Showing 3270 results

Subjects term Scope note Results
Event programs 2
Dance programs 1
Opera programs -- Canada 2
American drama (Comedy) 3
Drama festivals 6
Musical 2
Operetta 1
Concerts 4
Diners (Restaurants) 1
Record stores--Toronto 1

Use for: Railroads, Underground

Student movements

Use for: Activism, Student, Campus disorders, Student activism, Student protest, Student unrest

Airport concourses

Use for: Airport terminals , Corridors


Use for: Aerostats, Air-ships, Aircraft, Lighter-than-air, Balloons, Dirigile, Blimps, Dirigible Balloons, Dirigibles, Lighter-than-air carft, Zeppelins

Arctic Native American Styles (10)
  • Styles belonging to Arctic Native American cultures.
Canadian Arctic Native styles (9)

Use for: Canadian Arctic Native style , styles, Canadian Arctic Native

  • Styles belonging to Canadian Arctic Native cultures.
Baffin Island Inuit 0
Caribou Inuit 0
Nesilik Inuit 0
Ungava 0
Western Arctic Inuit 0
Inuit (Canadian Arctic Native style) (8)

Use for: Canadian Eskimo , Eskimo, Canadian

Copper Inuit 0
Labrador Inuit 0
America (12)

Use for: Americas, New World

Native North American Styles (11)

Use for: styles, Native North American , Native North American style

  • Styles belonging to Native North American cultures.
Iglulik 0
Architecture--Rome 1
Stereoscopic photography

Use for: stereography (picture-taking technique), photography, stereoscopic , stereophotography, 3D photography, 3-D photography

  • Refers to techniques used to produce the appearance of three-dimensionality in photographs by using two images made at slightly different positions, mounting them side by side, and viewing the pair through a stereoscope or other device. This type of photography was extremely popular in the Victorian period. The process was described in 1832, but the techniques were perfected only after 1856, when a twin-lens camera was designed to take two pictures of the same scene simultaneously. The viewpoints of the photographs were 2 1/2 inches apart, which is approximately the normal distance between human eyes.
Athletics 7

Use for: Benevolent institutions, Charitable institutions, Homes (Institutions)

Astronomy 2
Astronauts--Canada 5
Art, Soviet

Use for: Art of the Soviet Union, Soviet art

Soviet Union--Civilization 2
Research, Industrial

Use for: Contract research, Industrial research

Mime (performing art)
  • Genre of performing art that expresses or conveys action, character, or emotion without words, and using only gestures, facial expression, and movement. In Classical times, works of mime were simple, usually farcical dramas characterized by mimicry and the ludicrous representation of familiar types of character.
Person with dwarfism

Use for: Dwarfs, Little person, Short stature

  • "Dwarfism is a medical or genetic condition that results in a stature below 4’10,” according to Little People of America."
Indigenous people

Use for: Indigenous person, Indigenous peoples , Aboriginal peoples, Indigenous populations , Native peoples, Aborigines

  • The original, or earliest known, inhabitants of a colony or country.
Plants (1)

Use for: Flora, Plant kingdom, Plantae, Vascular plants, Vegetable kingdom, Vegetation, Wildlife


Use for: Flowering plants, Blossoms, Blooms (Flowers)


Use for: Cat, domestic, Felis catus, Felis domestica, Felis silvestris catus

  • Here are entered works on domestic breeds of cats. Works on the family of cats are entered under [Felidae.]

Use for: Seats

Films--Instamatic 1
Films--Agfacolor 1
Films--Ilford HP5 1
Motion picture film 8
Films--Kodacolor 3
Kodak Brownie Camera 1

Use for: Protest


Use for: Graffiti culture


Use for: Snapshot

  • Photographs made with simple cameras without artistic pretensions or commercial considerations; beginning especially in 1888 with the appearance of the first roll film box camera. Snapshots thus are often recognizable in that they were processed not by the photographer but by a commercial concern.
Postage stamps

Use for: Stamps, postage

  • Library of Congress Subject Headings

Use for: Cards, postal, Picture postcards, Post cards, Postal cards

  • Here are entered works both on cards sold by post offices with stamps already printed on them, usually mailable at rates lower than those for letters in envelopes, as well as on commercially printed cards, usually having a picture printed on one side, to which a stamp must be affixed for mailing.
Photographic laboratories 23

