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Peter Di Gangi Papers Unidad documental compuesta Inglés
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Claims Policies

File contains 4 different land claim books published by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Included are:
1) In All Fairness - A Native Claims Policy, 1981
2) Outstanding Business - A Native Claims Policy, 1982
3) Comprehensive Land Claims Policy, 1986
4) Federal Policy for the Settlement of Native Claims, 1998

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

FN's RCMP 1995

File contains news clippings and RCMP Criminal Intelligence briefs and memos regarding Aboriginal militancy and Aboriginal-based organized crime.

AFN/AFNQ - 4/98

File contains records related to the Premiers' and Territorial Leaders communique and framework for discussion on Canadian Unity. File also contains records related to land titles and comprehensive claims and claim policy.

C-6: Ed John Report

File contains a copy of the final report by Grand Chief Edward John of the Tl'atz'en First Nation on the Federal Government's proposed independent claims body.
The Federal Bill was ultimately rejected by First Nations.

Bill C-60 - Sept 2002

File contains records related to Bill C-60 Specific Claims bill. Included in the file are:
1) Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Chiefs' Strategic Committee reports
2) Assembly of First Nations Chiefs Committee on Claims records
3) Indian Claims Commission records
4) Correspondence
5) Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Legislative Process booklet

AFN - CCC - 22 May 2002

File contains records related to the Chiefs Committee on Claims and the proposal for an independent claims body. Included in the file are meeting agendas and minutes, updates, and a copy of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Legislative Process manual.

RCAP: Comp. Claims

File folder containing the report "Northern Comprehensive Aboriginal Claims Agreements" prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples by Letha J. MacLachlan, barrister and solicitor. Also in the file are charts of information on each of the 14 comprehensive land claims examined for the report.

Comp. Cl. Cases

File contains three reports created for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP).
1) Comprehensive Claims Agreements as Tools for Local/Regional Development - Roy Erasmus
2) A Brief to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Intervenor Participation Program - Alliance Tribal Council of Delta British Columbia
3) Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Final Report, July 30, 1993


File contains a variety of information related to the James Bay Northern Quebec Agreement and the Northeastern Quebec Agreement. Included in the file are:
1) Article in Nature Canada Spring 1991 - "The Geese have lost their way..." by Jamie Linton
2) memo "Naskapi: Committees, Commissions and Boards" re: the Northeastern Quebec Agreement
3) "Implementation of the Cree/Naskapi (of Quebec) Act and the Implications for Indian Programs"
4) "The James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement - general information"
5) "Development of the James Bay Crees (of Quebec) since the signing of the James Bay Agreement 1975-1985"
6) Address by Chief Ted Moses, Eastmain Band, James Bay 13 June 1988
7) The Ouje-Bougoumou Cree Nation vs Her Majesty the Queen in the Right of Canada
8) Equinox magazine January/February 1992

Librtn Theology

File contains two copies of "Liberation Theology and Our Missions of Canada" by Jean-Guy Goulet.

Goulet, Jean-Guy

Coolican Rpt.

File contains two items - a newspaper clipping from the Ottawa Citizen February 10, 1986 - "Natives should be able to keep aboriginal rights and have say in land development: task force"; and a report "Key Components for Required Change to the Federal Policy on Comprehensive Land Claims" Sept. 1990

C. Y. I. Umbrella

File contains a copy of the Council for Yukon Indians Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement in Principle, a newspaper clipping, and correspondence between the Minister of Indian Affairs and the Council for Yukon Indians.

Comp. Claims Status 3/96

File contains information on settled and in negotiation comprehensive claims between 1973 and March 1996.

