McEvoy, Bernard J.

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McEvoy, Bernard J.

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Bernard J. McEvoy is a Professor of Accounting and Finance at the Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Ryerson University. McEvoy earned his Bachelor of Science from London University, England, and his MBA from the University of Toronto. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant by profession with a C.P.A., C.A. designation and has spent more than thirty years as a partner in a small public accounting firm. McEvoy specializes in computer simulations, particularly as applied to the hospitality and restaurant industries. He is one of the founders and principal developers of the PRO simulation for Profitable Restaurant Operations and was instrumental in developing PRO Restaurant Simulation and the HOTS Hotel Simulation as major components in the final year of Ryerson's Bachelor of Commerce Program. He has made many presentations at industry conferences and co-authored several papers on the use of PRO and HOTS in the classroom.


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  • Presse-papier

  • Exporter

  • EAC

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