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639 Descripción archivística results for institutions (organizations)

Assorted Albumen Prints

11 portraits of people and one of a statue by different publishers:
2 prints by Perry Kelly
1 print by Topley
1 print by Simpson Bros
1 print by Randall and Park
6 prints by unidentified authors

Dorothy Christie Orr

Item is a portrait of young lady standing in front of window. Signature in pencil on surface reads, 'Notman & Son-'. Inscription in blue ink on back reads, 'Late Dorothy Christie Orr'. Inscription in pencil on back reads, '218051'

William Notman & Son

Assorted Cartes de Visite (Portraits)

Items are portraits, primarily of individuals but there are also a few of pairs and families
1 Cartes de Visite by Fowler & Co.
6 Cartes de Visite by Fowler & Oliver
11 Cartes de Visite by S. H. Ray
1 Cartes de Visite by Daniel Jones
1 Cartes de Visite by Hunter & Co.
1 Cartes de Visite by G. Villiers
1 Cartes de Visite by P. M. Laws
1 Cartes de Visite by Baldwin Chambers
1 Cartes de Visite by Howett & Co.
1 Cartes de Visite by Emily Stewart
1 Cartes de Visite by K. K. Hof-Atelier
1 Cartes de Visite by Cramb Brothers
1 Cartes de Visite by Epinal & Bruyeres
1 Cartes de Visite by B. F. Troxell
1 Cartes de Visite by L. H. Mandeville
1 Cartes de Visite by P. Dierlamm
1 Cartes de Visite by Turner
1 Cartes de Visite by F. Bedford
1 Cartes de Visite by Mundy & Williams
1 Cartes de Visite by Thomas & Orr
3 Cartes de Visite by J. Hugill
2 Cartes de Visite by Esson
4 Cartes de Visite by T. Gourley
1 Cartes de Visite by O. Monroe
2 Cartes de Visite by Milne
3 Cartes de Visite by W. E. Lindop
2 Cartes de Visite by Symonds
1 Cartes de Visite by R. H. Furman
1 Cartes de Visite by E. Williamson
1 Cartes de Visite by Jas. A. Brush
1 Cartes de Visite by David Campbell
1 Cartes de Visite by Stiff Bros.
3 Cartes de Visite by Frank Cooper
1 Cartes de Visite by G. W. Wilson
1 Cartes de Visite by A. M. Campbell
1 Cartes de Visite by A. Johnston
1 Cartes de Visite by C. H. Williamson
1 Cartes de Visite by W. H. Brewer
1 Cartes de Visite by T. Bennett
2 Cartes de Visite by Scott & Andrus
1 Cartes de Visite by Johnson
1 Cartes de Visite by Jas. Egan
1 Cartes de Visite by Mrs. Dr. J. Hitchcock
1 Cartes de Visite by Wm. Morris
1 Cartes de Visite by Elliot & Fry
2 Cartes de Visite by London Stereoscopic and Photographic Co.
1 Cartes de Visite by Pech & Wolf
3 Cartes de Visite by W. S. Gamsby
1 Cartes de Visite by Gamsby & Scott
1 Cartes de Visite by Foster
1 Cartes de Visite by A. W. Ferguson
1 Cartes de Visite by J. F. Aitken
1 Cartes de Visite by Real's Art Gallery
1 Cartes de Visite by Campbell
1 Cartes de Visite by R. A. Lewis
3 Cartes de Visite by Mora
1 Cartes de Visite by J. E. Mast
1 Cartes de Visite by Lew. E. Nabors
1 Cartes de Visite by Jabez Hughes
1 Cartes de Visite by C. H.Wright & Co.
1 Cartes de Visite by Landy
1 Cartes de Visite by Smith
1 Cartes de Visite by Anderson
1 Cartes de Visite by C. H. Jensen
1 Cartes de Visite by Macy
1 Cartes de Visite by Gurney & Son
1 Cartes de Visite by Gurney
1 Cartes de Visite by J. H. Griffiths
1 Cartes de Visite by E. Fehrenbach
1 Cartes de Visite by Batchelder & Co.
1 Cartes de Visite by A. W. Fraser
1 Cartes de Visite by Farmer Bros.
1 Cartes de Visite by Strong
1 Cartes de Visite by Brock & Co.
1 Cartes de Visite by Henderson
1 Cartes de Visite by Charles D. Fredericks & Co.
1 Cartes de Visite by J. Henry Hogg
1 Cartes de Visite by Howell
1 Cartes de Visite by J. Adams
1 Cartes de Visite by Hamilton
1 Cartes de Visite by Rockwood
1 Cartes de Visite by P. H. Green
1 Cartes de Visite by E. Williamson
1 Cartes de Visite by E. S. Haddock
1 Cartes de Visite by Frank Thomas
1 Cartes de Visite by Carl Kroh
1 Cartes de Visite by R. Ward
1 Cartes de Visite by C. F. Harriston
1 Cartes de Visite by Barry
1 Cartes de Visite by L. H. Mandeville
1 Cartes de Visite by W. S. Wheeler
1 Cartes de Visite by Franke & Kracher
68 Cartes de Visite by unidentified publishers

Portrait of three children

Item is a cream coloured cabinet card with darker beige backing and gold edging. Vignetted image of three children, two girls with long wavy hair and plaid bouses and a boy in button-up coat and tie. On verso, in pencil "Screened/ $10.00"

CJRT Open College The Child in Society - interview transcripts

This file contains a collection of 38 annotated interview transcripts of interviews with academics and subject experts conducted by Desmond Glynn as source material for Open College course: The Child in Society.

