Electrical engineering




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Electrical engineering

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Electrical engineering

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Electrical engineering

17 Descripción archivística results for Electrical engineering

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Electrical and electronic instruments

A collection of technological instruments used for study and instruction by the electrical and electronic technology programs of both the Toronto Training and Re-Establishment Institute and Ryerson. The instruments have collectively been registered as a collection of technological instruments used for study and instruction by the electrical/electronics technology programs of both the Toronto Training and Re-Establishment Institute and Ryerson.

Electrical and Electronic Instruments - 2003 accrual

A collection of technological instruments used for study and instruction by the electrical and electronic technology programs of both the Toronto Training and Re-Establishment Institute and Ryerson and donated to the archives in 2003.

1 - Cambridge Precision Wattmeter
2 - 3-PH Power Factor Meter
3 - Weston A.C. & D.C. Ammeter Model 370, no 6657
4 - 3-PH Wattmeter
5 - no. 4286 Kelvin Bridge Ohmmeter
6 - 1-PH power factor meter
7 - Leeds & Northrup Type S Test Set No. 5300
8 - Cambridge a.c. Test Set
9 - Venture ATH6 tachometer
10 - Jaquet tachometer