BCTC - Sept. 2001

File contains records related to the treaty process in British Columbia. Included in the file are:
1) British Columbia Treaty Commission dual report - Treaty Commission 2001 annual report/Looking Forward Looking Back a review of the BC Treaty Process
2) newspaper clipping re: BC treaty talks
3) news release re: referendum ballot from the Select Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs

Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation

File contains two published documents:
2018. Entente sur L'Autonomie Gouvernementale de la Premiere Nation de Little Salmon/Carmacks
2018. Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation Final Agreement

Tr'ondek Hwechi'in

File contains two published documents:
2018. Tr'ondek Hwech'in Self-Government Agreement
2018. Tr'ondek Hwech'in Final Agreement

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement

File contains three documents:

2018. Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement Between Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada and The Gwich'in as represented by The Gwich'in Tribal Council, July 13, 1991

2018. Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement volumes 1 & 2, April 22, 1992

B. C. Treaty Comm Vol. I

File contains records related to the British Columbia Treaty Commission. Along with newspaper clippings, correspondence, and other related materials there are:
1) two copies of "Building a New Relationship with First Nations in British Columbia - Canada's response to the report of the B. C. Claims Task Force
2) newsletter "Pride in Partnership - British Columbia"
3) two copies of "British Columbia Treaty Commission Agreement"
4) newsletter "Treaty News" July 1995, and December 1996 editions
5) "The Report of The British Columbia Claims Task Force" July 28, 1991
6) "Aboriginal Rights and Title - A Made in B. C. Approach" by the Westbank Indian Council
7) Form 11 - Chief R. Kwasistala on behalf of the Lichkwilthach hereditary chiefs and others v. Canadian Government
8) Outline and background on BC Treaty Commission

UBCIC - 10/96

The majority of the file contains invitations, programs, and fact sheets for the "Voice of the Peoples" gathering at Cayoose Creek Indian Band Campgrounds, Stl'Atl'Imx Territory in Lillooet, British Columbia. Gathering was held July 11-12, 1997. Also in the file is a booklet created by the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs titled "Certainty: Canada's Struggle to Extinguish Aboriginal Title".

UBCIC Resource Kit

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs Aboriginal Rights Position Paper Resource Kit.

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs (UBCIC)


File contains a variety of documents created/collected by the Union of British Columbia Chiefs (UBCIC). Included in the file are:
1) brochures - Shuswap Cultural Working Committee
2) booklets -Shuswap Nation Tribal Council
3) Press releases and press statements from UBCIC
4) National Committee on Treaties - Resolution Respecting Treaty-Making & the Constitutional Definition of Aboriginal Rights
5) First Nations' Meeting agenda and accompanying materials Oct. 23-24, 1990
6) Inter-Tribal Treaties on Land Question: B. C. Indian Nations' Strategy for the 1990s discussion paper 2 - UBCIC
7) UBCIC Statement of Principles and Interim Process on Aboriginal Fishing in British Columbia
8) UBCIC Aboriginal Title and Rights Position Paper
9) Constitution of The Provisional Government of The Confederacy of Aboriginal Nations draft #5
10) Philip Christopher Paul memorial booklet
11) Meeting and speech notes

B. C. Claims Vol. I & II

Copy of Aboriginal Royal Commission: B. C. Issues by Mandell Pinder and created for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Mandell Pinder Barristers & Solicitors

UBCIC - Nov. 1999

File contains records relating to British Columbia claims and claims policy. Included in the file are two copies of "Truth Behind Treaty Making: Canada's 1986 Comprehensive Claims Policy"; UBCIC 1999 case highlights; resolutions; correspondence; and a news clipping.

Douglas Treaties - DIA

File contains "The Vancouver Island Treaties (1850-1854) by Dennis Madill; "B. C. Indian Treaties in Historical Perspective" by Dennis Madill, published by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada; and correspondence between The First Nations of South Island to Deputy Minister Harry Swain re: Treaty and Aboriginal Rights.

Haida TImber Case 1/98

File contains newspaper clippings and stories regarding logging and fishing in British Columbia.

Nisga'a AIP 95-96

File contains correspondence, news clippings and stories regarding the Nisga'a Agreement in Principle with the Governments of British Columbia and Canada. Also in the file are Nisga'a Land Claim Negotiation brochures; a copy of framework agreement; and a copy of a statement of Claim by the Pacific Fishermen's Defence Alliance, and others against the Government of Canada, with the Nisga'a Tribal Council as the Intervenor.