Jean Trepanier University of Ottawa Jan 18, 1991 Children’s Rights, Family Courts
Chad Gaffield University of Ottawa Sept 22 and 29. 1990 Education and Family Strategies
Jennifer Brown - University of Winnipeg Aug 19, 1990 Child and Family, Historical Comparisons
Guiliana Colallilo Ontario Institute Studies in Education (OISE) Oct 10, 1990
Jean Burnet York University August 19, 1990 Migration, Race and Ethnicity
Nick Bala - Queen's University Jan 31, 1991, Feb 12, 1991/Children’s Rights and Family Courts
John Ekstedt - Simon Fraser University Jan 3, 1991 Children’s Rights ad Family Courts
Susan Houston York University Mar 30, 1990; Oct 2, 1990 Education/Children’s Rights, Family Courts
Alison Prentice – OISE Mar 12, 1990/Education and Family Strategies
Paul Axelrod York Univ. Mar 12, 1990; Sept 27, 1990; Aug 24, 1995 Education and Family Strategies.
Gary Woodill – Ryerson /Oct 5, 1990 Education and Family Strategies
Neil Sutherland Simon Fraser University Oct 9, 1995/Education and Family Strategies
Jim Struthers Trent University Jan 23, 1991/State and Child Welfare
Patricia Rooke University of Alberta/Mar 5, 1991/State and Children’s Protection
J. Snell Guelph University Sept 12, 1990/State and Child Welfare.
Gale Wills Ryerson University/Nov 16, 1995/State and Child Welfare
Cross, M. (Dalhousie University, 5-Oct-90) Sexuality...and Single Parenthood
Griffin, J. (26-Sept-90) Child Psychology and Psychopathology
Konstantareas (Oct-20-95) Child Psychology and Psychopathology
Volpe, R. (Institute of Child Study, Oct-18-95) Child Psychology and Psychopathology
Comacchio, C. (Wilfred Laurier University, 27-Jul-95) Children's Mortality and Survival
Roland, C. (18-Aug-95) Child Psychology and Psychopathology
Simmonds, H. (York University, Oct-1-90) Child Psychology and Psychopathology
Ward, P. (University of British Columbia, 13-Sept-90) Children's Mortality and Survival
Bliss, M (University of Toronto, 25-Sept-90) Children's Mortality and Survival
Kingsmill, A. (2-Aug-95) Children’s Mortality and Survival
MacDougall (University of Waterloo, 25-Aug-90) Children's Mortality and Survival
Sutherland, N. (8-Aug-95 and 19-Sept-90) Child and Family, Historical Comparisons
Shorter, E. (University of Toronto, 9-Sept-95) Child Psychology and Psychopathology
Shorter, E. (University of Toronto, 8-Aug-90) Modern Family, Historical Comparisons
Houston, S. (York University, 2-Oct-90) Children’s Rights and Family Courts
Gartner, R (9-Jan-90) Child Abuse and Family Pathology
Snell, James (21-Jul-95) State and Child Welfare)
Struthers, J. (Trent University, 30-Oct-95) State and Child Welfare
Parr, J. (Simon Fraser University, 22-Sept-90) State and Children’s Protection
Bradbury, B. (27-Jul-95) State and Children’s Protection
Silva-Wayne, S. (9-Sept-95) Foster Care, Child Protection Strategy
Sutherland, N. (9-Oct-95) Child Abuse and Family Pathology
Novick, Marvin Ryerson University, Nov 5, 1995 State and Child Welfare
Knafla, Louis, University of Calgary, Dec 13, 1990.

Family group sitting in studio car prop

Item consists of a brown coloured cabinet with a cream coloured verso. Adhered to the recto is an image of a man, woman, and two young girls sitting in a cardboard prop of a late nineteenth-century automobile. An older woman leans against the hood of the vehicle. All are wearing hats. The backdrop to this studio setting features a landscape. Recto reads: "W. Lees / PHOTOGRAPHER (left) / 23 BATH ST. / PORTOBELLO. (right)" and the verso has "7.00" inscribed with graphite.

William Lees

[Portrait of Simon]

Item is a cream coloured card with photograph of a boy seated in a studio setting. At the bottom of the card, in gold letterpress: "H. D. Wallis, Photographer, 61 SPARKS STREET OTTAWA". On verso, elaborate design in gold ink repeating the photographer's name and studio address, along with a handwritten note and negative number. A cartoon of two Chinese (?) men appear in the lower left of the design. The card design was provided by Free Press Print, Ottawa.

Wallis, James D.

[Portrait of women and baby in a family group]

Item is a brown bi-fold card with an embossed design with shield and helmet on the front left flap, beneath which is the photographer's name in letterpress: "A.E. Lyon/ Photo./ Charlottetown, P.E.I." Inside, a photograph is adhered to the card showing three women in a studio, one holding a baby. All 4 are identified by a handwritten note on the inside of the right flap.

Lyon, A.E.

[Portrait of a boy in sailor suit]

Item is a brown bi-fold card with text at the bottom edge of the front left flap in black letterpress: "Portrait by Bayer, Charlottetown, P.E.I." Inside, a photograph of a boy in a sailor-style suit holding a small toy ship in his left hand. A piece of knotted rope hangs from his shirt pocket.

Bayer, J. A. S.

[Portrait of Emma Margaret Holmes or Ellen Jane Holmes as a small child]

Item is a hinged union case (plastic case) with design of "Night with Her Children, Sleep and Death" based on an engraving of Bertel Thorvaldsen's popular bas-relief. "The angel is a messenger holding dominion over Sleep and Death," p. 149 of same book mentioned in 2008.001.1870. Casemaker is S. Peck and Company which began manufacturing after 1852. Chosen case reflects sentiments of a newspaper clipping found inside case that reads :

"Died . Holmes - In Adeleide, on the 15th of February, 1878, of diptheria, Emma Margaret, aged 4 years, and Ellen Jane, on the 20th February, 1878, aged 10 years and 4 months, daughters of Mr. O.C. Holmes, of Adelaide. The grief-striken parents have the sympathy of their neighbors in their great bereavement."

