


Bereik aantekeningen

ron aantekeningen

  • Library of Congress Subject Headings

Toon aantekening(en)

Hiërarchische termen


Gelijksoortige termen


Verwante termen


283 Archivistische beschrijving results for Men

283 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

A.T. Orr

Item features two portraits side by side of same man in different outfits. Black text below photographs reads, 'A.T. Orr c/o Jerry Lodge Associates Ltd. 105 Carlton St, Toronto, 2, Ont. 363-0022'

Beniamino Gigli

Item is a publicity portrait of Beniamino Gigli, an Italian operatic singer who sang for many Italian opera companies and debuted for the Metropolitan Opera in 1920. He is shown in profile, with one foot resting upon a chair. Black ink inscription on surface of photograph reads, 'Bgigli Montreal 1925'


Portrait of two young men, one in a sailor suit

Item is a grey coloured cabinet card with silver embossing. Photograph of two young men in front of a studio backdrop showing a classical arch and palm fronds, affixed to a grey card. Man on left is seated, wearing a suit and bow tie. Man on right wears a sailor style suit, and appears again in 2005.001.102. Embossed on bottom edge of card, in silver, "The Royal Photo Co./ 12 Shacklewell Lane/ Kingsland, N.E." On verso, at top left in pencil, "3-". Kingsland N.E. was the name of a village that has now been adopted by the Dalston Junction in the Borough of Hackney, London, U.K.

The Royal Photo Co.

[Portrait of Canadian WWI army officer in uniform]

Item is a cream coloured bi-fold card (3 flaps) with an embossed ribbon on the front flap at lower right. Inside, a vignetted photograph of a man in Canadian army uniform, with a badge on his right shoulder labeled "Toronto". The back of the photograph is stamped "HALKSWORTH WHEELER/ 109A SANDGATE ROAD./ FOLKESTONE". This is handwritten on the front of the photograph, and the date August 1917 is written on the card.

Wheeler, Halksworth

[Portrait of a man]

Item is an ambrotype photograph in a velvet-lined thermoplastic union case, showing a male sitter. A stamp on the inside back cover beneath the ambrotype plate gives the manufacturer of the case: "Littlefield, Parsons & Co.,/ Sole Manufacturers of / UNION CASES,/ with/ Embracing Riveted Hinge./ PATENTED/ October 14, 1856, & April 21, 1857."

Littlefield, Parsons & Co.

[Portrait of a man]

Item is an ambrotype photograph in a velvet-lined thermoplastic union case, showing a male sitter in front of a studio backdrop. The case was intended for use with 1/4 plate daguerreotypes, as indicated by the manufacturer's stamp on the inside back cover beneath the ambrotype plate: "Littlefield, Parsons & Co.,/ MANUFACTURERS OF/ Daguerrotype Cases./ L., P. & Co., are the sole/ Proprietors and only legal Manu-/ facturers of UNION CASES, with the/ Embracing Riveted Hinge./ Patented October 14, 1856,/ and April 21, 1857."

Littlefield, Parsons & Co.

[Portrait of a man]

Item is an example of an ambrotype with broken glass and worn coloured backing. Ambrotype is in a velvet-lined thermoplastic union case, showing a male sitter in front of a studio backdrop. The case was intended for use with 1/6 plate daguerreotypes, as indicated by the manufacturer's stamp on the inside back cover beneath the ambrotype plate: "Littlefield, Parsons & Co.,/ MANUFACTURERS OF/ Daguerrotype Cases./ L., P. & Co., are the sole/ Proprietors and only legal Manu-/ facturers of UNION CASES, with the/ Embracing Riveted Hinge./ Patented October 14, 1856,/ and April 21, 1857."

Littlefield, Parsons & Co.

[Portrait of man with round glasses]

Item is potentially made of celluloid. It is a large photographic button, that had a stand like a frame. Image is a portrait of a man, with glasses and mustache, wearing a suit and tie. Image is brown/red hue, like sepia. Verso is metal, plated gold with the inscription "Columbia Medallion Studios Chicago." Unable to locate this studio, or find any information on it.

[8x10 Nitrate Negative]

Item is a nitrate 8x10 negative. Inscription on negative "Eastman - Nitrate - Kodak 137." Nitrate film was manufactured between 1887 and 1950, but Notman studios operated until 1936, and this negative was housed in a Notman envelope. Image is a portrait of a man with a mustache, with the background completely blocked out (painted in opaque red paint), and his face has been touched up with pencil. The man's face is closely cropped, to one side. Unidentified man.