Guerin - Musqueam

File contains copies of the judgement, commentary, and analysis on the Supreme Court of Canada ruling in Delbert Guerin, Joseph Becker, Eddie Campbell, Mary Charles, Gertrude Guerin and Gail Sparrow suing on their own behalf and on the behalf of all other members of the Musqueam Indian Band v. Her Majesty the Queen and The National Indian Brotherhood (Intervenors).

MC - Marshall Dec/2000

File contains the following documents:
1) Canada's Approach for Dealing with Section 35 rights
2) Consultation strategy for First Nation Governance (FNG)
3) DIAND's Key Priorities at the Start of a New Mandate
4) DIAND Communication Strategy
5) Memorandum to cabinet re: long term response to R. v. Marshall
6) newsclippings on FNG

E. Davie Fulton

File contains a copy of E. Davie Fulton's "Lubicon Lake Indian Band - Inquiry" discussion paper and a paper "Indian Tribal Councils".

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Annual Reports

File contains annual reports produced by the Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Included in the file are:
2018. Annual Report 1984-1985
2018. Annual Report 1985-1986
2018. Annual Report 1986-1987
2018. Annual Report 1990-1991
2018. Performance Report for the Period Ending March 21, 1996

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

Socio-Economic Impact Model for Northern Development, Vol. I and II

Report (in two volumes) prepared by Bernard R. Blishen, Alexander Lockhart, Prudence Craib, and Elizabeth Lockhart for the Research Branch, Policy, Research and Evaluation Group in the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)

RCAP Begins - 1991

File contains records related to the establishment of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP). Included in the file are:
1) Press release and terms of reference for the commission
2) Press release re: appointment of David Crombie as chairman of intervenor participation program
3) Copies of "The Circle" Vol. 1 No. 1 and No.2 - newsletter of RCAP

RCAP Research - All

File contains records related to the RCAP Treaties and Lands research. Included in the file is a project outline; Integrated research plan; two copies of the Treaty/Lands Research Project outlines; and RCAP Treaties & Lands Research revised projects outlines draft #3 Dec. 1992.

Folio Search Results

File contains research results from searchers conducted on the RCAP Folio infobase. Topics include Off reserve; territory and overlaps; representation, beneficiaries, off reserve; and aboriginal laws.

Justice - Brief Book

File contains a copy of "Justice Briefing Book" and a copy of the presentation by the Swampy Cree Tribal Council to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

MNC - I. P. P.

File contains correspondence between Harry Daniels and Jean Chretien re: land claim; Memorandum of Understanding between the Metis Nation and the Royal Commission on Aborginal Peoples; Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples research - Metis Claims Group Workshop papers; and a copy of the Metis National Council's Intervenor report for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Metis Land Rites - Pinder

File contains two copies of the report "Submission to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Affairs: Metis Land Rights in Canada" by Louise Mandell of Mandell Pinder barristers solicitors.

Mandell, Louise

Northern Flood T #5

File contains a copy of "The Northern Flood Agreement - History of Negotiation and Implementation, and Recommendations for Improvement" a report prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples by The Northern Flood Committee, Inc. and Patrica A. Cobb of Symbion Consultants.

Northern Flood Committee


File contains copies of "Justice in Our Land" by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs for the Manitoba Constitutional Task Force; and "Planning Change" a report to the 5th annual Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs and submission to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs

Environment - 1994

File contains records related to the environment. Included are "Guidelines for Wildlife Policy in Canada"; First Nations Environmental Focus Group; news clippings; United Nations Conference on Environment and Development; and Imprimis newsletter.

MKO - First Nation EA

File contains two reports generated by Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc. regarding the First Nations Environmental Assessment project. File contains the initial report (March 1990) and an interim report (April 1990).

Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak, Inc.