Use for: Crossdressing

  • found: National Center for Transgender Equality, WWW site, Mar. 31, 2017:(Crossdresser: A term for people who dress in clothing traditionally or stereotypically worn by the other sex, but who generally have no intent to live fulltime as the other gender. The older term "transvestite" is considered derogatory by many in the United States.) -
Tents 4
School children

Use for: Elementary school students, Primary school students, Pupils, School children--Education, Schoolchildren

Children with disabilities

Use for: Children with special educational needs, Children with special health care needs, Children with special needs, Handicapped children, Physically handicapped children, Special needs children

  • found: Rhode Island Kids Count Program. Issue brief, Nov. 2003, via WWW, Apr. 18, 2006(Children with special needs are those who have a chronic condition that requires educational, health and related services ... beyond that required by children generally ... physical, developmental, behavioral and/or emotional)
Nesting dolls

Use for: Nested dolls, Matryoshka dolls

Cities and Towns

Use for: Global cities, Municipalities, Towns, Urban areas, Urban systems

Churches (buildings)

Use for: Church (building), Church architecture, Church building, Kirks (buildings)

  • Buildings for public Christian worship that are distinguished historically from chapels and oratories, which are buildings that are in some respect private, or not public in the widest sense. Church architecture generally somewhat follows standard models, which vary depending upon the date, location, and characteristics of the congregation.
Banks and banking

Use for: Agricultural banks, Banking, Banking industry, Commercial banks, Depository institutions

Banks (buildings)

Use for: Bank (building), Bank buildings

  • Buildings that house establishments for the custody of money received from, or on behalf of, customers, with the essential duty of payment of the orders given on it by the customers. Banks' profits arise mainly from the investment of the money left unused by the customers. Bank buildings typically have indoor counters and windows where customers may make transactions, often with bars or other security devices securing the window, offices where bank officials may meet with customers, vaults for the secure storage of money and other valuables, and other security devices and measures. Exterior bank architecture traditionally imitates a Greek temple, although many other styles are employed as well.
Politics and government

Use for: Government and politics, Political history, Politics, Politics and suffrage

  • Use as a topical subdivision under names of countries, cities, etc. Also use under ethnic groups for the internal or self-government of the groups and/or the political activity of the group or its individual members.
Military officers

Use for: Military officer, Officer (military officer), Officers (military officers), Military officer's, Military officers', Officer's (military officer), Officers' (military officers)

  • Those who hold a position of authority or command in the armed forces, specifically those holding it by commission. For those holding positions of trust and authority within a civil, governmental, or private context, see
Lantern slides

Use for: Lantern slide, Lanter-slide, Hyalotypes (lanter slides), Lantern slide transparencies, Magic lantern slides, Slides, lantern

  • Transparent positive images made or mounted on glass for projection, usually but not necessarily photographic, measuring 3 1/4 to 3 1/2 by 4 inches for projection onto a screen by means of a specialized projector.

Use for: Benevolent institutions, Infirmaries

Health facilities (1)

Use for: Facilities, health, Health care facilities, Health care institutions, Health institutions, Institutions, health, Medical care facilities, Medical care institutions, Medial facilities

Public health (2)

Use for: Community health, Health services, Hygiene, public, Hygiene, social, Public health services, Public hygiene, Social hygiene

Health (3)

Use for: Biography--Health

  • Use as a topical subdivision under names of individual persons and families for works on the person's or family members' state of health, including diseases suffered and accounts of specific diseases. Also use under individual animals and groups of animals and individual plants and groups of plants.

