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75 Archival description results for Meetings

10 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Provincial Home Support Services and Ryerson Continuing Education Division

Series contains information on the collaboration between Ryerson's Continuing Education division and Provinicial (later renamed Ontario) Home Support Services.
What was initially planned as a single conference evolved into a series of conferences. This material has been kept under one series but has been separated by year or subject matter.
RG Funding request proposal for a provincial home support conference, May 29-31, 1985
RG First Ontario Conference on Home Support Services for Elderly and Disabled People
RG Second Ontario Conference on Home Support Services for Elderly and Disabled People
RG "Unity in Diversity" Joint conference of Meal on Wheels of Ontario, Home Support
Services, and Older Adult Centres Association of Ontario
RG CAUCE Award submission


This series contains textual, moving image, and data records related to The International Academic Congress "Filmbuilding.99 - Devices and Delicacies of Film Design", which was hosted at Ryerson. Includes conference program, periodicals, posters, grant applications, organization committee meeting minutes, promotional materials, correspondence, and financials.

"Being Analog, Teaching Digital"

Paper written for the Computer Aided Learning (CAL97) International Conference, Superhighways, Super CAL, Super Learning, held in March, 1997 at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom.

Canadian Journalism School Teachers : Ian Hamilton Address

An address delivered to the annual meeting of Canadian Journalism School Teachers by Ian Hamilton, a third year Ryerson journalism student. The title of the address is "On Future Journalism and How We Should Relate To It.".
Included with this document is a photo print of Ian Hamilton which was published in the March 20, 1970 issue of the Ryersonian, to accompany the news report about his address.

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) 1990 Annual Conference materials

This file contains Conference Program, Check List, Invitation and Information. It also has a trophy given to Ryerson in appreciation for being a co-host institution. Trophy is a clear glass dish mounted on a black glass base. The dish is embossed with a Toronto skyline design and the ASEE logo. The wording “1990 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference” is also embossed on the dish. The base has also been engraved with the ASEE logo along with the words “In Appreciation to Ryerson Polytechnical Institute Co-Host Institution”. The plaque measures . Plaques were presented to each of the co-hosts (Ryerson, University of Toronto and George Brown College) for hosting the 1990 ASEE Annual Conference in Toronto.

Ted Rogers Management Conference

File contains materials relating to the Ted Rogers Management Conference, including posters, pamphlets, thank-you cards, programme, wristband, collapsable water bottle, a pen, a pencil, and a bottle of hand sanitizer.
The conference was called the Ted Rogers Memorial Conference in 2010, its inaugural year. The following year, the name was changed to the Ted Rogers Management Conference.

Administrative Materials

This series consists of administrative materials of the Vision Task Group including meeting agendas and summaries.

Annual Short Course for Management Personnel in the Hospitality Industry

File contains brochures for the 1966 and 1971 short courses. The 1966 course was the 9th annual one and was held November 21-22. The theme for the course was "Increasing Employee Productivity" and was led by Travis Elliott and George D. Bedell. The 1971 course was the 14th annual one and was held November 22-23. The theme was "Management Planning for Productivity". The guest lecturers were Vance A. Christian, Atid Kaplan, Douglas Snedden, George M. Horn, and A. H. Calvert.

OPSEU Staff Recognition and Development Conference / Staff Star Award / Annual OPSEU Staff Learning Event

The records in this series consists of the OPSEU Staff Star Award and conference, and the subsequent OPSEU Staff Learning Event which replaced the former in 2014. The university, in developing more wide-ranging awards in 2012, cancelled faculty and staff awards including the OPSEU award and created the OPSEU Staff Learning Event.

The series consists of announcements, nomination forms, brochures, programs, and award winners.

Joint Union-Management Advisory Committee on Staff Training and Development

Papers authored by Robert Scott

Series contains papers, and associated materials, written by Robert Scott for various conferences and symposiums. Also included in some of the files are records related to the conference itself, such as abstracts, correspondence, programmes, and photographs.

Vision Task Group

  • RG 680
  • Fonds
  • 1996-1997

This fonds consists of materials created by and in relation to the Vision Task Group.

Vision Task Group

GREET and SRC Annual Workshops Conference

GREET = Group to Renew and Enhance Effective Training SCR = Scholarly Research Creative (Activity) GREET presented workshops for faculty in 1992; by 1995 the workshops were called, "May Workshops" or the "Annual May Workshops." By 1998 the sponsorship included SCRA in addition to GREET. The name became, "Annual Ryerson Faculty Conference" in 1999 with GREET/SCR still prominent sponsors.

Nursing Theory Congress "From Theory To Practice" conference materials

The Nursing Theory Conference in 1988 was the second one held. Congress was held as the Constellation Hotel and Conference Centre August 23-25, 1988 and was presented by the Ryerson School of Nursing.
File contains materials from the Nursing Theory Congress "From Theory to Practice" conference. Included are 2 programmes and one conference attendee folder.

Nursing Theory Congress "Theoretical Pluralism: Direction for a Practice Discipline" conference materials

The Nursing Theory Conference in 1986 was the inaugural one. Congress was held at the Constellation Hotel and Conference Centre August 19-22, 1986 and was presented by the Ryerson School of Nursing.
File contains materials from the Nursing Theory Congress "From Theory to Practice" conference. Included are 2 programmes.

Family children's meeting

Item consists of a photograph of a Japanese family and white guest. All are seated on ats inside or on the patio to a home. On verso, handwritten in ink, "In this house of which the whole/ family is Christian we hold a regular/ weekly children's meeting. The only/ Christian service in that village./ The older girl kneeling near me is one/ of our family here. She teaches the/ children in that home - Matsuda/ Mitsuko by name."

Learning and Teaching Office Committees

The series contains records of the Learning and Teaching Office (LTO) committees : minutes of two meetings ; two committee reports to the Academic Council ; and a committee report on the establishment of teaching and learning enhancements to classroom POD 372.

Society for Study of Architecture in Canada annual conference

The Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada 's 36th annual conference, hosted by Ryerson Department of Architectural Science, the conference, May 20 to 23, 2009, was held in the Architecture building. The contents includes informational emails, registration form, attendee package, tickets, name tags, and a poster related to the conference. File also includes a copy of The Journal of the Society for the Study Architecture in Canada, Volume 35 no. 2 with a bookmark to an article by Marybeth McTeague entitled "A Janus in the Cold War: The Founding of the Ryerson Institute of Technology".

Also, written and published as an outcome of the same conference is included a copy of the Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada with an article by Marybeth McTeague, "Janus in the Cold War: The Founding of Ryerson Information of Technology.

File is co-arranged with RG 5.284.

Wilde '82: History Conference, Toronto, June 30-July 3

This file contains information about the Oscar Wilde conference, including a letter to participants, program, and 3 posters. Wilde 1982 was the Lesbian and Gay History Conference, held at Ryerson on June 30-July 3, 1982. The event was co-sponsored by the Canadian Gay Archives and Doing It! Gay Liberation in the '80's.

Conferences held by the Theatre School

Stage Managing the Arts Toronto Conference : Peter Fleming - Course Leader and Alex Gilbert - Course Leader
Production Managing the Arts Toronto Conference: Peter Fleming - Director and Course leader and Genevieve Farrell (TRSM) - Course leader.