U. S. A. Tribes & Environment Powers - H. Lickers

File contains two copies of a paper authored by Henry Lickers comparing environmental law in the U. S. and Canada and the power that Indigenous peoples in both countries have in relation to the natural environment.

Lickers, Henry

Nishnawbi-Aski Bckrnd

File contains related to the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation. Included in the file are:
1) The Unconscionable Treaty between The Crown and The Cree/Ojibway People of Northern Ontario - Brian Davey
2) The People and the Land are One pamphlet - Grand Council Treaty Number 9
3) The James Bay Treaty and the Federal Government's Comprehensive Land Claims Policy
4)Nishnawbe-Aski The People and the Land brochures
5) The Thunder Bay Pact - a Manifesto of the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation
6) A Declaration of Nishnawbe-Aski (the People and the Land) by the Ojibway-Cree Nation of Treaty #9 to the People of Canada
7) Basic Issues & Priorities of Grand Council Treaty No. 9 summary of activities
8) Realities of Resource Development in the Eastern Area of the Nishnawbe-Aski Territory
9) information about the Nishnawbe-Aski Resource Development Project
10) Third Annual Keewaywin Nishnawbe-Aski Nation Chiefs' Conference resolutions, 1983

T #9 Moose River

File contains a copy of task 3 "Treaty Rights in the Moose River Basin" from Aboriginal, Treaty and Riparian Rights in the Moose River Basin: The Potential Impact of the Ontario Hydraulic Plan - a report for the Moose River/James Bay Coalition by Kent McNeil and Patrick Macklem. Attached to the report section is a letter to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples regarding the report.

United Indian Councils - Self Gov't.

File contains records related to the United Indian Councils (UIC). Included in the file are copies of the UIC Newspaper "Smoke Signals", Assembly of First Nations bulleting April 1991, a fax cover sheet, brochures and booklets from the UIC, and handwritten notes from a UIC workshop.

Co-management - articles

File contains records related to co-management. Included are "Co-Management in Canada" by Karen Abbott and "Co-Management of Natural Resources in Canada: A review of concepts and case studies" by Gerett Rusnak.

H & F - Income Secure

File contains records related to income security for Indigenous hunters and trappers. Included in the file are:
1) brochure "James Bay Cree Communities of Northern Quebec - Sports & Recreation Campaign 1983/84/85"
2) proposal and paper by Ignatius E. La Rusic "The Income Security Program for Cree Hunters and Trappers - A study of the design, operation, and initial impacts of the Guaranteed Annual Income programme established under the James Bay and Northern Quebec agreement"
3) "Income Security for Subsistence Huntes - a review of the first five years of operation of the Income Security Programme for Cree Hunters and Trappers" by Ignatius E. La Rusic

Environment 1990-91

File contains records related to the environment and policy. Included are:
1) Greenprint for Canada - A Federal Agenda for the Environment - Greenprint for Canada Committee
2) Guidelines for the Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement - Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Environmental Panel
3) World Conference of Indigenous Peoples on the Environment and Development
4) Proposed terms of reference - Pollution Prevention Strategy Multi-Stakeholder Steering Committee
5) Distribution list

Canadian Environmental Protection Act

Information kit created by Environment Canada regarding the Environmental Protection Act. Included in the kit are 2 copies of "Enforcement and Compliance"; "Citizens Guide to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act"; "Questions & Answers"; and "The Right to a Healthy Environment".

Environment and Climate Change Canada


File contains records related to the Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office (FEARO) . Included in the file are presentation notes (and copy of bill) regarding the Federal Government pre-study bill C-78 - an act to establish a federal environmental assessment process. Presentation was given by Lawrence Courtoreille, Alberta Vice-Chief of the Assembly of First Nations. Also in the file is a FEARO information kit which includes a copy of the bill, news releases and fact sheets.


File contains records related to the Federal Government's Migratory Birds Convention Act (MBCA) and Indigenous peoples. Included in the file are legal documents, correspondence, and other related materials.