William Notman & Son

[Photographic portrait pendant]

Item is a piece of photographic jewelry, a pendant with makeshift loop at top for chain. Very detailed gold plated metal pendant with glass image in centre. Image is adhered beneath a rectangular piece of glass, brown colour. Image is a portrait of a man standing, in a top hat and suit and bow tie. The glass is adhered to the centre of the piece.

[Three men in suits]

Item is a snapshot cyanotype image featuring a portrait of three men, two are standing and one is sitting, inside a library of a house or an office space. All three are turned to the camera, all are wearing suit jackets,vests and ties. The two men standing have beards.

[H.M.C.S. sailor]

Item is a cyanotype image featuring a portrait of a man dressed in the Canadian Navy uniform, on his hat is written H.M.C.S. He stands in what looks like the back yard or garden of a house. Paper is very thin.

[Portrait of a man]

Item is a brown hinged case with daguerreotype inside, held in with a brass mat, cover glass and brass preserver. Opens with metal clasps. Inside cover is a soft red velvet cushion with detail of flowers. Red cloth frames image side too. Image is of a man looking directly at camera. He has long sideburns that come down to under his chin, and hair in a high wave off his forehead, similar to the hairstyles of the 1840s. His cheeks are tinted pink. He wears a checked suit with matching vest.

[Portrait of a couple]

Item is a loose daguerreotype in a frame with cover glass and brass matt, no case. Image is of a man and woman seated. Man wears a suit with vest and white shirt with black bowtie. The woman wears a dark dress with white bonnet and bow tied under her chin.

[Portrait of a man]

Item is a hinged black case with ambrotype inside. However, hinge is now gone and both front and back covers are loose. Held close with two metal clasps. Inside front cover has a red velvet soft cushion with some leaf details. Gold details outside edges of black case. Brass matt and brass preserver around ambrotype, but no cover glass. Image is a portrait of a man facing camera. Beards grows along side and under chin, with hair long and parted on the side. Cheeks are tinted pink.

[Portrait of a man]

Item is a black cased ambrotype. Closes with one metal clasp. Inside cover has a gold velvet soft cushion. Image side has brass matt and brass preserver with cover glass. Brass matt inscription on recto "Ambrotype July 4 & 11 185-,". Ambrotype is an image of a man, seated, wears a dark suit with vest and checked bow tie. Has a beard that grows down sides of face to under chin. Cheeks tinted pink.

[Portrait of a man and woman]

Item is a daguerreotype framed in cover glass and brass preserver, but no case. Image is of a man and woman. Woman wears a white bonnet with bow tied under her chin. Man wears a suit with double breasted vest and bow tie. He has a can between his legs.

[Portrait of man and infant]

Item is a cased ambrotype, but front cover is gone leaving image side uncovered. Black case with metal clasp. Image side has brass mat, cover glass and sof brass preserver. Image is of a man with glasses seated and holding a child who is standing up on a chair. The child has one hand on the man's chest. The man has a beard. Both their cheeks are tinted pink.

[Portrait of three men outside]

Item is a cased tintype. Has a metal loop at side which suggests it's not a closed case, but more a frame. No front cover. Image has a brass mat, a cover glass and a soft brass preserver. Image is of three seated men leaning against a wall of a house, with wood siding. One on left wears a top hat and dark suit, with a long beard and mustach. The one in the middle has on a suit with jacket, vest and a chain watch and a hat. He has a cigarette in his mouth and a cane leaning against his legs. The one on the right wears a bowler hat, with suit jacket, vest and tie and holds a cane in his hands. He has a long mustach.

[Portrait of a man in a hat]

Item is a daguerreotype framed in brass matt, cover glass and brass preserver, but no case. Image is of a man with a mustache and a hat. He's wearing a dark suit with vest and silk tie tied in a bow. Looks as though the daguerreotype has been removed from its case.

[Portrait of a couple, arms entwined]

Item is an unmounted portrait of a man and woman, sitting side by side, woman's arm through the man's. She is holding a book on her lap. He has a hand inside his vest and one on his knee. Both are looking directly at camera. Both their cheeks are tinted pink. Brooche, rings and tie clips are painted in gold. Background is of a window and bookshelves.

[Portrait of John Lonctot's father]

Item is a tintype, loose from mount. Cream card-frame with gold details and oval opening. Handwritten on back of card-frame "Probably the father of Uncle John Lonctot." Tintype is portrait of a man with beard and mustache. Hair is standing up on left side, like he has just removed a hat. He stares a camera. He wears a suit jacket and vest, no tie. White shirt underneath. Cheeks are tinted pink. All four corners are angled off.

