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2491 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Commercial portraits of children and photography

File includes commercial prints of children blowing bubbles, sitting on stairs, and flushing the toilet. Some have captions enclosed, such as one of a young girl observing a photograph that reads "Watching her own picture develop before her eyes will delight and fascinate your child and help make her an interested model as well."

Kodak Canada Inc.

Kodak Canada In Focus employee portraits, Photography Drive

File consists of Kodak employee portraits. Adhered to the verso of each are labels that indicate the images were for Kodak Canada In Focus, April 1981, Vol. 27 No. 4. Subject info for the portraits read: "Mary Rowntree has 10 years of service pg. 6", "Kodak lawn bowler displays his winning medals over the years. pg. 6", "Vida Lainson has 40 years service. pg. 5", "George Lugsoin put in 41 years of service. pg. 5", "Winnie Tomlinson has 25 yrs service pg. 5", "Alec Young has 40 yr service pg. 5". Portraits include Ron Eaton, "Carmela", Sharon Reid. The final image in this file is a smaller photograph of a road sign, with a label included that reads "Road sign of Photography Drive. pg. 2" and is from the same issue of In Focus.

Kodak Canada Inc.

Young adult gathering, employees at warehouse

File contains a collection of snapshots, all with borders and some with bevelled edges, that feature images from a gathering of young adults at someone's home or cottage. Additionally, there are images of employees inside a warehouse and office building. A photographer's stamp on the verso of many of the images reads: "W. P. Edwards / 26 Monterrey Dr. / REXDALE, ONT. 741-0192". Previously in green 3-ringed binder. Previous title: Camera repair 1950-1975

Kodak Canada Inc.

George Eastman self-portrait

George Eastman took this self-portrait in 1884, with the following handwritten note: "made on paper with soluble substratum developed after transferring." The print is the self-portrait with the handwritten statement printed over the image.

Kodak Canada Inc.

Mounted photographs of Eastman Kodak Stores, Ltd., Montreal, QC

Item is a leaf from a photo album containing 2 mounted black-and-white photographs of the Eastman Kodak Stores, Ltd. property at 286-288 Craig Street (Rue Craig) in Montreal, Quebec from 1934. Captions indicate the images represent the front of the building, looking south, and the top of the building, looking north.

Kodak Canada Inc.

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