Image is a tintype of a baby in long white gown, pink cheeks, being held by unidentified person, most likely the mother. Inside cover has a red velvet cushion which falls out when case is opened, to reveal hidden beneath it a piece of floral cloth as well as the newspaper clipping. Image is held in place with a cover glass, brass matt and brass preserver. Date for tintype based on daughters ages from newspaper clipping.

[Portrait of two young girls]

Item is a cased ambrotype, but front cover does not match back cover, not hinged, separated from each other. Front cover is brown with two metal clasps, and back cover is black case with one metal clasp. Inside front cover is a red velvet soft cushion with detail of a flower. Image side has brass mat, soft brass preserver but no cover glass, ambrotype is not protected. Image is of two young girls sitting side by side and holding hands. They look directly at the camera. Both wear dresses, one on left has a plaid one on, and girl on right has a polka dotted dress. Girl on right has long ringlets and has freckles. Girl on left has her hair up and parted down the middle. Both wear the same necklace with locket. Their cheeks are tinted pink.

Grandfather Bird in his young days

Item is a hinged union case (plastic case) with scroll design. Die Engraver is Frederick C. Key, Casemaker is S. Peck and Company who began manufacturing in 1852, as per example in Union Cases: A Collector's Guide to the art of America's First Plastics by Clifford and Michele Krainik p. 173. Inside cover has a brown velvet cushion. Image side has brass matt, cover glass and brass preserver over tintype. Image is of a little boy, right hand on armrest. Cheeks tinted pink.

[Portrait of a young girl]

Item is a brown hinged with tape case with daguerreotype inside, held in with a brass mat, cover glass and brass preserver. Inside cover is a soft red velvet cushion with detail of a butterfly. Red cloth frames image side too. Image is of a young girl, staring at camera, in a polka dot dress with white lace collar. Her hair is in two braids. One arms rest across her stomach. Her cheeks are tinted pink.

[Portrait of man and infant]

Item is a cased ambrotype, but front cover is gone leaving image side uncovered. Black case with metal clasp. Image side has brass mat, cover glass and sof brass preserver. Image is of a man with glasses seated and holding a child who is standing up on a chair. The child has one hand on the man's chest. The man has a beard. Both their cheeks are tinted pink.

[Portrait of two little girls]

Item is a black hinged, with a cloth binding, case with tintype inside, held in with a brass mat and cover glass. Closes with a metal clasp. The inside cover is fitted with a cushion of red velvet paper. The image side is framed in red also. The tintype is a portrait of two little girls, one standing and the other sitting. Both look at the camera.

[Portrait of a toddler with a basket]

Item is a cased ambrotype, covered in paper, no front cover. Metal loop at the top suggests it was a frame as opposed to a case. Ambrotype held in with brass mat, cover glass and a soft brass preserver. Image is of a girl toddler, sitting on a chair, holding a basket. She wears a dress with black piping.

[Portrait of a little girl]

Item has a cream coloured card-frame with embossed vignetting around oval opening. Tintype is of a little girl sitting on a chair, her right arm resting on the chair's armrest. Her other hand is in her lap. She stares at the camera.She is wearing a plaid dress, with black detailing. Her hair is pulled back from her face. Her cheeks are tinted pink. Gem size?

[Portrait of a child sitting on chair]

Item is an unmounted studio portrait of a young girl in a dress sitting in a chair with a cap and tassle hanging off the left side. Her feet are crossed and her hands rest on her lap. Her head rests against the back of the chair. She is wearing a frilly blouse with a necktie under a coat with a skirt.

[Group portrait of six children]

Item is an unmounted group studio portrait of six children set agains a landscape background. Four children in front are seated,and two stand behind. Two seated on the same chair on the right appear to be toddlers. The two standing behind, one girl & one boy, are older than the rest. The girls wear dresses with big white lace collars, very fashionable in children's fashion from the 1870s. All four corners are angled off.

[Portrait of young boy standing]

Item is an unmounted studio portrait of a young boy, with body stand obvious in background. Little boy is standing, with right arm leaning on chair armrest. He wears short trousers, above the boot tops, and the boots have side-button closures, in keeping with the style of the 1870s. His cheeks are tinted pink.

[Portrait of boy in bowtie]

Item is an unmounted studio portrait of a boy in dark suit with white shirt and black bowtie. Chain watch in vest. He is sitting and his right arm leans on the armrest. White cloth as background. His hair is combed forward across forehead, and wings out at the sides - hairstyle is in keeping with boys hairstyles of 1870s. Top corners of tintype are rounded.

[Portrait of two boys]

Item is an unmounted studio portrait of one young boy and one adolescant boy. The older one sits in a chair, while the younger perches on the armrest. The younger boy is wearing a suit with vest and jacket, top two buttons done only. The older boy has no jacket, but wears a vest with a tie. He is leaning his arm against opposite armrest, with legs crossed. Casual pose.

[Portrait of two boys on chair]

Item is an unmounted studio portrait of one young boy and one older boy. The older one sits in a chair, while the younger perches on the armrest, on his right. The younger boy is wearing a jacket that is buttoned up. The older boy has a jacket, only top button done up, with vest and tie. Both arms are on armrest, with legs crossed. The younger boy's face is slightly blurred, from moving it during exposure. It looks to be same studio, props and seating arrangement as 2008.001.1811.

[Young girl posed on a chair]

Item is an unmounted tintype featuring an image of a young blond girl sits in a chair, in a studio portrait with elaborate background. Her one leg is crossed underneath her. The chair is made of wood, and looks like branches. She wears a sailor style dress.