Mr and Mrs Neil Gardiner

Item has a yellow cardboard frame with tintype held in by three black photo corners. Handwritten in black ink on the yellow cardboards is "Mr and Mrs Neil Gardiner "Sister of Geo. Kimber." Tintype is a studio portrait of a couple, potentially Mr and Mrs Neil Gardiner. The man is sitting with arm on armrest, the other in his lap. The woman is standing beside him. He is wearing a suit jacket with vest and watch chain and bowler hat. She is wearing a coat, buttoned up and a hat with an ostrich feather. The tintype is rounded at the top and bottom edges. Both style hats suggest the image was taken in the 1880s.

[Portrait of a man in fedora]

Item has a cream card-frame with green details of ivy around square opening. Edges of card mount are rounded out, like bubbles. Tintype is a portrait of a man standing on a sidewalk outdoors. He wears a suit jacket, vest and tie with high white collar and fedora hat. There are people in the background, walking on the sidewalk, and what looks like a car parked beside him. You cannot make out any details in his face. He wears something on his lapel, maybe a handkerchief in his breast pocket. Image dated in the 1930s due to the popularity of the fedora in this decade.

Ferdinand, Daytona Beach Florida

Title taken from card-frame. The bull in the picture with the name Ferdinand on the card-frame could be referencing the children story of Ferdinand The Bull from 1935, made into a cartoon in 1938 by Walt Disney - this would potentially date the image from after 1938. The tintype is an image of a bull with a man sitting on its back, arms in the air and holding two guns. Another man stands beside the bull, in sunglasses and a hat. They seem to be standing on a beach.

[Portrait of a couple]

Item is an unmounted studio portrait of a man sitting and a woman standing with her hand on his shoulder. The man sitting rests an arm on the table and one in his lap. The woman is wearing a dress with layers in fashion during the 1870s. Her hair is tight curls fringing her head in fashion after 1876. The studio backdrop is of an interior. The man's feet are crossed. A book rests on the table. All four corners are angled off.

[Portrait of two men]

Item is an unmounted studio portrait of two men sitting on the same wood bench, facing the camera. They look stiff and posed. Their arms rest on the armrest and on their laps. They both wear suit and tie, with only the top button done on the jacket. Their cheeks are tinted pink. The top and bottom left corners are angled off.Man on left with blond hair looks like the man in 2008.001.1833 - not sure if same person.

[Portrait of two men with pipes]

Item is an unmounted studio portrait of two men seated, with a flowered curtain behind them, and a plaid carpet at their feet. Both men have facial hair. Both are wearing hats, and are holding pipes - man on right holds it in his mouth, and on left in his hands. One on right has a bandaged finger on his left hand. Man on left has his legs crossed, and is holding something white in his right hand, pipe in his left. White sticker on back of tintype with the letter 'c' written on it.

[Portrait of couple]

Item is an unmounted studio portrait of a man seated, and a woman standing with her hand on his shoulder. The background is simple, no colour or decoration. Armrest of chair man sits in, is fringed.

[Portrait of a man and woman]

Item is an unmounted studio portrait of a woman standing, and a man sitting. The woman is turned to the man, who is facing the camera. She is holding a book and he is sitting with his legs crossed, one hand on his lap, and the other on the armrest. The studio backdrop is of a tree. Her dress with the bustle and slim sleeves and her soft curly bangs are in keeping with fashion of the 1880s. All four corners of the tintype are angled off.

[Portrait of a man in costume]

Item is an unmounted portrait of a man standing against a studio backdrop of a castle in the mountains with a lake and flowers in foreground. He right arm is held behind his back, the left one hangs at his side. His feet are apart, and he wears dark slippers with dark leotards. His shirt hangs down to mid-thigh, and is fringed around the bottom and at the sleeves. It has a pattern of leaves on it. He is blond, and his cheeks are tinted pink. He stands still with the aid of a body stand. Top and bottom left corners angled off.

[Group portrait with a car]

Item is an unmounted group portrait of four men and one woman sitting in a car. It is believed to be a Ford Model A car dating from 1903 which is how the photograph is dated. All four men are wearing bowlers hats, and suits with jackets and ties. Woman is wearing a large hat with flowers. Man behind wheel and another in backseat both have mustaches. Studio backdrop. Black band across top of image.

[Portrait of two men facing each other]

Item is an unmounted studio portrait of two men, both seated and turned toward each other, but not looking at each other. Both wearing dark frock coat with white shirts, no ties. One on left has a mustach. Both cheeks are inted pink. Man on right has his arm on armrest, and the other one on his knee. Varnish coating gives tintype a brownish colouring. Studio background looks like a fireplace.

