- F 888
- Fonds
- 2005-2009
Fonds includes newspaper articles and speeches written by Levy, programs for events, 1 plaque, and one framed keepsake.
Levy, Sheldon
443 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
Fonds includes newspaper articles and speeches written by Levy, programs for events, 1 plaque, and one framed keepsake.
Levy, Sheldon
January 24, 2001 Presidential State of the University Address
Part of Office of Digital Media Projects
Master mini dv tape from the Office of Digital Media Projects' shooting of the Presidential state of the university address January 2001.
Office of Digital Media Projects
January 28, 2002 President state of the university
Part of Office of Digital Media Projects
2 mini dv tapes from the Office of Digital Media Projects' shooting of the Presidential state of the university address January 2002.
Office of Digital Media Projects
President's 2002 State of Univ. Address
Part of Office of Digital Media Projects
Master mini dv tape from the Office of Digital Media Projects' shooting of the Presidential state of the university address 2002
Office of Digital Media Projects
State of the university 2003 - master
Part of Office of Digital Media Projects
Master mini dv tape from the Office of Digital Media Projects' shooting of the Presidential state of the university address 2003
Office of Digital Media Projects
President's state addresss Oct. 2003
Part of Office of Digital Media Projects
Master mini dv tape from the Office of Digital Media Projects' shooting of the Presidential state of the university address January 2001.
Office of Digital Media Projects
Sheldon Levy Press Conf. Feb 2005 - master
Part of Office of Digital Media Projects
Master mini dv tape from the Office of Digital Media Projects' shooting of a Sheldon Levy President's Office press conference from February 2005.
Office of Digital Media Projects
President LaJeunesse Tribute Dinner May25, 2005
Part of Office of Digital Media Projects
2 mini dv tapes from the Office of Digital Media Projects' shooting of the President Claude LaJeunesse Tribute Dinner held May 25, 2005.
Office of Digital Media Projects
President's Office, 1988 Accrual
Part of Office of the President
President's Office ...
Correspondence re: program costs 1980-81 to 1979-80
Part of Office of the President
5.5 cm of textual records made up of 1 correspondence and accompanying financials of program costs 1979-80 to 1980-81.
Correspondence re: budgeting and planning 1980-1981
Part of Office of the President
2 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, attached financials, and forms.
Correspondence re: financial statements 1971-1982
Part of Office of the President
2 cm of textual records made up of correspondence and attached financials. chiefly audited, and notes.
General Correspondence 1971-1981
Part of Office of the President
2 cm of textual records made up of correspondence and attached financials, and forms.
Correspondence re: budgets and estimates, 1981-1982
Part of Office of the President
1.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence and attached financials, and forms.
Correspondence re: budget preparation for 1980-81
Part of Office of the President
1 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, note, attached financials, and forms.
Correspondence re: zero base budgeting 1977-1978
Part of Office of the President
3 cm of textual records made up of correspondence and attached graphs, charts. notes and financials
Report: The delivery of computing services to Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, 1982
Part of Office of the President
1.5 cm of textual records made up of consultant's report prepared for President Segal on The delivery of computing services to Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, by E.C. Kehayas and N.A. Kelly of Thorne Stevenson & Kellogg and letter of transmital.
Ryerson Survey Questionnaire 1982
Part of Office of the President
3.5 cm of textual records made up of sample questionnaires sent to six target groups, with survey proofs, notes, cost estimates and promotional material from mailing list brokers
Correspondence re: investments 1968-1981
Part of Office of the President
<.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence re short term investment policies and investment income.
Correspondence re: Ryerson Rambler and advertising contract with Youthstream Canada Limited 1981
Part of Office of the President
<.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence and attached contract.
Part of Office of the President
4.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence and notes.
Correspondence re: Ontario Universities Program for Instructional Development 1977-1980
Part of Office of the President
2.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence and attached form, meeting agendas, and reports.
Correspondence re: Board of Governors 1979-1982
Part of Office of the President
2.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, one news clipping, reports and minutes.
General Correspondence with consulting firms 1973-1982
Part of Office of the President
5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence with consultants including some draft questionnaires, invoices, notes and one clipping from the Ryersonian.
Correspondence re: consultants' fees 1982 and a report on the film and television industry
Part of Office of the President
.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence and invoices with consulting firms, notes, and one Report to the President from McCabe Communications Limited, 1982 entitled: Maintaining the leadership in supplying professionals to the film and television industry in the 1980's and 1990's.
Correspondence re: insurance coverage 1964-1979 including fire/claim settlements
Part of Office of the President
1.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, and attached financials.
Press clippings and some commentary 1982
Part of Office of the President
<.5 cm of textual records made up of photocopied press clippings, one with transmittal note from International Development Centre, some with commentary by Mike Goodenough under heading Second Look.
Correspondence re: Board of Governors Committee on Board and Committee Operations 1980-1982
Part of Office of the President
1 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notices of meeting, agendas, minutes and notes.
Correspondence re: Board of Governors By-laws and Procedures Committee 1970-1982
Part of Office of the President
1.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence and minutes.
