File consists of narrative series' of stereographs that depicting story-lines through tableau. Most stories are comedic, heart-warming, or sarcastic in nature, often focused on domestic topics. Many popular series were either recreated or sold, reprinted and marketed by different companies. Some of the photographic series in the file are incomplete.
The series that are included are:
31 Stereoscopic photographs by Keystone View Co.
-Pickwick series
-Before and after marriage
-No place like home
-Stealing Apples
-Wedding presents
-Character sketches (Lovers)
-Reuban & Samantha (country folk)
-Dear Jack, it's awfully slow here
14 Stereoscopic photographs by Universal Photo Art Co.
-Reuben calls on his city cousins
-Milk maid
-Policeman on his regular beat
-Man under bed
7 Stereoscopic photographs by W. B. Sherk
11 Stereoscopic photographs by Universal View Co.
-Home late
-Dueling women
-A good story
-The barbershop
27 Stereoscopic photographs by Perfec Stereograph (H. C. White Co.)
-Mr. Slight and Miss Hevywayt
-Harmony of married life
-Pesky mother-in-law
-Catching sister in the act
-Ladies dorm room
2 Stereoscopic photographs by Melander
-A good place to paint a face
2 Stereoscopic photographs by F. G. Weller
-Just before/after the battle
-An electric hobby/An effectual remedy
2 Stereoscopic photographs by Roberts & Fellows
-Mr. Jones, remove your hat
2 Stereoscopic photographs by International View Co.
-Maiden's fair try donkey riding
39 Stereoscopic photographs by Underwood & Underwood
-Married mans trouble
-Mickie O'Hoolihan's wake
-two are company
-Shoulder arts
-This is a fine make up for the masquerade
-Won't you come and sit on my lap?
-Floor walker by day and night
-The Hallowe'en party
-The five senses
-Have you "Kissed me by mood light" Sir?
-Tricks in the old country school
-The amateur's first attempt
-Why doesn't he go
-His unhappy predicament
4 Stereoscopic photographs by Kilburn Brothers, 11 in association with James M. Davis
-Why don't you get up and help me
-Love and jealousy
-Fire! Fire!
-Tooth pulling
-Miss Milliner
-How dare you betray my confidence
-They are sound asleep
2 Stereoscopic photographs by Berry, Kelley & Chadwick,
-Planning for the future
4 separately by E. W. Kelley
-The only man
10 Stereoscopic photographs by Littleton View Co.
7 Stereoscopic photographs by Strohmeyer & Wyman
5 Stereoscopic photographs by James A. Hurst
5 Stereoscopic photographs by Webster & Albee
-[Caught in the act]
2 Stereoscopic photographs by American Stereoscopic Co.
1 Stereoscopic photograph by J. P. Soule
10 Stereoscopic photographs by Herman Knutzen
-The industrious painter and the idle apprentice
30 Stereoscopic photographs by unidentified publishers
-The hero's wife
-[Broken seesaw]
-Room on top
-[Woman in a cake]
- The barber shop
-The book agent
-The fisherman
-[Bill, sick cowboy]