File contains records related to the Federal Government's Migratory Birds Convention Act (MBCA) and Indigenous peoples. Included in the file are copies of interim policy changes; a copy of the act; correspondence; and records from the Migratory Birds Working Group.

Rainbow: Clippings

File contains records related to Operation Rainbow - a Ministry of Natural Resources sting operation targeting Indigenous Harvesters on Manitoulin Island. The majority of the file contains newspapers and newspaper clippings, but also contains an agenda for a United Chiefs and Councils of Manitoulin special assembly; a warning to all UCCM First Nation Harvesters regarding Operation Rainbow; and a United Indian Councils of the Mississauga and Chippewa Nations report "Ontario Indian Position on Ontario Game & Fish Regulations 1922".

Bruce Clark

File contains newsclippings, legal findings and other documents related to lawyer Bruce Clark and his representation of Indigenous peoples at Gustafsen Lake, and in the Temagami (Bear Island) Land Claim case.

Pop. & Bands By Treaty

File contains various census documents created by Reserves and Trusts - Indian and Inuit Affairs Program, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs. Included are:
1) Estimated Registered Indian Population by Settlement as of December 31, 1979
2) Registered Indian Population by age, sex and residence for region 3 (Ontario) districts, 1982
3) Registered Indian Population as of December 31, 1982 by Electoral District Pursuant to the 1976 Representation Order
4) Registered Indian Population by sex and residence, 1981

Border Cross Vol. II

File contains records related to the issue of First Nations border crossing rights. Included is correspondence, reports, and other related records.

11/91 IBA Conference - Montreal

File contains agenda and papers from the Indigenous Bar Association "Blessing or Curse: Provincial Role in Land Claims" conference held Nov. 1 - 2, 1991 in Montreal. Included in the file are:
1) agenda
2) handwritten notes
3) "Delgamuukw and others v. Her Majesty the Queen in Right of The Province of British Columbia and the Attorney General of Canada - Fiduciary Duty" E. Robert A. Edwards
4) National History Study Group newsletter, Oct. 1991
5) The Fiduciary Obligation: St. Catherines Milling Revisited
6) Indian Title as a "celestial institution": David Mills and the St. Catherine's Milling Case by S. Barry Cottam
7) The Metis Settlements' Accord - A Modern Treaty by Larry Chartrand
8) Indigenous Bar Association Indigenous Lawyers List, Oct. 1991
9) draft discussion paper "Aboriginal Land Issues: Federal-Provincial Problems and Practical Solutions by Mark Stevenson

Ind Act: 11/96

File contains records related to the Assembly of First Nations Chiefs' Committee on Enforcement of First Nations-Crown Relationship. Included are meeting minutes, notes, correspondence, and other materials.

Ind Act: 9-10/96

File contains records related to Indian Act Amendments by the Federal Government. Included in the file is information regarding the proposed amendments, the Assembly of First Nations Chiefs' Committee on Enforcement of First Nations-Crown Relationship and other records.

Ind. Act Govt - Vol. I - 4/95-9/96

File contains records related to amendments to the Indian Act. Included in the file is a speech by DIAND Minister Ronald Irwin; DIAND press release and accompanying proposed changes to Indian Act; and an annotated summary of DIAND's Indian Act Amendments.

INAC File 701/1-2-2-2 Vol. 2

File contains photocopies of documents from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada regarding Alberta Indian consultations on amendments to the Indian Act between 1967-1968.

AFN & BC Co-Opters 2005

File contains an agenda and accompanying materials from the Assembly of First Nations B.C. Region, First Nations Summit, and Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs special Chiefs Assembly held May 19-20, 2005. Also in the file is a letter between AFN Quebec-Labrador region and the Organization of United Reborn Survivors.