Family portrait with women and baby

Item is a grey textured card with photograph of three women and a baby. An old woman sits in a rocking chair holding the infant, while a younger woman sits beside her and another stands behind. Outdoor setting, with a black cloth draped behind them.

Portrait of young boy in bonnet

Item is a white cabinet card with gold embossed text at bottom edge, "F. Lupson & Co./ 27, HERTFORD ST/ COVENTRY." Photograph shows a young boy in a dress and bonnet reclining against a stone column and holding a basket in his right hand.

F. Lupson & Co.

Portrait of a newsboy

Item consists of a cream card with embossed text at bottom edge, "DINGELDEY'S/ 780 JEFFERSON ST./ BUFFALO, N.Y." Photograph shows a boy with loose dress shirt and cropped pants holding a newspaper and wearing a beaten hat which looks to be fashioned out of newspaper.


Portrait of two children

Item is a beige card with photograph of two children, a girl seated on a wicker chair and a boy standing next to her. The edge of a painted scene is visible on the right, with column and vines. On verso, a sticker affixed upside down reads "FENNER & CO.,/ Photographers,/ No. 146 Yonge Street,/ TORONTO."

Fenner & Co.

Portrait of an infant with necklace

Item consists of a beige card with light grey embossed text at lower right, "Biles Art Shop/ 113 E. WASHINGTON ST./ NEW CASTLE, PA." Photograph is a portrait of an infant seated on a dark fabric with very little background visible. The infant wears a white dress with necklace, and is shaking his/her right hand so that it is blurred in the image.

Portrait of an infant

Item is a beige cabinet card with scalloped edges and brown letterpress at bottom. On the right, "Phipps" and on the left "NEW CASTLE,/ PA." In the centre, a design with artist's palette and brushes and the text "PHIPPS'/ EXTRA/ FINISH". Photograph is a portrait of an infant in a dress with wide lace collar, seated on a chair draped in fabric. On verso, elaborate border design with vases and the text "A. W. PHIPPS/ PHOTOGRAPHIC/ Art Studio./ 61 1/2 Washington Street/ New Castle, Pa."


Portrait of two children

Item is a white cabinet card with gold letterpress at bottom edge. On the left, a design with a shield and the letters "L" "C" and "O" intertwined. On the right, "Owens Ground floor Studio/ S. MILL ST./ NEW CASTLE, PA." Photograph is a vignetted portrait of two children about 2 and 4 years old, with white blouses and large white ties done in bows around their necks.

Owens Ground floor Studio

Portrait of George W. Childs Haskell

Item consists of a grey card with white paper border around photograph of a young boy, 6 years old, wearing a sailor style suit. At the bottom of the card, embossed in silver, "J A Brush/ MINNEAPOLIS". On verso, handwritten in black ink, "George W Childs Haskell/ Six yrs old".

Brush, J.A.

Portrait of William von Wedelstaedt Haskell

Item consists of a grey card with white paper border around photograph of a young boy, 10 years old, wearing a suit jacket, high white collar, striped bowtie and a chain and kerchief in his pocket. At the bottom of the card, embossed in silver, "J A Brush/ MINNEAPOLIS". On verso, handwritten in black ink, "William von Wedelstaedt Haskell/ Ten yrs old".

Brush, J.A.

Portrait of a boy in sailor suit with walking stick

Item is a green card with gold border and full length portrait of a young boy (about 5 years old) leaning against a wooden fence holding a walking stick. He wears a sailor style suit with rope necklace and a dark hat with ribbon sits at his feet. Painted landscape with trees behind him. On verso, elaborate gold lithographed design with oval pearl and ribbon border and the text "W. H. GOUGH/ Artist/ & PHOTOGRAPHER,/ 7, SWANSWEEL ST./ COVENTRY./ ALL NEGATIVES KEPT/ COPIES CAN ALWAYS BE OBTAINED THIS OR ANY/ OTHER PORTRAIT CAN BE ENLARGED & FINISHED/ IN OIL OR WATER COLORS." Handwritten at the upper left corner in ink, "24/ Aug 1885".

W. H. Gough

Portrait of Jean Fixter

Item is a photographic postcard of a young girl about 1 year old seated on a child-size wicker chair holding a ball. On verso, handwritten in ink sideways, "Jean Fixter/ Christmas/ 1927/ Born September/ 1926".

Portrait of three children

Item is a white card with gold letterpress at bottom edge, "C. R. Lundy, Berlin, Ontario". Photograph shows three children, two boys and a girl. The boys are seated on upholstered chairs and the girl stands between them.

Lundy, Chisholm R.

Portrait of a young boy with rifle

Item is a white card with full length portrait of a boy with curls and a suit with frilled dress shirt in Fauntleroy style. A fur pelt is on the ground at the right and the boy holds a gun. At the bottom edge in gold letterpress, "Lind/ MARINETTE,/ WIS." At the centre of the text, a design with shield, a ship and the text "SEMPER FIDELIS". On verso at bottom right edge, handwritten in pencil, "10-".


Portrait of a young girl with canoe

Item is a cream card with gold letterpress at the bottom edge reading "Barraud Bros. BARRIE, ONT." Photograph is a full length portrait of a girl holding a puruse and standing in front of a scenic backdrop showing a river and trees. The edge of a canoe is visible on the left and a pile of hay and dried leaves on the right.

Barraud Studio

Portrait of Jessie as an infant in carriage

Item consists of a square photograph with a round image mounted on a grey card with scalloped edges. The photograph shows a baby in carriage outdoors with a fence and houses in the background. On verso, handwritten in pencil, "Jessie". There is a sticker at the lower right with the text in ink, "$2.50/ SW".

Portrait of a child "Effie" with doll

Item is a pink cabinet card with photograph of a young girl in bonnet holding a doll. At the bottom of the card, in black letterpress, "W. W. Bennett, - Photographer./ THESSALON, ALGOMA." On verso, handwritten in ink, "Effie's picture".

