- F 20
- Fonds
- 1985
Joanne Harack Hayne was afiliated with the Centre for Advanced Technology Education (CATE) at Ryerson. This fonds contains the report 'managing the education/industry interface' written By Harack Hayne and Michael G. Kahan.
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Joanne Harack Hayne was afiliated with the Centre for Advanced Technology Education (CATE) at Ryerson. This fonds contains the report 'managing the education/industry interface' written By Harack Hayne and Michael G. Kahan.
Fonds consists of a workbook co-authored by Slavinksi and graphic materials.
Slavinski, George
Computer Science graduation composites
Colour composites for Computer Science graduating classes.
Stephen Lassman Studios
Applied Computer Science graduation composites
Colour composites for the Applied Computer Science program.
Stephen Lassman Studios