Fed Reference Group - Feb/02

File contains two documents created by the Federal Government:
1) Aboriginal Policy: Legal and Constitutional Framework, Oct. 2001
2) Renewing Treaties, Claims and Self-Government Negotiation Processes to support a "Quality of Life" Agenda - Reference Group of Ministers on Aboriginal Policy, Feb. 2002

FNG - Governance 2006

File contains "secret" advice to Minister regarding First Nations governance and an Ontario Government redacted briefing note regarding the Batchewana First Nation.

Indian Claims Commission

File contains records created by the Indian Claims Commission (ICC). Included in the file are:
1) 2 ICC information packages
2) Chippewas of the Thames First Nation report on: Clench Defalcation Inquiry
3) Mistawasis First Nation report on: 1911, 1917 and 1919 surrenders
4) ICC Annual reports for 1998/99, 1999/00 and 2000/01

Indian Claims Commission

Ontario Policies - 1970's - 1980's

File contains records related to Ontario's Land Claim and Natural Resource use policies. Included in the file are:
1) Land Claims policy analysis - Peter Di Gangi
2) correspondence re: fur trapping
3) correspondence re: commercial fisheries
4) Ministry of Natural Resources - Office of Indian Resources Policy info package
5) Grand Council Treaty #9 "Opinions - Ontario Government Policies for Dealing with Indian Land Claims"
6) correspondence re: constitutional amendments
7) correspondence re: Indian Land Claims Policies (policy statements)

1995 Ontario Election

File contains newspaper clippings regarding Ontario's Government. Also in the file are two listings - on of members of parliament and the other for members of the cabinet.

Ontario Claims Policy 2000

File contains faxed copies of the Ontario Native Affairs Secretariat land claims policy fact sheets. Included are:
1) Aboriginal Land Claims and the Federal and Provincial Governments
2) Ontario's Approach to Aboriginal Land Claims: the highlights
3) Aboriginal Land Claims and Ontario's Negotiation Process
4) Aboriginal Land Claims and Public Involvement
5) Aboriginal Land Claim Settlements

Ontario Native Affairs Secretariat

ARC: Land Claims 1991

Aboriginal Rights Coalition "Together on Turtle Island - Land Rights Information Primer" kit containing a map, Aboriginal Organizations contact list, and information booklet.

Fraser Instit. Claims 12/95

File contains announcement and copy of "Change and Choice: A Policy Vision for British Columbia - Out of Our Past: A New Perspective on Aboriginal Land Claims in British Columbia".

The Fraser Institute

BC: Economic Impact of Claims, 1996

File contains a news release, summary report and final reports by ARA Consulting Group for the Government of British Columbia. Report was titled "Social and Economic Impacts of Aboriginal Land Claim Settlements".

Litig. Updt - AFN 1990

File contains litigation related documents created by the Assembly of First Nations. Included in the file are:
1) 2 copies of memorandum "Review of Section 35 Case Law and a Discussion of Concepts that may Generate Future Dialogue on the content of Treaties and the Enforceability of Treaty Rights" - includes synopsis of some case law
2) National Committee on Treaties Litigation Update, May 1990 - Flett, Mik'maq Fishery, The Queen vs. Ireland & Jamieson, Oldman Dam, and Barriere Lake
3) National Committee on Treaties Litigation Update - analysis of potential impact of recent supreme court decisions on Aboriginal and Treaty Rights, Sparrow Case, and Sioui Case.

RCAP - Clippings

File contains newspaper and magazine clippings relating to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP) report and the reports release.

RCAP release: 11/96

File contains:
1) invitation to sunrise ceremony to commemorate the completion of commission's work
2) address for the launch of the report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (2 copies)
3) Economist article ""The Wisdom of King George"" 1996
4) Guide to the principal findings and recommendations of the final report of The Royal Commission on Aborginal Peoples
5) Assembly of First Nations response and associated materials"

Post Oka

File contains:
1) clippings and articles
2) draft discussion paper ""Alternative Approaches to First Nations Inherent, Aboriginal & Treaty Rights in Canada, Centre for Treaty Advocacy, October 17, 1990
3) Notes for statement by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney ""Canada and the 21st Century"" November 1, 1990
4) Release and accompanying materials - Citizen's Forum on Canada's Future"

White Paper - 1972

File contains correspondence and memorandums regarding issues surrounding the 1969 white paper, and Cabinet Document #747 "Developments in Indian Affairs".