[Portrait of a seated man with framed photograph and hat on table]

Item is an unmounted studio portrait of a seated man, his right arm resting on a table, his legs crossed. On the table is his hat, and a framed photograph of a woman standing, though unrecognizable (possibly mourning portrait). Table is quite ornate, as is the armoir in the background. Carpet is flowered. He is well dressed in a dark frock coat, with a white high-collared shirt and tie. He has a mustach and his cheeks are tinted pink. The hat is perhaps a boater hat, straw with a wide black band and trim. Due to frock coat and hat dated after 1870s. All four corners are rouned off.

[Portrait of man and woman]

Item is an unmounted portrait of a man seated and a woman standing with her left arm resting on back of his chair. There is a table in front of her, beside him with a book on it. She also holds a book, that is resting on the table. She wears a hat and shirtwaist with buttons, the sleeves are puffy which are in keeping with fashion of the 1890s. She wears a brooch at her neck. He is sitting with his legs crossed, his body rurned away from the camera, but his face looking right at camera. He holds a scroll in his hand, and wears a sash of somesort across his chest. He looks very pleased with himself. Both their cheeks are tinted pink. Top corners angled off, and bottom edge is curved.

[Group portrait of five men]

Item is an unmounted studio group portrait of five men, three seated and two standing. Two of those seated have legs crossed, the other is seated on an armrest. Man standing behind seated man on armrest, has his hand on his shoulder. Two of the faces are blurry from movement during exposure. One man on left and centre man (both seated) have handkerchief in breast pocket. All are wearing suits, with jakets and vest, bowties, hats and chain watches. Top left corner is angled off.

[Two men smoking]

Item is an unmounted studio portrait of two men, seated and smoking pipes. Both have facial hair, and are wearing hats and jackets. Casual pose, man on right has legs crossed and looks at camera. Man on left looks away from the camera, and leans in his chair, arm resting on the back. Both men's cheeks are tinted pink.

[Portrait of two men outdoors]

Item is an umounted portrait of two men in suits and hats, sitting on rocks outdoors. Not studio setting. Man on left holds a cane with both hands resting on it, with a ring on his finger, cigar in his mouth, chain watch, suit with vest and tie and hat. Man on right sits with legs crossed, one hand in his pocket and other across his lap, cigar in mouth and suit with vest and tie and chain watch and hat.

[Portrait of two men with a book]

Item is an unmounted studio portrait of two men. One on right is wearing a top hat (tilted to left side), with a black suit and striped pants. He has a big handlebar moustach, cigar in his mouth, open book in his lap and his legs are crossed. The man on the left has a cigar in his mouth, and is wearing a hat, with black suite. His legs are crossed and both hands rest on his lap, with his left arm resting on a table. Both their cheeks are tinted pink.

[Two men in top hats]

Item is an unmounted studio portrait of two young men, dressed in black suit jackets, with top hats. They are sitting side by side, one on right is holding an umbrella, and one on left a can. Dressed in gentleman's attire. Two top corners are angled off.

[Photograph of a photograph]

Item is an unmounted tintype is a photograph of a photograph of an older couple. Original photograph is in a decorative frame/case (daguerreotype or ambrotype?), and it is a studio portrait of a man and woman, sitting side by side, looking straight out at the camera, hands folded in lap. Woman wears a white bonnet and checked dress. Clothing of sitters suggest that original photograph dates from the 1850s. Handwriting on the back in pencil, not able to decipher.

[Portrait of a seated man]

Item is an unmounted studio portrait of a young man, seated in a chair. His posture is very casual, his chin resting in his hand, legs crossed. He leans low in the chair. The studio backdrop is of a fireplace and plants. There is carpet underneath him. He is wearing a hat with no brim, vest, bowtie, suit jacket and striped pants. Three corners are cut off at an angle. His cheeks are hand painted.

[Two men posed with fists up]

Item is an unmounted tintype featuring an image of two men posed in studio, with their fists up in imitation of a fight. They face each other, man on right has a pipe in his mouth. He is wearing a long coat, tall hat with a coloured flower in it.Man on left has a pink spot near his mouth. Studio backdrop is of a mountain, plants, water. Sticker on the back of tintype says "$4.00."

Portrait of A Edleman(?)

