- 2005.
- Component
- December 15, 1923
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of woman standing outside in snow, taking a photograph of children building a snowman. Text is minimal.
69 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of woman standing outside in snow, taking a photograph of children building a snowman. Text is minimal.
Item is a mounted albumen photographs depicting a city street and street cars. Gold text below photograph reads, 'With the Compliments of the Season'. Inscription in pencil on back of mount reads, 'Top of Collins St. E.' and '6.00'
Kodak window displays, Christmas 1966
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
File contains black and white negatives featuring images of Kodak products piled as Christmas presents, such as the Instamatic M4 and the complete Super 8 home movie oufit, beneath a 'Season's Greetings' picture with hand drawn signs that have slogans like 'open me first' or 'gift idea'. For prints see 2005.
Kodak Canada Inc.
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of woman standing outside in snow, taking a photograph of children building a snowman. Text is minimal.
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of woman standing at a table covered with gifts, holding a new camera. Text is minimal.
A Kodak for Christmas : Autographic Kodaks $6.50 up / Canadian Kodak Co., Limited, Toronto
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of woman standing outside in snow, taking a photograph of children building a snowman. Text is minimal.
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Illustration of woman standing at a table covered with gifts, holding a new camera. Text is minimal.
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Illustration of a young man standing in snow on the front porch of a house, holding up a camera. Text is minimal.
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Illustration of woman standing outside in snow, taking a photograph of children building a snowman. Text is minimal.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
Keep Christmas with a Kodak : Autographic Kodaks $6.50 up / Canadian Kodak Co., Limited, Toronto
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Illustration of woman photographing child who is sitting up in bed, surrounded by toys. Text contains personal description.
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of children sledding in the snow, with 4 illustrations of cameras being advertised. Text contains personal handwritten note, along with consumer information about the cameras being advertised.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of children sledding in the snow, with 4 illustrations of cameras being advertised. Text contains personal handwritten note, along with consumer information about the cameras being advertised.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
From this Christmas on - your own movies : Give the family Ciné-Kodak Eight
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of couple standing outside a house in winter coats filming with a Ciné-Kodak Eight camera. Text contains consumer information.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of store display of Brownie cameras. Text describes marketing of products for retailers.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of store display of Brownie cameras. Text describes marketing of products for retailers.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of children sledding, with illustrations of 4 cameras being advertised. Text contains handwritten personal note and consumer information.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of two children sitting on the floor with a dog, and images of four cameras. Text contains consumer information - describes the four cameras advertised.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of two children sitting on the floor with a dog, and images of four cameras. Text contains consumer information - describes the four cameras advertised.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
Merry movies for the family --Dad
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of movie camera with gift card, and smaller photographs of girl, boy, woman and man. Text contains a dialogue between the people pictured and consumer information describing the use of the camera.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
Keep the look that shines in their faces Christmas Day : Give a Kodak
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of two children sitting on floor, surrounded by toys, and four illustrations of cameras being advertised. Text contains consumer information - describes cameras being advertised.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
Kodak window displays, Christmas 1965
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
File contains images of Kodak products piled as Christmas presents, such as the Instamatic M4 and the complete Super 8 home movie oufit, beneath a 'Season's Greetings' picture with hand drawn signs that have slogans like 'open me first' or 'gift idea'. One image features flash cubes hung like snow flakes. For black and white prints see 2005.
Kodak Canada Inc.
Kodak window displays, Christmas 1966
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
File contains images of Kodak products piled as Christmas presents, such as the Instamatic M4 and the complete Super 8 home movie oufit, beneath a 'Season's Greetings' picture with hand drawn signs that have slogans like 'open me first' or 'gift idea'.
Kodak Canada Inc.
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
File contains snapshots captured at Christmas time around Kodak Heights. Previously in green 3-ringed binder.
Kodak Canada Inc.
Item is a photograph of a large group of people indoors in front of a Christmas tree. Inscription on verso reads, 'Kap Christmas Party, 1948'.
Mounted image of boat and and castle in background. Gold text on mount reads, 'With best Wishes of the Season'. Inscription in ink on back of mount reads, 'From Jack & (illegible)' and 'Mount (illegible) Castle Jersey'.
[christmas card with countryside photo]
borderless print mounted on offwhite greeting card with brown inner paper. Fastened with fabric ribbon. Front cover of card includes photograph of rural hilly landscape as seen from hilltop, and caption bottom centre: "Best Wishes." Inside right hand of car includes flower icon, and caption centre top: "To wish you every happiness this chrismastide and througout the coming year." Inscription, centre bottom, black ink: "From All, to Jennie, When upon this desk you write, you must study with all your might, and if you wuse it faithful and true, I'm sure it will be useful for you."
[christmas/new year card with town photo]
print depciting small town from hilltop, mounted on cover of white greeting card with deckled edges. Recto caption bottom right: "Hearty Greetings." Interior right side caption: 'Greetings, all good wishes for xmas and the new year from" inscription in black ink: "elizabeth with love."