Buffalo Jump, 1987-88

File contains a pamphlet "Self-Government is Treason" put out by the Confederation of Shuswap/Okanagan Action Committee; "Reveille for First Nations: The Politics of Aggression and Defence" by Walter Rudnicki; and 4 copies of a pamphlet "Recent Trends and Initiatives in Indian Affairs".

Bill C-79, 1997

File contains correspondence, notes, and multiple copies of "Notes on Bill C-79".

Liberal Policy - 4/95

File contains records relating to "secret" Liberal briefing notes on Aboriginal Policy, self-government, and Nisga'a Land Claims.

Fed. Treaty Policy - 4/95

File contains a draft of the aide-memoire regarding treaty policy. Also in the file is a press release regarding Treaty 6 talks, and a copy of the framework for discussion between the Federal Government and the Huron-Wendat Nation (Murray Treaty)

Self Govt - Fed Neg Mandate/97

File contains copies of "Guidelines for Federal Self-Government Negotiators"; a draft discussion paper "Possible consequences of Recognizing Self-Government Agreements as Treaties under section 35 of the Constitution Act; a presentation re: implementation of inherent right and negotiation of self-government; and other related records.

Audit Gen: 1991 & 94

File contains a copy of Section 14 "Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development" from the 1994 Auditor General of Canada's report to the House of Commons. File also contains some pages 19-21 from the 1991 report.

Office of the Auditor General of Canada

Program Assessment & Review, 1994

File contains records relating to Federal Government programs and assessment of those programs. Included are a Program Assessment by Peter DiGangi for the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs; newspaper clippings; a draft of "Programs, Policies and Approvals" for the RCAP Treaty Policy team; historical outline of Indian social welfare developments, 1945-1966; and Assembly of First Nations materials.

Trojan Buffalo 6/95

File contains 3 reports prepared by Peter Di Gangi. They include:
1) The "Trojan Buffalo"? Inherent Right, Federal Policy and the Bureaucracy: A Situational Analysis
2) Crown - First Nation Intergovernmental Relations: Politics, Policy and Bureaucracies
3) Federal Program Assessment and Review: Buffalo Jump II?

Di Gangi, Peter

Self Govt Vol. II 1991

File contains what appears to be a workbook of information from the Chiefs' Governance Working Group. Included in the workbook are:
1) Approach to First Nations Government: Governance
2) The Mawiw Council of Chiefs proposal respecting the exploration, development and negotiation of an "Indian Court System"
3) Governance Community-Level Constitution chart
4) Governance
5) Building Blocks Towards Constitutionalizing First Nations Self-Government
6) Chiefs' Governance Working Group Chairman's Working paper on Leadership Selection - Draft #1
7) Chiefs' Governance Working Group Chairman's Discussion Paper on Process
8) Chiefs' Governance Working Group Chairman's Discussion Paper: Need for a Communication Strategy
9) Chiefs' Governance Working Group Chairman's Discussion Paper: Objectives and Means in Changing Crown-First Nations Relationship
10) Concept paper Training Element for Inclusion to Work Plans
11) Discussion paper - Leadership Selection
12) Proposal on Accountability
13) Proposal for First Nations Governance Issue: Legal Status and Capacity
14) A Framework for a Leadership Selection Act (by Voting)
15) Principles Guiding the Development of Alternatives to the Indian Act
16) Chiefs' Governance Working Group status report
17) Leadership Selections Act (draft)

Gov. Vol. III: 92-93

File contains correspondence, a copy of the Chiefs' Governance Working Group Report, The Constitution and Self-Government information, and other records relating to self-governance.

