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Peter Di Gangi Papers Unidad documental simple
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For Seven Generations - An information Legacy of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples released a CD-ROM containing the records for the hearings, and reports created by the Commission. In 2016, for the 20th anniversary of the reports release, a database was created containing all the original CD-ROM materials plus expanded content including over 18000 photographs. The CD-ROMS are no longer functional on current operating systems.

Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

Battle of Oka t-shirt

White t-shirt with sleeves torn off. Front of shirt has a person standing on top of an overturned police car. "Battle of Oka 1990 La Bataille d'Oka" is written on the shirt.

Jean Chretien - 1971

Copy of "The Unfinished Tapestry - Indian Policy in Canada" delivered by Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Developement Jean Chretien as part of the Dunning Trust Lectures held at Queen's University on March 17, 1971.

Citizens +, 1970

Copy of "Citizens +", a presentation by the Indian Chiefs of Alberta to Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau in June of 1970.

Fed-Prov Resp - Pratt

Copy of "Federalism in the Era of Aboriginal Self-Government" by Alan Pratt of the Law Firm Blaney, McMurtry, Stapells.

Pratt, Alan

Fed. Policy - ARC

Copy of "...And the Last Shall be First" - Native Policy in the Era of Cutbacks. A discussion paper prepared by Murray Angus for the Aboriginal Rights Coalition (Project North).

Angus, Murray

Health, Legal 11/95

One copy of the document "Health Related Legislation in Canada - the Constitutional Framework" by Legal Services, Health Canada. Document includes the "Participant's Manual - First Nations Health the Constitutional Framework", and "Fiduciary Relationship of the Crown with Aboriginal Peoples: Implementation and Management Issues, A guide for Managers".

Fiduc/Health - 11/95

One copy of the document "First Nations Health The Constitutional Framework - participant's manual" prepared by Michael Hudson of Legal Services, Health Canada.

Hudson, Michael

Indian Act, Sept/95

Letter from the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development regarding amendments to the Indian Act. Accompanying the letter is a list of amendments.

Ind. Act By Law Book

Indian Band ByLaw Handbook put out by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Mikmaq Constitution

Facsimile copy of "Practical Talking Points for Discussing a Framework for a Mi'kmaq Constitution.

Custom Law

One copy of "Native Customs and the Law" authored by William B. Henderson for the Research Branch, Corporate Policy Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.

DIA - Partnership 1999

Discussion reports "Strengthening the Partnership: Let's Commit to It!" from the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's National Manager's Meeting held in Montreal in 1999.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

UOI Self Govt - 10/96

One copy of the Anishinabek Restoration of Jurisdiction recommended approach document adopted by the Grand Council in 1996.

Self Govt: Polls/94

One copy of "Aboriginal Issues Study - Alerts Bulletin" by the Angus Reid Group, April 1994. Report looked at Aboriginal Rights and Government Services, Native Land Claims, Control of Natural Resources, Aboriginal Self-Government, Public Reaction to recent Initiatives, Confidence in players and institutions, and Aboriginal Leadership and Tactics.

Mi'kmaq Education 14 Jan/97

File contains records about the Mi'kmaq Education Act. Included in the file is a news release; two copies of "An Agreement with respect to Mi'kmaq Education in Nova Scotia" between The Federal Government and the Mi'kmaq Bands in Nova Scotia; and copies of the various legislations and other documents related to this initiative.

SA - Moscovich & Webster

Discussion paper "Social Assistance and Aboriginal People" by Allan Moscovitch and Andrew Webster. Paper was prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Penner - Fiscal 83

Special Committee on Indian Self-Government Research Project on Federal Expenditures and Mechanisms for their Transfer to Indians by Coopers & Lybrand.

Tax - ITAB Bylaws

One copy of the draft Property Tax By-law written by the Indian Taxation Advisory Board.

ASI - Jurisdiction #1

Draft #2 of discussion paper "Jurisdiction & Social Development" prepared by Peter Di Gangi for the Social Development Program Assembly of First Nations.

Di Gangi, Peter

ASI Final Report 3/99

Final Report of the Aboriginal Strategic Initiatives "Sharing Solutions First Nations Social Security Reform".

Aboriginal Strategic Initiatives

FTA Info - DIAND - 6/96

Financial Transfer Arrangements Information Kit created by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development for the First Nations' Chief and Councils.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

FTA - COO - DIA Draft 6/97

File contains a draft Financial Transfer Agreement between The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and First Nations.

Health 6/97

File contains two reports by Health Canada:
1) "Health Status of Canadian Indians and Inuit - update 1987" Indian and Northern Health Services, Medical Services Branch
2) "Health Status of Canadian Indians and Inuit - 1990"

Community Healing and Aboriginal Social Security Reform

Community Healing and Aboriginal Social Security Reform - a study prepared for the Assembly of First Nations Aboriginal Social Security Reform Strategic Initiative. Study was prepared by Michael Bopp, Judie Bopp, and Phil Lane, Jr.