W.W. Bennett, - Photographer

Portrait of two children with a picture book

Item is a dark brown cabinet card with gold letterpress at the bottom reading "Smith/ Galt". Photograph shows two children in dark dresses with pleating down the front seated on hay with palm fronds in the background and holding a picture book open on their laps. On verso, at bottom right, a sticker with the handwritten ink "$4.00/ SW".


Portrait of Fred Heley with wife and son

Photograph of a family group with husband in naval uniform and child seated between the husband and wife wearing the husband's hat, which reads "HMS TIGER". Behind them, a painted landscape scene. Embossed at the lower right corner, "M. Johnson/ TEDDINGTON". The photograph is mounted flush with a postcard backing. On verso, the text "POST CARD/ BR1778 MADE" is followed by the text "CORREPSONDENCE" on the leftt and "ADDRESS ONLY" on the right. There is a square printed on the upper right with the numbers "23533". Handwritten sideways in pencil, "1920/ Fred Heley/ Wife & Son".

Portrait of Rosa, Ashton and Cecil

Item is a pink cabinet card with photograph of three children in studio with fur covered chair and fur rug on the floor. The boy on the right wears a corduroy suit and leans against a table with his hand on an album. The girl in the centre has her arms crossed. The boy on the left is seated on the fur with portraits placed next to him and at his feet. At the bottom of the card, in black letterpress, "W. W. Bennett, - Photographer./ THESSALON, ALGOMA." On verso, handwritten in ink, "Rosa Ashton & Cecil".

W.W. Bennett, - Photographer

Portrait of a boy in sailor suit with shovel

Item is a white card with textured surface and a portrait of a young boy in a sailor style suit and hat, seated on the edge of a wicker chair and holding a shovel. At the bottom of the card, embossed in gold, with a geometric design, "A. G. PITTAWAY/ 58 SPARKS ST./ OTTAWA." Following the text, a design with three gold medals is embossed into the bottom right corner, reading "WORLDS/ COLUMBIAN/ EXHIBITION/ CHICAGO/ 1893" and "EXHIBITION JAMAICA 1891" and "-RDED/ -RPIZE/ -ARIS/ -889".

Pittaway, Alfred G.

Portrait of a boy with curls in front of a fence of twigs

Item is a light grey cabinet card with full length portrait of a young boy, about 5 or 6 years old, wearing a frilled white dress shirt and dark shorts with dark knee socks. He has curls down to his shoulders in the Fauntleroy fashion. He leans against a diamond-patterened fence made of tree branches and there is the trunk of a tree to the left of the image. Fence is in front of an interior wall, implying a studio setting. At bottom of card in black letterpress, "P. BOGRAND, Wausakee, Wis." On verso, handwritten in pencil, "5-".

Portrait of Wemyss Chisholm on rocking horse

Item is a cream coloured card with gold border and a portrait of a child in tartan dress seated on a rocking horse and holding a whip. At the base of the horse, a hat with feathers is sitting on the floor. On verso, handwritten in pencil, "Wemyss Chisholm" followed by the text in pen, "1864-1954". At the centre of the card, a photographers stamp in brown ink, "J. H. GRIFFITHS,/ PHOTOGRAPHER,/ London, C. W./ Copies may be had."

Portrait of a boy in polka dot shirt

Item is a cream coloured cabinet card with portrait of a young boy, about 5 or 6 years old, seated on the edge of an upholstered chair holding a hat in his left hand. He wears a polka dot blouse and large polka dot ascot with short, probably velvet, pants. At the bottom of the card, embossed in gold, on the left "HERBERT E. SIMPSON/ PHOTOGRAPHER/ 143 COLLEGE STREET/ TORONTO." At the bottom centre, a coat of arms is also embossed, with a lion and unicorn and the motto, "DIEU ET MON DROIT", a variant design on the British Royal Coat of Arms. On the right, also embossed in gold, "SUCCESSOR TO/ LATE/ NOTMAN & FRASER./ COPIES OF THEIR NEGATIVES".

Notman & Fraser

Portrait of a child seated on fur covered chair

Item is a white card with portrait of a child of about 3 or 4 seated on a fur covered chair. The child wears a lace frilled dress with dark, possibly velvet, wrap around the waist. At the bottom, in brown letterpress, "John Best, Oshawa, Ont." On verso, handwritten in pencil, "2.50".

Portrait of a young girl

Item is a white carte de visite with photograph of a young girl in dres with short lace sleeves and a dark sash around the waist. She is seated on fur. At the bottom of the card, in black letterpress, "Grimmett, INSTANTANEOUS PORTRAIT/ PARSONS ST BANBURY." On verso, a form is laid out sideways on the card. "IN ORDERING COPIES IS NOT NECESSARY/ TO SEND THIS PHOTOGRAPH SIMPLY QUOTE/ THIS NO". In black ink, no is given as "1136". "GRIMMETT,/ Art Photographer/ ALL PORTRAITS TAKEN BY AN INSTANTAEOUS PROCESS/ Parsons Street,/ Banbury./ THE NEGATIVE OF THIS PORTRAIT WILL BE PRESERVED SO THAT COPIES MAY BE HAD AT ANY TIME IT CAN BE ENLARGED OR/ REDUCED AND FINISHED IN OIL OR WATER COLOURS".

Grimmett Art Photographer

Portrait of an infant in tartan dress

Item is a white card with portrait of an infant laying against a dark fabric. The child wears a tartan dress with lace collar. At the bottom edge of the card in gold letterpress, "BONGARD & TAYLOR, Oshawa, Ont." On verso, also printed in gold at a diagonal, "FROM THE STUDIO OF/ Bongard & Taylor/ SIMCOE STREET N., OSHAWA, ONT." At upper right corner, handwritten in pencil, "5-".