Item consists of a photograph mounted on cream card with decoratively frayed edges. Handwritten note at bottom right of image on card in brown ink, "Alf./ A tough old mug/ for your Rogues Gallery/ A Edleman(?)" Embossed at bottom centre of card, Canadian shield with the text "NFB" above and "Canada" below. Photograph shows a man in military uniform seated behind a desk..

Portrait of Lauren(?) Druehl

Item consists of a photograph mounted on cream card with decoratively frayed edges. Handwritten note at bottom right of image on card in black ink, "To my friend 'Alf' Martin/ P Lauren(?) Druehl" Photograph shows a man in dark suit with pinstriped shirt. Underneath the text, embossed in the card, "RICE/ MONTREAL". On verso, handwritten in pencil, "65769".

Rice Studio

Portrait of W. A. Harrison

Item consists of a photograph mounted on cream card with decoratively frayed edges. Handwritten note at bottom right of image in blue ink, "To my Friend,/ Alf Martin/ W. A. Harrison". Photograph shows a man in light checked suit.

Portrait of Ed Auselle(?)

Item consists of a photograph mounted on cream card with decoratively frayed edges. Handwritten note at bottom of image on card in black ink, "With Best Wishes/ Sincerely/ Ed Auselle(?)" Photograph is portrait of a man in suit and tie, turned 3/4, against dark background.

Portrait of Phil Mal--m(?)

Item consists of a photograph mounted on cream card with decoratively frayed edges. Handwritten note at bottom right corner of image in black ink, "Best regards has(?) to/ my friend Alf/ Phil Mal--m/ 1944" In white, at bottom left of image, "Don Baltim-". In pencil, at bottom right of image on card, "Sufters(?)-Colmer(?)/ Vancouver BC." Photograph is portrait of a man in checkered suit with pince-nez.

Portrait of Wals(?)

Item consists of a photograph mounted on cream card with decoratively frayed edges. Handwritten note at bottom of image on card, in black ink, "Alf, Kindest regards./ Wals(?)." At left, Toronto photographer's stamp in gold, "Ballard & Jarrett". Photograph shows a man in wool suit with patterned tie.

Ballard and Jarrett

Portrait of Victor Goggin

Item consists of a photograph mounted on cream card with decoratively frayed edges. Handwritten note at bottom right of image in blue ink, "If you get your just/ deserts(sic) I will be/ satisfied - and you ought/ to be./ Victor Goggin/ 24.9.45" light wool suit with glasses and diamond patterned tie.

Portrait of T. A. Brown

Item consists of a photograph mounted on cream card with decoratively frayed edges. Handwritten note at bottom of image on card in black ink, "To my friend/ Alf Martin, with all regards/ T. A. Brown." Photographer's stamp to the right, "J. Alex Castonguay". Photograph is portrait of a man in suit and tie, blurred, against dark background.

Castonguay, Joseph Alex, 1877-1972

Portrait of a man

Item consists of a cream coloured card with photograph of a man in plain suit with paisley tie in profile. Handwritten in pencil at the bottom right edge of the image, "Nussbaumer/ 98." On verso, also in pencil, "$10.00".

Portrait of an old man

Item is a black cabinet card with gold border and gold letterpress at bottom edge, "Wynne S. Smith, Painesville, Ohio." Photograph is a blurred portrait of a man with mismatched trousers and jacket and holding a walking stick. He is seated on steps.

Wynne S. Smith

Portrait of two young men in parlour, with photograph of a girl

Item consists of a white card with scalloped edges and silver embossed text along the right side, "Dunham/ PORTRAITS/ BELMOND,/ IOWA." The word 'portraits' is encircled by a graphic showing an artist's brushes and palettes. Photograph shows two young men seated in a parlour (painted backdrop). The man on the left leans over the chair of the man seated on the right who holds a card photograph in his hand of a woman. On verso, handwritten in ink "Patsy Burke" and "3".

Portrait of Wiliam(sic) Stoughton

Item is a pink cabinet card with brown letterpress at bottom edge. On the left, "Phipps" and on the right "NEW CASTLE, PA." In the centre, a design with the letters "A" "W" and "P" intertwined. Photograph is a vignetted portrait of an old man with a long white beard in a wool sack coat and matching waistcoat. On verso, interlace border lithographed in brown ink, and another intertwined letter design, the same as on the recto. This graphic is followed by the text "ARTISTIC/ Photographer/ A. W. Phipps/ 72 1/2 WASHINGTON ST./ NEW CASTLE,/ PA." Handwritten in blue ink at the top edge, "Wiliam(sic) Stoughton/ My Mother's father/ Clara W. Soughton Ellis".