Correspondence re:Board of Governors, chiefly Notice of Meeting 1973-1982
Part of Office of the President
2.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence chiefly Notices of meetings, reports, and a news release.
Correspondence re: Agreement with Students' Union Ryerson Polytechnical Institute (SURPI) 1975
Part of Office of the President
< .5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence and notes.
Board of Governors Minutes 1979-1982
Part of Office of the President
3 cm of textual records made up of minutes and correspondence.
Correspondence re: Board of Governors Audit Committee 1980-1982
Part of Office of the President
1 cm of textual records made up of correspondence and minutes.
Correspondence re: Board of Governors Executive Committee 1982
Part of Office of the President
<.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence and minutes.
Correspondence re: Board of Governors Finance Committee 1982
Part of Office of the President
1.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, minutes and financials.
Correspondence re: Board of Governors, Meetings 1972-1982
Part of Office of the President
3 cm of textual records made up of correspondence and attached agendas, notice of meeting, and minutes.
Correspondence re: Board of Governors Physical Planning Committee 1970-1980
Part of Office of the President
5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, minutes, notes, consultants reports and plans.
Board of Governors Committee on Computing Development Minutes 1982
Part of Office of the President
5 cm of textual records made up of minutes, correspondence, financials and several consultants' Proposals to review the delivery of computing services and 5 transparencies.
Board of Governors President Search Committees Minutes 1980
Part of Office of the President
1.5 cm of textual records made up of minutes and correspondence.
Correspondence re: Board of Governors 1971-1981
Part of Office of the President
5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, minutes, notes and two newspaper clippings.
Correspondence re: Board of Governors Audit Committee 1972-1980
Part of Office of the President
4 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, minutes and reports.
Board of Governors Executive Committee Minutes 1969-1982
Part of Office of the President
4 cm of textual records made up of minutes, correspondence, notes and one form.
Board of Governors Employee Relations and Pensions Committee Minutes 1979-1982
Part of Office of the President
2.5 cm of textual records made up of minutes, correspondence and notes.
Board of Governors Finance Committee Minutes 1979-1982
Part of Office of the President
5 cm of textual records made up of minutes, financials and correspondence.
Board of Governors Board Committees 1973-1982
Part of Office of the President
2 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, minutes and membership lists.
Board of Governors Aims Committee 1970
Part of Office of the President
<.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, minutes and a report.
Correspondence re: Committee on Academic and Support Administrative Structure 1979-1980
Part of Office of the President
6 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, minutes and notes.
Correspondence re: CJRT-FM and Open College 1973-1977
Part of Office of the President
7 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, minutes, 1 newspaper clipping, 2 brochures, and 1 dye diffusion transfer print : 8 x 8 cm : col.
Board of Governors Program Evaluation Committee Minutes 1982
Part of Office of the President
.5 cm of textual records made up of minutes, and 1 note.
Board of Governors Communications and Private Funding Committee 1978-1980
Part of Office of the President
3 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, minutes, 2 forms, photocopy of full page from a newspaper, and notes.
Board of Governors Negotiations Committee Minutes 1977-1982
Part of Office of the President
4 cm of textual records made up of minutes, correspondence and notes.
Correspondence re: CJRT-FM Inc. Board of Directors 1978-1980
Part of Office of the President
4.5 cm of textual records made up of minutes, correspondence, financials, audited statements, photocopies of news clippings, by-laws, 3 brochures, and 1 poster.
Board of Governors Appeals Committee Minutes 1975-1978
Part of Office of the President
.5 cm of textual records made up of minutes, notice of meetings and correspondence.
Board of Governors Historical Committee, later, Historical and Art Committee 1975-1981
Part of Office of the President
2.5 cm of textual records made up of minutes, correspondence and notes.
Board of Governors Editorial Committee Minutes 1978-1979
Part of Office of the President
1 cm of textual records made up of minutes, and correspondence.
Presidential Response to Hickling-Johnston's Report: A Path to Organizational Reform at Ryerson 1979
Part of Office of the President
1 cm of textual records made up of correspondence with attached report and a summary.
Board of Governors Election Procedures Committee 1973-1982
Part of Office of the President
2 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, minutes, and financials.
Board of Governors Appointments and Resignations 1971-1982
Part of Office of the President
4.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, one petition, one photocopy of a student newspaper clipping, and one newsletter from York University.
Correspondence re: Committee on Academic and Support Administrative Structure 1980-1981
Part of Office of the President
4.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, minutes, notes and 3 reprinted essays by Hickling-Johnston Ltd. Management Consultants and their report The critical challenges for government managers in the 1980's.
Correspondence re: Radio and Television Arts Department, 1982
Part of Office of the President
<.5 cm of textual records made up of 4 letters and one brochure.
Correspondence re: Radio and Television Arts Department, 1982
Part of Office of the President
<.5 cm of textual records made up of 4 letters and one brochure.
Hickling-Johnston Proposal, and, Report: A Path to Organizational Reform at Ryerson 1979
Part of Office of the President
3 cm of textual records made up of 3 reports, correspondence.