Bongard & Taylor

Portrait of a young girl in bonnet with small shovel

Item is a beige cabinet card with embossed lettering at bottom edge, "Brigham SCARBOROUGH". Photograph is a full length portrait of a young girl standing on a table in front of a stone wall (painted). The giel wears a frilly dress and bonnet and holds a small wooden shovel or scoop. On verso, elaborate border design resembling lace lithographed in a brown ink and at the centre, the text "W D Brigham/ 20, ESPLANADE/ SCABOROUGH". In small print a tthe bottom, "COPYRIGHT Marion, Imp Paris".

W.D. Brigham, Photographer

Portrait of a boy with hat and stick

Item is a cream coloured card with portrait of boy leaning against a book on top of a table. He holds a stick in his right hand and a hat in his left, and wears a sack jacket and waistcoat and his short hair parted in the middle. On verso, and red lithographed photographer's stamp on a green background. "W. H. MIDWINTER,/ Artist and/ Photographer/ 24, College Green,/ BRISTOL./ Copies may be had any time." At the top right, printed sideways in pencil, "4".

W.H. Midwinter

Portrait of a young man

Item is a photograph of a boy approximately 10 years old wearing a suit jacket, short tie pinned to a plain white shirt and shorts. He sits on the edge of a table. The photo is mounted on a postcard backing with the text "POST CARD" and a line delineating space for "CORRESPONDENCE" on the left and "ADDRESS ONLY" on the right. At the far left, printed sideways, "Hall & Siggers, Keighley." Handwritten in brown ink across the postcard, "December 31/ 1916/ To Cousin Annie & Maurice/ With Love & Best Wishes/ for/ The New Year".

Hall & Siggers

Portrait of three children in landscape scene

Item is a cream coloured card with gold border and full-length portrait of three children, the youngest seated in a high chair in the middle, standing in front of a painted landscape backdrop. They stand on a patterened floor. On verso, small circular stamp with the text, "ISAAC HORNING,/ ARTIST,/ Talbot Street,/ SIMCOE,/ C. W." At top right, handwritten in pencil, "566".

Horning, Isaac

Portrait of three children

Item is a cream coloured cabinet card with gold letterpress at bottom edge, "Dixon/ Cor. King & Yonge Sts./ TORONTO." Photograph is a full length portrait of three children, with the youngest wearing a velvet coat, tartan skirt and matching socks and seated on a bannister on the left. A girl is seated in a rustic tree branch chair on the right. The boy in the centre wears a sack coat with only the top button fastened. On verso, a lithographed design in gold with the text "ELECTRIC LIGHT PHOTO GALLERY." followed by the image of the front and back of a medal for the Industrial Exhibition Association of Toronto Opened Setp 5th 1879. Beneath that, "Highest Award at Toronto, Kingston and Hamilton./ S. J. Dixon,/ MEMBER OF THE/ Photographers'. Association. of. America./ All Photos made with the New Process./ NO CHANGE OF EXPRESSION./ The Exposure is but One Second./ GALLERY,/ Cor. King and Yonge Sts./ TORONTO./ Not Connected with any other Gallery of the/ Same Name."

Dixon, Samuel J.

Group portrait of a family

Item is a cream coloured card with brown letterpress at bottom edge, "P. Doebereiner/ Caledonia". Photograph is a portrait of a woman (standing) with man in centre, seated and a young boy seated on a wicker chair on the left. The man wears a checker patterned vest. On verso, photographer's stamp with floral border and two cherubs holding up the text "P. DOEBEREINER/ Photographer/ CALEDONIA/ Ont." At the bottom edge, "Copies may be had at any time."

Doebereiner, P.

Portrait of two young girls

Item is a cream coloured carte-de-visite featuruing a full length portrait of two young girls, the youngest seated on a high chair wearing a flared dress of light fabric with embroidered patterns around skirt and at centre on chest. Her older sister wears a dress with similar embroidery around the bottom of the skirt.

Portrait of a young girl in embroidered dress

Item is a cream coloured card with full length portrait of a young girl seated on a wrought iron chair wearing an embroidered dress and her curled hair tied back with a ribbon. On verso, photographer's stamp featuring a border of flowers and second border of rope with a crest with castle, unicorn and anchor, and the text "MISS M. A. HESS,/ Photo./ HAMILTON,/ ONT."

Hess, Miss Margaret A.

Portrait of Mother and Ernie

Item is a white card with black letterpress at bottom edge, "AYERS/ YARMOUTH". Photograph is a portrait of a woman and child in front of a painted landscape backdrop. The woman holds an umbrella and stands behind a wooden fence while her son leans against the fence from the front side. He wears a velvet suit with knee-high striped stockings. On verso, at centre in black letterpress, "THOMAS AYERS/ PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO/ 3, Clarence Place Regent Rd/ YARMOUTH." Handwritten in black ink across the verso, "Mother & Ernie 1872/ viewed it in America/ on the 3rd of Oct./ 1872/ While I stray from/ home in life's rough/ way Oh teach me from/ my heart to say".

Thomas Ayers

Postcard with portrait of two women and a man

Item is a photograph of two seated women in white blouses and plain, dark skirts. The one on the right has a wrap skirt with buttons at the seam near the waistband and holds a book loosely in her right hand. A young man stands between them, wearing a suit and tie of a dark colour. On verso, printed in black ink, "POST CARD/ CORRESPONDENCE/ ADDRESS ONLY".

Portrait of three children

Item is a white cabinet card with gold letterpress at bottom, "T. S. HILL/ St. Catharines/ Additional Copies can be had at any time." A design of a bird with a branch of a tree at bottom centre between the text. Photograph is a full length portrait of three children, a girl and two boys. The boy in the centre wears a plaid skirt and embroidered jacket, while the other wears a dark ribbon-trimmed dress with wide lace collar. The girl also wears a wide lace collar over her embroidered dress. They are seated on upholstered stools in front of a studio interior.