Portrait of Dr. Jim (or John?) Wallace

Item is a beige cabinet card with gold scalloped edges and brown letterpress at bottom edge, "A. W. Phipps, NEW CASTLE, PA." Photograph is a portrait of a man in suit with high collar. On verso, a design with flowers, brushes, and the text "INSTANTAENOUS/ PORTRAITS/ OF CHILDREN/ A SUCCESSFUL/ SPECIALITY./ ARTISTIC/ PHOTOGRAPHY/ A. W. Phipps,/ 6 1/2 Washington Street,/ NEW CASTLE, PA./ DUPLICATES CAN BE/ PROCURED/ AT ANY TIME." Handwritten in blue ink at the top edge, "Dr. Jim or ? John Wallace/ Louise Miller's Grandfather".


Portrait of a man with statue of a horse and rider with prey from the hunt

Item is a brown cabinet card with gold letterpress at bottom edge, "Dixon/ COR. KING & YONGE STS./ Toronto." Photograph shows a man standing next to a small statue of a horse and rider, the rider holds a fox or small animal upside down while two dogs at the horse's feet jump up at it. On verso, also in gold letterpress, "ELECTRIC LIGHT PHOTO GALLERIES" followed by a design with front and back of a medal by the Industrial Exhibition Association of Toronto. Text continues "Highest Award at Toronto, Kingston and Hamilton/ S. J. Dixon/ Member of the Photographer's Association of America/ ALL PHOTOS MADE WITH THE NEW PROCESS/ No Change of Expression. The Exposure is but One/ Second./ STUDIOS/ CORNER/ KING AND YONGE STREETS AND CORNER/ YONGE & TEMPERANCE STS./ TORONTO".

Dixon, Samuel J.

Portrait of a man

Item is a white card with raised oval photograph of a man with a thick beard seated profile. On verso, photographer's stamp lithographed in gold, "W. NOTMAN" with the Royal Crest at the centre and a ribbon wrapping that which reads "PHOTOGRAPHER TO/ HER MAJESTY" followed by the locations of studios in "MONTREAL/ OTTAWA/ TORONTO/ & HALIFAX". At four corners of the design are images of medals, which read clockwise from top left, "LONDON" "1862/ LONDINE/ HONORIS/ CAUSA/ 1862" "1867" and "NAPOLEON III EMPEROR/ PARIS".

Notman, William

Portrait of a man

Item is a white card with raised oval photograph of a man with a thick beard. On verso, photographer's stamp lithographed in gold, "W. NOTMAN" with the Royal Crest at the centre and a ribbon wrapping that which reads "PHOTOGRAPHER TO/ HER MAJESTY" followed by the locations of studios in "MONTREAL/ OTTAWA/ TORONTO/ &/ HALIFAX". At four corners of the design are images of medals, which read clockwise from top left, "LONDON" "1862/ LONDINE/ HONORIS/ CAUSA/ 1862" "1867" and "NAPOLEON III EMPEROR/ PARIS". Handwritten in black ink at bottom, "Taken 2/72". Handwritten very lightly at the top of the card, "70710".

William Notman & Son

Portrait of John Akin, Esq.

Item is a cream card with gold letterpress at bottom edge "NOTMAN & FRASER TORONTO ONT". Photograph is a portrait of a man with a thick beard seated in an upholstered chair holding a piece of paper on his knee. On verso, photographer's stamp lithographed in gold, "W. NOTMAN" with the Royal Crest at the centre and a ribbon wrapping that which reads "PHOTOGRAPHER TO/ HER MAJESTY" followed by the locations of studios in "MONTREAL/ OTTAWA/ &/ TORONTO". At four corners of the design are images of medals, which read clockwise from top left, "LONDON" "1862/ LONDINE/ HONORIS/ CAUSA/ 1862" "1867" and "NAPOLEON III EMPEROR/ PARIS". Handwritten in black ink across top, "J Akin Esq./ Montreal" and at the bottom of card "Recd Nov 22nd 1869."

Notman & Fraser

Portrait of a man in a fur hat and coat

Item is a white card with raised oval photograph of a man with a thick beard seated profile. He wears a thick fur hat and fur suit coat. On verso, photographer's stamp lithographed in gold, "W. NOTMAN" with the Royal Crest at the centre and a ribbon wrapping that which reads "PHOTOGRAPHER TO/ HER MAJESTY" followed by the locations of studios in "MONTREAL/ OTTAWA/ TORONTO/ & HALIFAX". At four corners of the design are images of medals, which read clockwise from top left, "LONDON" "1862/ LONDINE/ HONORIS/ CAUSA/ 1862" "1867" and "NAPOLEON III EMPEROR/ PARIS". Handwritten lightly at top edge, "70147".

