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2489 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

RIDC - Lanzhou Railway - visitors

File contains photographs and negatives of the Ryerson Polytechnical Institute's R.I.D.C. visitors from Lanzhou Railway Institute. Photographs include images of Ryerson President Terry Grier, Lanzhou Railway President Zhang and others. File also contains 1 page of textual material.

Ryerson Media Centre

UPACE: Framed Rendering - The Future Ryerson

An architect's Gouache-based rendering, 75 cm x 71 cm, mounted on a 90 cm x 90 cm frame, depicting a futuristic concept of Ryerson's campus. Re-matted by the Picture Frame Factory Limited (documentation in Arrangements File).

School of Occupational and Public Health proposal for major modification of 2 undergraduate degrees

File contains a copy of the 2014 proposal for a major modification (version 2) for the Bachelor of Applied Science Occupational and Public Health - Occupational Health and Safety and Public Health and Safety majors. This is an updated version from the 2011 proposal that addresses comments made by the Academic Standards Committee.

Sport Media new program proposal, 2013-2014

File contains a copy of the joint Faculty of Communication and Design (now the Creative School)/Ted Rogers School of Management proposal for a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sport Media. Program run through the RTA School of Media.

Journalism promotional slide show

Two carousels of slides rehoused into two folders; used for a Journalism promotional show accompanied with a written script and a selection of out-takes.


Photographs of business men and women in discussions, and attending various fairs and conferences.

A few people and/or locations are identifiable :

  • Barbara Ann Scott (figure skater)
  • Princess Ann
  • 2 or possibly 3 images taken in Ryerson Hall (Ryerson Institute of Technology)
  • military officers at the Falaise Barracks, Toronto

Grant Collingwood

Textile samples

File contains various textile samples on cue cards.


File contains a blue checkered smock. Students made and wore them in class.


File contains pamphlets from various fashion shows in Toronto.

Misc. Ephemera

Series contains miscellaneous emphemera related to Ryerson Fashion School student and alumni.

McCall's School Stylist: Spring Fashion Forecast

File contains a magazine containing fashion forecasts for students and teachers to use in the spring semester of 1954. On pages 16-17, there is an article about the fashion program at Ryerson.

Employment letters

File contains employment letters between Helen Hutko and Ryerson University.


File contains personal photographs of Helen Hutko and photographs of her work in fashion.


File contains letters between Helen and colleagues.


Files contains a framed diploma. The diploma is presented to Helen Hutko for completing the Costume Design program. She graduated in 1950.

Loyal alumnus certificate

File contains a loyal alumnus certificate presented to Helen Hutko. The certificate honours her 25th year since graduating from the fashion program.

Class work

File contains an essay written by Helen Hutko and an article talking about her design for a sports group at Ryerson.

Examination books and notes

File contains examinations books and notes taken by Helen Hutko. Study notes include Czech language notes.

Registration form

File contains a registration form to enter the second year of the fashion program.

Ryerson poems

File contains poem about Ryerson and the fashion program.

Memorial card

File contains Helen Hutko's memorial card.


Series contains files related to Helen Hutko's time at Ryerson Institute of Technology's Costume Design program.

Class notes

File contains class notes about different textiles and sewing methods and techniques. (2 folders)

Fabric notes

File contains notes about different types of fabrics.

Nominal roll

File contains a list of students enrolled in the Fashion II course.

Meeting notes

File contains meeting minutes, meeting agendas, notices and memorandum.

Color council

File contain colour council meeting notes and notice.

Colour and dressmaking course notes

File contains course notes about colour and dress making. This is a course offered in the Home Economics Fashion option program.

Paper doll patterns

File contains a set of paper dresses for Roma, the paper doll from the Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology. A description is included for each dress.

Alumni clippings

File contains various clippings about fashion alumni.

Fashion Alumni scrapbook, 1976-1998

Features photographs of Fashion students and graduate/social events, clippings about Fashion students and alumni, Fashion school annual programs and invitations. The scrapbook is only completed until 1986, the rest of the clippings are loose.

Teaching material

Series contains files related to Helen Hutko's teaching experience at Ryerson Institute of Technology from 1952-1965.

Fashion course notes

File contains course notes for classes taught at the Ryerson Fashion School. Some courses include Dressmaking and Millinery. (2 folders)

Fashion Alumni scrapbook, 1950-1960

Features photographs of Ryerson buildings, students, clippings about Fashion alumni, Fashion school programs and invitations, alumni memorial card, publications that featured students or graduates (Canadian Home Journal, McCall's School Stylist). Photographs featured: graduation, wedding shower, staff, students then and now (annual fashion dinner), first fashion show (1951), felt skirt competition.

Fashion Alumni scrapbook, 1961-1975

Features photographs of Fashion students and graduate events, clippings about Fashion students and alumni, Fashion school annual programs and invitations.

Fashion alumni material

Scrapbooks are organized in then and now form, with newspaper clippings and photographs of students organized chronologically from their time as students, with more recent clippings and photographs alongside them as alumni with updates on their career path.

Library general photographs

File contains 75 colour slides: a number taken by Chief Librarian, Richard Malinski; others are reproductions from the Archives slide collection. R. Malinski put together a selection of slides for presentation during his visit to four universities in Lanzhou, China. The slides are shots taken of the outside of the Library building and surrounding area as well inside scenes of the Library's areas of operation, facilities and staff. As well, there are good aerial images.

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