Item is a snapshot photograph of two boys standing in front of a doorway with a large wreath. Inscription on verso reads, 'Teddy & Alfred Christmas 1941'
Item is a photographic card with a photograph of a boy on skis. Inscription on recto reads, 'Best Christmas Wishes and happiness throughout the Year'.
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Item is a photograph featuring an image of a couple standing at the end of a dining room table filled with Christmas food toasting wine.
Kodak Canada Inc.
Kodak window displays, Christmas 1965
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
File contains images of Kodak products piled as Christmas presents, such as the Instamatic M4 and the complete Super 8 home movie outfit, beneath a 'Season's Greetings' picture with hand drawn signs that have slogans like 'open me first' or 'gift idea'. One image features flash cubes hung like snow flakes. For colour prints see 2005.
Kodak Canada Inc.
Kodak window displays, Christmas 1966
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
File contains images of Kodak products piled as Christmas presents, such as the Instamatic M4 and the complete Super 8 home movie outfit, beneath a 'Season's Greetings' picture with hand drawn signs that have slogans like 'open me first' or 'gift idea'.
Kodak Canada Inc.
Kodak Canada In Focus - Christmas, video and awards
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
File contains prints and contact sheets featuring subjects such as "Christmas for the Kids," as well as Kodak video equipment and the RSVP awards, featured in the December 1985 Kodak Canada In Focus, Vol. 31 No. 7.
Kodak Canada Inc.
[Christmas card with photo from Fiji]
white christmas card with photo pasted inside. Image is of a building and cars on street, in tropical locale. Front cover caption: "Christmas Greetings." also, coat of arms with "greetings from fiji" in gold letters. Inside left caption: "May the joys of the xmas season remain with you throughout the coming year" INscription: "G.F. & J.C. Ewing." Inside right: photo and inscription: "Cable Office, Suva."
Item is a photograph os a Christmas tree.
Commencez votre collection de photos le Jour de Noël : Offrez un Kodak
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of young girl sitting next to a decorated Christmas tree, holding a toy telephone and smiling, with 4 illustrations of the cameras being advertised. Text contains descriptions of the cameras.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
L’Enfance, comme la Noël, passe avant même qu’on s’en aperçoive : Offrez un Kodak
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of woman and young child, and images of four cameras. Text contains consumer information - describes the four cameras advertised.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
Start the picture record Christmas Day : Give a Kodak
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of young girl sitting next to a decorated Christmas tree, holding a toy telephone and smiling, with 4 illustrations of the cameras being advertised. Text contains descriptions of the cameras. Verso contains printed notice: "Advance proofs of two ‘Give-A-Kodak advertisements..."
Kodak Canada Inc.
Start the picture record Christmas Day : Give a Kodak
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of young girl sitting next to a decorated Christmas tree, holding a toy telephone and smiling, with 4 illustrations of the cameras being advertised. Text contains descriptions of the cameras.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Illustration of store display of "Christmas assortment" of Kodak cameras, including Baby Brownies, Brownie Juniors, Bullet and Jiffy cameras. Text contains merchandising and pricing information.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
Start the picture record Christmas Day : Give a Kodak
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of young girl sitting next to a decorated Christmas tree, holding a toy telephone and smiling, with 4 illustrations of the cameras being advertised. Text contains descriptions of the cameras.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
A Kodak for Christmas : Autographic Kodaks $6.50 up / Canadian Kodak Co., Limited, Toronto
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of woman standing outside in snow, taking a photograph of children building a snowman. Text is minimal.
For so many lucky ones...this is sure to be a Ciné-Kodak Christmas
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Color photograph of woman cross-country skiing up a snowy hill, with black and white photograph of four cameras advertised. Text contains consumer information - describes the cameras advertised.
It's a camera Christmas - and here's one your camera fan will go for : Kodak Bantam Special
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of camera. Text contains consumer information - describes the use of the camera.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
A Kodak for Christmas : Autographic Kodaks $6.50 up / Canadian Kodak Co., Limited, Toronto
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of woman standing outside in snow, taking a photograph of children building a snowman. Text is minimal.
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of children sledding, with illustrations of 4 cameras being advertised. Text contains handwritten personal note and consumer information.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
Stereographs, General Recurring Events
File consists of stereographs depicting general events and reoccurring holidays such as Christmas, New Year's Thanksgiving, and Centennial Celebrations.