Notman, William

Portrait of a smiling man

Item is a black card with gold embossed lettering at the bottom of the card reading "Squiers./ 9 Frances RD/ EDGBASTON." The photograph is a vignetted portrait of a man with a thick mustache with his eyes scrunched up in a laugh.

Portrait of a man in aureole card

Item consists of a photograph of a man, from the side, wearing a dark jacket, white dress shirt and white tie. The round photograph is set inside a square mount with scalloped edges and embossed vine motifs. On verso, in red letterpress, " 'AUREOLE' CARDS/ PATENT APPLIED FOR".

Portrait of a man outdoors

Item is a light grey card with photograph of a man holding a piece of paper(?) and standing outdoors. Image is vignetted and trees are blurred in background. Man has a suit jacket and starched white collar, and white mutton chops.

Portrait of a man seated on the edge of a desk

Item consists of a photograph of a man in suit and tie, possibly a velvet jacket with striped pant. He is seated on the edge of a desk, with a studio backdrop of trees behind him. The photo is mounted on a postcard backing with the text "POST CARD" and a line delineating space for correspondence and address. At the upper right, a diamond design with the word "DEFENDER" printed twice designates the space for the stamp. At the very bottom, "Printed in U.S.A."

Portrait of two young men

Item consists of a photograph of two young men in front of a studio backdrop. The boy on the left sits in a wooden chair and wears a pinstriped suit of a light colour. The boy on the right is perched on the arm of the chair and leans over with an arm around the other boy. He wears a plain dark suit with striped tie. The photo is mounted on a postcard backing with the text "POST CARD" and a line delineating space for correspondence and address. At the far right, printed sideways, "Riley Bros, Cresshills."

Portrait of a man

Item is a cream coloured card with thin brown border and brown letterpress at the bottom edge, "A. W. STEELE/ LEITH". Photograph is a vignetted portrait of a man in sack coat and tie. On verso, pink card backing is lithographed with a ribbon containing the text "PERSEVERE" and the design of a tall ship with a lady at the centre. Below, the letters "A" "W" and "S" are intertwined. The bottom half of the card contains the text "A. W. STEELE/ FINE ART & PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO,/ 8, Bernard Street,/ LEITH./ Copies may be had/ PORTRAITS ENLARGED OR DIMINISHED/ COLORING ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED/ Marion Imp Paris".

Portrait of a man next to writing desk

Item is a white card with black letterpress at bottom edge, "BEVAN,/ LOWESTOFT." Photograph is of a man dressed in long, double breasted coat holding a quill in his hand and leaning on a writing desk. Studio backdrop features a column with view to conservatory at right. On verso, photographer's stamp in the design of an artist's palette with brushes contains the text "H.W. BEVAN,/ PORTRAIT PAINTER/ AND PHOTOGRAPHER,/ LOWESTOFT."

Henry William Bevan

Portrait of William J(?)

Item is a cream coloured card with photograph mounted on the diagonal to create a diamond-shaped presentation. Photograph is a vignetted portrait of a young man with starched collar pressed back into "wings" and wearing a double-breasted wool coat with a floral boutonniere. On verso, handwritten in black ink, "April 19" 1895/ WmJ."

Portrait of a man with beard

Item is a cream coloured card featuring a vignetted portrait of a man with a thick beard and balding, wearing a sack coat and shirtwaist with high collar and thin, dark tie. On verso, photographer's stamp in black ink, diagonally, "New Dominion Fine Art Gallery./ F. G. LEWIS,/ West Side of Thames Street, Ingersoll, Ontario./ NEGATIVES PRESERVED."

F. G. Lewis

Portrait of a young man in velvet and lace suit

Item is a white carte-de-visite featuring a full length portrait photograph of a young man dressed in velvet suit jacket trimmed in lace with matching trousers that cut above the knee and have been extended down with a long lace frill. Black stockings complete what was typically a child's dress costume known as a Fauntleroy suit. He stands in front of a studio backdrop showing a doorway, and at his feet the base of a headrest is visible behind him. On verso, an elaborate lithographed design in green with the text "DORION & DELORME/ PHOTOGRAPHERS/ D & D/ 140 SPARKS ST./ OTTAWA./ ONTARIO." Someone has drawn through the image with blue pen in a zig-zag.

