- F 665.01
- File
- 1991-1997
Part of Susannah Wilson fonds
File contains 8 books authored or co-authored by Wilson, including:
F 665.1.1 The Futures of Family
F 665.1.2 The Family - Canadian edition
F 665.1.3 Women, Families and Work - 3rd edition
F 665.1.4 Sociology: An Introduction - 1st Canadian edition
F 665.1.5 Choices and Chances: Sociology for Everyday Life - 2nd edition
F 665.1.6 Next of Kin: An International Reader on Changing Families
F 665.1.7 Small World: International Readings in Sociology, 1994
F 665.1.8 Small World: International Readings in Sociology, 1997