10 Stereoscopic photographs by Keystone View Co.
7 Stereoscopic photographs by Kilburn Brothers, in association with James M. Davis
5 Stereoscopic photographs by Underwood & Underwood
3 Stereoscopic photographs by Strohmeyer & Wyman
1 Stereoscopic photograph by Whiting View Co.
1 Stereoscopic photograph by Littleton View Co.
1 Stereoscopic photograph by Griffith & Griffith
1 Stereoscopic photograph by H. C. White Co.
1 Stereoscopic photograph by Geo. Barker
1 Stereoscopic photograph by Dominion Stereoscopic Co.
1 Stereoscopic photograph by Chas. Pollock
1 Stereoscopic photograph by F. G. Weller
5 Stereoscopic photographs by unidentified publishers
Library Holiday Greeting Cards
The file contains the Holiday / Christmas greeting cards, designed in-house, was sent to Library donors (parents, students, alumni, friends, faculty and staff). Library employee volunteers signed batches of cards for mass mailing, while other employees enclosed each with the Chief Librarian's letter or stuffed envelopes. The standardized hand-written message on each card was :
(your name)
(your title)
And all my colleagues at the Ryerson Library
This tradition started with Chief Librarian Madeleine LeFebvre.
Keep Christmas with a Kodak : Autographic Kodaks $6.50 up / Canadian Kodak Co., Limited, Toronto
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Illustration of woman photographing child who is sitting up in bed, surrounded by toys. Text contains personal description.
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Illustration of woman photographing child who is sitting up in bed, surrounded by toys. Text contains personal description. Top edge of illustration is cut off.
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Illustration of woman photographing child who is sitting up in bed, surrounded by toys. Text contains personal description.
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Illustration of woman photographing child who is sitting up in bed, surrounded by toys. Text contains personal description.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
Keep Christmas with a Kodak : Autographic Kodaks $6.50 up / Canadian Kodak Co., Limited, Toronto
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of woman photographing child who is sitting up in bed, surrounded by toys. Text contains personal description.
Keep Christmas with a Kodak : Autographic Kodaks $6.50 up / Canadian Kodak Co., Limited, Toronto
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Illustration of woman photographing child who is sitting up in bed, surrounded by toys. Text contains personal description.
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of woman photographing child who is sitting up in bed, surrounded by toys. Text contains personal description.
Keep Christmas with a Kodak : Autographic Kodaks $6.50 up / Canadian Kodak Co., Limited, Toronto
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of woman photographing child who is sitting up in bed, surrounded by toys. Text contains personal description.
Keep Christmas with a Kodak : Autographic Kodaks $6.50 up / Canadian Kodak Co., Limited, Toronto
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of woman photographing child who is sitting up in bed, surrounded by toys. Text contains personal description.
The Baker Advertising Agency, Limited
Keep Christmas with a Kodak : Autographic Kodaks $6.50 up / Canadian Kodak Co., Limited, Toronto
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of woman photographing child who is sitting up in bed, surrounded by toys. Text contains personal description.
Keep Christmas with a Kodak : Autographic Kodaks $6.50 up / Canadian Kodak Co., Limited, Toronto
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
Photograph of woman photographing child who is sitting up in bed, surrounded by toys. Text contains personal description.
Wellesley School staff at a Christmas carol sing
Part of The Wellesley Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association fonds
Group of members of the teaching staff of the Wellesley Hospital School of Nursing standing in their uniforms singing, and drinking beverages.
Christmas Carol service and tea
Part of The Wellesley Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association fonds
File contains invitations to the Wellesley annual carol tea and programs for the annual carol sing performed by a choir of student nurses. Included with the 1968 program are several copies of a record created of the choir singing.
Registrar's Seasons Greetings card
Part of Office of the Registrar
Season's Greetings card sent out by the Office of the Registrar. Card signed by registrar Keith Alnwick.
Office of the Registrar
Item consists of a photograph of a Christmas dinner. People pictured at the dinner are wearing various paper hats from Christmas crackers. Branches and ornaments of a Christmas tree can be seen on the left side of the photo. One man is also wearing a fake mustache.
Kodak window displays, Christmas 1965
Part of Kodak Canada Corporate Archives and Heritage Collection
File contains colour negatives featuring images of Kodak products piled as Christmas presents, such as the Instamatic M4 and the complete Super 8 home movie oufit, beneath a 'Season's Greetings' picture with hand drawn signs that have slogans like 'open me first' or 'gift idea'. One image features flash cubes hung like snow flakes. For colour prints see 2005.
Kodak Canada Inc.
The Night Before Christmas, View-master Reel
Item consists of a set of wheel type stereographs that depict a visit from Santa. Included is a poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" by Clement C. Moore. Packet No. B 382.
Item is a photographic postcard of a young girl about 1 year old seated on a child-size wicker chair holding a ball. On verso, handwritten in ink sideways, "Jean Fixter/ Christmas/ 1927/ Born September/ 1926".
Library Festive Parties photographs
File contains photographs and negatives from two Library Festive Parties - 2000 and 2001. The images for 2001 features some staff members as the entertainer, playing musical instruments or singing and dance, and reciting.
4 smaller cards contain the words "A Merry Christmas" and a plant. The fifth larger one has a similar greeting and an additional poem by Thomson