2005.001
  • collection
  • 1895-2006

The Kodak Canada collection contains records and artifacts from the Kodak Heights manufacturing facility in Toronto, as well as the historical collection belonging to the Kodak Heritage Collection Museum. The collection consists of photographs, negatives, advertising records, magazines, pamphlets, daily record books, recipe books, cameras and other photographic equipment produced by Kodak Canada Inc., or other Kodak plants around the world. The collection includes a small selection of financial records, blueprints for Kodak facilities in Canada, and other corporate ephemera, as well as photographs of events, buildings and individual employees that illustrate the social life of the company.

Kodak Canada Inc.

Midwifery program graduation

File contains photographs and negatives of the Ryerson Polytechnic University's Midwifery program graduation. Photographs include images of graduating students from the Midwifery program.

Ryerson Media Centre

File 2

File contains 4 Dobis and Libis library circulation system manuals:

  • Dobis Libis Manual Centennial College Resource Centre
  • Dortmund Library System Librarian's Guide
  • Libis Librarian's Guide
  • Dortmund Library System - DOBIS

File 1

File contains 3 Dobis and Libis library circulation system manuals:

  • IBM 3270 Information Display System Operator's Guide
  • Leuven Library System-Online Librarian's Guide Program Number 5787-FAJ
  • IBM System/370 Dortmund Library System Librarian's Guide Program Number 5787-DAA

5/21 Security

File contains correspondence regarding security at Ryerson and guidelines about irregular occupancy of premises.

Jacket (MIT)

Dark blue cloth jacket with gold lettering (Ryerson colours); MIT letters on left shoulder, 59 on right with Ryerson on the front. The jacket was donated by an alumnus on October 3, 2009 for the 50th anniversary of his MIT graduating class.

Program review process

RPEP - Mechanical Engineering 1980
Program Assessment Committee - Mech. Eng. Technology April 1982
RPRP - Academic Element May, 1982
Review Report of the Mechanical Engineering Program, R.P.I. February, 1991
PRP - Academic Quality Element February 1991
PRP - Assessment of Societal Need April 1991
PRP - Financial Viability Element June 25, 1992
Questionnaire for Evaluation of Engineering Programs Pt. 2 - Mechanical Engineering August 1997

Soapbox Car: Katie I

Item is a soapbox derby car built by Ryerson engineering students and raced from about 1990 to 1999. The car was named 'Katie' after the now-closed Centre For Advanced Technology Education (CATE). The item includes a plaque that reads "Mech Course Union - Thanks all engineers who gave their time and effort to keep the legacy of Katie Alive.

Proposed Curriculum Changes

Proposal for Degree Designation Change to Bachelor of Engineering, June 1991
Proposal for the Revision of the Curricula of the Aerospace, Industrial & Mechanical Engineering Programs Nov., 1992

Graduating class composite photographs

File contains 11 black and white graduation composites:
1) Mechanical and Industrial Technology, 1956
2) Mechanical and Industrial Technology, 1958 (2)
3) Mechanical, Metallurgical & Aeronautical Technology, 1959
4) Mechanical, Metallurgical & Aeronautical Technology, 1960 (2)
5) Mechanical, Metallurgical & Aeronautical Technology, 1961 (2)
6) Mechanical, Metallurgical & Aeronautical Technology, 1962 (2)
7) Mechanical & Aeronautical Technology, 1963
8) Aeronautical, Mechanical and Production Technology, 1964

OVPS Student Societies

1 poster advertising "Kaleidoscope Undergraduate Arts Research Conference" hosted by the Society of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities / The Saleh Lecture Fund. The conference was held on Friday November 22, 2024 in the Sears Atrium, George Vari Engineering and Computer Centre.

Ted Rogers School of Management

Sub-series contains proposals, reports, and other materials related to submissions to the Senate (Academic Council) and the Academic Standards Committee for new programs, degrees, and curricular changes.

Applied Computer Science degree changes

File contains correspondence and a proposal for change in degree designation for the Applied Computer Science program. Also in the file is correspondence and accompanying materials related to changing the admission requirements for the program.

Résultats 1 à 100 sur 47200