


7005685 Mapa de Canada

Nota(s) sobre el alcance

Nota(s) sobre el origen

  • Inhabited by ancestors of Amerindians and Inuit in Upper Palaeolithic or earlier; evolved diverse cultures over vast area; Norse settlements by 1000 CE; English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese claimed territory from the 16th century; under British control from 1759; official languages are English and French.

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2 Descripción archivística results for Canada

Architects' Description of Maple Leaf Gardens manuscript

The manuscript lists the officers of Maples Leaf Gardens Limited, the directors of the Maple Leaf Hockey Club Limited, and the sub-contractors engaged in The Gardens' construction. It provides a basic description of the building's construction and features, the method ice making, and other included facilities. The manuscript mentions the unique method wage payment for the unionized site workmen being partially by stock "in the venture".

The typeface on the four manuscript pages is faint while the envelope has darker typeface. This could be due to a new ribbon having been inserted into the typewriter. Page four has a handwritten notation and is a carbon copy of its original, perhaps included in error.

The Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey Club, Ltd.

Maple Leaf Gardens stock prospectus

Entitled, "Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto's New Sports Centre," the document offers information relevant to the sale of $700,000 in stocks, including the price per share, land and building information, other attractions besides hockey to be billeted, expected earnings, etc.

Maple Leaf Gardens, Limited