T. S. Hill

Portrait of an infant in bonnet and cape

Item is a cream cabinet card with brown letterpress at bottom, "Duryea/ 158a Rundle Street,/ ADELAIDE." Photograph is of an infant of about 1 year old seated on an upholstered chair with furs draped on the back. The child wears a lace dress, cape and bonnet and black patent leather shoes with bows. On verso, also in brown letterpress, "From the/ STUDIO/ of/ T. Duryea/ ARTIST IN PHOTOGRAPHY/ No 158a Rundle Street/ ADELAIDE/ PORTRAITS ENLARGED AND FINISHED IN OIL,/ WATER COLOR OR CRAYON./ Additional copies obtainable at reduced rates." Handwritten in pencil at the top right and then crossed out "191" and just to the left of that, "221".

Studio of T. Duryea

Portrait of a boy and girl with wagon

Item is a grey card with rectangular embossed border with photograph inset of a boy holding the handle of a wagon in which a little girl is seated. The pair are on a wooden walkway at the side of a house. The girl wears a white lace dress and bonnet, and is seated on top of blankets. The boy wears a long jacket with low-waisted belt and ascot tie.

Portrait of father and infant

Item consists of a white card with embossed text at bottom, "Arthur & Philbric Studio". Photograph is a vignetted portrait of a man and infant, very casual. The man wears a dark suit and tie, and holds the infant of about 1 year of age on his right shoulder, laughing. The infant wears a white lace dress and has its left hand to its mouth, also laughing. On verso, elaborate design with spiderweb, sunflowers and rolled parchment in the shape of a shield, with the text "Wilkie G. Coss,/ SUCCESSOR TO/ ARTHUR & PHILBRIC,/ PHOTOGRAPHERS,/ 21 Canal Street,/ GRAND RAPIDS,/ MICH."

Wilkie G. Coss

Portrait of Thomas M. Wade(?) Jr., age 2 years, 3 months

Item consists of a cream cabinet card with bronze embossed border and text at bottom, "Blanks & Co./ CLAY ST./ VICKSBURGH, MISS." At the centre of the text, a design with the letters "B" "&" "C" intertwined. Photograph of a young boy seated on a stone bench in white belted dress with wide collar and a straw hat at his side. On verso, artist's stamp with decoration of a paint palette, eye with sun's rays, and camera. Text reads "Blanks & Co./ PORTRAITS/ VICKSBURGH,/ MISS./ Clay Street." At top edge, handwritten in black ink, "To Lutie(?), from/ Thos. M. Wade(?) Jr./ age 2 years/ 3 months".

Blanks & Co.

Portrait of young boy with stick and hat

Item is a cream cabinet card with scalloped, gold-leafed edges and gold letterpress at bottom, "Goodwin/ EXTRA FINISH/ SYRACUSE, N.Y." Photograph is a full length portrait of a young boy, probably about 5 years old, wearing a lace shirt with dark cuffs and a dark ascot tie, trousers cut off at the knee, and holding a stick in one hand and a hat in another. He sits on the edge of a stone pillar with a background of abstracted leaves for a backdrop. On verso, an etching of a waterfall with the text "Goodwin./ 314 SO SALINA ST/ ART Photography./ INSTANTANEOUS PROCESS". At the top edge, handwritten in ink, "Georgia Wilson".

Portrait of three children and doll

Item consists of a cream coloured cabinet card with black letterpress at bottom edge, "Hearn, 1104 State St., Olean, N. Y." Photograph is a full length portrait of 3 children, 2 boys and a girl. The girl on the right holds a doll in her hand with elaborate hat and lace vest. The older boy wears a plain double breasted suit and cropped trousers, and the younger wears a sailor-style fashion. They stand in front of an abstracted studio backdrop. On verso, handwritten in pencil, "16 Washington St.".

J.P. Hearn

Portrait of an infant in bonnet with doll

Item is a cream cabinet card with gold letterpress at bottom, "Fenner" and at right, "GALLIPOLIS. O." In between, decoration with 3 letters intertwined, "W" "J" "F". Photograph is a full length view of a young girl, probably about 2 years old, seated in a blanketed chair holding a doll in her hands. On verso, elaborate border design surrounding the text "FROM THE/ PHOTOGRAPHIC/ STUDIO/ OF/ W. J. FENNER/ ART/ PHOTOGRAPHER/ GALLIPOLIS. O." The word "art" is contained inside a drawing of an artist's palette and brushes. At the upper right, handwritten in black ink, "5.00/ D42".

W.J. Fenner, Photographic Studio

Portrait of boy in Highland dress and girl in bonnet

Item is a cream cabinet card with embossed gold text at bottom, "ST. MARY'S STUDIO/ ST. ANDREWS/ N.B./ J. Rodgrs". Photograph is a full length portrait of a boy and girl, seated on the end of a bench. The boy wears kilt and tartan with matching hat and holds a walking stick. The girl wears a loose, wide-collared dress with frilled bonnet. On verso, elaborate stamp with photographer's name and various seals indicating prizes won and societies the photographer belonged to, including Ediburgh Photographic Society, Photographic Society of Scotland, Royal Scottish Society of Arts, Aberdeen Mechanics Institution. The stamp also indicates the studio was "PATRONIZED BY ROYALTY" and was established in 1849.

T.R. Rodger

Portrait of woman and two children

Item is a beige cabinet card with brown letterpress at bottom, "W. Crooke/ 103 PRINCES STREET/ EDINBURGH." Photograph is of a mother and two daughters. The woman sits on the left, wears a tight jacket with lace sleeves and a narrow bonnet with crushed fabric decoration at brim and large silk bow tied under her neck. The older girl on the right wears a dark fabric, probably velvet, dress with lace collar and lace trimming on short sleeves. The infant on the mother's lap wears a lace dress and bonnet. Only the infant looks toward the camera.