Board of Governors Retreat Weekend January 1981
Part of Office of the President
.5 cm of textual records made up of photocopied articles and related resource documents, and 8 overhead transparencies.
Correspondence re: Program Assessment Committees 1979-1982
Part of Office of the President
5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, and financials, notes, one photocopied article.
Correspondence re: Interior Design Department 1971-1982
Part of Office of the President
1.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, 2 brochures, and 1 clipping.
Correspondence re: Radio and Television Arts Department, 1982
Part of Office of the President
<.5 cm of textual records made up of 4 letters and one brochure.
Board of Governors Nominees 1977-1979
Part of Office of the President
1 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, and one illustrated list of the members of the new Board of Governors.
Responses to Hickling-Johnston's Report: A Path to Organizational Reform at Ryerson
Part of Office of the President
1.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence with attached reports and one chart.
Correspondence re: Applied Arts 1982
Part of Office of the President
3 textual records made up of letters from the Dean of Applied Arts.
Correspondence re: Radio and Television Arts Department, 1982
Part of Office of the President
<.5 cm of textual records made up of 4 letters and one brochure.
Correspondence re: Radio and Television Arts Department, 1982
Part of Office of the President
<.5 cm of textual records made up of 4 letters and one brochure.
Correspondence re: Arts Division 1973-1982
Part of Office of the President
3.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, and attached photocopied documents.
Correspondence re: Business and Technical Communications Department 1971-1981
Part of Office of the President
.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, one brochure and one newsletter.
Correspondence re: Graphic Arts Management Department 1969-1982
Part of Office of the President
2 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, forms, brochures, photocopies of press clippings, financials, and promotional tabloid.
Correspondence re: Ryerson Company of Players 1971-1972
Part of Office of the President
<.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence and financials.
A Report on Improvements to the Ryerson Theatre, Lett/Smith Architects 1981
Part of Office of the President
.5 cm of textual records made up of 1 report in cerlox binding.
Correspondence re: Business Division 1979-1982
Part of Office of the President
2.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, brochures, newsletters and attached photocopies of news clippings.
Correspondence re: Library Arts Department 1973-1982
Part of Office of the President
4 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, and course outlines.
Feasibility Study, Theatre Department, New Theatre Facility, Lett/Smith Architects 1981
Part of Office of the President
.5 cm of textual records made up of 1 report in cerlox binding.
Correspondence re: Film and Photography Department 1982
Part of Office of the President
<.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence.
Correspondence re: Fashion Department 1972-1982
Part of Office of the President
2 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, 1 poster, 1 brochure.
Correspondence re: Social Sciences Division 1979-1982
Part of Office of the President
1.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, and 2 faculty papers.
Correspondence re: Secretarial Science 1971-1982
Part of Office of the President
1 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, and a student petition.
Technology Division Chairmen's Meeting Minutes 1979-1982
Part of Office of the President
3.5 cm of textual records made up of minutes, correspondence, and notes.
Correspondence re: Chemical and Metallurgical Technology 1972-1982
Part of Office of the President
3 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, attached reports and 1 photocopied news item.
Correspondence re: Business Administration 1982
Part of Office of the President
<.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, and forms.
Correspondence re: English 1971-1982
Part of Office of the President
3.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, newsletters, financials, and student essays.
Correspondence re: Hotel Restaurant and Institutional Administration 1971-1982
Part of Office of the President
3 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, brochures, photocopied newspaper clipping, several industry publications, newsletters and 1 awards program.
Correspondence re: Civil Technology Dept. including Geodetic Science (Land Surveying) 1972-1982
Part of Office of the President
1.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, and a student petition.
Correspondence re: Journalism 1971-1982
Part of Office of the President
4 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, forms and newsletters.
Report and Recommendations of the Program in Metallurgical Technology October 1978
Part of Office of the President
1 cm of textual records made up of 1 report in a duotang cover.
Correspondence re: Public Health Inspection Department 1971-1982
Part of Office of the President
2 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, and attached documentation.
Correspondence re: Electrical Technology 1971-1982
Part of Office of the President
2 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, attached reports, financials, 1 program and 1 photocopied news item.
Correspondence re: Mechanical Technology 1973-1982
Part of Office of the President
2 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, financials, 1 published article, and 1 student petition.
Correspondence re: Mathematics and Physics 1972-1982
Part of Office of the President
1.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, financials, form, and 1 student petition.
Correspondence re: Continuing Education Division 1982
Part of Office of the President
3 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, divisional council minutes attached reports and photocopies of job advertisements from newspapers.
Correspondence re: Community Services Division 1973-1982
Part of Office of the President
2 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, and minutes.
Correspondence re: Early Childhood Education 1982
Part of Office of the President
<0.5 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, and notes.
Correspondence re: Urban Planning Department 1972-1982
Part of Office of the President
2 cm of textual records made up of correspondence, notes, financials and 1 student petition.
Correspondence re: Physical Education 1974-1981
Part of Office of the President
<0.5 cm of textual records made up of 2 items of correspondence and 3 information flyers.