Dorion & Delorme

Portrait of Roy Hoak

Item consists of a cream coloured cabinet card with gold letterpress at bottom. At the left the text "Brown" is surrounded by a design of artist's palette and brushes. On the right, "STERLING, ILL./ 10 EAST THIRD ST." Photograph is a portrait of a young man in high starched collar with a vertical stripe and a floral embroidered ascot. He wears an open jacket and waistcoat. On verso, handwritten in blue ink, "Roy Hoak".


Portrait of Everett Gould

Item consists of a white cabinet card with embossed gold text at bottom "Carlsou/ SYCAMORE, / ILLS." A design with the letters "F" "M" and "C" intertwined is at the bottom centre. Photograph is a portrait taken from the side of a man with beard and moustache, white starched collar pressed into "wings" and a white tie. On verso, design printed in blue of croxx and flowers with scroll at centre. Design features the text "Carlsou/ PHOTOGRAPHER/ SYCAMORE,/ Ills./ Duplicates/ can be had/ at any/ Time./ COPYING AND ENLARGING/ A SPECIALTY./ 1893." Handwritten in pencil at the top edge, "Everett Gould" and in brown ink at the right side, "Property of/ Dorothy E. Higby."

Carlsou Photographer

Portrait of John Montgomery

Item consists of a white cabinet card with embossed silver text at bottom, "Lee" and "YORK/ NEB." with the design of an artist's palette and brushes at the centre surrounding the text "SUPERIOR/ FINISH". Photograph is a portrait of a man with high collared white shirt and patterened tie with open jacket. On verso, handwritten in pencil, "John Montgomery" and in brown ink, at right, "This picture/ belongs to/ Dorothy Higby".

Lee Photography

Portrait of O. S. Higby

Item consists of a white cabinet card with gold letterpress at bottom edge with small half-sun design border. "Henderson,/ Artist/ LINCOLN AVE.,/ YORK, NEB." Handwriting in blue ink partially obscuring lettering at bottom of card, "O.S. Higby". Photograph is a vignetted portrait of a man with moustache and wide silk tie.


Portrait of John Helms

Item is a green cabinet card with white embossed design of wreath and ribbon at bottom, with text "BROWN/ STERLING, ILL." and a design at centre with the letters "E" "B" and "C" intertwined. Photograph is a portrait of a man with wide silk tie and a high collar pressed back into "wings". On verso, handwritten in blue ink, "John Helms".


Portrait of Albert Johnson

Item is a white cabinet card with gold letterpress at bottom. At the left the text "Brown" is surrounded by a design of artist's palette and brushes. On the right, "STERLING, ILL./ 10 EAST THIRD ST." Photograph is a portrait of a young man in high starched collar pressed back into 'wings' with a striped bowtie. He wears an open jacket and waistcoat. On verso, handwritten in blue ink, "Albert Johnson".


Portrait of Robert Copsey

Item is a white cabinet card with scalloped details at corners and gold letterpress at bottom, "Henderson/ YORK, NEB." Photograph is a portrait of a young man wearing a stiff collar pressed into 'wings' with a wide silk tie. On verso, handwritten in pencil, "Robert Copsey".


[Portrait (drawing) of a young man in tartan tie]

Item is a cream cabinet card with scalloped edges and red letterpress at bottom edge, "E. R. Owen, RED BUD, ILL." At the centre, printed inside a design of artist's palette and brushes, the text "EXTRA FINISH". Photograph of a drawing of a young man in suit jacket and tartan tie, vignetted so the image is quite small. The photograph has a pink tone.

E. R. Owen

Portrait of Herman Sterling

Item is a white cabinet card with embossed edging and embossed text at bottom, "Brown" and "STERLING, ILL./ 10 EAST THIRD ST." The name Brown is placed within a decorative artist's palette and brushes design. Photograph is a of an older man with long moustache and simply wool suitcoat and striped tie. On verso, handwritten in blue ink, "Herman Sterling uncle of/ Mazie(?) Shepard".


Portrait of Dr. Robert McConnaughly

Item is a cream coloured cabinet card with gold letterpress at bottom edge, "Henderson/ S. W. Corner Square/ York, Neb." Photograph of a man in high starched white collar and white bowtie with dark suit and a small pin on his lapel. On verso, handwritten in pencil, "Dr. Robt. McConnaughly/ York Nebr".


Portrait of F. C. McClellan

Item is a cream cabinet card with brown letterpress at bottom, "J. Al. Llyod York, Neb." Handwritten in pencil below that, "Prof. McClelland". Photograph is a portrauit of a young man in suit and tie. On verso, handwritten in ink, "F.C. McClellan" and below that, in pencil, "I began teaching under/ him".

J. Al. Lloyd

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