Crooke, William, 1849-1928

Portrait of a young boy and girl

Item consists of a grey card with embossed decoration at bottom left of a shield(?) and at the right, "Owen's Ground floor Studio/ 6, MILL ST./ NEW CASTLE, PA." Photograph is a full length portrait of a boy in sailor style suit and girl in white dress with wide lace collar. The girl is seated in a wicker chair. In the background, a studio scene with trees.

Owens Ground floor Studio

Portrait of a boy in cape

Item is a cream coloured cabinet card with vignetted portrait of a young boy, probably 5 or 6 years old, seated on an upholstered, tassled chair wearing an embroidered cape and fur hat. There is a small toy lion on the arm rest of the chair. Across the top of the photograph, handwritten in pencil, "Bowmanville". On verso, photographer's stamp reads "R. & H./ O'HARA,/ Photographers,/ Booksellers, Insurance/ Agents, & c.,/ MARKET BUILDINGS./ BOWMANVILLE./ Extra copies/ at any time."

R. & H. O'Hara

Portrait of a boy with toy horses and carriage

Item is a cream coloured cabinet card with full length portrait of a young boy, probably about 5 or 6 years old, in a wool suit with checkered tie, standing at a table with toy horse and carriage. At the bottom left of the photograph, handwritten in pencil, "Bowmanville". On verso, photographer's stamp reads "R. & H./ O'HARA,/ Photographers,/ Booksellers, Insurance/ Agents, & c.,/ MARKET BUILDINGS./ BOWMANVILLE./ Extra copies/ at any time."

R. & H. O'Hara

Portrait of a young boy in lace-cuffed jacket and skirt

Cream card with embossed text at bottom, "Gillespie" within a decorative artist's palette and brushes design, and "New Castle, Pa." The photograph is a full length portrait of a young boy standing on a chair piled with furs. He wears a dark jacket with high lace cuffs and wide, square collar toward the back (visible on the right shoulder) and an ascot tie. Instead of cropped trousers, he wears a skirt. A muffin-shaped hat is on his head.


Portrait of a boy in Fauntleroy suit and girl in pinafore

Item consists of a cream coloured cabinet card with embossed vine decoration and a full length photograph of a young boy and girl standing on a wicker chair. The girl wears a lacy, white dress with no waist and the boy wears a classic Fauntleroy suit with lace cuffs, collar and elaborate lace front shirt and ascot tie.

Portrait of two young girls with rocking horse

Item is a cream coloured cabinet card with light green border and embossed decoration at bottom, with raised text "Senior" and "MAIN ST./ EXETER." on either side. In the bottom centre, a drawing of an artist's palette with brushes contains the text "EXTRA/ FINISH". The photograph is of two young girls, probably about 1 and 2 years of age, in dark dresses with wide lace collars. The younger sits in a wooden rocker with horse cut-outs on either end.

Portrait of a baby

Item is a white cabinet card with gold letterpress border and text at the bottom, "W. Farmer 35 KING STREET/ HAMILTON, ONT." Photograph shows a baby in white dress seated on some fabric. On verso, printed sideways, an elaborate lithograph with a camera, woman and cherubs admiring a pictures with a city scene in the distance and the text "W. Farmer/ 35, King Street,/ Hamilton, Ont./ ENLARGEMENTS IN INDIA INK, WATER COLOR, CRAYON AND OIL./ SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR PICTURE/ FRAMES AND MOULDING./ DUPLICATES/ CAN BE HAD/ AT ANY TIME./ Manufacturer/ of Dry Plates./ NEG. C. E. & C."

W. Farmer

Portrait of a child in stroller

Item consists of a photograph mounted flush with plain beige card. Edges of negative, probably plastic, are visible. Photograph shows a boy seated in a four wheeled stroller with cushions, a blanket and an umbrella. The child wears a dark suit jacket with bishop sleeves and white trim, sailor suit style and a large lace collar. Stroller is placed in front a blank studio canvas.

Portrait of girl and baby

Item is a grey cabinet card with beige border and a photograph of a young girl, probably around 6 or 7 years old, in a a dark coloured dress with light coloured stiching and ribbons. She holds a bouquet of flowers in her right hand and stands next to a chair on which is seated a baby in a white dress. A studio backdrop of curtains and faux mantlepiece are behind them.

Portrait of Lovina as baby

Item consists of a white card with green letterpress at bottom, "Broadway Photo. Co., 1150 BROADWAY,/ CLEVELAND, O." Photograph shows a baby seated in an ornate carved chair. On verso, handwritten in red ink, "Lovina - 'Mama'./ as/ Baby".

Broadway Photo. Co.

Portrait of Reginald Bruce Johnson at 1 year old

Item consists of a grey folded card card with embossed oval decoration on front at centre. Inside, a piece of glassine tissue covers a photograph of a child standing up on a bench and holding the side for support, mounted in a cream coloured card. On back of cream card, in pencil, "Reginald Bruce Johnson/ age 1 year".

Portrait of a young boy

Item is a brown bi-fold card with rose and vine decoration embossed at top left. Inside, full body photograph of a young boy in white shirt with large lapels and short trousers held up by suspenders. Embossed in brown at bottom right, "Lynde/ West Toronto".

Lynde, Robert J.

Portrait of a young girl and boy

Item is a black card with rectangular photograph surrounded by plain, embossed border and the text at the bottom right, "E & R. Trull/ NEW LISKEARD,/ ONT." Photograph shows a young girl standing on an ornate wicker chair with the young boy standing on the ground next to her.

Trull, E. & R.

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