Four Worlds International Institute for Human and Community Development

Claims - ADR - 91

Preliminary study "The Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Specific Claims". Prepared for Specific Claims Branch, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Canada by Ben Hoffman of Concorde Inc.

Hoffman, Ben

ADR - 1993 - D. Russell

Native Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems: The Canadian Future in Light of the The American Past by Jonathan Rudin and Dan Russell for the Ontario Native Council on Justice.

Rudin, Jonathan

AFN Claims - 1997 Report

Assembly of First Nations National Land Claims Conference report. Conference held in Quebec City on November 5-6, 1997.

CCC - Vancouver Feb 2002

Copy of the program from the Assembly of First Nations Chiefs Committee on Claims - Independent Claims Body (ICB) meeting held in Vancouver, British Columbia on February 13-14, 2002. Included in the program is background information on ICB, the ICB proposal, claims updates, and other related materials.

Indian Claims Commission Proceedings (1999) 11 ICCP

Indian Claims Commission proceedings volume 11. Included are reports on: Gamblers First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement inquiry; Nekaneet First Nation Agricultural and other benefits under Treaty 4 inquiry; Moose Deer Point First Nation Pottawatomi Rights inquiry. Also in the volume are responses from the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to Gamblers First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement inquiry and response regarding the Qu'Appelle Valley Indian Development Authority flooding claim inquiry to the Muscowpetung First Nation, Pasqua First Nation, Standing Buffalo First Nation, Sakimay First Nation, Cowessess First Nation, and Ochapowace First Nations.

Delgamuukw - One Year After conference

File contains program for the "Delgamuukw: One Year After" conference. The conference was sponsored by The Aboriginal Policy Forum and The University of Victoria and was held February 18-19, 1999 in Victoria, British Columbia.

1st Special National Conference on Delgamuukw

File contains the program for the "1st Special National Conference on Delgamuukw" held February 24-26, 1999. It was co-hosted by the Interior Alliance and the Assembly of First Nations.

Litigating and Aboriginal Law

Conference program for "Litigating Aboriginal Law" held in Ottawa, Ontario on June 6-7, 2002. Conference was given by the Pacific Business & Law Institute.

Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement

Published book of land claims agreements between The Government of Canada and the Inuit of Labrador.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

UBCIC Treaties 11/99

One copy of "Truth Behind Treaty Making" by the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs.

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs (UBCIC)

Proposal on the Constitution

Copy of "Proposals on the Constitution 1971-1978" published by the Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat.

Ind. Act - Rejections

Copy of "Documentation Regarding First Nations Formal Rejection of DIAND's Proposed Indian Act Amendments".

FNG - Redress - 3/2001

Copy of Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development working paper "Inventory of Redress Mechanisms".

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

LRT - Mawiw - 1/91

Final report of the Mawiw Council of Chiefs Lands/ Revenues/Trusts Consultative Process.

W. Rudnicki: Corbiere

File contains a copy of "The Corbiere Ruling - A Loaded Verdict" by Eagle Shield (Walter Rudnicki) for the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs.

Rudnicki, Walter

FNG - W. Rudnicki 5/2000

File contains a copy of "Made in Ottawa Governance (and other related initiatives) by Eagle Shield (Walter Rudnicki).

Rudnicki, Walter

LTS - AFN - DIA 2001

File contains information kit "The Voice for First Nations: Planning for Change" for the AFN/INAC Joint Initiative for Policy Development (Lands and Trust Services).

IAA - Treaty Remedies

Report titled "Disputes about the Meanings of Indian Treaties between the Crown and First Nations" by the Indian Association of Alberta for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Indian Association of Alberta

Treaty Federalism

File contains a copy of "Exploring Concepts of Treaty Federalism - a Comparative Perspective" by Thomas O. Hueglin, Wilfred Laurier University. Paper was prepared for the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations - Queen's University on behalf of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Hueglin, Thomas O.

Treaties - Legal Personality 1990

File contains an article "Do Treaty Indians have a Corporate Personality? A Note on the Pawis, Blackfoot and Bear Island Cases" by Geoffrey S. Lester. Published in the Canadian Native Law Reporter.

Lester, Geoffrey S.

4th World Goes Intntl - R. Diabo 1984

Copy of J. Russell Diabo's paper "The Emergence of Fourth World Politics at the International Arena". Paper was presented at the Western Social Sciences Association Conference held April 25-28, 1984 in San Diego, California.

Diabo, Russell

U. N. Treaty Study 5/99

Copy of the U.N. report by Miguel Alfonso Martinez "Study on Treaties, Agreements and other Constructive Arrangements between States and Indigenous Populations".