Taxation/GST: 1989-91

File contains records regarding taxation and introduction of the GST. Included is correspondence and accompanying materials, court case documentation; Report - First annual report of the Indian Taxation Advisory Board 1989/90; An Information Guide for Indian and Native Businesses on the Impact of GST; and the ABC's of GST and Indians.

Taxation - Jan/93

File contains 2 copies of "A Working Paper on Indian Government Taxation"; story from the Manitoba Law Journal "Taxation of Aboriginals in Canada" by Howard L. Morry; memos from Ovide Mercredi, National Chief Assembly of First Nations re: taxation issues planning committee meetings; and court decision in Williams v. Canada.

Tax/Ec Dev - AFN 01/1990

Assembly of First Nations Chiefs' Economic Committee Council Fire: Managing Economic and Business Issues.

Taxation Conf. Whistler, 1991

Brochure and highlights report from the Indian Governments and Tax: a conference exploring the nature and powers of tax, held November 12-15, 1991 in Whistler, British Columbia.

Taxation - Nov. 1993

File contains a variety of papers and reports related to taxation. Included are:
1) "A First Nations Province" executive summary, Thomas J. Courchene and Lisa M. Powell
2) "A taxation potential estimate for the Le Pas First Nation".
3) "Judgement Day - the link between taxation jurisdiction and economic development for First Nations" by Andre Le Dressay, Indian Taxation Advisory Board
4) "Indian Government taxes and Services in British Columbia - alternatives under Bill C-115 and Bill 64" by Robert L. Bish, Eric G. Clemens, and Hector G. Topham
5) "Some Short Answers to Some Tough Tax Questions" Indian Taxation Advisory Board
6) "Taxation of Aboriginals in Canada" Howard L. Morry
7) Parliamentary Alert newsletter Vol. 12, No. 4 February 3, 1994

Financing - Goss Gilroy

File contains copies of reports created by Goss Gilroy Inc. for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. The two reports are "Federal, Territorial and Provincial Expenditures relating to Aboriginal Peoples" and "Report on Assignment 2 The Costs of Policy and Program Failure". Also in the file is a working draft of a report "Current Practices in Financing Aborignal Government" by Torben Drewes and Harry Kitchen of Trent University.

GST Harmonization 4/96

File contains record relating to Canadian sales tax harmonization. Included is the booklet "Towards Replacing the Goods and Services Tax".

AFA Jan 1986 - Native Funding

File contains records relating to the Government of Canada's Alternative Funding Arrangements for First Nations. In the file are and Alternative Funding Arrangements Managers Guide; New Indian Funding Arrangement Implementation strategy; and a copy of the agreement between the Federal Government and the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation.

FTA: DIA Evaluation - 10/96

File contains a copy of the Interim Evaluation of the Experiences to date with Financial Transfer Arrangements.

FTA - 5/96

File contains agreements and other records related to Financial Transfer Agreements (FTA). Included in the file are:
1) draft 4 - January 18, 1996 of a Financial Transfer Agreement
2) Financial Transfer Arrangments management assessment workbook
3) Discussion paper on Accountability
4) Financial Transfer Agreement between the Federal Government and the Wagmatcook Band
5) Blank annotated FTA

UCCM: Health 6/95

File contains records pertaining to the Health Services Transfer agreement between the Federal Government and United Chiefs and Councils of Manitoulin (UCCM). Included are a copy of the agreement; UCCM report; news clippings; and other materials.

Non-Insured Health

File contains a records relating to non-insured health benefits )NIHB) for First Nations peoples. Included are: a newspaper "First Nations Health Bulletin" Vol. 1 No. 2, published by the Assembly of First Nations; Health Canada 1995-1996 Annual report on NIHB program analysis division; a 2 page paper "Issues pertaining to the transfer of non-insured health benefits"; "Non-Insured Health Services: The Saskatchewan Experience, a paper to be delivered at the BEC meeting by Duane Adams; and a Federal Government Aide de Memoire pertaining to non-insured health benefits for status Indians and Inuit.

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