Use for: Foods

Blackface entertainers

Use for: Black-face entertainers, Entertainers, Blackface, Minstrels (Blackface entertainers)

  • Blackface is a form of theatrical make-up used predominantly by non-Black performers to represent a caricature of a Black person. It refers to the racist act of artificially darkening the skin in an attempt to impersonate Black people.
  • Here are entered general works on the history and description of directories and directory-making.
College buildings

Use for: Universities and colleges--Buildings, University buildings

Stereoscopic cameras

Use for: double-lens cameras, twin-lens cameras, stereo cameras

Box cameras

Use for: box camera, Camera, box, Cameras, box

  • Early type of camera consisting of a lightproof box, with lens, shutter, and viewfinder, and employing film rather than a plate.
Mass media (1)

Use for: Mass communication, Media, Mass, Media, The

  • Here are entered works on the modern means of mass communication. Works on the communications industries treated collectively are entered under [Communication and traffic.] Works on human communication, including both the primary techniques of language, pictures, etc. and the secondary techniques, such as the press and radio, are entered under [Communication.]
Television broadcasting

Use for: Telecasting, Television--Broadcasting, Television industry

  • Here are entered works on the transmission of television programs that are intended for general public reception. Works on the technical aspects of television transmission, including television transmitters, are entered unde
Variety shows (Television programs)

Use for: Television variety shows, Variety programs (Television programs), Variety television programs

  • The encyclopedia of television, via the Museum of Broadcast Communications Web site, May18, 2007:Variety programs (Variety shows almost always featured musical (instrumental, vocal, and dance) performances and comedy sketches, and sometimes acrobatics, animal or magic tricks, and dramatic recitations; variety series)
Restaurants (1)

Use for: Cafes, Dining establishments, Restaurants, lunch rooms, etc.

Minstrel shows

Use for: African American minstrel shows, Blackfaced minstrel shows, Negro minstrel shows

  • Here are entered works on the 19th and early 20th century entertainments in which comedians portrayed racial stereotypes.
Security 0
hospital architecture 1

Use for: Travelling, Travelled

  • The action, condition, or cultural concept of visiting different cities, countries or regions, especially distant or unfamiliar places, whether by necessity or for pleasure or education. One common purpose of travel is to see different sights and acquaint oneself with cultures different from one's own.
Entertainers (1)

Use for: Performers, Performing artists, Show business personalities, Show-men


Use for: Pupils, School life, Student life and customs, Student--Education

Medical supplies

Use for: Medicine--Equipment and supplies, Hospital supplies, Medical products, Supplies, medical

Medical imaging equipment industry 27

Use for: Machinery--Curious devices, Machines

Photography--Printing papers

Use for: Photography--Papers

Miniature cameras

Use for: Miniature camera, Cameras, miniature

  • General term applied to any 35mm (or smaller) camera.
Diffusion transfer process

Use for: Instant photography, Diffusion transfer

  • Photographic process used primarily for instant or self-developing photographs in which the positive image is formed from undeveloped silver halides in the negative. The negative is placed in contact with a support in the presence of a developing agent, and the unexposed silver diffuses to the support to form the positive image. For making color instant camera photographs, it is dye couplers that are in the negative, in which case use
Photographic processes (1)

Use for: Photographic processing

  • Procedures by which light-sensitive materials are made to produce an image. For procedures related to how a photograph is taken or composed, or is manipulated during or after processing, use
Flash photography

Use for: Photography, flash, Electronic flash photography

Kirlian photography
  • A process to record the surface conduction characteristics of an object or material by placing it on photographic film, which is then exposed by the blue and ultraviolet light of a corona generated by a high-voltage, high-frequency power.
multiple exposure 0
Underwater photography

Use for: photography, submarine, photography, underwater, submarine photography

  • Refers to the activity of taking photographs while below the surface of water, often occuring in tandem with activities such as scuba diving, snorkeling, swimming, or from a submersible or remotely operated underwater vehicle. Either waterproof cameras or dry work cameras stored in waterproof housings are used to produce underwater photography.
aerial photography

Use for: air photography, aerophotography, airborne photography, photography, aerial , photography, air

  • Refers to the activity of taking photographs from aircraft. The term may also be used to refer to any photography from the air, including photographs obtained by cameras mounted on aircraft, rockets, or Earth-orbiting satellites and other spacecraft. The purpose of photography from airborne or spaceborne vehicles is generally to provide information on ground features for military and other reconnaissance, or to record the dimensional disposition of such features for surveying or mapmaking. To refer specifically only to photography taken from beyond the Earth's atmosphere, use
Results 101 to 200 of 3270