Martinez, Miguel Alfonso

Charter of Paris for a New Europe

Copy of the Charter of Paris for a New Europe signed at the 1990 Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe by attendees. This includes Helmut Kohl, Federal Chancellor of Germany; George Bush, President of The United States of America; Franz Vranitzky, Federal Chancellor of Austria; Wilfried Martens, Prime Minister of Belgium; Jelyu Jelev, President of Bulgaria; Brian Mulroney, Prime Minister of Canada; George Vassiliou, President of Cyprus; Poul Schluter, Prime Minister of Denmark; Felipe Gonzalez Marquez, Prime Minister of Spain; Mauno Koivisto, President of Finland; Francois Mitterrand, President of France; Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; Constantin Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of Greece; Jozsef Antall, Prime Minister of Hungary; Charles J. Haughey, Taoiseach of Ireland; Steingrimur Hermannsson, Prime Minister of Iceland; Giulio Andreotti, President of the Council of Ministers and Jacques Delors, President of the Commission of the European Communitites, Italy; Hans Brunhart, Head of Government of Liechtenstein; Jacques Santer, Prime Minister of Luxembourg; Edward Fenech Adami, Prime Minister of Malta; Jean Ausseil, Minister of State of the Principality Monaco; Gro Harlem Brundtland, Prime Minister of Norway; Ruud F. M. Lubbers, Prime Minister of the Netherlands; Tadeusz Mazowiecki, President of the Council of Ministers Poland; Anibel Cavaco Silva, Prime Minister of Portugal; Ion Iliescu, President of Romania; Gabriele Gatti, Secretary of State for Foreign and Political Affairs San Marino; Cardinal Agostiono Casaroli, Secretary of State of His Holiness The Vatican; Ingvar Carlsson, Prime Minister of Sweden; Arnold Koller, President of the Confederation, Head of the Federal Department of Justice and Police for the Swiss Confederation; Vaclav Havel, President of the Czeck and Slovak Federal Republic; Turgut Ozal, President of Turkey; Mikhail Gorbachev, President of the U. S. S. R.; and Borisav Jovic, President of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe

Two Decades of the CSCE Process

File contains 11 pages from the larger "The Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe : analysis and basic documents, 1972-1993" edited by Arie Bloed. Pages taken from "Two Decades of the CSCE Process".

Penner 83

Second report of the Special Committee on Indian Self-Government presented to the House of Commons October 12 and 20, 1983.

Special Committee of the House of Commons on Indian Self-Government

Penner - Trust Resp.

Copy of "The First Nations and the Crown: A Study of Trust Relationships" by David C. Nahwegahbow, Michael W. Posluns, Don Allen & Associates, and Douglas Sanders. Created for the Special Committee of the House of Commons on Indian Self- Government with Keith Penner as the Chairman.

Penner - Thalassa

Copy of "The Economic Foundation of Indian Self-Government" a report prepared for the Special Committee of the House of Commons on Indian Self-Government by Thalassa Research Associates.

Self-Govt - Walpole

Copy of "Indian Band Self-Government in the 1960s: A Case Study of Walpole Island" by John Leornard Taylor for the Treaties and Historical Research Centre of Indian and Northern Affairs .

Self-Govt - Ian J. /3/93

Copy of the paper "Aboriginal Self Government Paradigms with the Canadian Federation" by Ian Johnson and presented at the British Association for Canadian Studies annual conference March 26-28, 1993.

Johnson, Ian V. B.

Self-Govt - CBA

Copy of the paper "Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada - a research report for the Canadian Bar Association Committee on Native Justice" by James Crawford, Challis Professor of International Law at the University of Sydney.

Crawford, James

Self Govt - Intnl 83

Copy of the report "The Government of Aboriginal Peoples" prepared for the sub-committee on Indian Self-Government of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Indian Affairs and Northern Development.

FSIN Intergovt

Copy of "Sovereignty and Treaties Governing First Nations - Canada Political and Legal Relations" by Sol and Associates for the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.

Fed. 1994 Budget

File contains a copy of Andrew Webster's "The Impact of Spring 1994 Federal Budget Changes in INAC on First Nations - a preliminary analysis prepared for the Assembly of First Nations".

Webster, Andrew

AFN Treaty Mtg - 8/01

Proceedings report from the National Treaty Gathering in Fort Carlton, Saskatchewan August 20-26, 2001. Report prepared by Paulette C. Tremblay, Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.

Assembly of First Nations/National Indian Brotherhood

PCO Research - 96

File contains chapter 10 "Aboriginal Issues" of a report put out by the Privy Council Office (Canada).

Privy Council Office (Canada)

Deputies - Horizontal 12/96

File contains a copy of the Deputy Minister Task Force on Managing Horizontal Policy Issues report.

Deputy Minister Task Force - Managing Horizontal Policy Issues

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